Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


>What's new?

Two new heroes, Varian and Ragnaros announced at Blizzcon, along with a new brawl map and a couple of new skins.



>Latest patch notes

>Where do I find you Odin-without-master-assassin building faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it. tychus is an excellent choice however

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

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Where the FUCK is Maiev????

first for ballistix win 3-1

Think Fnatic has this one. Their draft looks very good.

>No Chromie on Towers of Doom agains a Ming and Brightwing
Come on Fnatic, why did you have to pick Hammer? Chromie has such blowout potential and time traps RUIN Tracer.

azmodan is the coziest hero

there's backline, then there's 'lol im getting kills from my spawn' backline

Chromie is only good when the players are bad

>uses z
>sieges up in front of enemy fort
Nice plays

rip fnatic

they were lucky to get one kill after a 4 man mosh and gorge with a gust into the wall of death

stop fucking talking gilly

why did these retards pick gorge

please fuck off back to r9k

literally the worst last game ever

she's a shit caster you double nigger

Wow fnatic is done

It says "defeat" up above and I'm the highlighted player

>those first two matches
fnatic is JUST tier

All right all right, take a few minutes to enjoy korea and then get your asses back to training.

Meme team didn't win :(

Great feeds early game cost them that game
And then desperate memecomps on slippery heroes.

compare this shit to the fights on warhead junction
towers of doom was a mistake

Koreans win every Blizzard game

Feels bad man

Pretty sure Korea picked that map not Fnatic.

They only won three

>let's hear it for your world champions

Oh look, Korea won again.

doesn't matter who picks it, it's just not as fun to watch as maps with regular cores

What a dishonor to be defeated by some asian lowlife


Best team won, but Fnatic did a great job

>last match is on Towers of Doom
>korea picks cancer endurance comp
>final game is ruined by the fact that korea once again wins and the fact that the lady caster is shouting at an ear piercing volume
>after-match interviews are in ching chong
what a letdown to an otherwise enjoyable tournament

ah ok thanks

Fnatic still beat MVP Black lel

i agree. our boys tried

>our boys
They hate Veeky Forums, they hate hotsg

>Fnatic still beat MVP Black lel

>MVP Blacked

they only hate one guy from here

Well like any tournament there were some good matches and bad matches. Lets hope NA gets it together for next year.

>the fact that the lady caster is shouting at an ear piercing volume
That cunt, she even screws up while commenting and can't find words fast enough to keep talking, so besides the shriking voice she says sorry or corrects herself every minute. I honestly would love that at the end the winning team, even the fake chingchongs get to fuck her on stage til she is dead.

she is bad at casting but wow easy there

She just doesn't have the game knowledge either.

>So gilly what do you think of the draft?
>"Well they have a warrior and 2 assassins so they should definitely pick a support"
>thanks gilly well said

dude, every time she is talking you need to go and turn down volume. She is anti-casting, bitch is annoying. Worst part is that she is almost the worst of the bunch, so if she sucks because she doesn't know shit, she is a bad caster and she has a disgusting annoying voice, why is she there?

I could forgive being that silly because there's chance she could get better, but her voice. Fuck that.

>fnatic have mosh
>koreans knew they suck and pick beam with li ming


is this the new meta?

Yeah the shitter meta

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

yeah, i'm sure i'll be passing whatever low-master rank you're holding. i'm the greatest player on this general after all

When is it time for lunara christmas skin?


>I'm the greatest player
>dies 16 times
I'm grandmaster and all I do is play against bots, rarely play HL

>core goes to 4%
>they medivac in
>i nuke them and we push and win

feels good man

>8 minute queue
>someone is afk


>Sonya labeled as warrior
>Buy her because i want to be good at one hero in each role
>It's one of those "it's a warrior but not really and can't solo warrior" heroes
heh, nice job blizz

Should've asked here before, dummy

>want to be good
>doesn't do any research

Anyone got a link for that sick game 3?

So what warrior characters can i trust to be good at their job?

twitch blizzheroes
>koreans mandhandle yuros en 12 min

>there are people IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW who think chromie doesn't take skill

I remember when she came out there were autists whining in big long posts about how her skillshots take skill to land.

muradin, etc, johanna

warrior =/= tank

she's a bruiser

Thanks user

I understand that, but given that both of those roles fall under the same category in hots i think it's not wrong for me to be slightly miffed over it
A small clarification on blizz's side would be nice

Have they nerfed her sometime in the past few months?
I remember her having no issues solo tanking.

