What are some other ways I can maximize my earnings?
I work at regular 40 hour a week job I drive uber after work for 2-4 hours everyday, 20 on weekends I don't pay rent by living in an abandoned property (I have a gym membership so I can work out and shower.)
The only things I can't do is keep food (No refrig/storage), shit/shower/shave where I sleep, and/or grow anything where I stay.
I keep my car parked in a free public lot nearby where I sleep.
Doesn't UBER take like 80 hours a week to be profitable.
I feel terrible about poor people like yourself. Can you not afford rent or is your preference to live in the wilds of the land? I guess it's obvious you can't afford to buy a home or property.
How old are you?
John Garcia
So your living costs are basically nothing, I don't really see what you can do to reduce them further.
Your issue is revenue, you need to figure out more ways to make money. How much do you save from your earnings?
Alexander Morris
I'm 31 years old. Please don't be rude, I don't come from anything close to a wealthy family. I don't pay rent because I don't see why I would give someone money for shelter if I can make my own, I would like to buy a house but first I would need to raise the capital to purchase said house.
My living costs are near nothing but I don't actually have them calculated, plus I don't even know where to begin with that:
-cost to eat everyday (I mostly only live on fast food and its very costly.) -cost to find water everyday -incidental items (baby wipes, razor blades, etc) -gas/maintenance/insurance/registration/drivers licence fees (all for car) -gym membership
I spend about as much money as I make but I can save about $200 usd every pay period (so about 810 dollars total savings so far).
Cameron Jones
I also drink Alcohol pretty frequently and use marijuana.
James Martinez
You'll never be able to afford a house in today's market dude.
Time to kys or slowly become homeless.
Zachary Cruz
Benjamin Gomez
I'm learning how to understand penny stocks.
torrent what ever you can find online for timothy sykes videos.
If you see a "collection" torrent, go through it all. if you find "how to make millions" it's about 6 hours, but you can skip about the first 2-3 hours.
the videos themselves, he just talks alot. and shows you screenshots of trades and how they would've should've worked and how he could've done better.
Penny Stocking IS profitable. people DO make money off of pennystocks. it's not a get rich quick scheme. study first then actually get in the market. it's doable. i'm going to get into asap.
Jaxson Morris
This is worse advice than when I told you to kys 2 posts ago.
Penny stocks/penny trading/penny investing is a fucking joke.
Aiden Myers
1: Wrong Person
2: K, but why?
Brody Perez
Sorry, I meant to tag the OP and you but whatever.
That is a terrible idea, He has no actual losses if he can figure out what his entire expense structure is:
It costs him 400 dollars a month to live, if he generates an income of 400 dollars then he breaks even, but won't have money for any kind of unforeseen situations that present over time (he loses his shelter, his car breaks down, he loses his job, he gets sick, etc).
He needs to figure out his expenses and create revenue by making more than he spends CONSISTENTLY while also generating MORE income over time.
Its going to be impossible for him, its a literal glass ceiling, even if he generates 10k USD whats he going to do with it, look at it?
What you are suggesting is even worse, he gets involved with penny trading/investments without any solid foundation? He doesn't even legally have a place to live.
William Wilson
This thread is blatant bait, but it exemplifies the mindset of the poor.
Even with no rent or utilities and working 60+ hours a week, he still manages to lose ground each
Alcohol and weed come right off the top as soon as a poor person gets paid. No other expenses are considered until these two "needs" are met.
Caleb Perry
Not that you're wrong.
But, he smokes and drinks. If he can sacrifice those vices for a couple of months only, he'd be well better off. He's definitely not in the worst of shapes as an individual can go. out of ALL the people on earth, he's richer than probably 80% of them.
IF he can stop drinking AND smoking IF he saves up enough money IF he takes life seriously and studies how to be a trader
Then he has a show of being able to afford a house. or shelter with profits left over.
There ARE people that make money off of pennystocks. 9/10 people will lose money on penny stocks cause 9/10 didn't study or manage risks properly.
