/domg/ - Dominions General

Marignese Comeback Edition

Previous thread Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin
pastebin.com/uTZnjYwm (embed)

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Jump into MP feet first
>Never create shitty threads with political images
>Work on your blogs, videos, and the wiki

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

Other urls found in this thread:


>0 / 0 / 1 / 9

Worry not Purple, I will aid you against this pink menace.

This slow, slow menace.

Already Ded.


I blame the jews. The giant man eating jews.
What even happened here?


Three people bumped sneks in the same province in one turn, how lewd.

Man, just Akashic Record'd Ulm.

Funny about him beating me on most of the graphs - Provinces, Income (what a stomp) Research (what a stomp), and Dominion.
We're tied in forts.
While I inch out a small lead in gem income - though that doesn't count the Sickle Ulm has iirc, flame spirits (which we both have I'm pretty sure) and Sea Kings.
My army size is bigger too. yay?

Morale of story, if someone with the graphs refuses to post them and points at you and says you're the biggest threat ever - just fucking akashic record some people to prove otherwise.


>Morale of story

to be fair, graphs don't show blood

Actually, I haven't lied once. I've been very careful about that.
Not my problem you've literally been getting into the jewish persona so much you couldn't pay 100 gold to get more up to date information than from when I made my reports.

As for 'biggest threat ever', i'm not quite sure where i've said that. I've just been making factual reports going 'and here's what i've been paid to give out information on'.


Of course I couldn't spare 100 gold for graphs. Unlike Ulm, I'm not literally rolling in the cash.

And you're right, you haven't lied. You just avoided giving out any information about the actual game leader (because he's the one rich enough to pay you) and let people make their own conclusions.

A system to help the chief snowballer, snowball harder.

I will admit, our gem income remains very close. Probably won't stay that way once Ulm finishing eating Mictlan/Ermor/possibly Yomi/possibly Xibalba.

Nigger its only 100 gold. Thats like 2 war lobsters.

>couldn't spare 100 gold
>couldn't spare literal pocket change

Confirmed for cannibal jew.

And I haven't avoided anything. I made my terms clear and very upfront on graph information. I've given out everything i've been paid for. Nothing more, nothing less. If you have complaints, take it up with..well, literally everyone who hasn't paid me for whatever information you feel you should be getting for free.


Frankly, I found the 5 pearls cheaper.

And no, 100 gold is not literal pocket change when I'm playing a massive game of catch up in Research.


Well, if you ever decide to spare literally 100 gold - holy shit man i can see your income compared to mine you know and I know from that how much money you actually have - then you can get more information.
Until then, enjoy mage turns and pearls that you somehow consider less total than 100 gold being used to get a graph. For one turn. On one nation.

Abysia 2h file received
>Degenerate Doujinist Waiting for 2h file
Atlantis 2h file received
Jomon 2h file received
Unexpected Nation 2h file received
Marignon 2h file received
Mictlan 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received

>Degenerate Doujinist
>Waiting for 2h file


OooOooOooO I'm the ghost of AT TNN oooOooOooooOooOOO

Remember when I told you fuckers about ulm ooooOoOooooOO?

Yeah get OOoooOoO fucked

Innovative Lemurian Thred.

Could any generous soul with a lot of scouts provide a map of the game so I can know who to attack next?

>tfw you're in strong or winning endgame position in several games and you hate it
Every time. Perhaps I should stop joining >10 player games outright so as not to get in the endgame always and make the turns more bearable if that does occur.

Here's a recap of the UW bowl if anyone is interested, will post the rest of the graphs soon.

D E D dead

I always get this huge anxiety whenever I'm in late-game in a good position.

It's like I'm an inflated balloon and I'm afraid that committing to any attacks seriously will just make me pop, so I just sit on my thrones/cap with my best troops never sending them out.

Who are you?

I don't have trouble being decisive but unless it's one of those wins where you're more powerful than everyone else combined, the process of converting your strength to a victory is really taxing to me.

The higher you are the longer you fall and the risk of losing an almost won but not fully secured game makes me worry about all the possible ways something can go wrong (I enjoy heroic last stands and other losing situations but the fall from grace is torturous as long as it lasts and you reach the point where you're definitely not winning anymore) and there's this pressure to make perfect turns so as not to let the game slip from your grasp but perfectly scripting everything when you're big gets tiresome. And if it's one of those games where you have overwhelming advantage but there's no way to make a decisive throne rush, while not emotionally taxing, it's even more tiresome to grind out the win.

you picked the wrong monkey to mess with you little shit


>S10 instead of 1
>Heat 3
Shit pantokrator desu.

The Wheel Has Turned Once Again


What, you don't like to have your pret magic dueled? What're you, some kind of scrub or something?

The Wheel Has Turned Once Again


Join game

Suck your own cock, faggot.


Join game

>games without summod

>Not living life on the edge with S1
Don't be a bitch

>games with summod

Ermor players

Whats the best way early expand as Gath, assuming no bless? I'm looking at Benjaminites with some Asherite arrow catchers.

Why would you not take a bless as Gath? Levites are great troops, even without a major. Benjamites are great for dealing damage, but use levites or zebulenites for blockers.

I do have a bless but it's F4B9 and aimed for making seirim super killy and levites mid-late game evo deterrents.

I just realized Asherites have MM1, so yeah, maybe use something else.

