post-blizzcon depression thread
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A Fistful of Gooks
a handful of aphrodite's feeties
a gook in the hand is worth two in the bush...
also fuck post cooldowns hurrr 90sec my dick
sickzii is super smart you dumb bullies
what is sickzii's degree in?
what's the next BIG starcraft tournament?
i was playing this yesterday
its like 1000 times harder than sc2 and these guys make it look easy
>this thing i have no practice in is super hard
whoda thunk
i love white sluts
dont post white ghouls here >w
they dont look like sluts to me
>they didnt upload our girls performance
christ pls
comp science
literally the brainlet of stem
WESG I think, maybe HSC
he is smart, cute, has lots of friends, a job, a car and his own place
sickzii has it all
every thing you use on a computer are made by software developers
computer science is like the gender studies of stem
t. neets
me too especially pawgs
i guess indians that shit in the street are the smartest people in the world then
oppa i took the last spirte
u dum bitch i can see 2 more right there in the fridge door...
>looking at the fridge instead of her butt
based gaybro
what are you doin in my house gook whore
*rapes her*
yes, but then why does he post like this ?
how did you know that was me...
both me actually (not sickzii)
word i j/o'd to this yesterday
i just want to shoot my seed in a stinker chinker...
huge zinc and lecithin cummies omo...
how many times are you stupposed to sex a girl before dating her?
and how many times are you supposed to sex a girl while dating her?
marriage? its time.
youre not supposed to have sex before marriage
sickzii has a problem with women its true
imagine being....a bOy.....
*swings penie around*
im a boy!!
ahh oppa i fell and dropped all my groceries
what game is this pls
stop tempting me on the lords day ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
*helps her up*
*picks up her groceries*
*avoids eye contact*
*quietly leaves the room*
what are you doin in my house gook whore
*rapes her*
probably the new blazblu
that game looks so fucking boring fuck you weebs for even responding to it and making me check that tweet god i hate weeaboos
*kicks you in the nuts*
same desu
shes a girl you moron
I'm retarded where do I find vods of Kings from Blizzcon?
their sc2 twitch channel
im a trans girl and if trump wins i swear i'm killing myself
counting on you guys to do the right thing
2gd is commentating rocket league now
you, not him
based hbt
oh dont worry, we will :)
hes hot....
hes big....
im not a commentator
hes... what the frick... tit????!!?!?!?
a very very cute boy :3c
shit rofl
what is potato
wait a second, do americlaps just really wait in a long line every morning to pay $5 for a cup of starbucks carb loaded "coffee"? why would you people do this?
first of all i make my coffee
second of all i use it for my enema
second of all we're not caffeine junkies here
it's called culture
i dont think thats called culture
[anon1] has subbed!!! thank you so much for that sub [anon1], thank you so much for that support. enjoy your new kappa emote and bright pink dilldo (lol jkxd ) [anon1]can we get some hype in chat for [anon1]
[anon2] with the sub!!! thank you so much for that sub [anon2], thank you so much for that support. enjoy your new kappa emote and bright pink dilldo (lol jkxd ) [anon2]can we get some hype in chat for [anon3]
[anon3 has subbed!!! thank you so much for that sub [anon3], thank you so much for that support. enjoy your new kappa emote and bright pink dilldo (lol jkxd ) [anon3]can we get some hype in chat for [anon3]
guys were so close to 5000 subscribers!! if we get to 5000 i'll stream that gay game nobody wants to wat-
[anon4] with the sub!!! thank you so much for that sub [anon4], thank you so much for that support. enjoy your new kappa emote and bright pink dilldo (lol jkxd ) [anon4]can we get some hype in chat for [anon4]
what does omo stand for
ouch my ovaries
i have yellow fever lol
i also like mexican girls but dont tell anyone
omo is oh my in korean
all i'm saying is i want to fuck a gook is all i'm saying
what does the other o stand for though
there's no such words in korean
what does omo really stand for
oh my, omo
fuck you
literally no ass tho
imagine using w10 for more than clicking on a game file
oh my, oh my,, oh my,, oh my,,...
who is she?
this place raped me
stop posting gook shit this isn't related to sc2
probably better than using linux just to emulate windows
why does this group exist? it's just bunch of manufactured plastic whores caked in makeup singing generic poop?
nice opinion bro