Going into community college soon. What are the mistakes you made and/or things I should steer away from.
Going into community college soon. What are the mistakes you made and/or things I should steer away from
>things I should steer away from.
going to a community college.
You've already made a good choice by going to community college instead of university.
This. It saves a ton of money going to CC for 2 years then Uni for 2 years, instead of all 4 at Uni. The networking and internships don't begin until the last 2 years anyways.
CC looks bad on a resume
Mistakes I made
Taking hard and challenging classes - no one gives a fuck, don't fuck up your GPA
Taking a "break for a year"
Overworking myself- if you live with your parents just work 2-3 days a week. Don't burn yourself out
No it doesn't. Nobody gives a fuck about your education on a resume. It's about experience and relationships. Faggots think their degree and GPA matters and have no internships or related experience then wonder why they're stuck at Starbucks.
Did nobody teach you the point of Uni? Or are you not from America? Because that doesn't mean shit here. I mean I went to CC and then to UVA and I work for Halliburton making $72K first year out of graduation. Not once did they mention my Uni experience about CC or field of study besides what organizations I was in.
Everything looks bad on a resume.
Surprisingly this. You'll constantly hear opinions on what to keep on and off your resume. At the end of the day it's who you know, not what's on the paper.
Face herpes
Biggest regret
They always flair up before interviews
Even if a professor looks clean don't trust him, especially dirty cc nigger profs
About half of the students there are not serious students. 75% of them drop out before completing their degree. Don't be part of the 75%.
Don't get into drugs. Not because drugs make you a loser, but losers are into drugs and getting into drugs leads you to associating with losers, and the people you associate with rub off on you.
You can still get into an Ivy League through the back door.
College should come before a part time job.
Getting blackout drunk every friday and saturday is not worth it.
Good professors are worth having Friday classes/bad schedule.
The people you meet will be more important than your GPA.
Community college is a cake walk. Commit to it and youll be able to finish within a year and a half, maybe less.
>No it doesn't. Nobody gives a fuck about your education on a resume.
positions at competitive employers do.
Have fun staying a poorfag
>he thinks someone can get an engineering job without a degree
Maybe you can get some faggy business job without a degree
ignore this retarded faggot
As a recent cc graduate I'll give you the best advice I can
If you hate them, attempt to switch advisors. They will be the most important person in setting up your schedule for the next 2+ years
They're price gouging faggots, literally never buy unless you're required for some dumb reason or it's cheap anyway (like $20)
The worst part about cc is making friends because everyone has a different plan. Try to find people in your major. This isn't required but it makes the whole thing more enjoyable
Prepare to hate just as many professors as you like. My school was about 50/50 for good and shit teachers, your experience will vary
If you're still in the bullshit undecided phase, you shouldn't be in college.
I took all my gen eds in the first year and I regretted doing it. Most of my major specific classes sucked balls and I actually enjoyed my gen eds more. This is up to you but I suggest only taking 1 per semester. Again this something you need to talk to a MAJOR SPECIFIC advisor for. The regular advisors are literally more retarded than a simple Google search
I got lucky and got into a new university partnership that just started with my school after I graduated. If you're only going for your AS that's fine if you're fine making less in almost every field than computer science. I'm not saying a BA is required but it's almost always the better choice
If there's any shitty classes you don't care about that you can take online over summer or winter, do it. I still regret not taking some classes over the summer. They're shorter, it's literally less work, and it doesn't drain you down over the course of 3 months like normal shit.
There's probably more but that's it from me. Gl, op
this is all true. smart fgt.
especially the summer classes part.
Thanks I'll befriend my advisor and think about taking shitty classes over the summer.
ignore this poorfag
Thank you to everybody else who contributed. I want to become and architect but wanna take some business related classes. What are some combos that will benefit me.
>summer classes
Isn't it smarter to try getting an internship over the summer? I feel that some experience would look really solid on a resume.
Try to transfer to a large state school afterward. The sheer number of people there will give you a great chance to make several meaningful connections. The financial aid is shit, though, so only go if you have the cash.
I went to a small private college. Education was great but the career connections office sucked for my field (cs). Out of the very few individuals working in the industry, only 1-2 got back to me and only the second one actually answered my questions (they were in my exact position when they graduated).
No connections = no job
>Don't be part of the 75%.
This. Even if it means you have to compromise, don't drop out.
I had to switch from a BS to a BA in CS literally one term before graduation and almost dropped out because I felt like I failed before I realized I could still salvage something out of it.
>You can still get into an Ivy League through the back door.
What is this sorcery you speak of?
>Isn't it smarter to try getting an internship over the summer?
A lot of internships anymore are requiring "previous experience".
I agree with all but the advisor part.
Their job is to get people enrolled in classes and make the college money. They don't care about you. If you say you're interested in pottery, they'll show you pottery classes and how good it is. They can care less about your actual future. Advisors are like car sales people. If you want actual people to help you with the best courses to take and scheduling, speak to older students or professors. My first semester was completely fucked because of my advisor just wanted as much tuition money as she can get out of people. That's their only goal. My English professor from my very first semester kept in touch with me over my 2 years and even into Uni. He was more honest and blunt than any advisor ever will be. They are just there to fill classrooms.
You can literally just sneak in there through the back door. Or take a janitorial position and enter through the front door.
So many choices.