/dbg/ Dragon Ball General

New OP edition

Helpful Xenoverse 2 Links/Info

Xenoverse 2 changes

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2
steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
delete DBXV2

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here

Last time on Dragon Ball G!

Other urls found in this thread:


Ban futa.

Ow the edge

remove deviantart

Say it louder, user.


Now we're talking.

Post CaCs seeing other /dbg/ CaCs.
Or don't fine with me.

is it even possible to kill great ape bardock on ex 14

i mean that fucking nigger keeps ki blasting himself out of bounds

>want to make a new character
>all progress gets reset

Well, at least I got UP and 40 ton weights.

apparently there's less trouble on offline

Wrong one

Needless to say taking pictures of random dudes and hunting for rare gohans is my new hobby

you're the guy who sent me sunglasses and a sunglasses supersoul

thanks bruh

It's where we store all the excess ki.


Cute Buufus!

>play offline
>the AI graps the tail

Who designed that shit?

Perfect synch!

I feel like I've seen that guy before.

Simple enough.

They always seem to be away from the controller though. Maybe ghosts placements.


The one and only person I ever met.

i've been playing it offline, i've had to retry 6 times after getting to the 4th gorilla because bardock just decides to leave this plane of existence

So has anyone else got any commissioned work done or in progress yet?

Get your friends to invite you to expert missions and other shit and just curbstomp everything with your best moves

We've seen backstories, now lets see something more interesting. Have you thought about these things for your CaC?

Max Power Level

>tfw on Europe and feel like most of you guys are from America

Slavvin' it up senpai.

Recommend me a good lewd commission that isn't a fucking jew and I might get something.

Implying PS4 fags ever find each other

>thinking I have the excess money to pay for dumb art of my CaC
ha, that's a funny joke

>jerking off over my rank 1
>close rankings
>see this stupid bubblegum pretending she hates candy

Saw this dude a few threads ago asking if anyone wanted to play. Think he was afk tho

I'm poor so I can't commission anything.


Does Xenoverse 2 have an anti-aliasing flag yet?


Needs more Bingo.

This is the bestest mod.

I'm EU and I don't think I've EVER seen CaC personas online. Then again, I'm always just moving about so maybe never given the time to check.



Why did I laugh

I'm on EU though, and so are quite a few others.
just like this guy.
But the majority is still US.

>he doesn't downsample
It's still pretty bad.

My capsule corp progress is only 72%

What do I do to get the remaining 28%?

Do I need to make a saiya-jin?


I got style

I'm Russian

I think there are three matches with Vegeta in total if you're not a saiyan, just keep advancing the game until he challenges you again

I've been in these generals longer than you, and I'll be in them after you.

really? because it's to me like you're very still

What is a good Zamasu moveset? So far I know I'm keeping Sauza blade, but is there anything else befitting our lord and saviour?

I've been wanting to, but I haven't been able to find a good artist who's open for commissions.

So is SSJ4Gogeta > Beerus?

Which is stronger, SSJ4 or SSB?

>Brute force inelegant solutions

I'd much rather have my 150 fps to be honest


>Only like two other /dbg/ers on the same platform
>mfw I'll never meet a cute buufu or my secret waifu Pumki

I didn't need these feels today....

I'm on EU and I met a bunch of dbg posters a few nights ago.

It was at like 3am though, so I assume they were from America.

Do you have vodka in your blood?


the time before XV1 came out on PC doesn't matter tho

considering GT is not officially canon, and Super is, I'd say blue is stronger than monkey-mode

I'm not Stalin

one counter move
Kai Kai

I figured it out. You need to talk to everyone in capsule corp repeatedly.

No fights or anything, no exclamation points over their head, just talking.

Weird, didn't have to do that for any of the other places.

Do EU/NA have the same multi lobby on steam?

w-what the fuck is going on

>4 buufus
jesus christ this really needs to stop


Lucky then... I hope someone'll recognize me one day when I'm running about.

