>need an internship to get a job
>need experience to get an internship now
Need an internship to get a job
I got an internship from a VC backed startup because the CTO was impressed in the story of how my overwatch hentai site was shut down by blizzard for DMCA.
Kek, he was probably a hentai fan himself. How is that startup doing now? Are they progressing or just sat in no mans land?
If an internship doesn't pay, it has to be educational in nature according to (iirc federal) law. If it requires experience then it's breaking the law.
They are doing pretty good, they are past the development stage and focusing on scalability. Currently working with Exxon, State Farm, multiple universities and some startups including Magic Leap.
Recently they tried to approach Goldman Sachs but had a disagreement because Goldman did not care for their "Mission statement", did not end up getting that one.
>couldn't get internship during school because no experience
>graduate, no job, because no experience
>told to take any job I can to gain xp
>get whatever experience I can
>get turned down because that experience isn't relevant
Well fuck you, too.
Thank god nothing I want in life requires too much money.
>then it's breaking the law.
Protip: no one enforces that law. Unpaid internships non-educational as well are now standard. Technically illegal but there's too much bribery and collusion for them to crack down on white collar slavery.
Fucking this. How the fuck am I supposed to get work in my industry if no be will.
>apply to 3-4 different internships during school
>get none of them
>every single job interview, "you have very little experience"
Fuck you too.
Lie on resume. That's what I did.
pretty sure normies have the Club of the successful and connected, and from inception you and I weren't in the Big Club. Gotta have a rich daddy to get in. ;) Just another way this gay, shitty world fucks us over.
Only way to win the game is not to play.
Lie or starve
Easy choice nigs
If youre in IT, personal projects on github can pass for experience
i heard you can get experience on r9k, you should go there
I am currently looking for interns. What country you're at ?
What educational background? Availability?
Also, how many languages do you speak?
Not OP, but on the off chance you're looking for a Market Researcher/Analyst/Investor Relations person who speaks three languages fluently (Spanish, English and German) and are willing to sponsor a visa in a first world country, I'd gladly work for you.
See this thread for my CV:
"Experience" is a meme. Just apply and be confident fag. I've gotten jobs I wasn't even near qualified for by doing that
This mentality is horseshit.
Print a good cv, dress up well and walk into places. In a week or two you will have a paying job suited to your intelligence level even if you have the worst social skills. 100%.
Jobs are not scarce, jobs and money are everywhere. Quit being scared of rejection, quit being stupid and quit being a whiny little victim.
Unfortunately not looking into this area, sorry.
I tend to agree with the other poster regarding your CV, talking about yourself at the third person is weird.
Also I am in Europe and unfortunately if you need a visa it is going to be very difficult unless you're with an university. We just run into some problems with that recently.
Thanks for pointing out the third person thing. It sorta slipped through from earlier versions. In either case yeah, visas are an absolute nightmare. Quite frustrating that I have European ancestry from three countries but due to how the laws are structured, I'm pretty much shit out of luck...
Worst case scenario, join the national guard for 2~3 years and most companies will jump at the chance to hire you with military experience.
Or go into a real branch and be even more desirable at the risk of actual combat and shit
Did they not check with who you said you interned with?
I remember one interview where they said my experience was "a little thin." I had only run (and rewritten) an entire bureau's application stack for 7 years. Yet this pump and dump hack shop thought it was "a little thin."
Worst social skills? You just described sociopathy, which is arguably the absence of anything BUT "social skills."
My parents told me to just call and walk in an ask for interviews. How i got my second job as a teller at 18
link the job description faggot otherwise you're just derailing the thread
>confidence is sociopathy
Are you autistic?
Great story, Grandpa.
There is a trend on the internet of calling everything sociopathic and it's basically click-bait. Don't be so naive.
Having the confidence and drive to do this is very impressive to employers and demonstrates you have qualities they will be looking for such as initiative taking and actually being motivated to look for a job.
Same. I'm 23. I was an unemployed neet a year ago, now i have a well paying job in finance with very promising future prospects.
I have no degree, i took a shitty call centre job a year ago and realised success is basically a numbers game + confidence. I will work my way up as far and as quickly as i can and i won't wait for permission.
You're a fucking loser. I had connections. My professors recommended me for hard work.
This isn't 1945. Every single job is "apply online". I even went to a career where it was the same deal "apply online" so that the HR drones who don't even know what I took decide if I should get an interview. That is assuming I even get past the tracking system. Fuck
Shit, fapping to overwatch hentai is on my backlog, and blizzard is already taking it down? For fuck sake, it isn't even eating into their revenue because their business is not in porn. On the contrary this will promote OW more. (potential buyer here being put off by blizz's antics)
You never once mentioned applied skills. Just dress nice and walk into places. And that not doing so makes you a whiny little victim because you can't possibly imagine a situation different from your own that might prevent somebody from buying a slick suit and talking their way into a job.
The last thing many employers want is somebody confident with initiative. The confident employee isn't going to take bullshit "direction" and won't just accept how things run under the dummy above him. That scares the fuck out of management that's grown complacent with mediocrity.
>dress up well and walk into places
>"Sorry, you need to fill out an online application"
can HR be automated already?
Then we have bullshit like the prick the other day on here saying how whiny graduates are and we should be indoctrinated to be slaves right away after high school.
He has a point with the latter though