Poorfag Tells Thread

Poorfag Tells Thread.

You can tell someone is a poorfag when they say:

>The stock market is gambling

And clearly think the entire stock market is some guy on a computer daytrading from hour to hour.

Opinions like these practically come with a beercan and baseball cap attached.

More sage poorfag advice:

>Nothing like the value of hard work, sweat, and blood in a blue collar job. Make your boss proud.

It's like they want to be underpaid wage slaves for the rest of their lives.

>thinking the stock market is gambling
Have you heard of robinhood?
With so many morons using it for exactly that, how is the average person supposed to understand there's a lot more to it?
"Wall Street" isn't helping with the perception either, but at least they're doing it on purpose.

How is the average person not a poorfag?

Who said they weren't?

Another one:

>Nah, I'm just gonna invest in indexes. By the time I'm 87 and nearly dead, I'll be rich!

Ah, to be a poorfag...

What were you objecting to, if not that?

The sky is blue.
But it's blue because of such and such a phenomenon!

This sounds like a dispute, or at the very least some kind of bargaining on behalf of the poor, much-maligned sky.

>The sky is blue
Yes, this is called "stating the obvious".
Kind of like how the guy with a beer can and baseball cap thinks the stock market is gambling.
Unlike your sky example, however, there's a very simple reason he thinks that.

A reason I am completely uninterested in.
The point is to identify duds and then never waste another second on them.

The people who don't understand the things you do are 'duds'?
I certainly hope other people don't treat you that way.
I mean, it would require the existence of people more educated than yourself, but still.

>you know that you could loose all of your monies...

And the guy thinks that even the index is a high risk gamble

Bleeding hearts are also duds. It's like I'm arguing with a jar of hormones; nowhere to go but in circles, as you continue to secrete your indignation.

Make your last word a zinger, because I'm not going to respond to it.

>I'm not going to respond to it
I've heard that one before.

The stock market is gambling. The odds are just more in your favor depending on how informed you are.

The stock market is gambling tho faggot. Nobody knows exactly how its going to behave. If you do why arnt you a billionaire yet?

Baseball caps have nothing to do with being poor. Where are you getting this info? Donald trumps entire campaign is focused on a red ball cap and hes a billionaire

Stocks are stakes in businesses, user.

And some businesses fail

>Baseball caps
Um, what about bottle caps?

What about them

Do they have anything to do with being poor?


Jar lids?

stakes in businesses that deal in accounting fuckery PLUS supply and demand of stocks at any given moment can fluctuate especially with large firms buying and selling constantly

>the rich are just lucky
>hard work pays off
>to get rich you need to invent something
>saving will make you rich
>investing small amounts will make you rich
>starting a business is terribly hard work
>lottery tickets are an investment
>the playing field is stacked against small business
>rich people are born that way
>I can appear rich by spending money I don't have on things I don't need just to impress others
>I'm rich, check out my 2004 Camaro and thousand-dollar swiss watch
>drugs other than cocaine and *maybe* occasional weed
>rents a home, tells people it's a good financial choice
>has a resume
>has had a job in the past decade
>no health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, liability insurance
>brags about the cost of anything, ever
>cares about money at all
>doesn't tip or tips less than 20%
>has never left a tip that was more than 100%
>doesn't employ anyone
>likes to seem important and valuable to an employer or rich person
>drops names, has connections
>has a budget
>can't just do whatever, whenever

> Oh I really hope I win the lotto jackpot this week, it's at XX millions!
> Look! This pair of shoes was 80% off! Such a bargain!
> I don't have any more money because I spent the last on weed
> Let's go clubbing!
> Let's go get McDonalds
> Look, this phone only cost me 200 dollars. Oh, and yeah, 35 dollars a month the next two years
> Urgh, my cats have worms but I can't afford a vet
> Uuuuuurgh, my cat got pregnant, now I have to deal with all the kittens. Do you want a kitten?

>the rich are just lucky
Some are
>hard work pays off
It does more than being lazy
>to get rich you need to invent something
Dont have to
>saving will make you rich
It helps
>investing small amounts will make you rich
It helps
>starting a business is terribly hard work
Starting a good business does require work
>lottery tickets are an investment
Literally nobody thinks this way but maybe a handful of retards
>the playing field is stacked against small business
It is
>rich people are born that way
Most are
>I can appear rich by spending money I don't have on things I don't need just to impress others
This is true tho
>I'm rich, check out my 2004 Camaro and thousand-dollar swiss watch
Seems oddly specific
>drugs other than cocaine and *maybe* occasional weed
All drugs are prohibitive to success if not used in moderation
>rents a home, tells people it's a good financial choice
Sometimes it is
>has a resume
Maybe the worst one on here
>has had a job in the past decade
Ok i was wrong
>no health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, liability insurance
Ya thats probly a poor person
>brags about the cost of anything, ever
Rich people do that too
>cares about money at all
Everyone does this
>doesn't tip or tips less than 20%
Rich people are assholes too
>has never left a tip that was more than 100%
Well depending on the check size thats excessive
>doesn't employ anyone
Im getting tired of pointing out how dumb these are
>likes to seem important and valuable to an employer or rich person
I hope this is a troll
>drops names, has connections
Like seriously please be a troll
>has a budget
Youre a faggot
>can't just do whatever, whenever
You just described anyone who isnt a neet faggot like yourself

Trump is a pariah to the upper class.