I may not have enough capital now, but, with my knowledge, i'm sure that i can steadily go from 9-5 working for someone else to 9-4 5 days a week trader.
and i'm talking about just earning profits enough to live comfortably for a year.
you don't have to believe me. i couldn't care less.
If i was that guy, this is what i would do. period.
Ian Gray
I assure you that this is not bait, I managed to live through most of my 20s without having to pay rent and living on couches/surfing from place to place.
I guess I've matured to the point where I know I need to do something about my finances. I've been in the workforce for at least 12+ years with no pension/401k/etc.
I am probably going to give up alcohol and marijuana in the coming months.
Any advice you can give me would be helpful, I work really, really hard.
I don't understand how I could be richer than 80% of people.
I'm not interested in penny trading either, thank you for the information though. I'm sure its helpful to others reading the thread.
Dominic Bailey
It's irrelevant how much money he saves in a 60+ hour work week. That is also including the fact that he uses alcohol/drugs, maybe he is just living in a relaxed style.
I grew up wealthy so there wasn't a weekend where I could get any of the things I wanted (weed/coke/xtc/women/cars). I immediately fell into property and a good job with prospects.
With no capital or finances he will never accomplish anything greater than a new car purchase and that's in the 40-50k USD range (with extreme hardship).
He should join the army. He probably can't because he has a criminal record or something keeping him.
I smoke and drink and I'm rich (by family) is that such a bad thing?
Elijah Ortiz
Stop drinking and smoking. Save money to buy some land and a trailer or mobile home, somthing you can hook up water and electricty to. Continue to save/invest and look for a job that gives you benefits
Alexander Carter
Btw how much money do you really think is saved in sobriety?
Aaron Morales
I despise everyone who thinks of himself as a poor person, yet uses drugs (alcohol included) and smokes cigarettes. If you can afford such luxury, then you are not so poor to begin with.
Cut them out and they will easily save you a lot. "This week I could save $100 by not drinking or buying marijuana"
"This week I got drunk and high everyday, and spent $100 which I could have saved for a better future"
Which one sounds better?
Nicholas Stewart
What advice are you honestly expecting anyone here to give you?
You already know that your problem is your lifestyle.
The majority of this board is going to tell you to do retarded shit like meme coins and day trading, which is the absolute worst thing that someone in your position should be doing
Save up money as an emergency fund and then see what you can do to learn some real skills. Cash flow a degree from a community college or trade school.
>It's irrelevant how much money he saves in a 60+ hour work week
It's extremely fucking irrelevant when he's homeless and broke
He's already 31, so he's going to blink twice and be in his 40s with jack shit to his name, and then his 50s with nothing, and then he's going to be in some government run nursing home, where they forget to feed you some days
Brayden Carter
100*52 weeks =5200
5200*20 years = 104k
I make that in a half year.
He should just keep drinking and smoking.
James Ramirez
Are you the one paying for OP's weed and alcohol?
Cause if you're not, then no one cares about what you make.
Brody Butler
I was hoping for good ideas for making money.
Maybe I could grow something or brew beer that is cheaper than the beer they sell in stores. I didn't know about UBER until that happened and it doesn't pay much, but it pays.
It can't be impossible to find new ideas for making more cash.
John Mitchell
There isn't any reason that he shouldn't understand the reality of economics.
The best this guy can hope for is a new car someday so he can keep driving people around.
Andrew Gonzalez
He can temporarily stop his vices and direct his cash into improving his education and skill set, which he should use to get a higher income.
If he doesn't care about that, then you're absolutely right, it is what it is, and the best he can hope for is more of the same.
Jaxon Clark
Thomas James
Temporarily stopping his vices is not going to help his long term gains.
What happens when he makes the money, he just buys the vices later?
Do you have any debt? Divorces? Children?
