piltover edition
last bread >Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and assassin's stuff
piltover edition
last bread >Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and assassin's stuff
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Hey guys Morello here I just came here to say that we are reworking Irelia in season 2017.
I'll let you in one one of ter new mechanics which is her new ultimate Hiten Style and that while it is active all of Irelia's abilities deal true damage and heal her.
Oh and I'm also actively working to remove soraka from the game but that faggot ghostcrawler set whole dev team against me and they veto my idea every time.
Okay that's all bye.
Lulu is best and cutest girl!
xth for FUCK magic
xth for booty
fuck _me_
>gbay99 outed as a pedo
>apparently there are dick pics and he has a huge cock
anyone got them (no homo ofc)
ok so noone of u fags wanted a boost
thats ok
now where can I find people that need boost? is there a site or something?
Season is ending and I need some rp. If I dont do it soon i wont do it for a long time
r8 my benta
Why is this always making me wet
who hype for spacehulk deathwing here
Godspeed, Morello. Get that cancergoat out of our game by any means necessary.
>Turn around
>See this
What do?
No wonder last thread was so shit.
Only 4 more days I guess.
Dyrus are you ITT?
Sivir is cute! CUTE!!
Maybe I can help with my porcelain rod
why do you keep posting this?
>playing sion top
>spend entire game post level 6 ulting mid lane and killing enemy twisted fate
>tf comes on in global chat telling me to get good
>stupid noob tank player doesnt actually know how to do anything
>ult on 39 second cooldown
>start just following tf around the map
>go 22/8/15
>mfw this is what passes for war
that flash was a bit silly so 6/10
headbutt her
You just mad cuz she cuter than you.
/soc/fags pls fucking go
Tahm Kench needs a new skin.
What happens if the ball leaves orianna's range mid-channel?
Then we get to see some serious fucking shit
probably just snaps back to you and you ult yourself
anyone here got the support game?
I outsmited a Plat V today. Still lost because I suck. Small victories though.
ppl in my games are saying if you dont have full runes and masteries you fall behind when jungling is this true i would like to jungle at level 10 THANKS
Ori would have to be displaced for that to happen since she can't move while casting the spell.
The ball probably finishes the cast and then snaps back to her.
is it possible to get boxes on poro king?
what division does khazix stop being good at
jungle to your hearts content, young one.
Yes, but if you play nunu you should be ok
LCS division. Challenger Series games are shitshow-y enough that shitpicks can win if you're good with them.
>Mfw im plat and I sometimes have games where I dont hit 200 cs in 35 minutes.
Maybe its just my playstyle, but we have a shitload of fights in my ranked games and not a lot of farming.
gold probably
hes a total joke to handle mid lategame unless hes so fed you being near someone does not matter
one of the hardest champs to play in a teamfight because his whole damage relies on people being isolated so he can reset off them
nobody is fucking isolated lategame so hes basically a shit sin minus the utility
post yfw you land your cc ability.
So is pre-season ranked the best place to learn champs so I'm not against plats and golds as a low silver?
>including the crackwhore
Please. Piltover is for style and elegance.
if you lose it still effects your mmr for when it soft resets next season
Depends on your role but unless you're challenger or you're the carry on your team that game CS usually falls off pretty heavily after 20 minutes.
I see Challenger players often separating to lanes to catch waves and get them pushing between objectives like pro teams do when lower elos would try to continue grouping on an objective that's not gonna happen for another minute or two.
You should at least be looking for 200 CS at 20 minutes. Beyond that it's up to what your team needs from you but if you can't get that you probably lost lane or suck at farming.
what cc ability?
Its weird cause, im pretty good at farming, like first 10 minutes I can easily get 100-110 cs, but like the moment we start contesting dragon and shit I just feel like, 5 minutes have passed, and suddenly my lane opponent has 30 cs over me despite him being down 30 cs. Like what.
