Heroes of The Storm General - /hotsg/


>What's new?

Two new heroes, Varian and Ragnaros announced at Blizzcon, along with a new brawl map and a couple of new skins.



>Latest patch notes

>Where do I find you Odin-without-master-assassin building faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

>blizzcon stream

Previously on /hotsg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


1. for >>>>>NA

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Rangeban all Italian fucking retards

The ult. Though I guess it doesn't really count.

I just wanted him to be more FUN and gimmicky. Playing Thrall all game and sometimes being able to be a weird Hammer isn't enough to me.

Are there any good games in this championship? They don't even seem close.

>team gets 1 level exp lead from a kill
>every set is 2-0

Like wtf I thought this was supposed to be the best of the best and the matches aren't even close. I haven't seen any comeback yet.

Yeah, there have been some.
Next series should be good. Fnatic vs Zero Panda.

Missed storm bolts: The Tournament

Thrall missed his wolf a couple times too. That Muradin play was just very bad though. Poor leaps.

Sometimes you just have shit games.

>blizzard makes your husbando too interesting and normies are going to swarm him all over


Gingerbread Nazeebo is better.

only normies would like varian anyway

Only worthless fucking normalfaggots say "normies"

I fucking hate the vast majority of Alliance's big guns.

But holy fuck, the fact that he can be a Prot, Arms or Fury Warrior is absolutely fucking amazing to me. He looks so fucking rad.

you tell 'em, edgelord

2 sololaners and 3 roamers on braxis is pretty cool.

every new hero is swarmed. if hes strong they will keep playing him, if not he will be dropped and then you can have him.

Why is lunara the cutest always?

She's a deer.

I'm talking about the purely gameplay aspect of it, wouldn't be surprised if he's as popular, if not more than Samuro on release.

>euros in charge of defending the core

Why isn't double tank played more in HL? I like playing some of the less tanky warriors that can't cut it solo but everytime I do the team will just inevitably pick 3 assassins.

that was some serious bronzeland

fnatic is fucking shit
should've been misfits at blizzcon

She's endeering
She doeminates the meta
It's impossible to rein her in

>NA ignores the core and it dies
>EU ignores the core and it dies


The keepcall was garbage.
You already had a camp pushing. You go for bot shrine, if Fal doesn't fly you don't commit but you get keep. If he goes to defend you take bot shrine and get objective progress.

Fnatic always had this weakness in their calls. Have to agee with Misfits would have been amazing. They're really really strong.

Well at least the blizzcon tournament its getting decent numbers, why is this game so dead?

I like the portrait collection aspect of the game. I already linked my twitch account to my battle.net one and am now watching the game... Is that all there is to it to get the Kerrigan portrait? Will I also get the hexagon one for the regional event?

Thanks in advance.

mobas just aren't a good genre for casuals. they don't want the toxic environment. and the people that don't mind are too invested in league and dota. also they are too obsessed with farming minions to enjoy hots.

It doesn't help that they're trying and trying to improve the matchmaking, but as we've seen, the majority of the population is just fucking horrible at this game.

Devs trying to improve matchmaking by changing rules and tweaking shit + a bunch of retards making their job hard on them = wack as FUCK matchmaking, which = player loss.

The matchmaking doesn't work. Game is way too team focused.

>play account with 3k games
>get silver
>make new account
>get diamond

It's a joke.

>picking Arthas/Artanis without somebody to combo with
Basically asking for it


I'll give you my experience with matchmaking as a new player
>first match get 4 lvl40s on my team while the other team doesn't have anyone above 10
>next match it's a lvl40 team vs mine whose highest level is 13
Might be a lack of players but this matchmaking seems pretty wacky

The matchmaking does work, at least in HL.

I don't play Artanis, but theres not much you can do.

>last pick you are forced to heal
>first pick and people will just pick assassins since you are the "tank"

If it worked i'd be diamond or silver on both accounts. Either the new account is overestimating my skill or the old account is underestimating my skill. Just face it, this game can't rank a single player accurately.

It got a bad start with the streamer beta for like a year and it had a bad start, the first year of "release" was still beta

First pick, assuming you had first ban, should always be whatever hero wasn't banned among Sam, Malf and Zarya
If you don't have/can't play any of those then what the hell are you doing in hero league?

And while I acknowledge that happens often, I also get double tank or actually cooperative teams a fair amount as well, saying it happens "every" time is a bit unfair.

I'm a high master/low gm and I exclusively get matched with other masters/gms and then the occasional d1. MMR is usually around 3.3k. No extreme outliers.

Zarya sucks.

Who dat autistic Chromie complaining about Murky?

how bad is leoric right now

i want to cough up the 10k because he looks cool, will i get flamed for picking him in shit tier hl

hes ok, not great. you probably wont get flamed but hes a hero who isn't going to stand up to enough punishment to solo tank.

Bakery was going absolutely huge in every game today. Fun to see some great support play

game didn't come out as a polished blizzard game with the crazy marketing push that games like Overwatch and Starcraft got.