Jordan Johnson
GTFO you spoiled, delusional idiot. This man will fucking make it - he grinds harder than you EVER will. Day in day out, this motherfucker works his ass off, while you masturbate and shitpost on Veeky Forums, fucking neet.
Legit advice to OP; stop drinking and smoking. Save the money instead. What do you do for a living? Where do you live? What's your background?
Give me some info to work with..
Jeremiah Kelly
Stop eating fast food. Invest in matches, cooling rack and pot (which u can buy or steal from a thrift store) buy rice and beans. Put pot on cooling rack make fire underneath. Make rice n beans. Can last you whole week. Obviously invest in other ingredients or meats with the left over money you'll accumulate from not spending so much on fast food. Invest in jugs of water, not sure about where you live it their like a dollar or less over here in my state. Bam food and water situation fixed.
Elijah Baker
Hey man do you have pics of your lifestyle? The abandoned building? This is is some interesting shit.
How do you piss/shit?
Evan Hughes
How often is a pay period OP? If it's weekly then it's not too bad, if it's biweekly you have $400 bucks a month to mess with. If it's monthly then you're pretty fucked.
What you need to do is WRITE DOWN everything you spend and how much money you make. From what your wrote it seems like you don't keep track of shit until the very end where you're like "oh that's what's left over" Start checking your Uber expenses, if you find out that you're spending more on gas than what you're bringing in then drop it and find yourself a nicer weekend job.
As far as food, can't you use your company's fridge as your own? Like buy shit to make a sandwich and leave it in the fridge, once work is done grab ice from the freezer and put in your lunch box. Or canned soup/beans/etc and keep them in your trunk. You can eat all that without cooking and it's a hella cheaper than fast food. You could probably go 2 or 3 bucks a meal with just canned beans and rice. Get a 5 gallon container from walmart, fill it up and keep it in your trunk, no more spending on looking for water. Carry a water bottle and refil it at work and gym. You could also go to a homeless shelter and ask for food.
I don't know if you're religious but you can also go to a church and explain your situation and ask for help. A lot of these churches offer services for needy people or can get you in touch with someone that is willing to help you out.
You can always flip shit on craigslist or pretend to be homeless (or let people know you're homeless) at an intersection and beg for money.
Lots of practical and common sense advice here OP, gotta stop smoking that fucking dope and figure things out, you're 31 for fucks sake.
Julian Russell
No significant debt, maybe 5-6k on credit cards, none maxed out. No divorce, no children.
My car is a 4 door sedan 2008 only 150k miles on it.
I work for the property I live in as a security guard, I make about 12 dollars an hour, regular 9-5 work week.
I live in Essex County NJ
I'm just a regular dude, I just never paid rent and always couch surfed in my 20s.
I can't cook anything there because I could start a fire in the space I'm living in. I can't put food in my car that might spoil because the riders will smell it when I drive UBER and complain. (its happened before)
I attached a picture of the space I live in. I go outside and pee in a hole and if I have to shit I go to a bar or restaurant, if I'm close to the gym I can go there too.
I get paid twice a month, with deduction if I called out anytime during my pay periods. (I'm never out though.)
I don't understand what you mean by write down? What should I be writing down exactly, everything I spend money on? We don't have a company fridge. I can't cook anything on the site, I can store water but it won't be cold. I can't go to a homeless shelter because I have a job. I don't go in churches.
Tyler Taylor
Dude you're a rock, and you're definitely gonna make it. Just cut down on your booze, if you're doing if frequently means you're not doing it to celebrate. Cut it down to 1 time/2 weeks-monthly.
Xavier Taylor
you live in an abandoned building, and you're telling us you can't drink room temp water?
Also I don't know how cheap fast food is in the US but here in AUS it is expensive and I would honestly recommend renting a place ate least to store food I would imagine you could save considering food from supermarkets are cheap. and cut the booze and weed that shit drains your pockets.
If you don't wanna rent a place, drop uber and start storing food in your car, no way buying fast food is cheaper and it is fucking terrible for your health, and in the spare time ur not doing uber read some books on some useful topics
Jacob Collins
I buy water jugs like this and those 30 pack water bottles (12 oz).
