how can i make money off internet?
i live in third world country, georgia, so minimal pay for first worlder, is pretty decent for me.
any ideas?
How can i make money off internet?
Hungarian here, I've tried amazon affiliate and other programs, made websites, but it's like gambling in these days. Sites are getting ranked randomly and rankings can go to trash overnight.
I just want to make $300/month.
same here, 300, even 200 will be fine lol
there seriously is like 20 of these "how do i make money on the internet" threads a day
sorry for rustling ur jimmies, posting for first time on Veeky Forums
atlanta is really nice tho
Soo, there are a lot of people like us.. and there's gonna be more.
How do we make money on this? Make a website for people like me?
Make crappy "get rich quick" programs?
>talking ideas out
never gonna make it brah if u dont keep your mouth shut
desu im thinking of thrifting some decent jackes and selling them on grailed or ebay
But I don't want to scam people
Well, not on long terms at least
you are too much of human to make money then
So you want to spam instagram?best way to find more info is going to blackhatworld, Veeky Forums is more about shitposting about criptos.
Cool me too!
It's not the wealthiest state, but I would not call it a third world country!
You guys know that Georgia is also a country in Eurasia? Or it was the joke?
Next thing I know you'll be telling me there's a country named after the John Travolta film "Grease"
you muricans are funny, now go eat a burger, you deserved it
As long as it's a TURKEY burger.
>Web development
>Streaming (if you are good looking and fluent in english)
>Freelance journalism
Keksimus maxsimus