/ovg/ - SJ's back and he's as annoying as ever! Edition


Our Wiki should answer every single question you could possibly ask about sim racing and racing with us!

We have a Mumble server, drop by and introduce yourself!
>Mumble IP: mumble.get-good.net
>Port: 64738

Join the /ovg/ group on Steam!

Equipment Guide

We're racing on Saturday, Sunday, and sometimes on Friday. Check out our Google doc for more info!

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/ovg/ is cancer

SJ... ahh yes, funny times.

Post favorite station and song


So I wanna buy a g29 wheel w/ shifter... how good is it?


buy a used g27 instead
cheaper and better

why better? and it doesn't work with the ps4, which I plan on playing with.

This is a polite and firm reminder that only the upcoming RANWEC series can be discussed from this point onward.

Any off topic discussion will not result in a ban, however you will not be able to receive any (You)'s. Additionally, you will be chastised on Mumble and will only be able to listen to the contributions of our resident Canadians.

I look forward to an open and honest discussion about RANWEC.

Warmest regards,
Shadow Government Official

>DVD Rewinder
It's probably been a decade since I last saw that picture.

Isetta and rain is never a good combo

can somebody post a drifting video set to Canon Rock?

what's the FH3 club name?


Also guys, still buying your auction cars. I've got 300M left and I'm totally fine with wasting it on your cuties.
Post your gamertag and post your shit for maximum buyout for 24 hours.

>tfw have gotten a single car from my wheelspins so far
Fucking Maserati Ghibli

I got a BRZ and an FR-S one after the other.

Speaking of which, is there any difference at all between them ingame?

Hello, please refer to the post linked below.
Many thanks.

>You will not be able to receive any (You)'s
>Received a (You)

fuck off autist.

On an unrelated note, I just got Automobilista and does anyone have tips on how to make fun?

pretend you're a third worlder not playing an 11 year old game

Dunno what to do for a chavbox lads. I was gonna do a '93 Clio, but somebody did that already.

Honestly, I've played Dirt Rally about 300 hours, Assetto Corsa is a bad meme, and I don't know what else to do.

is the new forza on pc windows 10 only? i liked forza 3 but i only have windows vista

what is it with ovg and vista?
yes its windows 10 anniversary edition only

>playing online adventure
>b class asphalt
>fucking crew of tards torpedoing every corner

ruined my night desu

who cares what someone else did just be yourself

Forza Horizon 3 uses DX12
Which is Windows 10 only.

>just be yourself, copy somebody else!

We are exercising a 3 strikes policy. This will be your last (You).

Sincerely yours,
Shadow Government Official

is there a way to emulate dx12 on windows 7? i dont want to join the botnet but forza looks fun

Mk1 focus.
Integrafag here, I was planning on doing an RSX/Volvo 850R as a backup, try one of those.


>be me
>class b asphalt
>only FWD on the field
>only Honda on the field

>be me
>only have windows 7
>want to play forza
any way to do this br/o/s?

desu b class is great because so many cars and strategies are viable. i use a sn 95 svt cobra and it pulls on every car in b class and i can muscle it through the corners well enough. it was really annoying especially because my car was faster so every straight i get a few places only to take a wrx or astra up the rear

Any news on Forza Horizon 3 coming to Steam? Hoping it'll be Direct X 11 compatible as well.

Bite the bullet and download Windows 10 user.

>be me
>have based windows 7
>don't give a shit about forza
>RANWEC soon

With Windows 7 getting pretty old, should I just say fuck it and let the NSA spy on me so I can play Forza? I don't have much to hide anyway. Unless there is a way to play it on Windows 7?

What is up with this win7 spam?

never and it wont
microsoft would never


any of those slav hackers get forza working on windows 7 yet? im not touching win10 for another few years at least

is there a working crack for horizon on windows 7 yet???

Can Forza 7 play Windows Horizon yet?

So I heard Horizon 3 is Wangblows 10 exclusive? Can anyone confirm this?

holy shitposts
just buy an xbone if you are actually desperate

Hey anyone know why I cant get Forza 3 to install on my PC? If it helps I'm using Windows 7. I know it's a bit outdated but it should still run.