I would play my buu if I liked the moveset more. At least it means one less buu fag.

Xenoverse 2 Time Patroller was born with a special power. Xenoverse 2 Time Patroller was stronger than all his classmates in the Time Patrol Fighting Academy. He served in the Time Patrol fighting Mira and in the final battel against Towa they were fighting and Towa turned Xenoverse 1 Protagonist to the darkness and Xenoverse 1 Protagonist turned against Xenoverse 2 Time Patroller and fought him. He turned Super Saiyan 3 in the battle which is why he can turn Super Saiyan 3, pls stop PMing me askin me why thats why, also Potara Earings arent gurly fuck you brilliantsaiyantist888 everyone knos your a fuckin time breaker faggot

Yes, but there a different multi lobbies, so you'll have to either rejoin and get lucky with a new lobby or get someone to invite you over to their lobby.

I'm just waiting for me to appear in another stray screenshot. Shit's fun when it's purely accidental.

>never getting to play experts with your waifu
>never watching her get ranked 1st thanks to your help

Must feel bad

>Join Expert #17 Lobby
>Just wanting to farm TPs
>Full team
>Goku down to last bar
>Plenty of time left
>One Disconnects/quits/etc
>AItakes over and sends Goku flying
>No one can hit him anymore due to AI

Heads up, creator of the colorable clothes mods has one for Frieza clan pending on the mod site.

Why can't Majins use the Namekian version of Slugs ult?

I was also wondering that.
They can go just as WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM TUBE MAN as them.

because namekians need at least something cool and unique

Why don't Saiyans have tails? Why doesn't they're hair spike up? Why can't Refrigerators get better transformations?

You know why, user

Post damage so far.

This is since release, but I imagine it's not much compared to everyone else.

>Why don't Saiyans have tails?
at least there's a plausible lore explanation for this one, don't want oozarus running about tokitoki city

>Why can't Refrigerators get better transformations?
because Golden Frisbee is in Super and they needed to advertise the show

>make male human and saiyan female
>imagine the saiyan is tsun tsun for the human
>after a series of hi-larious interactions, tsun saiyan finally confesses her feelings
>human is a-ok with it and wants to sex
>he pulls down her shorts and a thick veiny cock flops out in front of his face
Can true love survive such an unexpected discovery?


Am I the only one that wants less characters?
I mean with a slot dedicated to transformations, do we really need a slot for SSGSS goku/vegeta, the supervillains, frieza's final/gold/full form, cooler's fourth form, cell's full power, super/kid buu when they could simply be presets with that transformation

46 hours

Bought it 6 days ago


They have Turles, Raditz, and Nappa all in the city.


I want to do something different and ask all of you to


anything Dragon ball related like if you've done AMVs, Cool Art, WebMs, maybe a Machinima or some other cool stuff.

This is partly an excuse for me to post an "Anime Opening" Parody I made for XV1, but I also want to know if any of you /dbg/ers out there have done any fun stuff too!




user, don't tempt me, my writefaggotry is awful


XV1: 15 years old
XV2: 17 years old
I guess she was born like July, seems like a summer baby.

I guess she's like 5'4" based on Vegeta/Bulma's heights and hers. I don't know on weight, 110-120lbs?

Her max power level is ASSJ1 Vegeta while she herself is in SSJ2. She's not very strong, she just has a lot of help along the way.
I've wanted to write up a short story on my XV1 character and XV2 character's backstories and their journeys through the games and how my headcanon works with that.

I did this back in XV1 with my CaC's outfits throughout the story if that counts.

only video i ever made dragon ball related.
Ill save you a click its just me doing elder kais dance around friezas ship

Slug is extremely racist.

How do you think she'd react to his surprise? Maybe he's pull a nope and try to get up only for the more powerful saiyan to push him back down. After confessing like that and having her feeling requited, he can't just leave her now.

Show me your alt costumes.

Just webms but nothing that requires any real editing.

Hug me Seras