League of legends lolg


xth for mating press.

Breast waifu

What is flex queue and why do I need to play 10 placement matches there?


Cute OTPs!








OK can someone honestly tell me if Rengar is good after these changes because he feels one, like a different champ and two, not like an assassin. His q is worse but makes his clear slightly better than old unempowered q, his W is worse for clearing but empowered it's better for bruiser builds, his e is the same, but his ult feels worse in every regard. Old Rengar basically had to build crit since late game if you didn't instantly kill someone you were fucked and the enemy could pile on you. Now the alert range is incredibly far and your stealth is much worse and you can't insta burst like old Rengar because you can't auto cancel into a second crit. Also the fact you can't stack ferocity before a gank is fucking retarded and makes his clear worse too, yet the change makes no sense. Please tell me I'm wrong about this because while I don't love Rengar he was fun to mess around with every now and then but he feels like dogshit to me but I know I can be wrong.


>the new Kat
oh my god I'm having fun again

warding jungle item with bloodrazor, swiftness boots, frozen mallet, banner of command, gunblade

>zany changes
>new items all over

feeling like a good year for league



>Malz now stores TWO charges of voidlings, CD and mana costs remain the same
>damage changed from 40% AD and 10% AP to 40% bonus AD and 20% AP
>50% attack speed when half their duration is up changed to 100% attack speed when attacking a target affected by E or R
>spawns a new voidling when their duration is 9 seconds or more remaining instead of 4 seconds remaining

>no longer focus their aggression on targets marked by E or R

So Malz is garbage now despite having much higher damage and skill uptime.

Get a trinity force and bloodrazor

Build On Hit

>lose game
>slice wrists and thighs

hehe it will get better soon

i like this
will work on it

here's what mumu says about the idea

wanna fug

Build Ohmwrecker. Produces salt on any champion.

stream when

lilli in pokemon moon is so hot

Pls respond

>win but teammates bully me
>gashes in fingers get deeper

hehe but IM the toxic 1

Hell no

So is trinity force tank Fizz dead?

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

current build
>green bloodrazor
what else

yeah it is

Got boots yet? If not screw boots. Get a phantom dancer.

If you don't at least get 130 cs at 20 minutes you might as well int feed.


>this one dude
i'[ll afuckin cut you kdi dont tahjinfk for a gdoman seocnd

fredom annit fdree

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

this will be a win for everyone

fuck boots give me fluidity in lane

doot doot

I just got battlecast Kog'Maw in a chest. Should I activate it?

do you type like that on purpose or are you actually retarded

this triggers me
guess why?

I just fought against a guy named "Cuck Slayer 1"

whne i get angry my amierliard fingears actt ups and istart stos shake

Good name

I want to fuck Lulu.

Activate it

>Six keys and no chests


no it isn't
it's modern day "Dark Slayer 8"

More Viktor lore WHEN




Don't you mean you want to MAGA with Lulu?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

I hope you find a cure soon
are you gonna came back? you came back a few months ago then disappeared again
why do normies ruin everything

>Battlecast Skarner shard
Should I? I love Skakner but I have no idea about tje skin


It's a bad skin but Skarner's skins aren't anything great anyways aside from sandscourge

cus u not doing it right

well? did he slay you?

low energy post

forgot to say i fed his duo lane opponent double buff 3 times in a row
imagine feeding 2 double buffs with a buddy

Battlecast Skarner is garbage. Disenchant it immediately.

nigga please
grass daddy knows whats best

look it up on yt
no u gotta rush g angel and then steraks and phantom dancer

>On 8 game win streak
>Get home from 12 hour shift
>Decide to play a game
>ADC kalista who goes 0/10 and finishes with less than 60 CS in a 25 minute game
>Jungle nidalee who also goes 0/10 and gets executed by jungle camps twice

Next time I get a kalista I'm fucking dodging.

How do you make the leblanc ult clone attack people?

>jungle talon
>With edge of night

Holy shit this is hilarious. Got out of the middle of a 1v5 with parkour, escaped death four times with sub 50 HP using ghost and parkour.

I love him!
Debonair Draven in 4 months maybe??
Leave ign if you want to join our husbando club on NA

>you can solo elder dragon with this
im not surprised

college was a simpler time, wageslavery sucks hard

I think i'ma be playing more league yeah, everything looks so fresh and new

His best skin.

>gave lulu support a try
>really enjoyed it
>played 7 games of it
>won every one
>at work today
>all I could think of was playing lulu and the quotes she says

What...What is happening to me?

I fucking love League of Legends.

xth for finding a qt bf one day

i like u

you're now a lulufag
I bet you want to go swimming in her too

lethality ivern lezzgo

Do you want to be the big gay or the little gay

>not going for regen ivern
the fuck you doin

big gay, I want a cute little gay bf

>tfw no light blond haired and light eyed bf to contrast with my darker features

feels bad

>6 month ban in wow for botting my quests
fuck now I have to play league and ranked season hasn't even started

you'll do it :3

that's next with chalice

no i literally felt the same way. i think the changes are pretty god damn awful and destroyed his playstyle. i feel like hes built to be more like a goddamn bruiser and if he doesnt have 40 kills he's just shit

Who wants to make people salty with me

Goal is to win via the dumbest means

You'll have better success of finding a boyfriend you actually love if you don't go for the most stereotypical twink ever. Stero twinks are really low quality. They also hate videogames usually.

god bless the scouting grounds lineup is a complete joke

i cant play with you but ima suggest hybrid onhit burst shyvana

Show the results from the Ivern game

yeah but im not attracted to muscly guys, fat hairy guys, or old dudes

im also bi so im not totally fucked

why cant you be a cute boy so I can fill your bp?

keep in mind im still climbing back to 30

my main goal is just remake my cdr rune page then i can start going to champs

free rotation is what i have available aside from ryze, yi, ivern, skarner, and ashe

do it with azir then

>those Malzahar changes
>on top of these jungle changes
Explain to me why I shouldn't play Malz and 1v1 any faggot who tries to enter my jungle in a meta where invades and counter jungling are so fucking powerful.

>only into twinks
That's a sad scope of options.

we lost because mumu decided to push instead of helping base full of the fed vayne and baron buff

any rol azir with on hit burst?
got it

give me a quick core set of 3 items to build

New Talon is busted in low elo

I pretty much only play AP mages so his playstyle is different from anything I'm used to, but I'm still carrying the fuck out of games on him right now.

Anyone have advice for what I should build though? I've just been grabbing stuff from the recommended list because I'm really not familiar with AD items at all.

wits shiv nashors
godspeed motherfucker

>able to keep up with the high mobility assassins that will no doubt plague your jungle

even with stellar timing, you would be forced to constantly clear your jungle or its stolen, leaving you very little room to gank

not to mention

maybe i am? maybe i'm not? :3

>press E
>press W, W
ded assassin, the voidling changes are absolutely insane.

I was expecting the Twitch changes to ruin him but his vial cask is really useful now as a CC and his stealth is much more consistent. Also the fact he turns invisible on the skill icon while it is active is adorable.
Oh, also ghost blade is fucking broken with 20 lethality.