How will Trump's win affect the market? Will the Dollar fall? Buy Gold? What companies will profit, who will fall?
What 's the prospectus for profiting from one of the greatest Presidential debates in history ?
How will Trump's win affect the market? Will the Dollar fall? Buy Gold? What companies will profit, who will fall?
What 's the prospectus for profiting from one of the greatest Presidential debates in history ?
Well bitcoin will rise for sure, and trumpcoin maybe
Are you kidding? When Trump is president, after a few months he will be the new normal.
Who is going to buy "NormalCoin"? It was a pump and dump from the start. The selloff will look like niagara falls.
Thx for correcting the record
Haha u faggot we will make america great again while u suck dick
I put 2700€ in gold and the investment already appreciated a little. You should have bought in during the recent low, I think it's gonna grow until the election.
I strongly assume that Trump will win and if Brexit was any indicator, gold will rise by 15+% by the combined effect of metal appreciation and fiat depreciation. Hell, Britain is a small island, it must actually be much more in case of a Trump win. Buy gold before it's too late and MAGA.
what is everyone's opinion on betting in favor of EUR against USD before the election, because it seems that both plausible outcomes will result in, at least brief, weakening of the usd
Europe's economy tends to emulate American trends. Swiss Franks are the go to currency if you want to speculate on a weakening USD.
he's talking about FOREX you idiot, not changing 500 dollars to swiss francs and keeping them under his bed.
creezus geist.
Trump winning seems very unlikely
I've been short the NASDAQ 100 via an ETF for 2 months now and it's the lowest it has been since September when a rate rise was on the table.
The big stocks are overvalued as fuck still, there is a lot of money to be made from a Trump Presidency and then a Federal Reserve rate hike in December.
Make no mistake, they will try to crash the economy with Trump at the helm to make him take the blame, and thus be a 1 term president.
It's more likely than you think. If he wins Florida he has a really good chance.
he can't win with just florida, he'd have to get ohio and pennsylvania too. That seems unlikely to me.
Obviously I don't have a crystal ball, but here's my prediction.
Who the fuck is winning Utah?
Evan McMullin, a Utah republican running as an independent. They hate Trump enough there that a win for him in that state is realistically possible.
By the way the spread on that map is already very generous to Trump.
Evan McMullin is a fag, they just had two cuck NoTrumpers announce that they voted for him despite speaking out against him. They aren't going to throw the election to Hillary.
If he gets Nevada all he needs is one blue State
Voted for Trump that is, not McMullin
How is winning the rust belt unlikely for Mr. Industry himself?
Also, short Oreos.
which states are you referring to?
Johnson will win new mexico
the entire market will tank until it becomes apparent congress isn't going to actually let him do anything.
then it'll be business as normal for a while.
What's the most heavily leveraged instrument I can use to bet on Trump? I already bought some JNUG.
How much is the market going to crash once he wins? Is it worth buying puts?
Trumpcoin will go up
Watch what happens, as the powers wanted and tried to scare BrexIN the people spoke and voted BREXIT. As predicted the markets tanked hmmm no revote, people held their ground sooooo back up and business as usual. Now media tries same scare tactics if Trump wins we will all lose all our money ooooh noooo. So expect a "correction" down and as Americans celebrate, which they should, expect bulltrap market to continue only to suck in retail money as a bear market is due. Ex. look at facebook, media hyped as greatest ever as insiders have been selling for months. Main stream media is the opinion of few, never trust them, do your own research. The internet is an enormous supply of data but do not trust everything.
Tantrum, swampage, swamp drains. It's nicer than the Hillary drive the train off the cliff and bail at the last minute plan.
Nevada is NOT going blue.
You are retarded.