League of legends general /lolg/

best skin
old>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and Assassin's stuff

Ranked Countdown Timer

>The ranked season has ended. Ranked queues have been disabled and will be re-enabled in patch 6.22 for preseason 2017.

Wtf is this? Since when has ranked ever gone down at the end of a season?

Since ranked is gone, how do you kill time now?

i honestly don't know what the fuck to do. 1 whole day with ranekd down is just incomprehensible for me i might be having a slight breakdown rn

/lolg/, recommend me a jungler to try out in normals. I normally play Poppy. I own these champs, I'm somewhat new to the game.

Shitpost as usual

Will trump win?

>Gold 5
>Bronze MMR in normals
>Get shitshows like these

Nunu is easy and a great meme. Warwick is also easy and a good meme.

>people think they can 1v1 nunu
>stand in his ult full duration
>mfw they try and run

Best girl.
Best legs.
Best wife.

What elo are you at that people don't know to either instantly CC nunu or dash out?

>ward my jungle
>stupid nunu nigger invades
>dies first blood because I tell my team to come collect a free kill if he shows his stupid fucking face at my red
>buy switness boots
>his iceball garbage does nothing anymore
>can walk out of his ult
>in teamfights he just a HP bar that gets cucked as I kill his backline and all he can do is auto attack like a minion

eat shit

Gold 5. I've had multiple games where I'll be counter jungling super hard so the enemy jungler tries to come 1v1 in my jungle and gets their shit rekt. also when I run into a team fight and ult people are so focused on stunning me out of my ult that they get shit on by my team.

>Yes, everyone focus the unkillable nunu

didn't ban zed, squishy lux vs insta kill assassin. it was less of a shit show, and more of a bad pick/ban phase.

I just got invited to the new client alpha.

A bit late though. At least it gives something to do.

I want to ______ peanut

Late game the zed ulted me as janna and my team just jumped him. I asked him if his ult was worth wasting on the support and he told me to fuck off. Was pretty funny

>first 4 games of the day
When will Riot fix matchmaking? Or do they don't care about it being bad below Diamond rank?

I que solo by the way and this is Blind Pick.

>Teach friends to react to counterjungling
>Suddenly have easiest games ever
Who would have thought?

Your normal MMR is different from ranked. I'm gold 5 playing with bronze 5/unranked in normals. It's been a fucking blast

Pet Shop Valor
Fiora Silver Chariot
Ekko Mandom (True mans world)
Brand Magicians Red
Kennen Red Hot Chili Pepper

They said invitations weren't being sent out anymore like a week ago.

idk i just logged in and it said i had it and ive been playing for a few days

am I supposed to be using the alpha client or do I use old client and wait for beta client?

I wouldn't care if I play with 4x Bronze 5 teammates if ENEMY TEAM WOULD HAVE SIMILAR FUCKING SITUATION.

So what other waifushit do we need to get out of the way while the waifufags are asleep?
I love Lissandra AMA
I want to hold hands with jinx
I want to go swimming in lulu
>don't you mean with?
I want shyvana to sit on my face
xth for Katarina the best girl (hey morgana!)
xth for cute boys doing cute boys doing cute boys doing cute boys
I want to rape riven

What am I missing?

>What am I missing?
Certainly not autism.

I cannot believe I was fucking stupid through most of last season
>Drop the retarded idea of looking at championgg
>Stop buying blue smite (except for certain cases)
>Suddenly win so much in last few weeks that I don't remember last time I lost and don't even care because I'm getting +25/-15 every game

You're mean! I'm telling mom!

Were you blown away when I closed the gap

with a new era



how to assist other lanes as toplaner when they're feeding?
i feel like there's not much i can do without giving the other toplaner a ridiculous xp advantage + tower dmg matters so much

Lamb has the BEST ass on League.

I love it whenever I watch qt stream and he shits all over doubleshit.

Why not look at championgg?

This trashcan is going full MaCaulay Culkin levels of irrelevant when Riot decides not to subsidize his shittiness.

>ask bot lane to drop ward in deep bush and let enemy push towards them
>ask jungler to come top side and shove your lane
>tp bot get double kill
>jungler covers top while you recall and come back to lane
This is a perfect scenario, but chances are if bot lane is feeding they won't understand what deep ward and not push means.

Also if you end up getting first tower blood bot and possibly dragon afterwards it's worth to trade it for enemy top laner free farm.

>nost is back


Is Leona shaved?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Listening to jazz
>Playing some low stress B5

Yes, but only because we will literally never get adult annie.

good morning
have a great day friends!!


Young Annie has a p nice ass too tho, nawmsayin?

Is this a hot meme reference to pre-vu annie's cast animations or are you literally a pedo


If gender and race are a socaial construct why not age?

Bruh, she ain't even real tho lmao.

tru (??), still think adult annie would've been apex attractiveness and i dont think he was serious anyway

literally what

I already beat you to it sucker

Does anyone know when the assassin update comes out? Like the date?

this next patch, tomorrow

kk thanks homeboy.

Don't you mean with?

Do you feel in charge?


Somehow I feel like they're going to give us a cooldown week. If not, rev your bans and prepare to dodge every game Talon and khazix are picked.

