/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Museum edition

>New Expansion cards

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Old bread:

First for fuck priests and FUCK CAPTCHA

Daily reminder.

Blizzard take notes.


Second for Shamans kys.

This expansion is going to be terrible. Also everyone gets a 1 mana 2/2 now, wow.

>Get Murlocalypse

Yeah sure I really wanted to feel like shooting myself in the head after losing my next 20 games to complete this shit.

I'm playing Duelyst, I'm more than satisfied with being able to reach S rank with Sajj decks.

It give you more cards. The goal is to have fun.

I hope that Evolve Shaman get some good bones outside of that 6 drop.

When are we getting our Pavel packs






What is the bump limit exactly?

Yes it already did

>tfw didnt get golden lego in 2 years
>tfw didnt open regular one in months

Do I need to buy BRM if I wanna play dragon priest when new expansion comes out?

>It give you more cards. The goal is to have fun.
You already had six cards that does this one exact same thing. Two copies of each makes up half the fucking deck. You're straight stupid if you think you need more. Saying "but fun" doesn't address the argument at all, you're just deflecting.

>Select everything.
>Casual mode
>Play like 4 games.

Easy 100g

I'm asking for numbers though.

750 posts before the thread fall in no more bumping

250 images is the max number of images.

I recommend you to get the expansion Veeky Forums X for Chrome, it give you the infos.


No no it isnt.

Its boring because its just two vanilla common minions clumped together. Neferian was exciting at the time because burgle was a new mechanic and even now strictly takes spells.
This minion brings nothing new to the table, no new synergies to burgle decks just, heres an extra 1-2 cards that you might not even get because it can be punished.
I can just run shadowstep, brann or raptor if I wanted that and have far more synergy then before.

Queued into 5 tempo mages with a perfect start in a row. Fuck I'm pissed.

>best card revealed is a worse zombie chow

i have not once been hyped during spoiler season. only kazakus, finja, and the fel orc remotely interests me so far

This 6 drop drop a 6 drop. Turn 7 you get two random 7 drops. Turn 9 you get Two 7 drops and one of them is probably Confessor, and then you get another random legendary.

It's amazing.

>I hope that Evolve Shaman get some good bones outside of that 6 drop.
That 5 mana 3/5 taunt that costs less if your enemy has 3 minions?


You are quite the memer user


Are you guys ready for Dr. Anduin to be the evil big orc Thrall?

I don't know, why are you asking me?

No I was talking about the 3 mana rogue legendary not racketeer.
Racketeer can actually be really nasty in rogue battlecry decks because they can just spam 6 drops with shadowstep, caster and brann combos.

When I play dragon priest post-expansion I'm going to imagine Anduin is taking a deep dicking from Wrathion's fat dragon cock, and mustering the power of the light to defeat his opponent right as he has a hands-free anal orgasm from his delicious brown dragon boyfriend.

Anyone else?

It's a good 3 drop yeah. But usually you want stuff that cost 6 with discounted to get 7 drops to then get 8 drops.

Getting a 6 drop is not bad, but you have really bad 6 drops now, with the Racketeer being a 1/1 6 drop.

You mean better.
Also not getting excited about Assasin of 5, staying alive.

how is that card a meme? seems like it could work well in paladin and shaman murloc based decks. getting two murloc knights into hero power gives an obscene board, makes everyfin more playable, and maybe help fetch those murlocs for the anyfin combo. lord knows how many times i had 2 murlocs in my last 8 cards. of course, finja might be trash like how most cards are

I've put mad bomber in my priest deck and now I can't stop winning.

I think I've saved the day lads, thank me later.

>Moonglade Portal into this shit
Can't wait.

>hands-free orgasm
Every well adjusted man has those, dumb cuck. It's called sex.

>gives an obscene board,
Paladin has no problem generating obscene board against slow warrior. Shaman doesn't have good murlocs for that.

If Finja attacks and summons two Warleaders, does he get the buff during the attack or afterwards?

