>Wake up
>/brg/ is dead
Are we dead already? On patch day?
>Wake up
>/brg/ is dead
Are we dead already? On patch day?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno man, couldn't post anything because gookmoot can't handle servers
So, anyone gonna play more than few hours?
Or game is dead untill MM rework?
>Are we dead already?
>why is a MOBA like P2P general dead?
We are basically playtesters and retards that payed for an incomplete game.
Althought i don't think people are gonna drop LoL or Dota for it when it goes F2P because those people have stockholm syndrom.
So we are basiclly doomed from the start.
But at least we have more players now then in BLC
even Joltzie tired of BR
Is joltzie official /ourguy/?
>Are we dead already?
There have been some other things going ng on lately
absolutely based
enforced sekrit clubing should be more of a thing.
Don't we have a rule for that?
Also severs up when?
>We are basically playtesters and retards that payed for an incomplete game.
MM isn't even set to be fixed until December or later, so it's going to bleed people for at least another month
This patch isn't nearly as exciting as the previous one despite it taking over a month to release, so our spike will both be lower and bleed out faster
kill me senpai
Patch is out, servers are up
Your experience gained past 10 was saved, so you'll probably wake up to a lot of Level 16-17 characters depending on how much you played. You have to actually play a game to get the rewards you've earned, and it will give them to you all at once.
the feeling of poloma
A new general means a new trainwreck of bored, nihilistic faggots as they take part in their self-fulfilling prophecy of shitting on this game through minor frustrations until the game actually truly does die.
Oh what joy you guys are.
Almost as if this were some sort of Early Access game or some shit
This thread ought to be ashamed of itself. Here's a new, more respectable thread to congregate in.
Well fuck you you weren't here when I needed you so I took matters into my own hands
>Players total: 369,292 ± 15,600 (98.43%)
>Players in the last 2 weeks: 177,737 ± 10,825 (47.38%)
That seems pretty alright to me, most games wish they had these numbers.
The thing is this
>Peak concurrent players yesterday: 3,849
Our day to day count isn't that high for some reason
>making a new one because of info shit people could just ask for in this one
because most people buy the game play 3 hours and never launch it until patch where they play 2 more hours
Ezmo is fun
>tfw missed out in a bunch if daily quests
jesus crist, finally a last fart avatar
abandon thread
let's not split already thin community
>abandon thread from the one that was here first
rely maeks u think
Fuck you
So now that we know for sure that chests aren't predetermined, it feels like the only "correct" option is to save all of them for the December patch if new shit comes out. It feels stupidly counter intuitive, but I can't see a reason this isn't correct
Same with saving all of your gold for Christmas shit if themed stuff is your thing
shitty league of legends balance, shitty tumblr art directions, shitty league of legends champion design where everyone has the same kit with slight variations
>shitty league of legends champion design where everyone has the same kit with slight variations
shitty that we ended up with this when the champions in BLC had kits that were a fair bit more varied
p sure i just played against you
quit whining your champion is shit too rook
Good to see that SLS is pandering to the leaguebabbies, and also good to see that the leaguebabbies have arrived in force.
I checked out the subreddit just to see what they thought of the recent patch, maybe they also hated it and SLS might make adjustments
nope, SLS is off limits when it comes to criticizing their bad decision making.
>We still don't have an official format
>We still don't know if they want to balance around 2v2 or 3v3
>we still don't have VoiP despite BLC having it
>Art direction is babyish tumblr designs like in league
>balance changes don't address anything the competitive community wants
>hit boxes are retarded
>champion designs are homogenized versions of BLC, the game lost gameplay instead of gaining and improving
>new champion is fugly to look at and hear talking
>matchmaking and ranked are still complete dogshit
Yep, and arguably the largest community SLS will listen to thinks NONE OF THESE ARE A PROBLEM. FUCKING FANTASTIC.
It's not even that the game is necessarily bad, it's just as mediocre as can be. I'm lacking the energy to just keep up with the game in general, each time I boot the game up, I ask myself "why did I starting playing this again?" and just close it
That fucking subreddit is nothing but a safe space and if you don't suck off SLS's cock with every undulation of your tongue they will crucify you for it
Of course, that place is going to have the most exposure to devs, so they're going to continue to think everything they've ever done is fucking fantastic
that's just league of legends mentality in general. Every time someone comes rushing to defend devs (100% against their best interests I might add), they always ALWAYS somehow manage to bring up LoL.
They're just so poisonous and infecting of literally all conversations. "The devs can do no wrong btw I'm a league player"
They were afraid to make the game like bloodline champions because they felt that it was "too exhausting", so they've actively avoided looking to good parts of BLC for guidance.