Don't take that tone with me boy.

old enough to pee old enough for me

arent the servers supposed to be down now? the notification says they go down at 3 PST but it's almost a whole hour since then now

Just got out of bed...how long is ranked disabled? Thinking about going to sleep again.

x-yth for Breeding female Yordles.

on the 9th according to surrender@20

by training on the pbe

did you turn your clock back for dst

Hey user:

1. What was your goal rank this season?
2. Did you make it there?
3. Who will you be maining next season?
4. How would you rate your ranked experience out of 10?
5. Do you have low or high expectations for next season?

No ;_;
I'll play the son of the father who is the king if he's good, otherwise I'll dick ride the #1 winrate champion as long as it's not a ranged piece of cancer
0/10 for season 6 for obvious reasons, everybody knows it has been one massive charade
The only expectations I have is to have a Solo / Duo Queue and a MMR reset

>What was your goal rank this season?
None, since I only started a few weeks ago
>Did you make it there?
>Who will you be maining next season?
Aurelion Sol
>Do you have low or high expectations for next season?
low. Because I can't ADC anymore

>find a new main
>It cant be worse then this season

>fit and manly
not at all

Probably Yorick, but I always have two or three other mains
I'm not feeling in any way towards this seasons ranked, it was a 6/10 at most
I always have high expectations then I always disappoint myself, but I honestly think this season is going to be great.

>Nah, Platinum V. Still OK on my book.
>I just hope the jungle isn't completely fucked over because even if I dont play that role so much, some people will take their time to adapt so many matches with people doing shit they're not supposed to.

no because I went back to wow out of pure boredom
idk I'll play assorted AD carries
0/10 awful balance dynamic queue is a mistake ranked is never enjoyable due to the player base
if solo is truly coming back then yes if not I'll just cheat my promos playing with gold shitters like everybody else and play 1 game a month in dia

I'm ashamed of myself because I only thought about getting gold on my smurf on the last week of the season. I just wanted Maokai for free but I wasn't fast enough, ended Silver 4.

My main is Plat 3, and I've been Plat since season 4. Maybe I'll get to Diamond this season if I actually invest some time into ranked.

top 20% percentile
yes, 18% in gold 3
Jhin Mid. same as S6
5/10 dynamic queue was a fuckin joke

Gold because it was my first season
Aye captain I did
Azir and Asol, Vi and Kha if I jungle

Probably a 7, I didn't play too much desu
Depends on how the season changes work out I suppose, not that I know much about the game anyways

0: nice trips
1: unranked
2: yup!
3: balanced monkey of lulu liquification, true damage bug of permanent bush stealth.
4: notbronzeorsilver/10
5: the change to the jungle camps will mix up who can jungle and who can't. I feel a lot of people could only jungle because of the smite buffs. now that those are gone a lot of lower-sustain champs could be axed and maybe we'll see higher sustains like xin, bug, udyr, reworkedwick, etc.

Dunno yet
6. Silver is hell
Dunno, need to see the preseason changes first

nice game lol babs. being beaten by a TCG where you don't even Trade Cards.


Should I move back to NA server? Currently on OCE server and queue times are really long

>1. What was your goal rank this season?
Didn't even expect I would even log in after s4 ended so I just played 10 ranked games immediately
>3. Who will you be maining next season?
>4. How would you rate your ranked experience out of 10?
Went 2-8 in placements along with 2 unintentional dodges at the start and got Gold II then never played again because I didn't think much about it
>5. Do you have low or high expectations for next season?
Looks shit desu senpai

Is the assassin stuff already up?

I don't care who you are or where you are, but I'll find you and I'll bend you over your desk and the proceed to insert my throbbing cock inside your boipucci making you squirm and squeal like the little fuckboi you are, and as you moan more and more I'll get harder and harder until I decide to finish you off and fill you up with my hot semen leaving you twitching like the little slut you are.
tl:dr gtfo

This was great to read

but I play hearthstone too

It's a CCG.


is thresh worth the 6300ip?
i don't usually play support


>Azir free rotation
>shitters playing Azir
>even level 5s who don't have the right runes

Would Caitlyn date Viktor?

I like the reworks. All of them. Taric, Yorick, Ryze were great.
>Jhin was pretty cool.
>Login music is awesome for the most part. Yorick and Taric especially
>Mages made a return
>Star Guardian Jinx is better than any of her other skins, including base model.

>Riot was pretty lazy with some things.
>Shen update was this year I think. It was horrible. Worst one from Riot so far.
>The lore rewrites took an especially big hit in the shitter. Especially the Mt. Targon champs which is the worst writing I've seen from Riot and that's saying something.

>introduce different smite buffs that make playing jungle require more than just autoattacking camps till they die
>remove them

for what fucking reason?

>leveling account on eune
>~level 10, a lot of people dont even have smite yet
>guy locks volibear and spams solo top
>nobody jungles
>nigger gets triggered
>2 people went top with him


i think he was seizing after 5 minutes of incoherent rage

What is the reason to remove unique looks from heimer turrets depending on Q rank or removing unique animations from skins after champion gets VU (most recent: pirate ryze)?
Only Riot knows

Is it weird if I want to put elementalist Lux against a wall, lift up her skirt and pound her until my dick breaks ?

>Enemy picks all AD
>My jungler picks Voli
>Poppy is open for me

>Tomorrow Riot officially deletes the last champion I liked

Played for 5 long years, but this semen slurping game isn't for me anymore. Bye lads.

Context. what are they doing?

If you pond her hard enough she might change shape unwittingly. That would be cute.