you could have stopped a tripfag from making a thread edition
you could have stopped a tripfag from making a thread edition
we should be able to get all pieces of gear but one to 401 light so we're not penalized for using something that we can't afford to infuse immediately
>not being 400 light
come on
5/6 HM KF
>joff vs /dg/
>jiro vs /dg/
the difference being that nobody wants to fuck jiro.
Also, you probably ARE jiro because you're actually mentioning that irrelevant shitter
nice meme
Nice response that basically admits it you fucking pathetic self-promoting degen
your obsession with 'thread culture' and being a part of some sort of 'in circle' where everyone posts about each other is frankly sad and probably points to a very lonely life
you should rethink your options, or indeed - just kill yourself!
joff is just as irrelevant but people still shitpost about him
i dunno jiro is kinda okay, hes a bit of a sperg, the fact that he enjoys the company of shitbirds like tomo i cannot fathom
>new thread and shitposting starts early
I'm not a sperg that raid just annoyed the heck out of me.
touched a nerve did I ?
shut up
and the fact he constantly manufactures posts about himself?
he posted his own photos in the thread for attention. In fact he did this last thread, it's still alive. He's a cancerous attention whore
>I'm not a sperg
I don't mind you but don't you post pictures of yourself in the thread?
Someone else posted those, just proves you can't trust anyone
>I'm not a sperg
That's where you're dead fucking wrong kiddo
nice one flipping your name on and off so it doesnt seems like its you btw
clear as day classic old samefagging damage control tactic
Yeah, your other fucking personality you crazy bastard
last thread you posted one with your fucking tag on, now you're denying it?
I just joined this thread after realizing the old one was dead for a while
Anyone can use my name since I don't use a trip
AB, Spray and Play, Quickdraw Matador
Its pretty shit, right?
I don't get it
>no rangefinder
>there are people who actually take the crucible seriously
Why? The entire thing is a fucking farce.
I think you're supposed to look at the tabs? Idk
I never crucibled much m8
I just want a good thing
>wolfpack rounds and siva nanites glitch the fuck out of the game now
great job bungie
Is Tomoyobro single?
>tfw bunnyhopping shotguns
now do it during the siege engine encounter
Dude that's pussy Walker from patrol.
You could sneeze on that thing and it would fall over.
Post you doing this to the Devil's Run walker from the beta and I'll be impressed.
>post modifiers that didn't exist back then
You completely missed the point of the post, son.
I wasn't aware that the heroic strikes was now patrol.
I'll admit I thought it was the wrong area because everything in the new Cosmodrome looks the same, but nothing in Destiny is difficult anymore and pulling shit like that off is easy.
Making a webm and posting it like it's an accomplishment, or like people haven't done that thousands of times since the introduction of Airborne, is silly.
>nobody can ever post webms because maybe someone else did it before
Do you even read your posts before hitting that button?
I never even came close to saying that.
But you shouldn't post mediocre overdone content and not expect to get called out on it.
>I never even came close to saying that.
>like people haven't done that thousands of times since the introduction of Airborne
You said it right there. Nobody can ever post a webm of having fun melting a mid-boss because someone else did it before.
>But you shouldn't post mediocre overdone content and not expect to get called out on it.
And yet you keep shitposting. That's not overdone.
Raid webms?
>That damage
Dear lord.
Man you keep saying I said a thing I never said.
Shitposting isn't game content and this isn't shitposting, it's called having a conversation.
>Man you keep saying I said a thing I never said.
And yet I quoted you directly.
>Shitposting isn't game content and this isn't shitposting, it's called having a conversation.
There's nothing constructive about what you're posting. You're telling people to never have fun because it might have been done before.
Fucking amazing.
A conversation doesn't have to be constructive, sometimes it's just a conversation.
And again, I never said that. People can have fun any way they want. But I explained to you, and only you, that when posting webms that have been done a thousand times before it shouldn't come as a surprise when people react negatively to it.
top fucking kek these are good
anymore raiding with x webms?
>when people react negatively to it.
That's not what you said. Quit lying. It's archived for fuck's sake.
So you're wrong and you hate fun. You're the worst kind of person.
You're next boi
Nah I'm clean.
Maybe in raids but how bout that pvp with Jared?
But why?
Anyone for HM WOTM? I'm bored and have nothing better to do, would be happy to tag along if anyone needs help
This would be cool if they didn't respawn.
I still don't know why the fuck Bungie made that decision.
>Muffled "where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?" in the background
>1/6 guardians fell off the map during week 2 ToO
wait since when was there a melee attack in the sunbreaker's ult
I thought it was only the dumb hammer tossing
>he doesn't know
I dont touch my titan most of the time
>be me
>desperate to get all monitors and Genesis chain
>doing WoTM with lfg group
>goes well until vosik challenge
>fail challenge
>keep going anyway
>all monitors gotten
>make it to server farm
>everybody quits
>spend 30 minutes looking for new group
>go through two shit-tier groups
>find one on Aksis phase 2
>all 385+
>do good damage
>people start fucking up
>people keep dying to captains
>people won't throw bombs
>end up wiping five times
>last time
>make it to half health in one run
>everyone starts fucking up again
>about to wipe
>hold home button
>power off console
I hate lfg. This shit was never a problem back in y2, but all of a sudden everyone is a retard. I hate lfg and I hate this raid
Why do they keep doing it, lads?
>playing with LFG
LFG was way worse for Oryx.
>This shit was never a problem back in y2
>never a problem back in y2
vog was cheesed
crota was cheesed
only one person had a responsibility in KF
WotM is different
What's this from?
anyone willing to help me kill Oryx HM? I have check on him
Drifters, it's a guy_
>The Three Bs
>Coming back from a 4-2 because you only get matched against retards
>raiding with LFG
>not opting in for pizza time whenever possible
45 minutes or it's freeā¢
>there are only 2 people in this thread that can reliably get raids together and done
great community
>only tried the raid when it first came out
>the smallest of fuckups would mean we'd start over
Was a consistent method discovered? Kinda just want the achievement, since getting the ghost is probably a grind.
yes, it's called don't die
For Wrath? You can 4-5 man pretty much everything. You could also just not die.
I originally planned to post on /dg/ for monitors, but because I'm a dumbass who's indecisive as fuck, I went with lfg like I usually do. The groups were pretty promising, too.
I never had a problem with people on lfg before. I never really considered the fact that y1 raids were cheesed completely, and only one person had any weight to carry in KF
It wasn't really dying that was the problem. It was just his teleportation shit. Someone always ended up being off-point, and usually around the 4th round of hitting him three times, the window seems a lot smaller.
only because the autists prefer them
The window on his teleport never changes. You can keep him on the ground longer, awaiting a stun if you damage him but his timing windows are always the same. Sounds like your team just needs to get better at calling out empowered and positioning in general.
I blows me away that no one else here can raid lead. Is it uncommon too see the raid as easy? Is it too much work to call things out? Communication is key, and apparently people in this community cant talk to each other in a cohesive unit.
The raids are piss easy, start thinking that they are and you will do great. Be the guy that does call outs, be the guy that stands up and leads.
>Mass shooter shows up to protest Guardian political power in the City
>All of the Guardians look around at each other confused as they respawn whenever he kills them