League of legends general /lolg/

Gorgeous fucking couple edition. They probably have the best sex.


>Important links
>Patch Notes
>Pre-season and Assassin's stuff

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for monkey king is broken with the new items.

You at least got Diamond and into the alpha client test this season right??

Too late rato

Lulu is the cutest girl!
I love her!


Be honest with me /lolg/
How do i stop being shit at this game?
I feel like if anyone else was in my place in almost every game they could do my job better

can i get demoted if i lose some rankeds game now?

also where is my maokai

people making fun of liberty in a country founded on liberty
riot casualizing even more
it's time to kill myself
nothing worth living for

>Be honest with me /lolg/
How do i stop being shit at this game?

the same way you stop being shit at literally everything else in life.

you fucking practice.

Theres no miracle pill or miracle strat that someone has yet to tell you.

If you want to git gud you have to put in the time and not expect instant gratification.

do you think most artist suddenly become good thanks to some stupid miracle tip?

Alright, season 6 is over lolg.

How did u do?

>Red buff Darius

git gud

Shut up, Chika


They actually gave a pbe account to every Mastery 4 and higher lux player


>warwick rework coming in the next 2-3 patches
bruhs, finally memewolf will be the real killing machine

>Youmuu's lost its attack speed
>Youmuu's arpen got nerfed into lethality
>Youmuu's only compensation buff was the ghost effect on its active

Here riot let me fix your shitty fucking game for you.
>Active: ignore enemy champion shields and do 10% bonus damage to enemies with shields for 2 seconds.


>bought every skin
>I'm not allowed to enter because I didn't play a lot of her this season (but I still played her)

It's fucking horseshit.

Does Swain want to FUG Sona?

>Gut ADC items
>Gut assassins
>Buff tank items
Epic riot

>ghostblade was so such a strong season 6 it didn't even get real compensation buffs in season 7
Makes you think

>10 min queue
>3 min game

play the game a tons

realize that you are not the next messiah ( you are probably at this point now)

Pick a role which actually suits you

Try champions and decide which ones you'll play the most. (this is probably the worst part since it can be really long)

Don't try to be the DUDE THIS CHAMP IS OP PICK HIM guy, however don't pick shitty champs either, pick strong, but not turbocancer ones. Its also important to enjoy it while you play.

After you played a game watch it, and look for your mistakes, even if you won.

Don't tilt yourself with the chat, disable it, it has absolutely no value for the gameplay.

>Courage of the Colossus mastery comes out
>counter to it also comes out

This is good. Riot would never do it.

Why isn't OPs pic Fiora x Irelia, if its the gorgeous fucking couple edition?

You should go download the games and play them, user

Start with Perfect Cherry Blossom since it's the game with the character you're asking about, and PCB is probably still the best starting point for 2hu even if you don't think it's the BEST game

Who are some mid laners that can double as junglers?

lesbians are boring desu
The OP is garbage just like you.

Functional, and stylish~


Sol, Malz, Morde and Fiddle

I don't know how viable they are but Diana and Ekko used to not be overtly bad. And who knows if AD Malz jungle still works.


You don't have to AD Malz jungle. You can just AP Malz jungle because the voidlings scale much better with it now.

Your clears are fucking stupid. You can clear either buff without taking any damage.

>type only one thing the entire game ("can you guys hurry up and end this already" in all chat)
>team reports me

kill yourself

Now that Trump is in power all gay shit will be banned and posting a single yaoi/yuri image will become punishable by death.
In a few months rape will be prestigious af so Vlad x Vayne will be the dominant ship in Trumpmerica. Fucking finally.

Is she actually dead now? Or were the complaints from PBE a knee jerk reaction to change?


Sorry senpai, but Morde/Sona is still the very best ship for dom/sub stuff.

Morde has no human male organs.

Vlad has the best one in Runeterra.

Holy fuck talon is FUN

morde/sona is a cuteship though

Teemo is pretty much ungankable now if you play around bushes and you aren't vs Lee sin.

My question is would you still run fervor on him? Thunderlords could possibly be better since he doesn't scale well with AD.

Gonna try new duskblade on him too, possibly a more bursty teemo build

because your head canon(and every head canon)is shit,they dont even know each other,fuck you

No, Swain is loyal to Leblanc.

metalfags are this delusional
I pity you.