Ironforge portal can Summon a 1/1 too, Druids deserve this shit

I hope that 5 drops get a 1/1 too. The worst 5 drop right now is a 2/3 Murloc.

After, note he has to kill the minion to trigger it.

Did a single non-vatnik slav pick this guy?

And how else are you planning on playing a dragon priest without reliable dragons?

After. The trigger is "Attack and kill (also survive)"
You need to kill with a 2 power base line before summoning stuff



considering he has to kill something first it'll be after. i do wonder how his death would resolve if he summons warleaders. would he get healed by the buffs and survive?

>On shifter Zerus

Unstable portal is only good because it reduces the minion cost by 3.

>On N'zoth
>Doesn't immediately impact the board, hence it is shit
>Doesn't immediately impact the board

This is why he should stick with arena only

>On N'zoth
>It is 10 mana so it is shit

I don't even know what to say.

>See Mark of Lotus
>Dismiss it as a meh card

Let's see how wrong he is when the expansion hit.

>Comparing Piranha Launcher with doomhammer and said it was as good if not better

How can one man be so wrong?

>Paladin's 3 mana legendary

>Pint Size Potion
>Could be useless could be insane

You don't need 2 brain cells to know that it is insane due to the fact that it is 1 mana and synergize with a lot of cards.

I don't want to watch through the rest. Kripp should stick with bitching on Arena.

You should reread his text to find out. If he attacks, kills AND survives, then after that he summons 2 murlocs.

Oooh, I keep forgetting that part.

Might be good for like, a month of Everyfin Is Awesome bullshit... put this guy in the middle of a bunch of totems, +2 attack buff, have it kill something and then instantly have a three mana discount to buff your whole board.

Yes this will make a good meme for two games at best.

Pintsized could be insane with Horror or with Madness

isnt twilight summoner 5 mana 1/1?

Krip is so bad at card predictions.

>There are people RIGHT NOW that are sleeping on Pint Size Potions

I'll change their minds. I'll change all their fucking minds.

Sure, but it has a deathrattle. And it's a 4 drop.
The worst 5 drop is 2/3

Thought it was 5 mana for some reason.

I have no idea how people can actually say PSP is useless, even saying PSP may be potentially useless is insulting the intelligence of the mass.

PSP is insane. You can screencap this. If I am wrong I am going to kill myself, mark my words, I'll break no promise. If I am right, those who screencapped it should deposit 3 dust into my account.

I think they are too focused on that it needs to be combod with other stuff to be really good, but fail to realize priest already has to do that with other his cards. And then of course there will be quite a few cards you will want to combo this with.

Patches is honestly a better legendary. Immidiate, less conditional synergy that can be improved later on with select combos whilst not hampering your deck unless you mulligan into him and no gang up.
Even then worst case scenario you use him plus cold blood just to kill a 5 health minion.
Itl find a use purely from double that into horror. The only reason why it wont is because dragonfire is THAT good.

Is there any push for Blizzard not to take out old adventures out of the game? I mean, who even came up with this shit? Why take out content? It's not like they take up so much space. At least leave an option to have them or something.

kripp is a pathetic betacuck who should go back to playing poe or kill himself because he is shit at hs and nobody gives a fuck about arena lmao

I put gorehowl in my face/murloc warrior for the hell of it and it actually gave me exact lethal. What a world.

Southsea Captain is now a 3/3 summon a 2/2 with charge gg ez.

Kripp is actually pretty knowledgeable of the game and his matches get pretty intense.

They don't really take them out.
If you have them bought, you can play them as much as you want.

And if you have at least a single wing bought, you can buy the rest whenever you feel like.

It's just the new players/accounts that get screwed and have access to them blocked.

Only if you dont use any other pirate before that.

>big time racketeer is a stealth nerf to moonglade portal

No, because I'm not a screaming faggot like you.

>meme lego

Used up all their creativity coming up with the tri-class mechanic I see.

Blizzard doesn't want people to play Wild. It's kind of sad. Multiple friends of mine refuse to start Hearthstone because they can't access Wild.

