> mfw when I made pic in one day.
Seriously, do some fucking affiliate marketing if you actually plan to make decent money online.
> mfw when I made pic in one day.
Seriously, do some fucking affiliate marketing if you actually plan to make decent money online.
Other urls found in this thread:
I can offer you another IT related affiliate program. What's your blog about?
Im the guy from Im not doing blogging.
how? i thought affiliate marketing was a sailed ship
Why is this board so scammy...
The Reciprocal Altruism principle proves that you can always make WAY more money IN THE LONG RUN by starting a helpful service, instead of a scam which you can't promote as a brand, none of anyone's awareness goes toward raising the valuation of your company and brand, you aren't building off of anything so the only way to get "bigger" is to do the same thing over and over, rather than have your reputation carry you because you don't WANT your real name and real career connected to this scam which just takes time away from experiences you could be getting in your field of expertise to demand a high salary or the amount that your shares in your company are worth.
Not here to argue with you... Not saying you can't make money in theory... I'm just saying that in the long run (which is a very, very, very, very long time especially if you live to be 75) evolutionary biology proves that you will make MORE money providing VALUE. In my book more money is always better than less. You give me a choice between $50 and $100, I'm choosing the $100 every fucking time.
Teach us then, show us your ads so we can copy, tell me your weekly budget for ads
Keep dreamin, just wanted to let people know about affiliate marketing. Just google it and learn it yourself. Thats how I did it.
>conversion rate less than 10% of click through rate
>not revealing your CPC
You're not fooling anyone here into thinking you're actually making profits kid
Yeah I did this when Pokemon GO was just released with FB Ads doing a fake Pokecoins generator. Made 300% ROI for about a week until I got banned. Was spending about $1.5k-$2k daily for the week.
It's only a matter of time before you're banned, even if you're using a cloaker.
Banned from what? The Affiliate program?
Nah facebook. They dont allow that type of shit.
Let's say I have a website and people pay like $1 to view the latest info I'm offering.. Does it make sense to offer filling out some survey as an alternative payment method?
i hope you at least farmed personal info
Sage and delete this thread.
Fuck you OP
Lmaoo, you have no info about my ROI whatssoever. I make lots of money. That CR is normal for fb ads.
>mfw I made all of this in one week
Dude lmao
>paying for Facebook ads
Facebook is full of bots, most likely owned by facebook. You pay for an ad and get 5000 clicks and think "wow this really works" but you get just 1 conversion.
Alright I'll bite. Seen quite a lot of (you)s talking about affiliate marketing. Looks a bit scammy but I am bit scammy myself so whatever.
How does it work concretly? My understanding is that you act as a lead generator for other services, you produce content and spam it with ads?
How do you start? Do you used addwords as well?
I am currently doing a bit of SEO and content creation for a company, looks like it could be useful.
Why are you shilling here? I mean, what is it your gaining by trying and get people into this?
What websites should I go to?
sorry you're not going to get far. aff marketing takes a lot of reading and do-it-yourself ability. op literally told you he's not telling you and you should hit the search engines to find out yourself. i mentioned some good forums and resources in another thread.
there are a lot of scammy people in affiliate marketing but dont let it delude you into thinking everyone in the industry is that way. think of it as body building. there are people who do it naturally, and people who cheat with steroids.
dont do adwords if you're doing the kind of campaigns op is pushing. your ads will never go up. go for bing adcenter. you'll be burning through accounts frequently but it's not as hard to get ads up. fb ads seems promising judging by op.
expect to lose money, get stressed, stumped, stuck, and find solutions by yourself. nobody learns stuff the hard way just so they can hold someones hand for free. don't give up and you'll make it work.
Lol this guy again only a matter of time before he starts spamming his kik and try8ng to get you to sign up under his affiliate link like the last thread.