Anthony Myers
First off, OP, fuck everyone hating on you. With the work ethic you have, you'll definitely make it. I would say this, though: buying 3 $7 meals per day = $21/day = $147/week = $600/month cooking 3 $3 meals per day = $9/day = $63/week = $250/month Uber pays roughly $12 per hour, less after car insurance. I'll go with $7. $7/hour * (20 + 3*5) = $245 before tax per week. You could drop Uber and eat what you make, but you're losing maybe $120 after tax. I suggest that you rent a room in an apartment or house. I'm sure you can find one below $500 per month. The benefits: - Rooms often come with kitchen access, so you can pay much less for meals. With my napkin calculations, that saves $350 per month - You can store food in your room and still drive Uber, so you still make $1000 per month doing that. - You'd very likely be more comfortable. - Free tap water.
So you save $350 per month and make $1000 per month by renting a cheap room somewhere.
Also, stop (or cut WAY back) drinking and smoking. Dunno how much you smoke, but assuming $70 (combined) per week, that's 3600 in a year. That's 7 months in a room or about 14 weeks of Uber you're literally pissing away. When you want to get high, remember how much it costs.
I'd suggest you take the advice of . Write EVERYTHING you spend money on and figure out whether you actually need it or not. And whether or not you're religious, churches often help people who need it. You can find out where a food bank is pretty easily. I would also recommend trying to get a skill that can make you money. If you can play an instrument, you can busk. If you can learn to program at the library, maybe you could make websites eventually.
Good luck to you.
Landon Lopez
How much money do you have saved up?
If you have enough to buy a remote plot of land, where neighbors are distant, do that. Then buy a large shed, turn it into a livable structure with a wood burning stove, a bed, etc. Then buy a small solar panel set up or put together a windmill generator. Enough to run a SMALL, well insulated refrigerator and a freezer. Build a rain catch system, maybe build a water filter. Then set up a simple tap system so you can drink water, prepare food and wash clothes. Start buying your food in larger amounts, set up a fire pit you can cook over. Learn to hunt, fish & trap if you're really wanting to go cheap and develop a hobby or two. But quit eating fast food. Get to where you can raise chickens if you want to go super healthy for dirt cheap. Start saving up to where you can improve your living situation, start a business, make your money work for you instead of the other way around.
Jaxon Ward
I completely agree, former army vet here. This would be your best bet, and sober up you moron, you obviously can't handle a vice.
Oliver Campbell
I literally have no pitty for you. My gf's uncle maintains a whole family with just UberX. Lease a car if you have to, but with Uber you can easily make $1,000 a week with 46 hours. I don't care what city you live in, $4,000 a month can go a long way even here in LA if you play your cards right. You're a 31 year old junkie, realize that and fix yourself or please cut off your internet because you provide nothing to the rest of the world as is.
Adrian Phillips
If you're trying to reduce costs even further, buy a double edge razor for about $20, then buy a large stock of blades ($20 bought me almost 10 years of razor blades, going with a brand called "Dorco" that I found on amazon). Use a shaving brush, shaving soap and a bowl. My shaving costs went from around $20/month to about $10/year (buying shaving soap). Use baking soda for deodorant, keep your hair short, but respectable looking. Buy toothbrushes in bulk, store them in a ziplock, toothpaste is cheap and essential - take care of your teeth. Again, take up fishing, trapping or hunting so you can have a hobby and a means of getting food.
But seriously, find a way to get a better paying job and quit doing Uber - the wear it puts on your vehicle will cost you more than you'll make doing uber.
Michael Powell
Knee pads
Connor Brown
I wish I could be like you, but without the habits. I give mad props to you.
Your obvious answer is your habits. Weed, cigs, booze, and fast food are all your downfalls.