If the game was released in its current state with a big marketing push, it would be much larger. It suffered from being in beta too early

What a bunch of fucking retards

post your current luck history

>quick match - samuro
>quick match - samuro
>quick match - samuro
>quick match - samuro
>quick match - samuro

>2 tributes up
>lvl 10 vs 9
>get memeheroics
>do memeblowup but since you dont have heroics for curse you give it up
>let memeslug comp get tribs
top swedes

Lmaoing at your life


Are these chinks stupid? Just defend the fucking boss you morons instead you fucking go core with Brightwang and Tychus???!?! That's your fucking plan? When you are cursed as well? Unbelievable.

Throw of the century

got me

They are going to be executed when they go back home

Why is NA such an embarrassment?

>Grubby: They know when to go for the core and when not to, they are playing it safe.
>Grubby 5 minutes later: They had the game I don't get why they didn't go for the core.

Low tier region

Because NA players all huge fucking babies who can't ever work together or stop talking shit. On top of that they are lazy compared to the rest of the world and they disband their teams when they lose one match.

Pretty sure you can't defend that boss.


Remember the good ol' days when you could carry hard as Jimmy

I wonder if you can use Ragnaros' trait to block Blackhearts cannons and Sky Temple shots.

actually the game fnatic lost to them was a much bigger throw

they literally just ignored the objective pushing on their core and lost when they easily could have backed

Hah, I was the Murky. Such autism.

Chinks would have won by simply giving the last trib up.
They would've been cursed but Fnatic would've gotten 0 value out of it.

Top and mid have catapults, bot gets easily defended by Abathur and the rest of the team. All they had to do is stay around bosspit and delay.

20 was a huge powerspike for Fnatic and that trib location was shitty for chinks since Fnatic had position. They lost when they went for that fight altough I can see why they did it. They won pretty much all fights prior so it makes sense but in my opinion it's a clear mistake in shotcalling.

Delaying and waiting for the next safe tribute to get a curse wins. Abathur can pressure bottom and Fal needs to split off to defend top and bot already.

>they easily could have backed
No they couldn't. There was a continous teamfight going on from 30% on objective progress right to them backing.

They lost because they went for topkeep. From the second the went there they couldn't have played any other way to make it better. They weren't able to back to defend core.

I'm glad that europe team could make this, but their play was way far from perfect. They were trying to kill Muradin several times in a row by throwing all cooldowns for one cleanse and avatar. Meh

The korean strat mostly is to kill the tank because when you kill the tank the fight is over.

"stop focusing the tank"
>every HL player

dotard here

i've already reached a high rank but the game seems too easy and the "high skill" end game is weak

Nobody in HL can efficiently burst though like pro teams can. Attacking the tank in HL just means you all are going to die.

>falstad initiates a 4v3 at top on laser temples
>level 8
>starts pinging zag (me) bot lane after he dies
>"you need to actually help with team fights"
wtf is the matter with people I can't teleport to you every time you suicide

He doing what he can. What is your problem? Why you just didnt quickly grind two levels and travel top lane by nidus to catch them all in one maw and save the day?
Gosh, you are just typical zag player

Soo, is the heroes panel already uploaded to some rusky site or something? Is been way too many hours already. I want to see the autism at the end; love the cringe shit.

>be tychus
>4 enemy players are positioned out of range
>enemy muradin is sitting in poke distance

huh good advice well i guess i'll just sit here with my thumb up my ass because its anathema to even consider right clicking the tank

>poke distance

Nobody is going to yell at you for poking.

you're funny

Constant roster changes
Lack of good tank/support players
Every team has an obvious weak link
Bad teamwork when it comes to committing to a fight/focusing a target

Cloud 9 had none of these problems when their roster won blizzcon last year. NA does have some very good players but they are usually hamstrung by being on a less than stellar team that will get roster swapped after one bad performance

Hopefully a lot of these issues get fixed with the changes to HGC in 2017

Also MVP black wasn't at blizzcon last year they had some kind of passport issues

yeah, I remember when Jimmy was first pick and could do 100k hero damage by right clicking people while occasionally pressing W

What does it even take to be on one of these teams? I'm master and shit I feel like I play better than some of these schmucks.

Well, good news. Next year is gonna have relegation for shit teams and promotion for good ones. It's gonna be a lot easier for amateur teams to participate in big tourneys.

You have to find yourself a team where you can demonstrate your skill or simply know another pro. Exposure is key.

>have to find yourself a team
This is where it all goes to shit. Means I have to form a team and find 4 nonshit people to recruit to it or find a formed team that is looking for a sub or a 5th to take over. Life is hard.

Is there any hero who can solo samuro?

Another Samuro

anyone got a link for the hots deep dive panel?

They said something avout Varian having 6 specs. But as far as I can see you get 3. Did I miss something?

>Zul'jin sorta confirmed
Ahahaha I spit on da Horde!

Zul'jin has been in the game since some early alpha and beta builds. We are just never going to get him. He will always be there, just out of reach.

cause someone there is racist against trolls and is pissing me off

only butcher with finished quest




You're a meanie!

They meant 6 specs as in 6 combinations of "important choices", that is the choice of talents on lvl 7 and 10. 2x3=6 specs