Final Fantasy General CCCXXXIV - /ffg/

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>Vayneposter Filter


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1st for I miss legacy posters Terranon and Ultrosposter

What's going on?

Good job, idiot!


5th for Yuffie!

did we ever get the new dissidia character reveal?

Yeah, it's Sephiroth.


How was Sephiroth not in there already?


So let me guess, Gravity doesn't work in Arena?

Focus on Main characters + New main characters. Now they are putting Villains.

We're only getting 2 actions per turn in 3* multiplayer battles. Does that make haste more important than faith for healer decks?

I do agree that it's kinda odd that Garland and Kefka got in before Seph, if we're just talking villains.
Doesn't really matter though, most of the villains are obvious additions to the game anyway.

probably just has capped dmg

Why is it odd?

Sephiroth is obviously more iconic and I'm sure a lot of those nip fans wanted him in more than Garland or Kefka, that's all.

I miss Vayneposter

He's boring to play with in Dissidia.

Are you sure you didn't just change your cards and now don't have 5+ actions per turn instead because the cards you have don't give you that?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

I never said he wasn't, I didn't really like playing him either. Just talking about them as characters and where they stand in the fandom.

This arcade Dissidia plays a lot different than the other ones anyway, even though a lot of the moves that characters get were made to look similar.

So, when related to final fantasy 15 and the clusterfuck of preorder shit...

I want that costume that puts Noctis in a suit (I think it's fundamentally better than his default outfit) but that seems to only come with the physical Deluxe Edition. That same Digital Deluxe Edition doesn't have the Season Pass.

So in the end, Do I have to buy the 89.99 dollar DE to get the suit then buy the Season Pass separately for more money? Can I get the premium edition that comes with the season pass then just buy the suit costume for a couple bucks on the playstation store?

>We're only getting 2 actions per turn in 3* multiplayer battles.

The breakers who reserve their actions are going to make me want to put a bullet on my brain.

Was thinking about it just the other day. After getting the 60 awakening trophy it's usefulness dropped by a lot.

Once you get things like Dragon Killer and Camouflage from the Lightning and Luneth of FP units the mechanic becomes pretty much useless.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor waxes his legs..

The 3* mp bosses don't even start circulating until November 10th.

Vayne Solidor can go fuck himself

XVI announcement soon, boys and girls!

I love when you retards think you know exactly what's happening because you play on jp and half the shit doesn't actually happen or qualify

Either SE or EDGE dun goofed.

no you don't

Is Alma's TMR worth grinding for?

yes I do

Please do not make baseless conjectures about the True Hero.

That's both physically impossible and too lewd a statement to make about the True Hero. Do not make lewd statements regarding the True Hero.

There is already the VII remake.




this brave frontier banner looks like shit

three base 4* and a 5*? top fucking kek I haven't even pulled refia.

It's a TMR, there likely won't be a better robe unless it comes from a later unit's TMR.
That said, the Magi Robe is more than good enough if you have it, so there isn't much benefit for a small upgrade.

>XVI announcement soon
First mobage mainline FF.

Marie's TMR is better but she's a base 5*.

Don't you fucking even dare.

But we already have Brave Exvius, the only good final fantasy game released in the last 18 years

And now we see who takes the bait.

This is still a shit compariaon lad.
Almost (You)-worthy.

Brave Exvius is terrible. If anything, that would be mobius.

>arena released in 2 days
>BF crossover banner
>BF crossover event

I dunno which I'm more excited for. Don't really give a shit about Tilith, but I'm excited to see if there's a limit on those MAG+15%'s...

my favorite mobage is better than yours


Mobius is terrible. If anything, that would be Record Keeper.

Record Keeper is trash. JMV is the superior FF mobage

Record Keeper is dying so it is irrelevant.

>Defeat Omega weapon on turn 4

So.. this is the power of the OSB... woah.

>JMV is the superior FF mobage

You're dying.

Mobius is king of the FF mobage right now and Opera Omnia will be queen. Mark my words Exvicucks and Recuck Keepers.

It actually is fun to play and not a goddamn chore.

>get man-eater +
>that damage boost

Login bonuses are random right? Need that gold unlocker

you will get it sooner or later

It's not worth it for the sole reason that you won't roll Majin Fina or Trance Terra.