Thanks man. Was is the thread from before?
you forgot to mention how expensive it is. spending money on failing campaigns over and over again until you find a winner which HOPEFULLY recoups your losses and gives a nice return.
affiliate links are par of the course. it's called AFFILIATE MARKETING you doofus.
think of it this way. you spent years learning things the hard way. now you have noobs begging you to teach them because they're absolutely clueless, just like you were last year. here you are with the shortcut to their success. do you spend your time hand crafting the key for every individual?
are you going to do it for free? yeah right, maybe if you're a fool.
most people in ops position charge hundreds - thousands of dollars for training seminars, training, and consulting. and people pay that much. why you might ask? no, they're not stupid. it's simple. look at college/university business model. you pay thousands for a chance to get a high paying job. this is basically the same thing but more of a sure thing. look how bad most peoples college seminars turned out.
there's only 1 thing holding people back from success in this. it's laziness.
it was earlier today in some thread with a guy talking about his online translation job. try searching 'translation' in the catalog.
Think of the people who take out 200K loan to open a restaurant. Or 50K for college education. Think of the people who invest all that money and fail. What's risking $1000 on buying ads? It's nothing! Business is all psychology
I looked and think it got trashed Thanks anyway man! I'm looking at blackhatworld and affliatefix any good?
I know you're lazy. I know you won't make a dime in this game. But here's the thread, you lazy mother fucker.
>50 bucks down the drain
>0 conversions yet
I want to fucking die
Thanks man! It's going to be fun to prove you wrong!
>decent money
146usd per day is more than most people earn, especially on biz. op's numbers are growing every week he posts. of course i didn't deduct what his ad spend is, but he never shares exact amounts. for all we know op lives in 2nd world where that 146 is a half months salary. naturally people who live in high cost of living cities would scoff at it.
considering it takes minimal labor, just mouse clicks to do. his site is working all day and night. weekends and holidays. 24/7 etc. i'd say it's pretty good.
But who knows how much he spent on traffic.
i know them feels.
I only had one conversion today. Everytime I want to quit this bullshit, I come up with a new angle I want to try out.
Lol at this shill, op barley even making any money with one scam site that when gets shut down he'll be left with nothing. And yes they are retards, I learned everything myself for free on the internet. You're prob samefagging off a proxy
have you tried finishing up an offer? I used a VPN and seriously tried to make a conversion, it's fucking impossible
What you mean by finishing up?
Im nearly averaging one conversion a day shit is depressing. I been doing mobile pops with popads.net since its cheap traffic but shit is hardly converting.
Like if you were a customer trying to finish up a survey, they just keep throwing into another one just as your finishing up one, it's fucking infinite.
shit i'm not surprised. Now it makes a little bit more sense why my clicks are converting.
*why my clicks aren't converting.
One thing requires close to no work and little investment, if you fail you lost 100-1000 bucks, no biggie.
The other thing requires years of brand building and if you fail (which 95% do) you're at a huge money and time loss that you can often time not recover from.
I like that you try to use big words though, makes you sound extra dumb.
Well no. That was not me. That was one of my referrals who wanted to make money by telling people my method. I told him to stop.
So, lets clear some things up.
I actually live in the first world, germany to be exact and I am still at school. That 200$ you can see in my pic is my self made pocket money I buy my stuff from. (phones, gpu's etc). Im not very good with money (wasted 200$ on steam already). I also do not plan to live from that 100-200$ a day I currently make, I actually want to get a real job while doing aff marketing so I get money from my job + my network. As someone else already pointed out, your ad can get removed at any time which makes this 'job' very risky if you want to live from it, thats why I need a real job too.
And yes, its mostly mouse clicks. Its the 'Make money online' method you can't find anywhere on the internet and instead need to find out yourself, I luckily did. Easiest money I ever made.
anyone know anything about SMS texts to pay/donate? e.g. putting up posters with text 'X' to Y to win Z, shows up as a $10 charge on their phone bill next month.
Is it illegal? can it be easily traced back to me? what service to setup the number?
I have a specific plan in mind, just a one weekend op related to a local even targeting niggers but can't find much info, don't even know the correct term for SMS payments.
what is the method?
Should I also tell you my paypal password? No, sorry. I aint giving away my method.
Sure. Whatever you say poorfag.
sup Harrington
I already make money online hiring webcam models for big sites and getting revenue from that. Easy money cuz I don't have to do much, getting bitches from craigslist to signup and start making money for me.