>Morde has no male organs
He will once he takes control of Darius' body in the battle to reclaim his castle the Noxians are squatting in.

Yes he does


>Q unchanged
>W buffed
>E buffed
>buffed by stealth changes
>no changes to her items
I dunno, boss.

>King of clubs
>not pentakill
Pentakill > KoC > Lord > infernal > vanilla >dragon

>fiora will never cuck you

Holy fuck that would sound rad as fuck.

Why arent you writing the lore for riot?

But Sona is the dom in Morde/Sona

>wanting to be cucked

But how does he get past Sion?



he's not gonna start ww3

he and the repubs are gonna start Great Depression II

Now THAT might start ww3

All right fellas

assasin patch is out

lets all gather round and bow our heads for a moment

F for jhin

when did I imply otherwise user?PentaSona is probably more aggressive than Elise or LB


>Morde is basically king of Shadow Isles
>Morde is free from the confines of the black mist binding the other Isles champs to their homeland
>Sion was resurrected by funky shadow Isles magic in a ritual between Elise and LeBlanc
All Morde would have to do is fucking look at Sion and he could probably steal his soul right back out of him

being beta rly turn me on

Of all this things in the Shadow Isles, you think he gives a fuck about the "Undead Juggernaut"?

So he would take control of darius's body and become a cuck??? Morde can only use bodies as tools not put himself inside of them

>Reddit crying THIS hard.
Is riot going to revert his decision like the pussies they are.

so should I be trying to do preseason ranked?

it will help me in normal ranked?

So is this lethality shit good or should i run flat AD

Fuck I hate preseason

It would be definitely better than blind pick.

>riot does something so retarded a normal person literally just dies from seeing it
>people cry about it

so how am I supposed to build twitch now that ghostblade is changed?

what item should i get first now?

Okay here's how it works.

Lethality is equal to 40% of old armour pen + the other 60% distributed linearly against the enemy per level.

So if you have 10 lethality, it's equivalent to 4 flat armour pen against a level 1 enemy champion, 7 flat armour pen against a level 9 enemy champion, and 10 flat armour pen against a level 18 enemy champion.

>literally just dies from seeing it
Any source for this?

>muh burden of knowledge
>introduce th is backwards shit

>mfw they wasted the elementalis gimmick on Lux with a fucking skin instead another champion

>R - Shadow Dance
>COOLDOWN2/1.5/1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
>DAMAGE100/175/250 ⇒ 50/100/150
>RATIO0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.25 ability power

The Ult just got gutted.
And akali without her ult is fucking useless.
Maybe if you go Q>E>R>W she will be usefull.

>want to buy imperial lux
>cant find it on the store
did they remove it?

>Elementalist Lux has ten forms
>Invoker has ten spells
>can't have Invoker in league because muh burden of knowledge even after Illaoi got added to the game

Lux is cute so it's fine.

I want to hold hands with Lux.

It became legacy, don't remember if it was this or last year.

Lmaoing at these assasinbabs. I guess you think that they "gutted" lb too.

>People are still mad that Lux got the ultimate skin

Legacy, my dude.
Meanwhile shitskin commando is still there (I bought it anyway..)

I'm not. She deserved one.

I find hand holding unpredictable, its total cuddling you can rely on
This model is the greatest thing to have ever came out of sfm

wait what?

what's fucking insanity

oh fuck well i still have steel legion,but i didnt play last year and i wanted to get it ;_;

It'll come back, they always do.

I would let her domesticate me if you know what I mean.


basically this fanart doest count
otherwise vlad would be a qt grill

At least our men are hot.

She deserved one, but I wish Riot used the mixing element minigame in a new champion.

who made it?

You already have evolving champion like Kha

>main gets perma'd
>buy a level 30 off my friend who quit and never did ranked
>do placements a few days before season ends
>carry every single game with 10+ kills
>go 9-1 because had a duo bot rage quit after they died 3 minutes in 2v2
>get placed gold 2
Are people really stuck in silver?

>Vi in new jungle

Whats wrong with it?

SFM Download: mega.nz/#!HtsxwZLQ!1kOaVPacKLptQlDaVdtQ7WcyCArNWTKSMlQNxC85yX4

>hash was hillary supporter
>now mad as fuck that he got cucked

>don't get free 300 hp anymore
>shitty new keystone only worth it if you build tanky
idk what I'm going to do senpai
vi has been my free meal ticket to staying diamond since she released