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Should I download EB1 or EB2?


We'll always be friends, won't we, Gobbla?

What do you think it's thinking about?

Seeing the Senpu army desperately trying to break the encirclement, the Jozai generals respond with a cavalry charge to the rear of the Senpu army, trapping their generals. The Jozai melee infantry at the same time start charging through the center to completely encircle the Senpu


Why the switch from beautiful mail to ugly scale?

>everyone hyped up Skarsnik
>hes released
>hes an awful LL


>Belegar is literally amazing in every way
All is as it should be.


what? his aoe effects are great, his free missile is great, he's good in combat and can handle large targets too
I don't see what the issue is
also his campaign is fun

>the battle gets less organized and more chaotic, pretty much just grabbing what unit's idle and telling them to do shit
>ammunition is starting to hurt at this point, most of the helblasters are dry, as are the cannons firing deep into the chaos ranks
>begin to maneuver and fire, pinning the chaos warriors with infantry and then letting the handgunners shoot them in the back as the trickle of units come in
>actually remembered the Light wizard this time
>Chaos confirmed for mad

Threadly reminder that the following are rightful Asur clay, and therefore rightful Asrai clay so from now on please refer to them with their correct names.
Dietershafen - Athel Toralien
Marienburg - Sith Rionnasc
Altdorf - Kor Vanaeth
Talabheim - Athel Maraya
Kislev - Athel Numiel
L'Anguille - Tor Alessi
Thank you

The Senpu are being hit from all sides and they can not escape. They're fighting for survival.

>is a pussy who needs to cover his entire head unlike his other much cooler LL's

Dude could be Skaven in disguise for all we know


>glorious lorica squamata
fuck off, its just that the design in Attila is shitty. To actually answer your question though, I have no idea, maybe it provided more protection?


>still duking it out with the second wave of northern snowniggers, the third army begins to come out of the fucking woodworks
>mortars are still firing, as are my handgunners and crossbowmen
>cannons and helblasters are dry, start withdrawing them to save them for the next battle
>the battlefield is t h i c c with the dead

Why do you think he's awful? He's able to make goblins into fantastic units, he starts with lightning strike already available to him. and he's the King undah da Mountain!

The Senpu are annihilated and this is all that is left of them. Corpses on the field for the ravens to peck.

What's the best Empire mod right now?

What's the best Bretonnia mod for GC? Tired of waiting.

>fucking giants show up like what up we got big dicks
>my handgunners are begging for mid-battle refills
>captain said we need to save the money to buy a great wall

>belegar is about to recieve a statue of frozen elven tears from thorgrim for his capture of eight peaks
>takes off his helmet and its revealed it's just a bunch of babies holding the armor together

>has to fight Skarsnik, the most dangerous grobi in the Old World, and that skaven fuck who literally exists to slay dorfs
>implying he shouldn't be wearing a helmet
Also, it looks Veeky Forums as fuck.
You got something against armor, lad?


Grombrindal doesnt even wear a helmet, and he's much more a badass

>all my infantry are by now severely understrength
>begin withdrawing ranged infantry that's out of ammunition and decimated State Troopers
>trolls and chaos spawn that were trickling onto the map as the first units were wiped come screaming out of the woods
>the glimmer of hope for victory, though I knew it was doubtful from the beginning, is quashed

>the battle is over
>all my surviving infantry has withdrawn off the map or routed, with my last Lord keeping the trolls and chaos spawn occupied
>in the distance, a vague 'hon hon hon' can be heard


Grombrindal's also stuck in the shitty dwarf campaign.

Wasn't the autoresolve in your favour? They really really need to fix that shit.

After the battle, four more fresh stacks attacked and destroyed these brave heroes of the Empire.

Hashut want more slaves!


How do I get more graphics for my game?

Does lorehammer look REALLY purple to anyone else?


>entire army is composed out of hobgoblins and orcs

Yeah, nah.

Why does Vlad keep stabbing that dead dude?

Is he autistic?

Warhammer Total War does not have enough content to be discussed so much.

And no, spamming memes is not discussion.

No one cares about your Shogun 2 campaign faggot, stop responding to yourself.