And when IM the one down on cs, i can farm the whole game, and I still am down.
bretty gud
seems like your team was already raping tho
Holy fuck Remilia is shit, even for LAS level.
i know someone who only plays kha in master elo with a high kda
he is rly hard to play right now because only his counters are mostly picked like elise or lee
but still very strong with his isolated damage
post your theme for climbing
>OTPs going pro
One Trick ponies for you fags out there
Sounds like you have trouble determining when objectives are directly being contested and when you need to make a pit stop in a lane.
I'm not higher elo than you so my word shouldn't be taken as law but if you see a lane pushing towards your side go up there and clear a wave or two.
If nothing else is immediately going to happen, like if people are doing the vision dance around mid/drag/baron, then just go to a free lane and grab a couple waves and walk back to your team.
This is especially important on ADC and mid where falling behind in CS means your team is lacking some of the damage it may need to actually win the fights before the effect people's ults had on the fight wear off and it's just a brawl that either side could win.
>down in kills and towers
Doesn't seem it.
Thank god it's almost over. We'll have to deal with the death throes of his campaign's failure for a while but then it will finally, FINALLY subside.
You're actively not farming, giving yourself potentially 1000s worth of Gold deficit. If you aren't farming that means others at the same skill also aren't farming. There's no reason to be that far under "perfect" CS.
Apologize and tell her she has the wrong person. Her eyes are closed, so she must have confused me someone else.
What are some solid supports this patch? Are leona and blitzcrank still fun picks?
just watched breaking point
9/10 would recommend
fenix is so god damn likeable. i love this guy.
>In promos for G4
>Get secondary of top
>Lane opponent is Plat fucking 3
>Boosting some shit support
>Tell team this top is boosting their support and I'm about to get shit on
>They spew rank doesn't matter
>At 20 minutes he's 15-0 from roaming
>Tell them we need to FF and save time
>"jus build armor meme"
>At 45 minutes we get aced and lose
>The wu finished 24-1
>Tell team we coulda ff'd at 20 and saved 15 minutes
>They all flame me for having a bad attitude
>Your attitude lost you lane not him being better if you had confidence you coulda won
Is this why people feed so fucking hard, this "If I have confidence I can win lane against someone who is clearly better" meme? Holy fuck, how is it fair to put a plat 3 against a bunch of gold fucking 5's.
Why is darius allowed to be bullshit and invalidate so many top laners?
Why do they always exclude the best piltover?
riven dies to trynd top 1v1, died again and lost both towers she was basically losing us the game solo
mid was doing ok but only because she ks'ed all the kills like a fucking nigger, still got shat on by malz 1v1 because akali is total trash
bot lane was losing 2v2, with the usual hecarim runs into lane and gets free kills because people dont notice le pony going past two wards while trading
i was extremely lucky they decided to group 5 for a random fucking wind drake rofl
also the bitching in chat is basically me getting frustrated because the nami was being "we got this xD" while doing fucking nothing productive all game, no wards, no ults nothing just eating shit with her ezreal fuccboi having 0 impact
this webm just shows how fucking insane wukong is, that was AGAINST lulu with exhaust which is a turbo hardcounter since exhaust cucks me as it is and if you put her le hugefiii xddd cancer on top its impossible to kill a priority target
i got lucky the lulu was total trash, she can singlehandedly shut down wukong all game long
maybe its my wukong bias speaking since I can literally force kha to not deal his full damage with decoy but I feel like every khazix I meet does very well early and then just falls off the face of the earth at 20-30 after 1 teamfight
there is no winning with that shit champ, its like lee sin : you need to build damage to deal damage but doing so makes you instantly blow up if you do even 1 tiny mistake and in teamfights you are basically just walking gold
with khazix its even worse because he cant go full tank like lee after 1 item and have all the utility in his kit
I guess exhaust and supports cuck him ultra hard and its only getting worse because they are fucking buffing supports in the "assassin" update along with nerfing khazix for some reason
rest in peace
Just lost 0 - 3 against a shit team and doing absolutely nothing those 3 matches
>>Your attitude lost you lane not him being better if you had confidence you coulda won
they're partially right, you could've used this opportunity to see if your skill level is at the same level or even higher, but since you saw >le plat 3 you started to play like shit.
