League of Legends General - /lolg/

Birds are the best edition


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>Pre-season and assassin's stuff

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>Tilting is an excuse to lose your fucking lane and lose the fucking game with it

How the fuck do people get triggered so easy holy shit you retards don't understand that's EXACTLY what they
want you to fucking do jesus christ why are people so retarded to take a loss that easy

Just fucking cooperate and stop playing solo lane all fucking game you know they'll dive you if you're lone at the tower
holy shit fuck people are retarded even in diamond elo please kill me



xth for female yordles

g reposting here

Guys help.

I need to achieve mastery of master with my waifu, any tips? I have heard that ward spamming help and yeah my CS was kinda low, its so hard to keep good CS with roaming champions.

yth for Ahri is cute

hurry up silver surfers a day and a half until the end!!

Play her support. Not even kidding. That's how I got an S+ on Riven, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Shaco, Nunu, Tristana and Xin Zhao.

Reminder that only toplaner that requires skill is Riven and only ADC who requires skill is Vayne

Reminder that if you dont main these two youre shitter regardless of rank

Xth for licking Vlad all over.

xth for transcending imperfection!

is she good lads?


Yes, play lane safe and you win hard as shit lategame.

How do I Runic Nunu user?
> 202 cs as a farm machine min 35
There's the problem.

Post cutest splash arts.

Jinx is bae

>being afraid if ranked.
she is fine
I beat multiple caits and jhins simply because I know what I am doing on trist.
she gets outshine by metapicks but if you master her she can fuck shit up


Guys, what are some stupid strategies that I can abuse in the next season?

She's the most fun ADC but not the strongest

>tfw more keys than chests

Not that user but how do you get more at 35? Everyone seems to group in 20 mins for the rest of the game so farming isnt easy if you dont want to leave your team in 4v5

What to do?

>How do I Runic Nunu user?

I'm not pro but I would get my jungle item, then boots, and then at that point I would decide if I should cinderhulk or runic my item. I put 3 points into Q then max out E, That puts Q at like ~500 true damage and combine with smite you can easily contest objectives. You would be surprise how much snowballs hurt early on with max level and runic, throw that shit E V E R Y W H E R E, don't forget to bloodboil the ADC, Flash Ult if you see a good opportunity and for gods sake get dragons, Nunu is nearly uncontested at this rank because other junglers just shit the bed for some reason.

If you're feeling brave, consider stealing buffs early on since you can burst for 900 true damage on jungle creeps I dunno if you were seriously asking for advice, but good luck either way!

Anything with Courage of the Colossus mastery.

Courage of the collossus on Zac/Naut/whoever.

Not unless fucking bot comes after 11 minute mark to sit on your mid

If you roflstomp early you just roam to end the game quick and push objectives asap

xth for tomoka killing himself.

If you give me an excuse for tilting, be it memetalk during champ select and/or before creeps spawn, or coming to my lane just to feed my lane opponent in sad attempt to "gank", you WILL tilt me and i WILL lose you the game if i feel you don't deserve the win.

Eat. Shit. Shitter.


You realize tilt is literally a phenomenon where your decision making ability is clouded and your playing ability is negatively impacted by frustration and losing right?

You're basically asking why someone who can't think straight isn't thinking straight.

Zth for agreeing with Yth

Is spic-kun banned from discord yet?

he cute

>Your stomping the enemy team but your team keeps feeding
>The enemy team keeps trying to 2v1/3v1 you and keeps getting double/triple killed while your team is respawning from their regular deaths

You might beat my shit team and win the game but you sure can't beat me


>Your stomping

I type poorly when I'm mad

tfw you get a fiddle who builds zz rot and banner first items and doesn't gank

how do I outplay this kind of matchmaking

Play champs in meme roles, that way it's easier. For example Poppy support

ty for the insight guys
I wanted to see if the cutest adc isn't too bad to play

But the cutest adc is Kog!

Reminder in the time you waste playing one game of League of Legends a normal human being makes $20-$30 dollars, while you wasted an hour in a game that will be dead in 5 years.

You can just buy chests goyim!

Post awful designs

>Punishing your opponents for using their abilities

>play normal games mostly to chill out and learn new champions
>decide I'm not going to bother with the ranked scramble since it's the last day of the season
>go into normals
>lane bullies and no fun champs everywhere
>didn't get a ban
Picking shit like Caitlyn and Darius in normals should be reportable if you have mastery 5+
It's just not fun to play against.

A drain tank with untargetability who also gets damage from building HP and vice versa

bravo riot

>cooldowns where a mistake - (yoo)

Tanky DPS


>wahhhh people are trying to win in a competitive game

try playing vs bots

>a game that will be dead in 5 years.
Man I remember people in the forum shouting the same 6 years ago.


>tfw just denied an enemy player platinum (made him go 2-3 in series)

delete this

Also trying to win doesn't mean picking anti fun champs.

>going midcrank cause leblanc
>team keeps screaming at me to swap with their support zyra
>'lol ok'
>theyre surprised that someone who hasnt played zyra since her release years ago gets shat on by leblanc

Why is monte such a punchable race traitor?

