/vag/ - Vanilla General

Around Rogues Never Relax Edition

This is the vanilla wow containment server general.

>What's the plan?

Literally everyone is leaving for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie (check nostalbegins twitter). Nihilum is dead.

>what faction are we rolling?

We've decided on horde.

Current Veeky Forums personafags blacklist (try to cuck them by not allowing them in guilds or take their names when server launches):


tags: nosg krog wpsg elyg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:



Will be rolling an Undead warrior. Looking forward to memeing with you all.


what the fuck is this OP? can we not have a retarded shill make the topics

Mornin' lads

Tirisfal is the best starting zone. Prove me wrong because you can't

>head dev of crestfall has a wife
disgusting normalfags, I'm tired of this meme

Will Mere lead us to WoTLK once again? pls.

Pretty sure all the crestfall devs are married