>Used up all their creativity coming up with the tri-class mechanic I see.
Must have taken them a lot of energy considering there's only three tri-class cards per faction.

Don't worry, priest's getting the same treatment come Mean Streets.

Post-rotation, almost everyone will be running some manner of control priest and it will be the new cancer that everyone bitches about.

Any predictions on what the next class that people complain about as 'unplayable' will be? My bet's on either paladin or druid.

>blizzard adds dragon synergy cards for priest
>brm will rotate pretty soon
>preist will be garbage again


Thats quite doable. You might just run captain purely for that.

When is the next card getting revealed?

What do you mean? There's literally never a situation where you should buy packs instead of just spend that money on arena. 4 wins already guarantees you better value and the biggest loss you can take is 40 gold of value at 0 wins.

80% of the good dragon-synergy cards don't come from BRM.

You're revealing it, hurry the h*ck up.

Doesn't Priest just outright lose to malygos decks?

Wonder if Warrior will get any bullshit armour or removal cards. Then we can all enjoy 30 minute fatigue warrior vs Priest matches.

Druid question: assuming you don't have Violet Teacher in Beast Druid, does having Living Roots and Power of the Wild make sense? Or should I just go with Wrath and Savage Roar?

All good neutral legendaries will be warrior's legendaries.

Team 5 had no idea what they were doing with Hearthstone during BRM.

Be glad they changed Blackwing Technician from this monstrosity.


Shit Flinging Monkey
3 cost 2/2
At the end of your turn throw shit at your opponents face.
Deathrattle: Throw shit at your opponets face and all of his minions.

>naiman vs hamster
>naiman literally plays nothing to win

yeah like 3/6 taunt 2/4 taunt 5/3 fire ely are all rotating out lel

>4 mana 2/2 gain 10 armor
>at best
Jesus fucking christ

Wait, what's that?

I'm glad Goblin Peridot got a good card.
>Select all squares with street signs
>Literally just a brick wall with a pipe
Thanks captcha.

Brann for 20.

Alpha version of blackwing tech

Severely tempted to craft Velen for my meme Priest deck

Did anyone else notice that Kun the Forgotten King doesn't have a Battlecry in its text?

No meme is spicy enough to warrant 1600 dust.

Yes that was deliberate since branning it would be rediculous. They realized that with the cthun 10 armour

Choose one cards aren't battlecry despite them them technically being them

the only thing that is intense is how he whines like a little bitch

Look up Firebat's curator beast druid. It's the only beast druid that is barely playable.

Why would you Brann it though
It's fucking terrible
>Control warriors loving every laugh as you waste Brann gaining armor thinking it's cute you try and out armor them
>Mages ping off your 2/2 with Flamewaker and burst the armor away because you aren't a warrior and they can deal with 20 extra HP, not 50
>Huntards have more than 50 damage in their deck so they laugh
>Same with aggro shamans
>Priests don't exist yet
>Druids are fatigue snooze wars
>Murlocadin's still burst you down
>Zoo can still rush you down, Renolocks laughing at how little you're healing
>Malyrogue laughs at you wasting Brann

I disagree. PSP has incredible versatility and it loses only a couple of its options after rotation.

PSP and Confuse to kill all creatures with 3 attack or less for 3 mana.
PSP and SW: Horror to kill all creatures with 5 attack or less for 5 mana.
PSP and Shadow Madness to steal a 6 attack or less creature and attack with it for one turn, for 5 mana.
PSP and Cabal Shadow Priest to steal a 5 attack or less creature permanently, for 7 mana and a 4/5.
PSP and Crazed Alchemist or Kooky Chemist for 3/5 mana spot removal of creatures with 3 attack or less and a 2/2 or a 4/4.
PSP and just trade efficiently for 1 mana.

It's going to be the bane of aggro, zoo and N'Zoth decks everywhere.

what deck is ok against mid range shaman ?

>Grook-Fu Master

They are not even that subtle.