Things wagecucks do

>"Ask for a raise" rather then inform their employer that the price for their time and labor has gone up

How to get fired 101

It's more like you're refusing to do further business with that employer if they won't pay the new price. Don't give them power. You're not lucky to have a job, they're lucky to have you. You are a free man and you may set prices as you see fit for your time and labor, because it's YOUR time and labor. Just like you can't buy a product from a store without paying the price, you don't have to sell your labor if someone won't pay your price.

If you can't view your time and labor like this, and instead you're afraid of being "fired", you're a wagecuck.

Try getting a job before you start giving advice imo. Unless you're in a position of power, you'll just be laughed at or kicked out.

If I can get someone to do the same job as you with little to no training, it's a no brainer, you can quit if you like and you'll get a little push if you're an arrogant twat about it.

Also, don't forget that managers are human, and appealing to that side of their personality will yield better results. Every one likes to feel like they are doing something good for others, feel appreciated. If you come demanding stuff when you should be asking you'll be slapped back in your place, at the bottom of the food chain.

At least we agree on this. I don't know how it works in the US but in Europe, it's all about what is not being said. I don't want to hear you tell me how valuable you are and being basically blackmailed into promoting you or giving you a raise. If you're really valuable, I know it and when you are hinting that there may be some other opportunities you're looking into because you feel you're not growing anymore or whatever bullshit you can make up, that's when I start asking what you want.

US wagie here, can confirm that does not happen in low level jobs

You're looking at it from a kiss-ass perspective, though. You're more concerned with pleasing them than you are with pleasing yourself.

Why is it important whether they can hire someone else to do your job but cheaper? It's not, at least it shouldn't be to you, because once you quit it's not your problem who they hire and for how much.

The point is that if you want to be anything more than a wage slave who sucks his boss's asshole for the rest of his life, you need to develop that mindset. You have to have that level of self-respect. If you don't, then you're just competing to sell harder labor at a lower price than the next guy. That's not an attitude that will ever help you break out of the system.

Low levels jobs are a different issue. If there are dozens of yous out there ready to learn the job in a week, you're fucked. Unless you actively try to learn new skills you're stuck in your job for life

I think you got me wrong. I actually manage people. I am not saying that you should be concerned about people being able to do your job for the same price and not needing formation. If you leave, good for you, I am just saying I don't care, I actually prefer an employee that quits because he is not satisfied rather than one staying and doing nothing until we have to pay to fire him.

What I meant is that you've got no bargaining power, OP is sending people to war so they can be teared to shred.

But I agree on the self respect, I just don't think it comes with being an ass hole and demanding things. If an employee did that to me, I would just think that this guy may become a problem.

And to be perfectly honest, if an employee is happy with the job and doesn't ask for anything, I will only give them enough so that they don't feel that their job is not appreciated. You do have to make your management aware that they should not take you for granted. But for that you also have to show results.

Also, when you say kissing ass you really did not get what I meant. I learned very young that sometimes swallowing your pride to get what you want is just the way you get it. I doesnt feel like kissing ass when I do it, it just happens sometimes to be the best strategy. If you have to be aggressive to get respect, its because you usually don't get it unless you don't get aggressive, you won't get mine.

Make more money than NEET's trading crypto.

Well I think you got me wrong. I'm not saying be an asshole. You don't have to be an ass to view your labor as your own product and try and negotiate the best deal for yourself.

I agree, to an extent, but a better strategy, along the same line, is to sell your goods and services to the highest bidder.

Two sides of the same coin. They can't make any single provider sell services for less, and you can't force any single buyer to pay more than they deem the services are worth.

Basic stuff, but sadly, wayover the heads of the average working jerk.

I've quit 5 jobs with this mentality. Every job out-payed the previous. Now I work for me. OP is right guys.

I told my employer at the outset what my goals were in my career.

>2k/week salary
>Being worth lots to a company to keep
>Making dealing and cashing cheques

During my pay negotiation I simply made sure he remembered what my career goals were, and said "I don't expect it today, but as long as I feel like I'm moving towards my goal, I don't care what you decide my raise should be"

And I got a raise.


At the same time, almost every office wagecuck has some power. It'll take money to replace them, time to train them, who knows if the new guy is better.

Overall what
said is right, but take it one step further - be your own boss. Its an amazing feeling when you just send an invoice for your labor, and can negotiate good money with each buyer separately.

i like this approach more: tell them what you want to make, and ask what they think if it's possible here? if they say categorically no tell them you are going to look into other employment then, no hard feelings. if they say sure, but you would have to do this or that for that then negotiate. if they say shit like oh well user this is not a good time "no way in hell you little maggot".