Kefka isn't worth it, so you're just left with Exdeath, who can't use it.

Is there some trick to get this level of skillseeds or do you just play a fuck ton? I've got some cards at 6/6 skillseeds and I still only get maybe 30-40 per run.

what did he do right?

Daily pull gave me Agrias, but I already have one at max level.
TM fodder or will stacking her be useful ever?

How the hell do I use mog amulets? Got a 24% chance of ability fusion for Geryon, used the card to fuse and mog, got nothing.

The gang's all here! Who else can't wait for those gigantuars?

>finish up cloud.
>now have to start on refia 5* and 6*
kill me

You're kidding me right?

Two Agriases is NECESSARY to use her at 6*. It turns her into the next best thing to the triumvirate.
Assuming you have two cecils, that is.

There are more mages in the game than those four, user.

We're all dying user

They can build chains with each other, that's not bad.

There really aren't though.
I guess there's bikini majin fina.

The only mages ever worth running:
>M. Fina
>Sex Fina
>Trance Terra
>Regular Terra (debatable)

Everything else is garbage.

the only things I have to level are Garland and Vaan. I don't -need- garland right now, so it would be more about prepping him for 6*. vaan I'm not even sure I need since I'm already using cecil for focus and I -could- just use WoL for Full Break if necessary. Though Vaan 6* seems pretty good too...

Just holding out in case I pull refia, or god forbid Luneth at this point.

my 4* Refia, 6* CoD and 5* Vaan really need more kektuses

What is yours?

>people keep going on about how amazing the Dualcast TM is and everyone should get it
>but the only mages worth using have Dualcast or Dual Black anyway
I don't get it.

You might want to save it for the 99999 panel, if you're planning on maxing out the job.

Score, difficulty, mobius box, and playing in the exploration region all affect the multiplier. 1k seeds in a farming run isn't abnormal for me.

You just fuse them at the same time as the rest of the cards. It only increases the percentage, if it's at 25% you're still most likely going to fail it.

Dualcast TM is for Cecil and Refia.

Unless you pull a Rem or Tiltih, in which case just Cecil.

Everything user, we've been over this before.


The higher you score in battles, the higher the skillseed multiplier.
This is why it's better to farm them in mp, because mages will usually kill the boss with a high damage attack, giving the team a high score thus a high skillseed multiplier.
You just need to make sure your team has a mage with V&F or a knight with T&J card will do the trick too.

Really? I do also have two Cecils, one is at 3* eating LB pots.
That is nice.

>3000 pots
>can feed my 3* cecil and eventually switch him with the other one.

Ashe with Dualcast is really good too, consecutive Thundaja casts can be painful.


What about that time he locked the front door to the city of Rabanastre for his stupid parade, costing Miguelo a lot of time and money?

Time and money he didn't have because he was busy preparing for Vayne's own lavish feast he had planned.

Meanwhile Miguelo bows before Vayne unquestionably, and the "True Hero" repays him buy putting him on the spot and making him feel uncomfortable in front of his adopted children. He was being a cunt to a nice old man.


>want to pull
>have to save up for Onion Knight and Thunder God Cid
feels bad man. Maybe I should make a second account just to accumulate daily mythril and pull when I'm bored.

So what are you guys doing on Mobius day?(other than not/voting)
I'm currently trying to burn through my 63 mystic tablets to get enough cactuars to lvl up the batch of abilities I got because of the free draws.
The 49 elixirs are coming handy but I doubt I'll even get to use a quarter of all of them. Which is good, because there's another mobius day coming in 10 days.

why? you only need IFRIT CoD for Xande

Why do you need 2? TM? Save the Queen is decent, but not high-end like Excalibah et simila.
Care to explain brother?

I don't have that, but he has a 500+ lightning

Is he gay?

mobius is boring as shit, how are people still playing it

>bonus stats
pls no
these are always a pain in the ass in other mobile games

He's saying that two Agrias chaining Holy Explosion together equipped with Cecil's Excaliburs will tear shit up.

>tfw almost killing xande every try but stop RNG always fucks me
>dupe refia on daily pull

end me

*pulls out a switchblade*

hand over the refia and no one gets hurt


I don't think Refia would find this gesture romantic in the least.