I want to be a successful entrepreneur. It's not about the money, even though I wish to make many millions. I just really feel that being an entrepreneur will bring me peace and happiness. I also want to do it for the freedom. That's the thing I value the most. I dream about owning stores, seeing happy customers coming and going and making a real difference. That's what I want.
Any help Veeky Forumsbros? I am looking for low starting capital bizness ideas (inb4 kneepads)
Low Starting Capital Ideas
another bump
You could try mowing lawns in your town or investigate your town and try to look for problems you could fix in your city.
>inb4 he starts shooting thugs
The thing is, there are no lawns to cut here, in this city. Also, I've thought about teaching english since I'm good at it, and live in a non english speaking country. But that's not much of a business. Also, the thought of having to handle kids is awful, that's why I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for cash strapped people.
If you are really good at english, learn to write copy.
Can easily make $20-$50 per assignment. Just go to one of those freelance websites and there are tons of work available.
That sounds good, I'm bilingual, so that would be good for me.
Thing is, I was looking more into owning a business rather then just providing a service. I have 500€ saved up which I can spend to create a small company. I really like the reselling business model of buying in bulk and selling for a piece for a profit. What do you think?
If you have a place to store it, fine. Look into pricing models though because shit's about to get ridiculous. You pay shipping, taxes, storage, advertising, plus you need to pay your entire cost of living, all off the difference between what you bought the product for and what you sold it for, which still has to be below the cost at the store or they'd go to the store.
Starting as a merchant post-Internet is easier, succeeding as a merchant post-Internet is harder.
I'm thinking about something like this. I did freelancing jobs in the past like that but having my own business is my real goal, just like OP. I worked with affilite marketing so I know how to make a brand, my next step is to make a business where I sell my own services.
>You pay shipping, taxes, storage, advertising, plus you need to pay your entire cost of living, all off the difference between what you bought the product for and what you sold it for, which still has to be below the cost at the store or they'd go to the store.
Yeah, you're right. Too many taxes and worries. How are you supposed to be a business owner when you start small?
>having my own business is my real goal, just like OP. I worked with affilite marketing so I know how to make a brand, my next step is to make a business where I sell my own services.
Exactily. We're on the same boat. I want to manage my own shit, own my shit, and do things my way, and sell my own services.
No low cap ideas here?
Buy a scooter. Deliver booze when shops are closed at night. When you have big enough client base, hire someone to deliver and only take calls.
I have tons of these ideas, but you have to accumulate a few of these businesses to pay the rent.
Protip from someone who owned businesses: doing it for the sake of it won't bring you far, however doing something you love will give to your business what will make profitable.
Also consider the risks and all the taxes, sometimes being an employee or a freelancer first is much much better, then do your researches and make a restaurant or something average sized to live off it once you leave your job. 5 years later start another one.
That's a really good idea, actually I just remembered that I saw 2-3 new businesses doing this in my city in the last 6 months. (Smaller European country with a lot of alcoholic and drunken tourists.)
More ideas like that?
Wouldnt you need a license or some kind of legal shit to do this?
Yeah he would. That's illegal as fuck. At least here in the states.
They'd ass fuck you so hard if they caught you.
I think the more problematic part there is checking the legal age of our customers. They could close our business here if one underage guy buy something from you even if you have permission to sell alcohol.
Now that I'm thinking about it's pretty expensive to get those permissions here.. so that might not be a low starting capital idea.
Ideas! MOAR!
Start with dropship, you are welcome.
>buy cheap weed
>grind it
>soak it in extracted DXM or some other cheap freebase
>pack it into dense blocks and allow to dry
>sell it as robohash
what is robohash?
Buy a small scooter that can be folded and fit in a trunk. Drive to parties/clubs and charge people to drive them in their car home, put your scooter in the trunk and once you get to their place you'll have a ride home. Beats having to call a cab to get home and another in the morning to pick up your car.
Are you in a third world country? You could make a ratchet version of any service in developed country.
>thinking dxm is a freebase
>thinking dxm isn't destroyed when smoked
>thinking dxm is active when vaped
>thinking the strongest effects of dxm aren't primarily from metablism to dxo
>I think the more problematic part there is checking the legal age of our customers.
No the real problem is the licensing. It costs thousands per year to sell alcohol AND it's not guaranteed. At all. The city council/board of selectmen need to approve of your business having an alcohol license and you need to present your case at a town meeting, explaining why you'd like to sell alcohol during the hours that it's normally illegal to sell alcohol (there's a reason those stores close by midnight: the law)
OP this is how you bait for info
He's right, dextromethorphan can't be smoked or vaped, but my earlier post is a great example of how to get the skinny on a subject from some user. Simply asking for the info won't get you anywhere, but there will always be someone happy to correct you.
If you're gunna lace weed, don't actually do it with freebase. If you're gunna flip reggie, don't. The only chump change capital way of flipping bud for profit is buying mids in bulk in some town where weed isn't the drug of choice and undercutting the going rate back home g for g, re-up, put back 10% for a rainy day, and consider the rest as profit.
As for isolating DXM, you're gunna need citric acid and ammonia, but trust me, there's no way to profit from an 8th grader's analogue for K or cactus.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>low starting capital bizness ideas
I started working in the computer business in the early 1990s. The capital requirements have collapsed if you know how to program. You can also make a lot of money.
It will take many years of a lot of study before you start making money. So that is a big time sink. It is not expensive though.
I've tried Googling but found nothing. where can I find the Archive threads with that fox bro that gave all the selling advice? Can someone please help me with a link ?