2 province start

>2 province start
git gud

Don't die

>similar number of provinces
>far lower income
You've got quite the blood economy there

>Sauro was clearly lying about Hinnom being bigger 4 turns ago because Ulm is bigger now

The province graph you posted just shows that Sauro was telling the truth. Ulm didn't pass you in size until two or three turns ago.

Here's what it comes down to:

There are two nations snowballing. One is Ulm. The other is Hinnom. Ulm is an early-midgame nation. Hinnom is a blood nation with massive S/B crosspaths. Which one is scarier as the game progresses?

Also, you're pretty clearly creeping up on Astral Corruption in the charts.

.t blessrusher

He MIGHT just have shittier scales and a much bigger bless?

I mean, I don't believe that, but it's possible.

He and others are confirmed that he is bloodhunting extensively. Anyone who borders him can tell you about all the provinces with black hawks.

Eye in the sky here. Following information is based on looking at their caps and taking into account summer season.

Ulm's scales are O3P3C3G3Misf1M3.
Hinnom's scales are O3P1H3G3Misf2.

In terms of ability to make dosh, they're very close and there should be basically no major difference between them.
People disputing the truth of my information does bother me enough for me to post this.

Given the gap between Hinnom and Ulm's incomes, that's fucking terrifying.

Actually, since Hinnom keeps saying i'm lying, here's some other information on him: He has the crystal throne. This mean he can make crystal matrices and turn anyone into a communion master with his S2 mages. This is location at province 332. He's also getting free devils from the Devil's Den in 214. Oh, and don't forget the insane pile of gems he's racking up from the Throne of Abundance in province 127.
You want to know who people need to gang up on? Hinnom, frankly, because it's _really_ fucking obvious he's running away with this. He's actively eating other nations as we speak - Lanka's cap is under siege, Kailasa's cap is under siege - and it's just getting worse, and he's really, really obvious angling for Astral Corruption at this point along with mass horror attacks.

>Back down to 3 games
>They're all late game
>Don't feel like doing turns
>Ooh, this game looks interesting. I want to play summod Ur

Why do I do this to myself?

Same reason I do. Dominions contains fun, in the end, and even if late game can turn into a slog you have a while before you get there. And hell, maybe it'll even be a fun late game

I honestly wonder if disciple games might be the way to go to solve the late-game slog. Each player has individually less to manage and script and shit that way.

>he's going to attack me with the exact same setup that lost him 4x the troops last time

Why do unscripted mages feel such a need to buff themselves?


By the way Yomi, it was honestly fine, I didn't need recompense. Just happy to help. As a warning, Fomoria just pushed further in and is now right next to that Kailasa province above the throne, so not impossible he might try to pincer you if they're actively working together rather than just opportunistic.

yomi cant come to the phone right now

>tfw you get raped by golems

Do golems even have sexual organs? Do their makers bother with putting giant clay cocks and balls on them?

Of course. Just as Man is a microcosm of his creator so is the Golem a microcosm of Man.

Except I can see he just sieged down, breached and now holds the throne fort. Things aren't going all your way, Kailasa.

a fort with nobody in it. grats

you lost a 2v1 and now the game is between machaka and fomoria

>i was just pretending to get the shit kicked out of me and lose a throne and fort

Makes sense.

>kill 8x the # in invading armies from two different nations
>shit kicked out of me

okay let's just watch how this plays out over the next couple of turns then

Therodian Thred.

The only question left in rubbadub is whether machaka invades yomi or fights w/ fomoria over hinnom's territory.

There is also the possibility that he just turtles and doesn't eat anyone.

>it happened again

Who's winning?

>lose one army sieging enemy capital

that's not how things work, designated streetshitter.

>being this salty
>being this bad

this is why you've never won a game you absolute shitter

look who's talking

I'm not sure anyone is winning in that game. It does kind of feel like everyone is losing, though.

You've also never won a game you know.

Stop arguing about winning games and shit. It's not a big deal, you know. You just need to have the discipline to sit through late-game.

t. winner of like 8 games.


Arcoscephale 2h file received
Asphodel 2h file received
Eriu 2h file received
Ermor 2h file received
Ashdod 2h file received
Jotunheim 2h file received
Machaka 2h file received
Man 2h file received
Marignon 2h file received
Pythium 2h file received
Vanarus 2h file received
>Sceleria Waiting for 2h file
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Vanheim 2h file received
Xibalba 2h file received

(I can't do my turn right now, but that's besides the matter)

Don't worry, I'll send you like 50 resends anyway.

This isn't me btw but I agree with the general sentiment

T. Bad attitude monkey scrub

If Donald Trump was a dominions nation, what nation would he be?
Ditto for Hillary, Stein, Johnson, and any other presidential candidate.

Full scales hinnom maybe? Tons of money but his best guys also fuck up his own shit.

Well, they're all bourgeois and therefore blood sacrificing, ever-hungry tyrants. Hinnom for all the mainstream candidates.

Trump would be Yomi, obviously.
Big, angry, stupid rulers who gain benefit from making life for those under them miserable (with turmoil scales).

>inb4 cuck


This is not a bad analogy. To extend it: Lots of people proclaimed yomi was a shit nation that wouldn't have a chance, yomi turned out to be notbad, and they thrive off chaos.
And are composed of literal demons.


>rubbadub slows down just as it's getting spicy

It worries me that people are talking me up like I am a major power when all I've done is taken an undefended fort from the jews.

Oh Malakal, don't ever change

I thought Hinnom was Malakal?

wrong pic