>opening cinematic will only include first 4 factions


>And no, spamming memes is not discussion.
That's where youre wrong kiddo

>And no, spamming memes is not discussion.

Fuck off, I care

I like it when people post their campaigns

Me too.

fuck off newfag

keep posting campaign-user

People like it. Get over yourself.

When the next historical TW game comes out you can circlejerk that shit all you want.

Let people have their day in the sun.

>And no, spamming memes is not discussion.

Any tips for Belegar/Skarsnik campaign with SFO? These super buffed garrisons are making this a pain

What is the next historical TW going to be?

>Let people have their day in the sun.
>implying warhammer fans go outside

Nah, I'm set.

Thanks for the offer though.

>What is the next historical TW going to be?

When they'll release Legendary Heroes.

Get some siege time abilities on your agents and general and wait it out?

Warhammer holds the Total War fandom's heart.

>Warhammer doesnt have enough content to be discussed but gets discussed nonetheless
>Shogun 2 has enough content to be discussed but gets shut down

What did they mean by this

Total War: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Golden Age /twg/ was nothing but high quality meme spamming.

If you want discussion go to TWC.


Who gives a shit.
Now, on to the real questions.


You can tell Warhammer has no content when everyone starts trying to defend the shitty game and responding to the shitposter but not actually posting any Warhammer content, thus proving him wrong.

If Trump wins: We get Bretonnia
If Hillary wins: We get Welves

Nothing's better than Pike&Shot? except for Empire 2 perhaps


Either that or a new Napoleon.

Or a new Empire.

>tfw you wont play the Battle of Rourke's Drift in glorious current gen graphics and UI

What's that you say? You want more Warhammer discussion?

Chaos Dawi Time!

Total War: Cow Cow

gemx and reshade


>Put my melee in a line in front
>My ranged in lines in the back
i do gud tactics

Reminder that the algi are no better than low down grobi, weaving their cloaks from the shorn beards of proud dawi

When is Igdood going to come back and rid us of the fantasy shitters

right now

Legendary Lord Candidates:

Drazhoath the Ashen (most likely)
Astragoth Ironhand (most likely)
Ghorth the Cruel (less likely)
Zhatan the Black (less likely)
Bazherak the Cruel (less likely)



Great Taurus mounts for Sorcerer-Prophet Lords

NTW had better music, cinematic and looks

Only downside was the reduced scale

Karak Azul what the fuck are you doing.

Astragoth would be unmounted due to his particular handicaps but ideally his strength in magic would make up for it.

Turns out that taking manual control of hellcannons is pretty good

Now that we have fantasy total war, sci-fi total war when?

Wizards have to be mobile in this game to be effective, and Astragoth is slower than even a regular dwarf.

Along with Chaos Dwarf Warlords, Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer-Prophets would be possible Generic Lord choices for the Chaos Dwarf armies.

Obviously Sorcerer-Prophets would have access to the Lore of Hashut.

Reminder that having a fantasy total war is the equivalent of having a first black president.

Overseers and Daemonsmiths would be possible Hero choices for the Chaos Dwarfs with Overseers specializing in assassinations/attacking enemy armies.

So business as usual, but people are still riled up about what is basically a non-issue.

Daemonsmiths would specialize in bolstering friendly territories or destabilizing enemy territories/settlements.

Infernal Guard would serve as the shocktroopers of the Chaos Dwarf army, they would likely have a price range similar to that of Chaos Chosen and be similarly powerful.

i couldn't give less of a fuck
get out

So... 40k?

cd's are based, you get out

K'daai Destroyers would serve as high price monster units that could cause terror and had a similar charge impact as Beastmen Minotaurs/Gorebulls.

I've contemplated some form of inflicted fire debuff as well akin to a "poison" effect.

Wouldn't their heavy guns make them much better than Chosen?

doesnt excuse this obnoxious faggot

What is he trying to say?

K'daai Fireborn would be extremely powerful monstrous infantry units that had smaller squad sizes similar to Aspiring Champions. Their attacks would cause AoE or Cleave damage ideally.

Sorry for the lack of image on this one, the file I had was corrupted. They are similar in appearance to Fire Djinns.


no beastmemes please I don't have them