Each time we point out where BLC did it miles better, they don't care. They simply do not care. There are just some things in life not worth crusading for, and battlerite is one of them.
Oh, fun fact: the tournament system in BLC was arguably the most fantastic feature that game had, and it wasn't even developed by SLS. It was 2GD
serious question, what precisely did BLC do better than BR? I haven't played BLC so I don't have a clue how it felt, the only thing I've been able to gather is that the hitboxes were better in blc than br
pick anything at all and it was done better, the only thing battlerite does better is have more players and BLC-HD wouldn't have less if they would have gone that route since it was entirely an issue of marketing and timing
you can still install it and play with bots, it's free
what did it do better?
Higher skillcap when using abilities, simply because of the hitbox sizes.
movement was techincally clunkier, but was smooth and maneuverable if you know what you were doing. much more skill based.
champions had abilities that were unique and different, made them feel varied. Iva/engineer used to have a shrink ray that made you smaller. Now he has a fucking shield lol. Rook now has a counter. There's more if you're interested, I have class in a while though
Social features like global chat, voip, tournament system
the visual style was a bit gritty, but it definitely had direction and character. It wasn't the prettiest thing ever but it again, had a lot of character.
We're mad because battlerite was supposed be BLC minus the awful shit with polish of the good shit, but instead we got BLC minus a lot of the good shit
game sucks idiot. its not going to improve by pretending it doesnt have problems
Please don't tell me Ezmo is supposed to be metal warden ported to battlerite. If they don't port her bumper ball into this game I'm going to be pissed.
don't argue with the dick suckers. I'll sound really edgy when I say this, but religion doesn't really die, it just takes another form. Sure people don't go to church or really believe in God anymore, but they hate it when someone criticizes the game. Go ahead, call 2v2 a bad mode ingame. Say the game looks washed out and bland. Say the matchmaking system is pure garbage. Say the kits are boring compared to their BLC counterparts.
It doesn't matter. You're simply not allowed to say bad things about the game. That's why we're here on Veeky Forums, because we can actually say how we feel without being ostracized for not dicksucking.
>what precisely did BLC do better than BR?
To me, it's the character size and movement. Although the movement in BLC looks clunkier on the surface, you were actually a lot more maneuverable. For example, when two melee characters were fighting, they would be dodging in and out of each other's blows, and the player who was better at that would win. In Battlerite however, melee trades are literally just that...trades. You mindlessly trade blows back and forth, you cannot hit and dodge. Battlerite is entirely missing that aspect of the game that BLC had.
it's supposed to be stormcaller
Waifs seem to be a thing stunlock wants to focus on so I think you're safe. worst that will happen is theyll make her prettier and give her lines that tweens would say
Cant find any matches. In queue for 15 minutes, very interesting.
This new hero is so fucking uninspired and boring
>his R is literally just Poloma's R
>generic leap ability, but wait you can double cast it!
>generic shield counter
>his E is almost the same as Jumongs
hey man if everythings the same then the game is perfectly balanced!!
So is there any point in not saving chests now that we know they're not predetermined? I have a ton that I earned from retroactive XP, but feel like I have to fucking wait for the December patch to get anything out of it, especially if they release legendary outfits during that time
I'm fucking disincentivized from opening their main source of revenue
yep. he's a mix of jade and croak with the ammo/charge based mechanics, poloma R, longer jumong E, ruh kaan/oldur Q, iva EX1 but with lifesteal, generic shield EX2, jumong space, ruh kaan M2 but you can charge it up.
easily the most boring and shit character they've made yet. he's really not much fun to play either. i'd be okay with the ammo/charge refreshing style gameplay if the rest of his abilities were fun to use but they're just not. because they're just ripped from other characters.
i have like 90 chests saved up
theres just nothing worthwhile
decembers probably going to have its own special purchase only chests like halloween so enjoy your color changes and icons
That's a shame because Stormcaller, who he's based on was very fun,had a lot of good combo potential and a skill based m2 that would silence a target only if you managed to hit both charges of it.
>tiny m1 range
>charge m2
>heal beam
>same ult
It's metal warden though barely. Now I know how herald players felt.
How in thee fuck does Pearls weapon charge work?