How long did it take you to get to this point where you're actually making decent money? How long have you been making money like this for? How much did you have to spend before you were making money? Where would you recommend someone look to learn how to get started with this?
About 1 year.
At the beginning I tried to spam peoples twitter and facebook by hand to get conversions and once in a while I got one. I never reached the payout treshold tough and my 10 bucks I worked my ass off never got onto my paypal.
Then I started to learn some html and made my own landing page for a 'minecraft op hack' scam site. I was targetting germany with it which means I get about 20$ for every conversion because the offers were expensive phone subscribtions. This time I waited for certain youtubers to upload a video and instantly spammed and likebottet my comments which redirected to my site. I had a rly bad conversion rate, but... I still managed to get 2-3 people to complete an offer and made 60$ on my first day, I was hyped.
The problem was, those german offers heavily depend on luck if you dont have enough traffic, I had days with 100 clicks and 0 leads and days with 20 clicks and 4 leads (80$) and I had to spam comments all the time which gets annoying quickly. I wanted to do st different.
Fb ads, and now I actually do stable money everyday without depending on luck. My first real ad was an instant success. I spend 50 and made 150 in the first week. I increased my budget and now make a stable 100$ a day. Now we reached the part where I won't get into any more detail.
I got all my page set up and the locker looks good too.
Problem is, how do I get people onto my landing page? I get banned from every single ad
For how many months have you actually been making stable money using Facebook ads, though? I'm still not convinced your success isn't just temporary
3 weeks :)
83% CTR
what the fuck do people actually click on ads
ive never bought directly from an ad in my life
Children and pajeets click on them.
Lol. Mutherfuckers around here will work 20 hours a day to not have a job... topkek
Affiliate marketing is quickly becoming the new pump and dump shillcoin meme these faggots shill
Would you recommend targeting the higher paying international offers or the $2 dollar US email submits?
What if FB banned your ads account, any other traffic recommendations?
You can try pop under traffic or display traffic. Propeller ads, Popads, Popcash, etc. But as OP was saying it seems FB Ads is converting the best.
>minecraft scam site.
Truly hope u get butfucked by sryian faggots.
Fuckoff out of here with your dihonest shill shit.
I've been here before. I spent 5 years plus doing lame shit like fake in-game currency generators. It took me too long to realize how short-sighted I was.
Want to know a way to make serious money online?
Make a tool or app or blog or anything that is actually useful. Something that you yourself would use.
>mfw I made 2k with that minecraft scam site with little to no work
Another day of 0 work and nice profit. Most likely will reach 140$ by the end of the day l.
How much did you spend on traffic today?
What your opinion on using the pre-made content locking landers from OGAds versus using your own lander?
Heard u are creating websites for the affiliate programs u sign. If you are as good as you claim to be i can offer you a 35% commission
Using pre-made Landing pages is totally fine and often convert better than selfmade ones.
I spend about 30% of my profit.
please how the fuck do I not get banned from facebook ads
What did you make?
2k times 7 = 14k
300% ROI --> 14k times 3 = 42k
42k - 14k = 28k profit
Are really too retarted to do some basic math?
gud day once again.
Still not banned and still banking hard af.
>$146.21 a day
>decent money
apparently making $146 is something worth bragging about on Veeky Forums
>making over $50,000 a year
Uh... yeah, that's actually amazing by Veeky Forums standards.
by doing nearly nothing. FTFY
what are some good alternatives to adsense....or any alternatives, really
So, in order to register as an advertiser I need to start a company? Sound like a hassle. How are your earnings so far OP?
Why would you want to register as an advertiser? Those people are responsible for providing offers for publishers. If you plan to put offers onto your landing page create your account as a publisher.
Earnings are pretty good as you can see on the pic. Increased my budget a bit.
Git Gud
any of you guys know a serious advertiser, i would like to put ads on my website, like ads on the side of the page.
need tyo be compatible with porn.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell
Oh look you're one of those faggots. I fucking hate you people.
This is where you will end up with a spam network.
> compares people who use spam to sell drugs with people who do harmless 'free coc gems' cheats claiming they will end up the same.
spam, fake landing pages, and css tricks are just as bad, no idea how OP spreads his spam. he could very well pay an illicit service