*it actually means "no way in hell you little maggot"

Can confirm this is awful to do. I own a biz and if one of my employees did this I would laugh and them and think they're being funny. Instead of demanding a raise or asking for it, ask your boss how you can get a raise. Not many people do this, but when they do, at least my employees, I always tell them something they can improve on, and when they do I give then a raise. People don't deserve raises just because they punched a clock for a few months. People deserve raises when the value they provide surpasses the money I pay them, abd when that happens I increase their wage

>when that happens I increase their wage
well that's my main problem.
no way my boss (the one that decides on raises) can even begin to tell what value do i provide to the company as he has no idea whatsoever what i'm doing what hardships i have to overcome. all he sees is out team does not bring any profit to the firm long term. the fact that is mainly because he signs shit contracts and agrees to impossible deadlines somehow escapes him. also the fact that i make the same as my colleagues yet outperform them 5 times is also invisible to him.

so how could i expect a raise from him not that i think he would even think about it but still. what works at the guy is demands and ultimatums. he is good at putting out fires nothing else. every employee that hassles him gets the goodies and the rest gets nothing.

your advice is probably only applicable to a fraction of bosses. i don't know the statistics or anything it is also probably very job dependent. when the boss is business oriented and you hold a highly technical job it won't work at all.

>implying you ever increase their wages

>op doesn't understand the labor market

An individual is not a monopsony. Being a dick like this simply makes your employer's demand function more elastic.

I agree, you have to view your time and labor as a service they're buying and not kiss ass, but individual laborers have little power.

That's why unions were created.

I just did this last week feel like I'm About to get canned now lol

It depends what kind of low wage job we're talking about. Friend was a great auto collision painter and he was probably one of the best in the county. He was getting paid shit and nickels and he would bitch about his pay. I told him to tell the boss and he became quieter and argued that he'd get fired. Finally I convinced him to hint to the boss about another opportunity which paid better in a better area. Next day his boss fucking ups his pay 8$ so he's now making in the 20s. It works in low level areas but if you work at something like Mcdonalds you can't do that shit to the extent this guy did.

then show him your doing more work. all your doing right now is complaining how you do more work and he doesent notice, make him notice then.
i have guys who come up to me at the end of the day and give me a brief summary of the day, some arent even managers. when some guys get back to the office theyll say "alright we got these 12 jobs done, customer X is very happy, customer y was satisfied, everything was good, employee X wasent pulling thier wieght today" i dont ask them to detail every second of the day, but now that they told me what they did i know, honestly as an owner, i dont know what every employee isdoing every minute, its almost impossible to know unless you have another employee keeping track for you or you only have 1 or 2 workers. tell your boss what your doing, and quit the bitch attitude of "o i work so hard but nobody notices" take your raise into your own hands and make him notice, do whatever you can possibly do to get that raise.

in my case i think it's a little bit different. nobody is indispensable. but some people are irreplaceable without hurt. the company would take a hit on the field i'm employed if they let me go. they would survive but probably had to give up the entire product line (at least that's what i would do). sure if i was an uber dick to my boss he would do it in anger i have no doubt. as i have no doubt if he gave a new guy from the market the money i'm asking or a bit more for he could find talent that could start from scratch and build it up. it would only take 1-2 years to get back into the game with new crew. that's a lot of wasted time money and opportunity but hurt feelings have a price tag some willing to pay. the company wouldn't even really feel it.

so can i demand more money and would it be more rational for them to give it to me? sure. do they have to? not really. will they? i have no idea. it would also be a rational decision for the company to focus on it's strong branches that bring in money and let mine wither. in which case i can look after better employment free of any guilt or resentment. win-win-win. no matter how i look at it.

>then show him your doing more work.
yeah that sounds very good in your head i imagine but
>he has no idea whatsoever what i'm doing
also it's basically bragging and demeaning my colleagues which i'm not in a mood to do. i have ran these circles the last time i went to ask for my project bonus after a very successful project. they were like oh hey user we see that you didn't even make any money this year as this and this project (not mine btw but same team) was a huge disaster so your team is running in the red we can't do. i was pretty surprised how they see what we are doing from up there. and realized the only way they could see it better if i started pointing fingers. meh... it's not serving burgers in a mcdonalds. we are engineers if one is incompetent the others take up the slack. you can't really see into the teamwork from the business end and it was fine for us till now. i'm not fine with it anymore but won't snitch.

then get comfy at your current wage, cuase your never getting out of it unless you actually do something. god isent just gonna give your boss some clarity and hes gonna say "oh user is working hard, il give him a raise" so either keep praying or buck up and get that raise
either way its on you, good luck

Snitches get stitches. The slacked get whacked. Make your move or don't cry. It's your choice to stay content because as you said - it's not Mcdonalds. Or make more money and live life a little more luxuriously.