Honestly everything is so samey it could be a port of any character
Certain abilities charge it, and when charged it deals 8 extra damage and inflicts silence
Q charges it by default if it counters and ability
EX M1 charges it in exchange for a cast time and 25 energy
Space charges it if you take the round 1 battlerite that does so
They at least came out with legendary weapons that weren't shit in the patch before this, so I'm hopeful legendary outfits come out in the next one
>same m1 as jade
>same m2 as everyone
>same q as khan
>same space and e as jumong
>same r and f as poloma
>same ex1 as iva
>same ex2 just a fucking shield
See me after class. Stop wasting my time. What the fuck is Stunlock doing?
>What the fuck is Stunlock doing?
They are mis-designing their game based on the entirely incorrect assumption that the reason BLC failed was because it was too complex.
Their hardheaded insistence on keeping this game "accessible" is going to be it's downfall and I fear it's too late for them to correct course.
>I'm fucking disincentivized from opening their main source of revenue
They already got their money from us Early Access idiots. They'll get their chest revenue once the game goes F2P and those people use the 3 dollars they got from selling some shitty CS:GO knife to buy a chest here and there.
>uninspired as h*ck abilities
>looks like a gosh darn league creep
new champ is poop
At this point they should just give us a pool of 20 abilities and let us make a customized generic character
Like a skillful version of that WC3 custom map (the name escapes me) where you build your own hero.
Could actually be kinda neat.
engi Q
alch space
pearl R
like guild wars 1
if they really wanted to go full jew they could combine the ability customization with RNG loot boxes
actually scratch that
looking for programmer to make game, guaranteeed riches involved
there was a game in development called RUiN by Tarhead Studios which was exactly this and i was honestly more hyped for it than Battlerite. but unfortunately they've halted development for now and most likely indefinitely because they don't know if they should continue with their F2P model or make it pay2play. i don't mean to shill/advertise for it, but if you guys want a game like this, then go hit them up and show them you want this style of game.
having played it's alpha i can say it was pretty fuckin cool
I just want to open my chests, but I know it's stupid to do so in the long term. This has to be the dumbest feeling.
>Early Access idiots
Paid them to to beta test a game, what a world
Wow that fucking artstyle is identical to battlerites
I like this a lot and hope they don't fix it. Gives you control and makes you feel like they're not desperately trying to force every penny and dime out of you.
I'll make the logo
>add level 20 progression
>have people gain EXP retrospectively
WOW GENIUS. Now the casuals will SURELY have something to do again, it isnt like a lot of their chars are level 20 now anyway, right? This goddamn company, holy fucking shit
yep, and they work literally in the office next to stunlock studios
You used meme arrows outside of Veeky Forums. You're a disgusting newfag
And a SLS apologist too, kys
it really is, shame it seems to be dead, a custom character brawler could be fun
literally who cares, stop being so autistic
On a scale of 1 to Glutton how hard will they fuck up Thorn?
Stormcaller. Tanks and fun are toxic.
You brought it up nigger
it's guaranteed at this point
you know it's weird that taya is essentially the same as nomad except for EX1. why the fuck did every other character have to change radically, granted they weren't as simple as nomad?
im curious, /brg/!
what is:
>your favorite champions for 2s and/or 3s
>your most hated champion to face
>the most well designed battlerite tree
>your mmr
>your most wanted change to the game
>is now a meme character that is a cartoon dandelion with a face
>build up charges with m1
>hit m2 with charges to heal
>Q to build up charges on hit
>e is an aoe that snares
>your favorite champions for 2s and/or 3s
Ruh Khaan
>your most hated champion to face
a good Igniter
>the most well designed battlerite tree
Either Frayas or Ruhs
>your mmr
>your most wanted change to the game
And more battlerites, i want 5 per round
>That photo
Hahaha that's so funny hahahaha do you mind if I save it? Hahah that's great :-)
baited for this exact response
>the first thing i ever see on that sub
I remember why we hate reddit now
The fuck it is. Where's my fucking
remove kartoffel
o shit waddup
whats worse is knowing that stunlock probably fucking loves this idea
I'm glad I could make your day user
post your FUNYEST meme
>go into a "What do you think of Ezmo thread"
>there are actually people on reddit that try to convince other people that being generic is good and not every champ needs to have a distinct role in the game
Who are these people?
How do they fuction on a day to day basis?
why do you think tons of reddit players came over from league, a game that was built off copy-paste f2p champions for years
e-sports was a mistake.
I just got here, what's the general consensus?
certainly not to chair and headset companies
otherwise decent game with problems that will never be addressed
Mind numbing
Pick any of the above
Alright, lets see if you shitters understand this game. Who needs buffs most right now?
varesh and iva
nobody really needs nerfs either unless you're playing the meme mode but bringing the power level of everyone a bit would make the game more interesting