>quene as support
>soft lock sona
>adc screams to change support

Fuck you its draft normal

>race traitor
lmao try "winner"

Post unusual things you like about League.

Personally, I really like farming. It sounds strange, but it's really fun getting all of them.

>oblige with other lolplayers in soloQ
>get fucked

I don't know what you expected, you little slut.
You got what you deserved.

lux and jinx would make the cutest couple. it's the contrast between lux being "pure" and all and jinx being a bad girl. im hard just thinking about it

Imagine how it feels in a game where last hitting and adequate farm is actually required to having a chance in winning.

What champions would shitpost on what boards?

Jhin and sona would definitely shitpost on mu

NEW-P:Master Yi gains bonus AD from attack speed

REWORKED-Q:Master Yi blinks to the target enemy, dealing physical damage to it and up to 3 nearby enemies then reappear next to his main target. If the Target is alone they take SIGNIFICANTLY (200%) increased damage.

Alpha Strike will crit targets below 50% HP for increased damage. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of this ability.

W:(no changes)

NEW -E:Master Yi's next Four attacks gain X% attack speed. The third hit deals increased damage and the final hit is a double strike.

REWORKED-R:Master Yi breaks free from snares then channels his attack speed into his Movespeed decaying overtime. (1%AS=1% Movespeed). Kills reset the Movespeed boost and alpha strike.(Master Yi still retains slow immunity from ENEMYS but not from his own abilty )

Now grants Bonus Armor penetration while active instead of Attack speed(30/40/50%)

well lolg?

would it make him healthier and bring him back in relevancy?

i did it just to give them the loss

the worst part was i still didnt die the most, it was lucian

which lolg girls are virgins?

inb4 annie, lulu or any of the other kids

>Jinx,Caitlyn,Sej,Grave etc

>master yi just instantly kills whoever he alphastrikes


retconned Ahri

you dont really think rito is going to keep semen stealing creature in their game

they even changed her outfit to less revealing

Sion would post on Veeky Forums about how his wide body type is superior to the slimmer beta cucks.

Kalista, definitely. Lamb too.


yeah fuck you.

i wanna punch him with my dick


On /d/

You followed the path every fuckboy treads when 'reworking' a champion and just morphed some spells a bit and drowned them in fuck tonnes of damage

you are doing gods work user
keep it up

why is xin so comfy

>knock up
>knock back
>gap closer
>armor shred

What the fuck is this.

>Master Yi's problem is his damage output

Are you retarded?

>Target has to be alone
>14 Second CD
>wont get the full bonus unless the target is at about atleast half

thats not valid criticism

Yi is already a really straightforward champion.
I want to sorta keep that but also add some more fun elements to his playstyle (Sanic fast Movespeed/ ALPHA striking for huge damage).

This rework was to mostly make him not as dependent on Highlander for dps and remove his sudden burst factor that his enemies often dont see coming (talking about that true damage empowered doublestrike)

The fuck huge damage on Q is to make up for the loss of True damage

this one

>>Target has to be alone
Second CD
>>wont get the full bonus unless the target is at about atleast half
So he is like K6 but 1 million times better.

Who's K6?

>be kled
>against mundo
>mundo rushes warmog
>violent tendencies hits for 700

>do placements
>get silver 4
>keep playing
>14 wins 10 losses
>season ending so I stop playing ranked
>now that I have a rank every single player in normals calls me silver 3 even though they're in the same game as me.

Are people retarded? Even if I was literally an all knowing god who descended from the heavens to play a computer game and won all 24 games I would at best be in silver 2 or 1.

Why is imaqtpie playing so much Nasus?

Did he get buffed recently?

>tfw you carry an aram match with an afk player on your team


i think they swapped out the AD on his ulti for MR and armor.

not his DPS so much as how his DPS is so dependent on Items and his ultimate. He is probably the only slayer/fighter in the game who practically cannot fight so long as his ultimate is not up. Fiora,Yasuo,Riven,Gangplank all dont rely on their ults to battle near as much as Yi does.

I guess except K6
-has access to that 1k nuke on a 3 sec CD
-has much longer leap range
-has stealth
-doesn't rely on getting off any auto's
-can actually gank well and has crowd controls

I want to FUG Zac in his gooey SLIME VAGOO

I want to punch him in the dick with my mouth

>has access to that 1k nuke on a 3 sec CD
It will never hit 1k damage.

big dog mode is FUCKING INVINCIBLE tier now

The more I think about the more I realize Jinx is really intelligent. At least as a techie.

>her guns are far too customized to be random store bought guns
>made them herself probably with junk yard scraps
>good knowledge on gun smithing to the point of making functional unconventional heavy fire arms
>understood rockets well enough to make a functional rocket launcher, she could easily make a second one with equal success
>has above average knowledge on engineering and any principles involved
>planned out and succeeded in destroying one of the most secure building and Piltover
>was friends with Ekko once, a complete boy genius

Jinx is smarter than she gives off and I love my geek 2x4.