i have just come into possession of $10,000. how should i invest it? any advice is greatly appreciated.
I have just come into possession of $10,000. how should i invest it? any advice is greatly appreciated
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Just let me have it. I promise that I'll take good care of it.
gucci kneepads
I know what you're thinking op, but bare with me. That bookshelf behind me is in fact how I became so successful in life. I read, op. I read a book a day and feel powerful because of it. You want to know what you should do with that money? Well, have you considered taking my 66 steps to success course? I would be more than willing to talk you through it if you would just supply me with your email address and we can get things started. But keep in mind op, are you still with me?... if there's one thing to take away from your new possession is that knawledge separates a smart business man from a dumb one.
Buy guns (scary guns like AR''s and AK's), matching ammo, plus lots of .22, lube them up and store them.
Buy waves
this, LV chapstick too
I'll tell you what i told another user.
Invest in your knowledge about pennystocks.
No matter what people say. there ARE successful pennystock traders.
your account is perfect to start off with. it gives enough leeway for a little loss while you simultaneously learning/developing your method.
Timothy sykes made his first million from 12k 1999-2001
now, with the pdt rule. Pattern day trader rule, you can not make more than 4 day trades in a 5 day work week.
day trade: buying and selling shares of a company in the same day.
i envy you, i've been self educating but, broke. during my free time i study pennystocking.
if you look into it. you'll realize that it's possible. but ONLY if You study... and it'll take less time than studying for a trade in college. GOOD LUCK
do you already have an emergency fund sitting in the bank for if you lose your job, or have unexpected medical or auto bills?
cash? if you found it on the street hide it and don't declare it on your taxes.
take 10k from your emergency fund and invest THAT in whatever risk you are comfortable with.
Don't tell anyone about the cash.
Worst case scenario if you need your emergency fund, you have the money and nobody will ever know.
Sometimes I like to go in and save the bottom thread from a 404
invest it all in apple, duh
My company, if you invest 10kUSD will give you in 2 years 14.4kUSD, an interest rato of 22%/Yr
tai lopez pls go
Real Estate
this desu. there are hundreds of books. you have to learn how to do it. follow your own rules and stick with the knowledge you pick up from the masters.
Total stock market index fund
put it all on black. nearly 50/50 chance you can double your money!
>5000$ bet on Hillary win
>5000$ short US market
I'd look into REITs, annuities, or other low-risk/moderate reward type of investments. You won't make insane, short-term returns, but 10k is a good start for long-term growth. Open an IRA (whichever type you feel is in your best interest), and reinvest your returns back into it, and add whatever else you can add to it along the way. With the right choices you could easily turn that initial 10k into a very comfortable, early retirement someday. If you happen to figure out a way to get filthy rich off of it before then instead, that's good too, but neither will happen if you just toss it at something risky and hope for the best.
And yes, you could day trade stocks, or make a small fortune in an instant with FOREX, but if you were capable of doing that right now, then you wouldn't be here on goddamn Veeky Forums of all places, asking for investment advice. Greed is an emotion, and when it comes to finances, emotions will fuck you up royally if you aren't careful.
Yea, it would be great to quadruple your money by next week, but in all likelihood you aren't going to do that. That's just fucking the way it is. Be smart, and think rationally instead of emotionally. You'll do better in life that way. Real life ain't the movies where gut feelings and insane/blind risks commonly work out in your favor, and there's no God so you can forget about prayers and miracles too.
thanks for the non meme reply
Bet it all on Trump to win, you will easily triple it.
Mutual funds especially index funds, 12% a year long term.
Dividend stocks like Target, Boeing, or Garmin. You get paid yearly per share and have whatever value the stock has.
Government bonds issued by stable and financially healthy countries. Bonus is if your country goes full Argentina your bonds insure offshore wealth and points on your side in case you need to immigrate.
Network Marketing
If you're asking what to do with that amount of money, you probably don't have much in terms of savings/emergency fund. I like to have 20k or so in my checking account. Never know when you might lose your job/have car issues/etc.
So basically you've just answered this question to tell the OP how much YOU have in comparison to him?
100-1 leveraged short on BTC
Cover @ 585 in Jan 2017
No, I was responding by saying that it's good to have cash on hand. $10k isn't going to turn into your retirement, and personally I would rather feel safe.
OP, if you do invest it, I agree that you should just open up at Vanguard or something and buy some ETF's. If you have income, you might be better off putting it into an IRA/Roth IRA as well.
Alright bois, what do I do with it tomorrow?
Shove it up your ass
A gaming pc and some anime figurines would be a great investment.
This is retarded do not take his advice