/agdg/ - no-one wants to make thread edition


> Play Halloween Jam 2016

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AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627
Networking: LinkedIn.com

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


>> Engines
>GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
>Godot: godotengine.org
>Haxe: haxeflixel.com
>LÖVE: love2d.org
>UE4: unrealengine.com
>Unity: unity3d.com
and monogame


OP's image is the image this thread deserves.

you could've prevented this


>visual studio intellisence with ue4

Reminder that no cute girl in the OP is an omen for a bad thread.

Is it acceptable.

monogame is still in alpha and is unusable

What kind of food would an Atomic bomb eat?

All of those engines are effectively in alpha since they all have their fair share of bugs and are constantly getting feature updates.

[email protected]

Seeking someone to dev in UE4 with to make space game.

VR, Tablet, PC, I don't care. I have a lot of space assets and will buy what we need. RTS, Space Combat, No Man's Sky clone, I don't give a fug, I'll make it if it has space combat. I have a fair amount of space combat dev experience and even a released and sold product so I know what works and what doesn't.

Let's make the next star citizen goys

Still making that enemy.
Got some boots out of it.


Finally got a design I like with for my blacksmith character

That set was the shit as a kid.

From the tooltip for a moment I thought someone posted some boots from PoE.

>Will buy what we need
Someone more competent to replace you?

And one of the attacks


ah yes the old trope where blacksmiths constantly practice giving blowjobs

is what, the lamp? the lamp that's in the centre?
it looks fine, the weird emmiting/animation coming fromt he bulb isn't tho

When i rendered the icon for the inventory I felt strangely reminded of Diablo 2

>looks at my sales on sellfy and itch.io
>realizes I've made money making videogames
>you're here trying to bring people down to your level - that of a nodev who has not made money

Yeah I'm real hurt bud.

What are you on about?

To the guy that was messing around with that cartoon shader in UE4.
Can you, (or anyone else), explain what this is called that you're doing, and in broad terms how you're doing it? I want to create a shader effect that affects the entire game and I'm not sure what to search for and how to go about it.

I'm guessing it's a sort of shader effect that is bound to the lighting you place in a scene?

>0-2 pushups
>3-5 cruches
>6-8 planks
>9 dev

>I need someone to code a fast space cash grab for me
>Don't worry it's just an excuse to flip some assets real quick
Oh geez where do I sign up?

Okay, I've decided that I'm gonna halt on shader work until I have a few consistent assets, here's how it looks with a traffic cone.
Thoughts so far?

boots from PoE for a reference

0-2 Pringles
3-5 soda
8-6 chocolate bar
9 everything else ans also dev

>90% chance that you won't dev

90% chance you're not gonna make it

user I am the coder

try and keep up

I just love space and want to make space game for fun with someone.

Also my product is not flipped assets lel, I had to get my own made so I could get on the Unreal Marketplace.

Keep trying though.

Why do you think I post here?

I've made some 100$ from my shitty game. It doesn't change anything.

Why don't you buy it instead of just buying the assets?

>sitting here reading Real Time Collision Detection just so I can do proper collision responses with a sphere against an aabb

Man, getting rid of the Unity colliders was basically diving into deep waters, but I'm starting to understand it. Got the interceptions working. Just gotta implement sliding along the wall now instead of stopping dead in its tracks.

The crash bandicoot devs said if you don't end up rewriting your character controller at least 5 times something is wrong.

You should take a look at Unity's default third person controller (ethan). It has some neat formulas for finding "turn amount", which I believe is -1 to 1 depending on how much the new movement differs (left/right) from your current character's forward direction or velocity or something.
you could maybe use that as a determinant/threshold for sliding/boosting turnaround speed, but who knows

something like this in the code:
move = transform.InverseTransformDirection(move);
turnAmount = Mathf.Atan2(move.x, move.z);

also I'd suggest clamping x,z separate from y, since you don't want falling or jumping speed to determine your horizontal movement. Unless you handle that somewhere else.

>working on a game where you're not the one programming

That's like letting someone fuck your wife

I'm trying to do a bit of modding and editomg texture files.
I have the NVIDIA plugin for photoshop and can open DDS files, but how do you tell which format to pick when you save it? When I open the file it doesn't tell me the bit depth or DXT version, and there is no option to save it in the same format as the original file when I try to save it.

Because I am looking to find partners to develop with, for fun, not just have a shitty product made to sell. We could aim to sell it if that's what we want to do, but the point is I'm tired of devving alone and want to dev with other people.