The only physical, tangible difference between you and your lane opponent was your ranks.
Nothing prevented you from playing that lane the correct way to win it, or at least not lose it.
Your teammates are retarded though, he's higher ranked for a reason. Confidence isn't going to magically make you know how to lane perfectly.
>S6 almost S7
>Bitching about post nerfed reworked darius
git gud
There really isn't much difference between mid plat and low gold, especially in lane. Goldies should have at least some laning mechanics, the difference that gets you to higher elo is more understanding of map movement and decision making.
You were definitely capable of winning the lane, you just let yourself get psyched out and lost
someone in silver wanna get boosted? some friends playing with a dude in bronze but we have only 2 smurfs on silver
I do
Is Orianna a person?
Does she have legal rights?
She and Blitz are the first of their kind.
>pick a ranged champion
So hard!!!
Kha could always go the silver strat since they're an assassin and be a frontline tank, making the enemy waste their time focusing you.
send info here
you can change password in you want
This is a very good reason NOT to look up the rank of your opponent.
I've lost lanes to silvers because I think "oh they're just silver I don't have to try that hard." And then suddenly I gave first blood like a retard
I've seen diamonds get fucked by silvers because the diamond player was playing some shit character and the silver was on their main. Always respect your opponent but never be so afraid that you're useless.
I also saw that he was boosting the support and had all wins.
darius is complete shit who are you playing into him?
>bans lane dominant champions like riven and gnar
>I know he's a gayboy who can't handle having his boipuss pressured
>pick illaoi
>literally become a god and 4vs1 these cucks
Illaoi is so fucking FUN, but I know sooner or later she's getting gutted by punshing people for being bad
having confidence doesn't automatically wins your lane
but having the "I WILL lose this lane because he's better than me" mentality does automatically loses your lane
that's just how it works
>Confidence isn't going to magically make you know how to lane perfectly
No but lacking confidence will let you miss out on opportunities that you otherwise wouldn't have. It's better to play aggressive most of the time than not. People don't do this enough. Playing aggro can be the difference between knowing you'll live with 10hp and won't need to Flash vs underestimating damage and dying with your Flash up.
Blitz has legal rights if you go by the old lore.
They're buffing Kha's damage and survivability.
>HoTS gets Varian Wrynn and Ragnaros
>We get a shitty version of an Ent
Why is this allowed?
Anybody else enter the zone while playing league? It was a weird experience. Not sure how to feel about it. I've heard about it happening to athletes, but not to people playing an online video game.
I unfortunately fucked up and picked trundle. The lane didn't go remotely well for me and I couldn't even farm. He was also shit but darius' entire kit just fucked me.
I always look up my opponents so I can see how they're doing on X champ so I know how to play against them. Top being my secondary role and the fact this guy was prob smurfing meant it was lost from the get go. No amount of "muh confidence" would have won me lane.
>convinced you lost from the start
>don't even try to win
Well yeah it kinda is your fault.
Adrenaline rush is a universal feeling user, anyone can experience it with the correct stimuli
Even: Number of times you can have sex with Sona
Odd: Number of times Ahri will have sex with (You) (pegging)
Man, I love this kind of shit. Seeing champions interact with each other outside of league, being friends just hanging around.
I mean, can you imagine a conversation between Orianna and Idk Aurelion sol? It would be great.
>4 vs 5
>team votes no to every single surrender vote
Fuck these people. They're even worse than intentional feeders or the people who rage quit. Riot should permaban anyone who does this shit.
Only when my favorite song comes on at the right time at the right moment on pandora
>Varian Wrynn and Ragnaros
more like generic warrior and generic lava golem
She probably does, since Cait and Vi let her stay in Piltover. Meanwhile, Jinx, who neither lives or was born in Piltover, is consistently included in these types of pics
8 please
can l refuse the offer or run if l get a even number?