perfection edition
>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and Assassin's stuff
old one
perfection edition
>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and Assassin's stuff
old one
Other urls found in this thread:
how did I do?
>plays support
>barely gold 5 after 600 games
If I were you I'd literally kill myself.
I mean congrats haha :)
>negative winloss
>gold 5
sup bbygirl wanna duo sometime next season?
xth for we made it bois
thanks to anyone here who caught my silver bets posts
>9 hours left
>G1, 35LP
Will I make it?
There we go, can't you wait 10-20 fucking post to post your autistic waifu you dumfuck?
Is Ardent censer busted? Seems like it's a mandatory buy on any support that can use it much like Rylai's is a mandatory buy on Morde and Rumble.
600 fucking games to get to gold5. Holy fuck.
>not wanting to offer yourself to your team and specifically to your ad carry
Lets have a sit-down lolg. How did your season go?
What could you have done better, and what do you
hope you can accomplish in season 7?
image limit was hit calm
> 15 posts left
> Anyways let's make a thread :^) I can't let other people steal my waifu place in the catalog.
>it's a bot lane feeds episode
>i'm the one in the bot lane
pls no bully
>tfw just did a search for "leg lock" on sadpanda
Hit Plat, which was my initial goal for the season coming from Silver.
Overwatch and other games made me stop caring about League for a long time in the middle of the season and I decayed out.
Didn't manage to get back in before the season ended thanks to my skill decaying along with my rank.
Gonna grind it out in season 7, my goal is high Diamond at the minimum.
I've got one whole year to improve my skills and get there, I have absolute faith in my ability to do so.
I would quit if it took that many games to get to GV
> It's a bot feeding episode
> I'm the top
> Lul noob top why didnt you tp >:^( open mid
okk sir im sorry
what are some champions that 100 to 0 other champions if they blow all their cooldowns
Which champ has the best dance?
Which league girls give the best FOOTJOBS
most of mages
I got on a crazy win streak and managed to skip a division and hit Gold 3. I probably could of kept climbing but the win streak made me anxious towards the end so I stopped.
I probably should of kept at it and tried for Plat but oh well. Next season.
>My support doesn't know what the fuck they're doing and feed 6 kills in lane even when I try saving them with heal
>Even if I get fed through my own means top feeds, mid feeds, jg feeds
This has happened 3 games in a row. I want off this wild ride.
>someone asks for a champ to not be banned
>just ban it anyways, wasn't even planning to ban Janna
>laugh like an autistic maniac
I don't even know why I did it
i do it all the time
it's especially funny when both mid and supp want to play lux and then you ban her
wow. this general is fucking terrible
>not fuzzy cuffs
I do that occasionally. Mostly because faggots go I'M GOING TO PICK ZED XDDD and then feed 10 kills before 15 minutes to something like Vel'koz who then proceeds to shit on ever other lane. Said faggots usually dodge so I don't even care.
Most mainstream generals are. But this one is special.
Why is TF holding a bow?
My first season, started playing around May. Finished my placements in silver 2 after going 6-4. Ended up silver 1 after playing a grand total of 34 ranked games. Didn't try too hard either, premades made games too annoying regardless of where they were, and Lmaokai didn't give me any incentive to force push either.
My biggest disappointment was not managing to get a good cs ratio on ADCs and ending up having to play support and mages instead of what I actually wanted. I'm looking forward to the sandbox mode to practice farming more, and now that we'll have a solo queue maybe games will be more enjoyable. Just wish it was a true solo queue instead of a duo/solo BS, but beggars can't be choosers I guess.
pet me for luck :3
I'm Started playing like 2 weeks ago (after abou ta year away from the game) when I noticed the season was ending. Would've gone farther but near the end my series I got some questionable ass games and decided to just stop since I'm getting the skin anyway.
I'm shit at this game, but I'mma probably play earlier and see if I can make high gold.
Assuming you're correct, I don't understand the problem with an entertainer making a silly voice for entertainment.
because someone out there hates you immensely all of us even
Looks like GP to me.
>combat knife
literally who
> Sleepy
> Don't want to go to sleep to not wake up tomorrow
What do I do
lego de legendas
>combat knife
Omega Squad Teemo?
ill pet you with my dick
do you guy ever feel like you want to switch from these games?
Im starting to think maybe I should just spend all the time I play league into fighting games
where I don't have to deal with teams of randoms
this shit always happens on my client with draven as well
whats his fucking deal?
I shouldn't even play around this time
League of Draven
It's end of season. This shit is happening at all times of the day in literally all game modes.
barely played ranked
wasn't in the mood. And got gud with a lot of champs that I almost never played
I guess I'll just climb to gold and stop playing ranked again on next season. Normals is more fun tbqh
Hey lolg I heard I was getting some cool changes next week, like a blink! I can't wait to be good again, it's been so long since riot buffed me
>didn't hit gold
>haven't even had enough wins since badges were introduced to get a badge, solo or otherwise
how do you guys handle more than a few ranked games per week? the stress, raging 12 year olds looking to get in a dick swinging contest, idiot plays, troll picks...
>damage nerf on every ability
>shitty blink
Close the window and go to sleep user.
0/5 in 10 minutes just kill me already
Played on and off for most of the season. Primarily Normals. Finished mid gold since season 3 but I was too late in the game this season to get myself up there. Currently in Silver 2 limbo wondering why marksmen are so oblivious.
How do you build crit lucian?
Geez user, you're really perceptive ain't ya?
xth for all three lanes dying at the sub 3:00 mark individually to their laners in each game tonight
Played over 250 games with waifu akali this season, and now she gutted by riot.
Buy essence reaver
quick post league knockoff merch
>being toxic
Knife goes with the claw. It's Rango.
>playing support teemo
>my own team mates ban teemo because "OMG NOOB NO TEEMO"
>ban their pick as well
I don't get how people post their logs of being bitchy and think they will find sympathy.
Man I'd chat restrict you too for being a whiny bitch
>exhaust still hasnt been nerfed
seriously what the fuck happened? I took a ten day break and now I can't even go positive
Is Nasus actually good after buffs? His winrate spiked but is he good enough to hang with other tops now?
>hover champ you want banned
>ban champion one of your teammates are hovering
>they ban the champ you hovered
>Get 2 bans
>t. Mad Assassinbaby
>tfw you'll never suck down zigg's pop rocks
They just googled image and got the first result
tfw been losing the last week, high of gold 1 57lp high of 69% winrate on janna
That's all Jungle
>mfw some kid links us his facecam-less, mic-less, inaudible sound 0-viewer plat-elo twitch stream in chat and asks us what we think
i'd watch a tristana dragon trainer movie
>locks riven
now what
Anyone notice some fuckery going on with their League? Like 'cutting buttons off your coats' tier shit. I found that various bindings I had were unbound, but not to their default, just to nothing. The language filter turned itself back on. My mouse speed was lowered in game, my all chat was turned off, and various other slightly annoying bullshit.
I mean no one has access to my account that I know of and if someone actually got my password I don't see them just slightly fucking with the settings and leaving it be.
Post hot yordle slizzards
There's a notification that accounts are bugging out and resetting back to default settings.
There was a notice about that on the client
>ywn creampie a yordle
slow general tonight
How did you manage to avoid dying even once?
>plat 3
>everyone else gold 3 or lower
matchmaking is a fucking joke i swear
I want to own a private yordlw breeding farm
Uncensored pic where?
Faggot riven player flames his team all game in all chat
>Report him and get punishment notice before my next q pops
Who is the smartest champion in the lore?