League of Legends General /lolg/

Ionian Summer Camp Edition


Old: >Important links
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>Pre-season and assassin's stuff

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I am okey with this

I like T H I C C

Thick ionian behinds

when do chests reset?

either when the season ends or the new season starts

probably the latter

3nd for thanks Poro King for existing so I could get all the S's I needed

anything worth getting?

Karma thread?

xth for our girl

please come home


>usually play support, played for a couple seasons and still have never gotten a penta
>this happens to me in one game
I think I'm going to kill myself.


So who here has been racking up points playing against all those Miss Fortune supports?

Its a good time to be a support main


How the FUCK do you trade with Jayce

hes always got like 3 cooldowns up no matter what

>2 friends started playing lol like a month ago, theyre around level 15
>create new account to play some with them without dragging them into lv 30 games
>mfw all the nerd tears and LCS meta picks in fucking level 10 games


these fucking people are so pathetic and actually sad

>enemy has 4 ap champs + braum
>hecarim builds triforce, followed by fucking frozen gauntlet into thornmail and deadmans
>gets blown up every time
>keeps spamming chat with shit "enemy X went B i think, go push Y" or "i engage in top come help all team we win go go"
>at some point starts whining that mages are broken



Post a song for a champ have other guess. Let's go!

Why are there blacks in Ionia?

Is there like, a sub-culture there that's black?
What if there's a sub-culture of white people there?

fuck _me_


I got my first penta playing Jinx and my support Karma took a screenshot and sent it to me, it was cute and no we weren't duo

I think I was a fresh 30 though

Which LoL nation has the best girls.

imo its Demacia

>monte desperately trying to shill overmeme

went from "muh deep rotations is all that matters" to "where are the plays Riot" as soon as it fit his narrative

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

I love how singed can almost completely ignore laning phase and proxy all game what other champs are capable of doing this?

Do Ivern and Maokai have any special dialog lines for each other?

How many fucking concessions would a champion have to have to be able to genuinely add Ball Lightning to League?

I don't know why you'd think it's anything but a job for them

Hug your carries!

I think singed is a special case because of his passive and kit. They just synergize so well with items that give mana plus anything else that he is guaranteed to become unkillable if the game goes long enough.

Reminder to buy pinks wards to please your carry


The real question is how long will Riot let him be until he gets added to the rework list.


No question: Bandle City

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Why hasn't Muramana been removed from the game? Only a single champion buys it.


You just kind of ignore your laner so you can farm to 30.

>ywn never go into Ionian Summer Camp with Irelia and Karma as camp instructors
just end my suffering

>tfw you top the damage charts

Hey Yorickanon

If you're reading this, god bless you man

Best gfs

1. Lux
2. Taliyah
3. Fiora

>gank early on
>team snowballs and actually doesn't throw
>can just comfy farm all game long

Get out of his lane

I'll go star guarding with her then.

>Lux and Fiora
>good, stable gfs


I agree raping demacian maidens with crossbows is superb

He has a taunt for both him and Zyra

This, also
>Not banning Jayce in 2016

that'd be boring mang

Ezreal, Urgot, and sometimes Jayce can get it

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA

Come meet the famous Catfish of 2 health bars!

so, is aatrox even worth playing nowadays?

Jayce no longer gets it because of buffs to his mana costs and restoration.

Urgot does get it, but Urgot is terrible and slated for a rework.

Ezreal is the only champ in the game which buys Muramana.

do you want your team to lose?
if so
there are better alternatives

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA

Perhaps we'll meet the mechanized edge on the fields of justice!

Please join password is vidya

Frozen plains

Noxus has the best girls if we go by quantity and quality. If you dont see your waifu listed its because shes not worth mentioning

yes, but is he good for anything and does AP bomb still works

why would you want to do that user
vayne would fuck your shit up anyways

No, hes just a weaker garen.

the champ doesnt work anymore
nothing does
good idea
but it doesnt work the way he's designed

why can't I see ranked emblems? is it just me?

Not if I can seize control of her bloodstream :3

I want to get 6 CDR Glyphs for my AP site, do I get flat or scaling?

what does it feel like to get a blowjob

league of legends

i prefer flat because 10% CDR at level 1 is broken as fuck for some champs

that's the wrong way

like the inside of your cheeks

feels like your dick is melting in soft fleshy cheeks and wet tongue

pretty good

sounds gay

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA

Need 6 more players


ask you're mom

why are no skill champs like xinzhao allowed to be good

maybe in bronze or silver

what is the password

Is this good character design?

>asking that here
Heh, you sure are a card user.

Look guys I followed all of the steps and created my VERY OWN CertainlyT champ!

-gains 0.2-1AD and MR based on level per every 30 missing mana
-gains 4 maximum mana per 1 bonus AD (excluding bonus AD from their own passive)

-modifies next auto attack to be a 300 range blink
-applies a 10 second DoT dealing a combination of flat, %AD, and %missing health based on %AD while also granting sight of the target
-ministuns for 0.05 seconds every tick and steals 1.2 bonus AD every tick
-if it kills the target and user is at least 1600 units away bestows the stolen AD as permanent bonus AD

-places a trap
-trap snares and does some damage, revealing the snared target on the minimap

-releases a spirit that searches for an enemy champion, ward or trap
-if it's a champion they're near sighted, take damage and are revealed on the map
-if it's a ward or trap it's disabled and revealed for 10 seconds
-grants vision in a cone as it flies

-basic attacks expend 1% maximum mana to deal 2.5% maximum mana in damage
-become untargetable and fly to target point, burning mana and hp along the way
-do damage to enemies you pass through
-damage scales with distance traveled
-bonus damage to enemies caught out by Q, W or E

The best part is katarina was 0/6 at 18 minutes

literal perfection

>im plat
stupid goldielocks

THICC is love, THICC is life.

draven and darius are not happy to be there

I miss mpen sejuani so much

At last

>Morons like DZK and Anthony Burch are running Riot into the ground
>Used to think Morello was an idiot but at least he never had insane rants about social issues

You don't know what you've got until it's gone. ;_;

>ivern has a 1.5% pickrate

This has to be the absolute worst launch of a character right? Does anything beat this?

That's literally what fucking Sona would be like.

This too.

normie ree

That's not how blood magic works you fucking dolt.

IKR, where are all the qt traps?

>better than Taliyah

>report post
>can't see it afterwards


>get AD for kills
>get AD for missing mana
>get mana for building AD
>get on-hit damage based on mana
>have a single target ability+auto spell that double procs Muramana and procs triforce
>Muramana + Triforce in general on this guy
>flat+scaling+missing hp DoT

Pretty good user but you forgot the dashes.

>have to make a public forum post to report bugs
wew lad

>Quick Survey

In my folder.

sauce. I know its fucking brazzers, but whats her name

you get shorter queue timers if you complete them, there was a big thread on reddit about it

>still no american garen skin

lux is cuter ^^

Post >yfw when you lock in a late game champion

I'm not saying my blood magic will make her willing.

Just easier to overcome.