>someone asks a legitimate question
>gets called a shitposter
It's a miracle the admins don' automatically move this thread to Veeky Forums with the amount of awful posts that go on and clog up the rest of Veeky Forums.

Fuck off Corey.

literally who

It's ok

I've got a G27 which is basically the same thing minus proper buttons on the wheel and it does the job

But honestly, if you think you're going to get into driving games. Spend the extra couple hundy and get a Thrustmaster T300 and buy which ever wheel you want and the Thrustmaster pedals and shifter.

>All these S2 and X class cars trying to drag race

If Horizon 3 doesn't work on Windows 7, do you think there will be a way to reverse engineer it to work with it?

Literally you

Any tips for running horizon 3 better?

Aside from getting a better computer I mean, it runs fine on medium with some high but i get wicked slowdowns every now and then.

I just let the optimization do it for me, I'm not even at min specs and it runs fine aside from some lag online

Probably not much you can do
Keep your video drivers up to date and hope/wait for an optimization patch
On the bright side, you still own the game on XB1 so if you ever get one(if you don't already) you can play it on that.

The new FH3 map reminds me so much of the original Day Z Cherno holy fuck

>there's even a NWAF

Hey for all you br/o/s wondering if there's gonna be a Horizon 3 on Steam/Windows 7 I heard on FaceBook that they're going to patch the game to allow it next week so GET HYPE!!!!!!!!!! Hope I can see you "cunts" 'Down Under' soon :P

>Day Z Cherno
I want fags like you to leave.

>I want fags like you to leave.
Why are you so mad cunt

I never played the SA

Hey guys and gals! Don't mind me just playing the new Forza Horizon 3™ on my Windows 10™ PC!

This game is so much fun! If you do not own Forza Horizon 3 or Windows 10 then you are really missing out on an amazing adventure down under!

Cheers mates! I hope too see y'all in-game soon in Forza Horizon 3™ exclusively on Xbox One™ & Windows 10™ PC's. :)

Because you DayZ babies ruined Arma multiplayer for years.
And you made it sound like Cherno was made for DayZ. It's stock Arma II content.

It's the biggest automotive game released recently, it stands to reason it'd get a lot of attention in the automotive gaming thread

Chavbox ready


Hello, please refer to the post linked below.
Many thanks.


is the user who's buying Horizon Vehicles still around? RicedOut370Z, about to put a Focus HE up

>check the suggested upgrades for literally any car
>90% are S1 or S2 class AWD conversions

gotta go fast man.

Sell me a HE M3

Thanks nick!


Anyone else getting rough frame drops after 1-2 hours of play? I restarted after my game kept crashing in surfers paradise and chose the outback instead but after driving there I was getting frequent skips/drops

Yeah, my frames usually go to shit after around 2 hours. Hopefully the patch tomorrow fixes it.

Yep, game runs smooth as silk but after a while it degrades, the Apex Beta did it too

If Rich user is still around, I just put up my HE Snek, TheTNewport

I'm getting silky smooth gameplay, but the audio gets super stuttery a lot and if anyone talks it sounds like they're doing it in slow-mo, anyone else having problems like this?

What's /ovg/'s club?

Yes you do need windows 10, and I do like ice cream. Vanilla is my favorite!

I forget, is it someone in this thread that made and sold the Powered by Super Eurobeat stickers? Because I want one.

I found it. It's [WAT] if anyone else is wondering. Asshole.

Not surprising, people want to go fast and AWD is the way to go for fast.

What a reddity thread title, x fucking D my man


How do I get in on some hot /ovg/ horizon races.

it isn't copying if it is what you wanted to use naturally, especially in this situation the selection is small


Thank you based user. Could you also buy my HE Focus?

This is one weird truck, you guys should try out this 10 gear 2017 F-150 ecoboost. I don't think it's good, it's just. Weird.
Cam it up all the way.

Jesus fuck Virgin Media

>Lose internet at 7pm
>Not back till 9am next morning
>Miss all the richfags buying cars


Just put them back up, I work night shift dude and don't have to go into work until 6pm.
Put them up for 24 hours and 11M

>10 gears
top wew

So what are you guys doing in Horizon right now?

Cheers. They're going up in a couple minutes. BipedCarnival02

painting cars

doing dumb shit with photos

Trying to figure out what class of cars I want to race.
B, a, or something else.