I'm going to play a casino game called "eat a steak." If I win this gamble, I won't choke on it.

But wait, nobody wants to call eating a steak a form of gambling!
Why might that be? It involves risk, after all.
But most people don't consider it dangerous.

I'm dropping the sarcasm.
Poorfags are deathly afraid of taking risks with their money, therefore they consider business to be gambling, something that should only be done with discretionary income.
But when it comes to spending discretionary income, instant gratification has no "risk" at all, in emotional terms, so it wins out every time.

the poorforce is strong with you

Yes just as many people choke to death on steak as lose money in the stock market. Brilliant 1:1 analogy

Are you still saying that businesses are casino games? My attention is starting to wander.

Yes there are no rich people who have had a job in the last decade. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways

Im saying you cant reliably predict the direction of a stock

you've defined "rich" in such a way that it fits your ideals, but nobody else will likely agree with your definition.

employees are not generally considered rich. I guess you could be a multimillionaire and still work for someone else, but in practice nobody does.

You're saying that a business cannot be assessed any more accurately than a roll of dice.

Wouldn't these employers consider their position in their main company to be their job, even if they don't do a tap of work?

So only rich and poor exist? Must be nice to have such a binary world view
Im saying that nobody can reliably predict the direction of a stock

>blue collar

Get out of the bedroom user. Blue collar is overpaid fat lazy rednecks thanks to unions. Or they can start their own trade business and hire Mexicanos $14/hour to fix your plumbing while charging $100/hour.

"Employment" has a legal definition.

they might be self-employed, but they don't work for anyone.

you didn't dispute my argument. The stock market USED to be a legitimate investment in business, but now it's all overvalued bullshit that fluctuates with little predictability for the average investor
index and mutual funds don't count, that's still having someone invest for you
the stock market is totally gambling, and even index/mutual funds are simply gambling that the majority of companies and/or the economy is going to improve.
it's gambling. it's low risk gambling, but it's gambling.
it's like playing crash on cs go betting sites and always cashing out at 1.05x returns every time.

>So only rich and poor exist?
ooh, good one.

poor people think there's some middle ground between rich and poor. They call it "middle class." They pretend it's a real thing.

Who would you say can reliably predict a roll of dice?
You're not very good at word. Word make. Word make do.

So where do you draw the line?

Nobody can predict the roll of a fair die. And nobody can predict the stock market. Im not saying that the stock market is a roll of the dice tho its more complicated than pure chance. It is however to a degree still a gamble

I usually go with the standard 1%. Top 1% of earners and owners.

Doesn't do you any good to make $500k a year if you're $5 million in debt. Doesn't do you any good to have $5 million if you don't earn anything from having it.

if you're making over $500k/year and have a couple million in equity you're probably rich.

So having 400k a year is poor in your eyes? Holy shit

Isn't the standard term in banking for "rich" to make $200K/year and have $1M in NET worth?

I see.

A stock is a stake in a business, user.

"I like this business. I'm familiar with the owner. I am familiar with its goods or services because I don't daytrade with one hand and jack off with the other. It is publicly traded. I would like a stake in it."

"No the stock market is gambling."

See above. I am not talking about... "The stock market." I'm also not talking about "Humanity." or "Existence." I am talking about assessing an individual business and deciding whether or not to have a stake in it.
"B-b-b-ut the winds of fate! They cannot be predicted!"

it varies.
I figure if you don't have to work and can do whatever you like for the rest of your life you're rich. If you have low expectations that can be accomplished with a cardboard box and some blankets.

I don't think banks have a standard for that.

>Because ball cap wearing billionaires are Trump's biggest support base

...I think I should clarify. My point is that the word gambling is used by poorfags to rule it out as a possibility. This is why I despise hearing the word used that way. Intelligent risk-taking is a better phrase.

I looked it up and that's a standard rule for getting your money into Hedge Funds. $200/250K salary with at least $1M in NET worth. If being able to have a Hedge Fund makes you rich, then I guess you're rich.

Do me really, being rich is subjective on your ideal lifestyle, your location, and debt.

A person making $250K a year in NYC but is $1.2M in debt and on the brink of foreclosure and bankruptcy isn't a rich. A guy living in the Philippines making $20K a year doing freelance work with no debt, living in a nice condo and doing whatever he pleases within the low cost of living area is living a rich life.

That's my perspective. You can stay in a big city working 100 hour weeks making six or seven figures, but is it really worth it? Being rich isn't all monetary. If a person actually enjoys working hard sacrificing his life for his children, then there's nothing wrong with that. But people who slave away hoping they can retire early are miserable. That's why I avoid the city. I had a job offer making six figures in the city but I think I'll stick in this small town making $72K where my money stretches a lot further and I'm working 30 hours most weeks, not 60-80.