Space just happens to be where my autism lies and where I have a lot of assets already, so it makes sense to dev there. If someone wanted to do something else that appealed to me, I'd do that desu~

We can work on different thing. I like doing UMG for example which everyone hates. Unreal 4 is pretty cool in allowing people to work on different things. There's also source control which is great. Thanks for the opinion though ~


I don't want to see your code. Ever.

If I make everything an unlit texture, how do I do a day night cycle? I suppose I could swap out for a night time texture, but that seems silly. Is that why Toon/ flat shading exists?

Learn vertex coloring. It's what I used to make baked lighting in my voxel game where I couldn't use dynamic light and shadow.

you need a game before anyone can accurately judge the stylistic choices of it

If I keep eating so many chocolate bars you won't

Got a gameplay trailer finished.


public static int ohjsofnsofi;
public static int slfjsfs;
public static int sfljoiwn;

When your making an rpg do you make the overworld first or the combat sections?

>3 minutes

How do I make a function that goes like: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20... something like that.

Not exponential but not, not exponential.

Long play whatever

probably character movement -> combat -> world

not if its anime

>something like that
Good thing math isn't an accurate science.

I was on board with pinball + breakout, but pinball + breakout + missile command is gonna give me a heart attack. Great work though!

About the trailer, I don't need to see the controls or a long shot of the start screen in the trailer, it's unappealing. Show your logo, show your title screen for 2 seconds, then GET TO GAMEPLAY.

It's not really pinball without the bouncy things at the topp

Choose what you want before you make it. What do you want from it? Can you try putting your thoughts into words?

I make the game design document first cause it's the best way to curve your enthusiasm and let you look at your project objectively.

exponential equations can have a lot of parameters
you can have a multiplier in front, or you can raise each number to the 1.8 instead of 2 etc. etc.

be more specific if possible

>curve your enthusiasm

If it keep increasing faster and faster, it's an exponential function. You can divide it or use a smaller exponent if you want it to increase slower.

If you want that weird shit, try
for (int i = 0; i

overworld OR combat

Neither cause anyone who actually planned their game wouldnt have to ask that

Just answer please

People that make game design documents are a diamond dozen.

Hey /agdg/, i've got some trouble with programing.

Im using points for ground collision detection in a 2d game in unity. it detects collision by calculating the function of the line connecting 2 points and checking if the player position is below it. but for some reason (update is too slow?) it always detects it way too late - the player is below the ground. is there some way to make this work like colliders? setting the position after detection makes an ugly bounce. effect.

pls help :^(

I can't tell what kind of look you're going for. Most toon shading also dampens or dumps all specular, unless you're trying for some kind of style thing.

You need to calculate when it's going to be underground and prevent that instead of fixing when it's already there.

>dino may cry

Why aren't you using colliders?

that shader looks like OGBEv3 default settings.

Welcome to real time collisions. enjoy your stay

I wouldn't know how to keep velocity the same when going up slopes - how do I get the direction vector?.

I just want simple 2d physics like metal slug, why must this be so hard

Collision detection is not physics.

>Most toon shading also dampens or dumps all specular,
this is in the pipeline

what happened to game development feedback general

that's a bold statement

I don't see any specular except on the character which is placeholder and annoyingly shiny but equally annoying to alter

rly mks u tnk

That's collision response.

Unity has Update() and LateUpdate(), which you can use to safely move your character after you've checked, but like another user said, you need to check if your current position + velocity will put you below the ground/in a wall in the next frame and correct it BEFORE you apply that velocity.

Its a pain.

How can it possibly render you're below ground before the below ground check corrects it? Something's wrong with your logic.



>code is a mess
>get the desire to restart from 0

well that is curious
I have no idea what that is.
I can solve it by just removing the ability of individual items to hold specular info but I'd rather just alter the shader. Thanks.

Sounds like a case of the OOP.

just remember, after you check + correct do not change the velocity again in that frame

when in doubt, debug.log everything and debug.drawray all your checking distances, then go frame by frame to see if some shit is out of sync/late



you dumbass motherfucker

I'm sure it's salvageable, then, unless it's really really bad. Like globals everywhere.

>tfw games aren't being released with this art style any more

It died with the golden age of Disney I guess

Fuck off with your shit jam already.

Pokemon Snap but with Dinosaurs.

I have my idea already, are you asking for one?

Dinosaur Dating Simulator (VN)
Dinosaurs vs Mammals
Pterodactyl Starfox type game
Stealth based egg stealing game
Space Dinos
Wild West Dinos

what did you vote for?

What happened with the halloween jam? Who won? Was there a stream? Where are the playthrough youtubes?