You legit just cut those out of your life, besides cigs, cause' fuck that, I mean you're living in the wild, I'd need to cope somehow too. Anyways, just cut those things out of your life and you're good.
What made you not want to rent? What made you not want to at least have a roommate? What brought you in this position in life? Why are you smoking weed, drinking and smoking if you have 2 jobs? You have an education?
Joseph Foster
Ya and even if you put 4k towards the car payments, you're looking at a year to pay off one of those cars. Man that's not even including maintenance on them. A lot of those cars are 2x as much as regular cars when it comes to maintenance. Insurance on one of them too? Oh man. Good luck with that. Looking at $200 a month for em'.
Fuck. That.
Ethan Sullivan
>I make about 12 dollars an hour, regular 9-5 work week.
That's a little over $20k a year after taxes.
If you aren't paying rent, then you should be banking all kinds of money.
Why are you broke?
Brandon Russell
This is perplexing the hell out of me.
$20k per year is $1,667 a month.
Non-perishable groceries will run you about $250 a month.
Gas and insurance are about $150 a month.
Add $200 for incidentals like toiletries and your faggy vices.
That's $600 a month in expenses.
Subtract that from your monthly income, and you have about $1000 left over in disposable cash.
What are you doing with that?
Wyatt Walker
fucking prick. I feel for you OP... I really do... I'm not the one to answer this though.
Ryan Price
How about this for periodic income? Buy brewers yeast, buy amazon.com/Pure-Simple-100-Honey-Bulk/dp/B00GVXNTJY/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1478235248&sr=8-3&keywords=honey bulk, buy water jugs... make your own mead. You don't need any refrigeration, just something to slowly let C02 out of the jugs (hint: a punctured balloon). Find some empty recycled bottles (i know, kind of disgusting). Clean them, bottle the mead. Go to ice cream place, ask for dry ice. Put the mead and the dry ice in to a cheap ice chest, sell the mead at the beach out of your van.
Wyatt Watson
>I don't pay rent because I don't see why I would give someone money for shelter if I can make my own
I used to resent paying rent when I could probably get a 25 year mortgage for the rent I pay. My landlord wont fix shit, but my rent is 60% market value because it's dated so I now own the white goods and all furniture etc... While it's dated it has new carpet and it is generally in better condition than his other properties, which is great cause he's 200 miles away. I still resent council tax more. I honestly think I'm paying £900 a year to have my bin emptied as a single person when on the opposite street you get 5 people sharing a house with 2 live in partners, and they they pay £1200 a year split between 5-7 of them. There is a single person tax in the UK in the form of standing charges on utilities and single person reductions. But ultimately the fucking gypsies in the flat next door moved and I haven't hear anything from these new gypos until halloween. I'm getting the old PA over and giving these new cunts a rendition of good ol' fashioned British techno soon.
My point is. You know what's great about having loads of gypos moving in next door when you rent? I can move, I can also play the stereo at 110db and mess up their sleep to the point where they are ready to firebomb my letterbox, and you know what... I can bugger off. I can call the landlord tomorrow and go look, there's 9 gypsies living next door and they have a party every time they sell one of their kids. I can't live here anymore, good look trying to rent someone else. This is also a great bargaining chip if he ever wishes to increase the rent.
I could live in a house share. But I couldn't stand some stranger eating my pancetta and telling me it's OK dude, I'm going shopping tonight... just have some of my reformed turkey ham.
Matthew Sullivan
Jeremiah Foster
>selling booze without a liquor license
Are you retarded?
That's illegal as fuck.
Easton Reyes
find a guide to extract dmt online buy mimosa hostilis root bark online. buy naptha, lye, some other shit listed in guide extract dmt sell for $140/g or $5-10/hit
Noah Jones
why don't you get a pot and put a plant in it? problem solved. also, how do you have a debit or credit card. or do you just keep all your money? and how did you get a gym membership, because all of those things require you to tell them where you live. also how did you even type this comment. do you have health insurance? are you an illegal immigrant? i feel like this is a what if question