I don't think I'd agree.

I mean if you're rich in Belize but poor everywhere else you're not really rich unless you never want to leave Belize.

Personally I like some mobility.

>rich people aren't born that way

Are you saying people don't inherit or are born into the upper class? And don't forget Chads and Staceys who make loads of cash just from social media posts.

>hard work pays off
Does it not?

>starting a successful business isn't hard work
Is it not?


in the US less than 1/3 of top earners are born rich.

hard work doesn't generally get people into the top 1% of wealth. Business ownership is responsible for almost all mobility to the top.

starting a business isn't hard work. Not any harder than being in the military or working two jobs for a year or being a ditch digger in Malaysia.

see, the thing is you're just one person, you can only do so much work. So when business owners such as myself whine about how hard we worked to start our business you know it's not exactly true. There's only so many hours in a day and only so much work we can do in those hours.

you do the math.

what does it matter to you? you've never left the computer at mommys yet yourself. no perspective.

last week I was in the Cayman Islands, Belize, Honduras, Mexico, and Florida. Today I'm in Colorado.

>less than 1/3 of the top wealth are born rich
That's statistically unlikely, seeing as the kids of those 2/3 you're talking about are born rich. It'll adjust in 1 generation if you're not wrong, except you are.

except kids don't necessarily inherit and people that get rich don't necessarily stay that way.

it's also true that about 2/3 of the top 1% in the US won't stay there.

another way of putting it is that 3% of americans will reach the top 1%.

this is a statistical impossibility if- as you naively pretend- they always stayed rich.

>what is expected value
honestly I'm not the guy you were responding to but you sound retarded, almost all mathematical models of the markets incorporation stochastic processes/ random walks. It's just like poker dude, it's not "gambling" but it's still gambling. You're using information and calculations to make bets that are in your favor. Make enough bets and you will realize your average expected value.

If you're right 60% of the time on $100 positions, and lets assume you gain/lose 100$ whether you're short or long or right or wrong, then you will on average earn, then on average, over many trades, you will earn 20$ per trade. No way to say if an individual trade will make you money or lose you money though.

Statistically 2nd generation businesses fail and the cycle churns. If you were right (you're wrong), we would all be rich by now in generations after generations inherited and got richer having more children.

>has never left a tip that was more than 100%
lul wut?
Never had a service that was 100% better

>"I like this business. I'm familiar with the owner. I am familiar with its goods or services because I don't daytrade with one hand and jack off with the other. It is publicly traded. I would like a stake in it."
And theres no gaurantee the stock price wont go down. Are you really this dumb?

The overwhelming amount of the elite are republicans. This isnt shocking news

>thinks size of the tip is inextricably tied to the quality of the service
>isn't prone to generosity
the money ceases to have the same value to you. Giving your waiter $250 or even $2k or $20k may just be like giving a kid a quarter for a gumball.

you don't ask yourself what the kid did to earn the quarter, it's not important. You just give it because you have it and they want it and you like them. Just to see them smile.

>starting a business is terribly hard work

so true. people think starting a business is like climbing everest. It's not that hard at all.

Do something simple and you have a business. Clean houses? That's a business. Pressure wash driveways? That's a business. etc..

>Clean houses? That's a business. Pressure wash driveways? That's a business
these are the people that make up about 60% of millionaires in the US. It doesn't matter so much what they do, just that they hire people to do it and then do it a lot.

>> I don't have any more money because I spent the last on weed

Underrated. How can broke retards spend on a shitty vice is beyond me

If I had a fukken dollar...

>> Urgh, my cats have worms but I can't afford a vet
>> Uuuuuurgh, my cat got pregnant, now I have to deal with all the kittens. Do you want a kitten?

I fucking hate this so much. If you can't afford to take care of a pet, don't have a pet.

There are degrees of risk that can be assessed if you are not a jackoff, you goddamn plank.

This is like talking to a horse.

>expecting cat owners to be responsible

Ive started trapping the outdoor cats in my neighborhood this past year.


Blue collars on average probably retire at $50k, and thats being generous

I think it was a great demonstration of how humans perceive(or don't perceive) risk .

Maybe not an individual stock, but the market historically goes up.

>no longer legitimate investment, overvalued

If you think it's overvalued, you're more than welcome to short.

(I happen to agree with this to an extent.)

>index and mutual funds don't count, that's still having someone invest for you

Index tracking funds are not actively managed, period. And there's plenty to choose from.

>gambling that the majority of companies and/or the economy is going to improve.

Not true. There are plenty of funds that are uncorrelated or inversely correlated to "the economy".

You seem to think a brokerage account is only for investing in equities.

>it's low risk gambling, but it's gambling.

All investing involves assessing risk vs reward.

I.E. Being exposed to the maximum reward for a given amount of risk.

No risk no reward. Even fixed income has a risk.(inflation)

eehh, not really. I would call that self employment.

Develop a system that employees others and generates a profit, that's a business.