I can solo tank with her in QM, using spear as my only CC and whirlwind as my only sustain, but it isn't the best.

Is there anything more satisfying than carrying as Abathur?

being against a good abathur makes me want to uninstall

I hate it when it is a siege abathur. I know SIEGE abathur sucks and we should be winning every team fight if he goes full siege, but then we lose to a backdoor HATTED MONSTROSITY and I feel like a retard.

What, you can't handle the aba mind games?

literally figuratively somewhat seriously just look at the map

I actually do look at the map, but when there are fucking thirty locusts, one person isn't enough to clear them. And finding those fucking little locust pods is a pain.

I know that Siege Aba is bad, that's what makes it worse.

B-but fnatic hexagon mount... fucking gooks


>I spit on da Horde!
What will his kit be like lads?

should i buy gul'dan or alarak?

Do you like being an immobile squishy who can tank low-DPS retards?
Or a functional assassin who insults you in John DeLancie's voice?

skin for nazeboo

another melee assassin, ffs
I like melee assassins; my "mains" are basically Greymane, Illidan and Butcher, but nowdays its too much: Alarak, Samuro, Varian, Rag and Zul'jin

Man, I don't get why he's an assassin desu. Always seemed more like a warrior to me.

Remember when all melee assassins except for Thrall were bad and everyone memed on you for playing Butcher

He really should be. Even if he's a bruiser-type like Sonya, he really should be branded Warrior.

Then he'd deal no dmg, and a giant flaming dude that throws meteors around should be able to kill.

They mentioned that they think of him like they think of Thrall, and I think thats the best way they could've balance it. An almost bruiser but with shitton of dmg.

Appearance wise sure, but his kit is really more Specialist than anything.

I swear Blizzard doesn't give a fuck about the roles at this point. I won't even be surprised if they announce fucking Garrosh as a fucking support.


Isn't he more of specialist type? I mean he has tons of siege talents and a pretty low health pool.

It works for LoL

Siege =/= specialist

Teamfight-wise, specialists and assassins mainly differ in who can actually finish up kills. Zagara or Naz deal a ton of dmg but they rarely can actually assassinate someone to 0HP, they either don't have the burst or chase. Rag seems to be able to literally explode on people a few times with substantial AA's and burst spells in quick succesion.

I don't see much siege potential in Rag.

What I do see is a very unique, and specialized,, anti-siege hero, who can entirely shut down a push attempt on a lane.

I see him shutting down Braxis super hard in particular.

>he never gets Spider kills an hour after walking away from an enemy
>he doesn't use Ravenous Spirit
>he can't time his Zombie Walls

Nazeebo can absolutely finish off someone if you're lucky/skilled enough to land his abilities.

am I daydreaming or did they actually talk about a "class labels" (warrior, assassin...) update they are working on?

You're right. He does seem to have the ability to counter map-based hazards.
And he seems like he'll have a large health pool to back himself up, but he'll still be countered by characters like Tychus and Leoric who can do percentage-based damage.

The lava wave would only kill minions (maybe mercs), not monsters. If he could instagib a whole zerg wave with a single ult that shit would be bonkers OP.

I've got bad news for you my nigger.
The big ones survive with a little bit of hp left though, so it's not that bad.

it does a shit ton of damage against zerg rn

It doesn't insta kill them like minions obviously, but it still deals massive dmg to them

They did mention many times that quest system is shit. Maybe they'll rework the classes too. I'd like their rework of Kharazim to actually make assassin Khara a thing and make him a duo-class hero too, like Varian. Varian even supposedly counts for both assassin and warrior quests. Same thing should happen to Tyrande, Tass and Medivh. Make them all duo-class, with reworked talents to fully commit to that choice between two playstyles.

it INSTAKILLS only minion, but damages everything that's in the lane except for structures, heroes take double damage also

>even less solid supports to pick


They'd work the same as supports, they'd just be able to go full assassin if for some reason you'd want to.
Actually, there'd be more supports to pick, since if they'd embrace the way of players fully commiting to one of the classes of their choice, they'd probably could make Tass a full-on support, maybe Medivh too.

>"its ok guise im going support"
>only picks assassin talents
>"fuck you l2p noobs"

this is what's gonna happen, don't delude yourself.