Except my wagecuckery has me working alone for a churchgoing family that lets me do wtf ever i want if work is slow. Im not asking for a fucking dime. They pay good and i need to learn how to live without a paycheck anyway. Bills are paid fridge is full. Just gonna ride this near recession proof gig until my investmwnts allow me to take my bosses ut for a steak dinner and tell them thanks for not being agregious fucking cocksuckers like the last place i worked at. Also. Months notice and i now work for minimum wage. Tootles.

i'm making my move user i thought that was the point of my post. it's just that my hopes are not up. i like what we are doing lot to like about it i don't like how we are doing it and for how much.

i'm at a point where i'm fine with any outcome. i will be straight and tell them what i want to make if i am to stay.i will try to tell it nicely of course.

indeed i know all this user
i jut said your way explicitly failed me and i waited for years to be recogni


You're going to have to step on some people then. I'm sure you know your situation better than I, but use evidence to point out the fools in your department, not just an allegation. Good luck bro.

US is same-same. My dad is a "hard-worker." Hes worth a couple mill on paper working himself to death. He makes less than i do till oil goes up hopefully some day before we die of old age.

Fuck working hard. Got me nothing but carrying lazy fucks at same pay. I took an easier job and started learning to invest. Im looking to make a fucking BUNCH more money than i ever did with fuckall effort or stress.

Working hard isnt a meme.

But it is fucking stupid if u do it for shit pay like i did for faggots thst treat u like shit.

> $12hr
>treated like a cuck

Lol. If jobs are plentiful fuckit. I ised to do it till i came home and there are few jobs. I like my job most days. Even on shit days im bouncing orund in equipment out of the weather with my favorite radio station blasting.

At 30 i found the end of the line for my wagecuckery and it is here until i get rich.

>tfw living in a "at-will hire" state where anyone above you in the company can fire you for no reason

>mfw my first business asted under a year and lost money with 40-60 hour weeks and a 50 hour a week day job .


Buddy has a small oil company. I actually used to work for him.

Its can be a little ciqueie but 99% of the time if there is a fight its the lazy faggot that gets canned. If u show up and work he lets u buy with a ton of shit. He pays dick bit it is going rate around here . And after seeing grown men be such drama queens i would either do what they do or pay more for better help . Theres times they scrape the bottom of the barrel knowing some tweaker fuck wont last 2 days.

>You're going to have to step on some people then.
i will try to avoid that, but indirectly i will most likely. my plan is simply to ask for more money and let them investigate why i would deserve more. if they bother to talk to some people they might get the picture. i want to do productive good work for good money to progress in life. here or somewhere else is probably inconsequential in the long run. it would be more convenient and less bothersome i guess if i could keep my job.

Work as a 1099 contractor if you can. (it's like wagecuck lite)

>things you want your wagecucks to do

See, here's the thing. I don't give a fuck about you or your business. Every job I take is temporary, and I enter that job knowing that fact. If I don't like the pay, I don't take the job. If I decide the pay is no longer enough to keep me satisfied after a few months, I walk out. I don't care about your "boss" status or your other employees or other anyone else that you can hire to do work cheaper than me. I only care about me. That's it. It's my time I'm wasting at your shitty business, and if I'm not being compensated in the way I prefer then I'm out. Simple as that.

>Then show him you're doing good work

Kek. I just get the image of a dog trying to kiss up to its master, like "Look master! Look what I did! I'm such a good dog! Look, I'm sitting! Give me a treat!"

People like you live pathetic lives.

>implying employees are irreplaceable enough to do this

The labor pool is so large and competition so high that it's easier to just replace most people.

>People deserve raises when the value they provide surpasses the money I pay them

So all the time for just clocking in?

>Implying I care about what other employees you can replace me with

When you care about that, you're a wage cuck.

In other words, you're not supposed to be so dependent on an employer that you actually care if they hire someone else after you leave.

This isn't really the point. Jump ship if you know you can do better, but you getting easily replaced is a sign that you really can't do much better in the first place.

That's shitty logic. You getting replaced has nothing to do with your actual worth. Like if you worked at mcdonalds BUT said fuck it and started a business that made you rich, you'd still be replaced by some nigger that never graduated high school.

Basically you're missing the point. You're putting way too much value in what a single employer thinks of you when there's an entire market of employers to sell your services to, not to mention opportunities to better yourself through education, or start your own business, or be self employed.

You focus so much on what a single employer thinks, how much they value you, and you're so scared of being replaced. Because you're a bitch. You'll always be someone's bitch when you're afraid of being replaced, or fired, or whatever. It's all a matter of mindset. Don't view them as your "boss", view them as a disposable business client that you can stop selling your services to at any time.