/gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots General

Making the Inner Sphere Great again Edition

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

Armored Core:

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Installer + Gamespy fix:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

The HAWKEN zombie marches on:

Heavy Gear Assault:

M.A.V. (Now with more Chromehound legal rights!)

MechWarrior Online:

How to start MWO:

New Player's Guide to MWO (aka the Manual):

Get your brazilian here:

Kong PodKast #25: Heavy Gear Stuff

MWO Mechlab:

MWO Heat Simulator:

Kanajashi's Video Tutorials:

Group Mumble Info:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Nova

Bump for Nova

Third for Nova

>not updating the living legends DL links


Trump for Nova

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Viper has the longest jump distance in the game now? 105.5. Spider 5V has 104.1.

literally uncarriable shitters uncapable to kill the one fucking raven capping both the sough bases.
i have to go myself in a motherfucking MkII to make him fuck off.
also fuck you jules you cheap bastard.

I think that's right.

kong drops habbeding

Are you satisfied with Trump as your new leader?

I need to make dank MWO Trump memes now.

Do it, faggot.

I see many mechbays in the near future, but not a whole lot of shitmechs to put in them in the near future.
>no point in buying cbill huntsmen because the only fun builds need pajeet's omnipods
>niggyrs only reach maximum funbuild potential with jade kike's side torsos

Put the cjw website link in the op instead of mechlivinglegends.net so folks don't go there and download an old version of the mod.

huntsmans have a lot of fun builds with stock pods

hes gonna build a wall to keep all the clanner niggers out

Give me 8 missile hardpoints or give me death

Need hero pods for the best laser Linebacker builds too, shit's getting annoying.

if anything the back-of-the-mc.d-liner will rely more on quirks than hardpoints, and as with all recent clan mechs it will have set of 8 quirks only

The clan omnis are seriously getting fucked over hard core recently.
>Set of 8
>P2W omnipods
>lineshitter with it's unremovable engine that's useless because there's no "dodge chance" from speed unless you're going VERY fast

Like fucking seriously

Memed :-D
>It's a chainfired LRM5 episode

It's blatantly clear that PGI has trouble balancing the game, so for them to streamline Clan quirks makes perfect sense.

Hero omnis were a massive mistake and they only started doing it now because they're greedy. There's absolutely no way to balance it without fucking over omnimechs and making the omnipods not p2w while still being unique. There was literally no way it could've gone any other way but horribly wrong.

>best mech in the game is a 100 tonner running the biggest engine in the game
>herp derp big engines are useless

>comparing a 100t battlemech with extremely favourable hardpoint types and physical locations to a cripplemech that's 30 tons lighter and has an engine that would be on the big side for most assaults

35 tons lighter :^)

>reading comprehension

That's Greg in "college" for you.

>when you lose a match against a PGI dev and Tina

>Make Inner Sphere Great Again

That's not what you were comparing. If mobility only counted over 120kph then why wouldn't people run STD250 UAC60 KDK-3s or UAC40 Hunchback IICs?

Or are you the retard that green texts XL Warhammer every time?

very nice

>can't even see the cockpit

Muy caliente mi amigo.

>post has anime girl on it
>it must be greg
I do not take kindly to this logic
also you know I mostly post idolmaster shit dumbo

There's only 3 speeds in MWO. Too slow, enough, and sanic. Heavies and assaults can't reach sanic, which is when your speed actually starts translating to extra survivability like TT target speed modifiers. Dire wolf chokes on dick because it's too slow and you can't change the engine because lmao omnimechs. Meanwhile the Kodiak can equip any kind of engine it wants and therefore go at the speed of "enough".

You're dancing around the fact that the Lineshitter has a ridiculously overtonnaged engine it can't change because omnis are less customizable than battlemechs in PGI-land, and even with the ridiculous engine it can't go past the "enough" speed. It's just a huge amount of wasted tonnage.


Looks like a headshot or maybe a backstab.

That was one minute of chasing a spider with 4 flamers and 2 small lasers.

If you did the most damage to that target, then you get the KMDD. It doesn't mean you killed something with just 73 damage, though you certainly can kill most lights with just that.

Sure thing, Greg

For mediums the difference between 80kph and 100kph is significant to gameplay, I don't know why it wouldn't be for a heavy. That isn't to say the Linebacker will necessarily be great because it could easily end up being an overtonnage Stormcrow like the 40 and 45 tonners tend to be overtonnage lights, but I can't agree it does nothing.



It's time...

Time that I remind them.

These are actually pretty strong. I think it will be a good mech.

Assuming, of course, that those are not tied to the set of 8 and instead tied to individual pods and the center torso.

>this many quirks on a clan heavy

And they're probably going to be set of 8 too.

Well duh, we all knew it was going to be severely hampered when it arrived.

Question is, just exactly how restrictive are those quirks...?

Because the linebacker CAN achieve a 8-9 er medium laser build with over 20 heatsinks and a targeting computer with some pod fiddling.

The weapon bonuses are probably set of 8, but it looks like it has omnipod specific quirks there. Notice certain parts get either armour or structure bonuses, which sync up with various omnipods.

>Prime gets RT and LT armour (1M,1E and 1M)
>A gets only LT (2E, 1M RT is stronger than Prime's)
>B gets both (1E, 1AMS and 1B, weaker than all others)
>C gets only structure to the RT (because it has the best LT and a strong RT)
>D gets RT armour but only LT structure (LT is 2E again)
>Hero gets LT structure (2E like the D, RT has 3E making it the best omnipod)

Also the weapon quirks are listed below the XP bonus, which is always set of 8.

>non-pulse laser only quirks
For what purpose

Damn that's a lot of quirks.
>yfw linebacker will be kooldiak2: the quirkening

>memechine gun kwirks

>all those armor and structure quirks
Fuck you PGI.

I guess its time to join kong. How do I apply? Is mumble mandatory?

do yourself a favour and spare yourself some headaches, dont.

You just log onto mumble and most people can give you an invite

There's really only one rule. Don't be a giant asshole.

Hi, you need to participate in a rigorous tryout and submit a nonrefundable $20 fee.

After that, you will be accepted as a probationary memer of the MechWarriors San Salaire.

>ass shatter sphere getting btfo in scouting because clanners are dropping in novas and IS is dropping in crabs

The Trial Highlander IIC is what the IS one should feel like.

Kongdrops happening

Unbasic'd Nova Stronk

>still can't find the goons comment

What did you mean by this?

No they have two,

Don't be pardo and don't be Kevin.

Nobody remembers kevin anymore.

kevin can fuck off

who the fuck are those 3 literally who shitters who cant even break 250 damage?
you are letting every tier 4 shitter in?
literally how desperate for players do you have to fucking be?
fucking disgusting.
neck yourselves.

Kong has always let in literally everyone, only banning those who are true pieces of shit (you).

Anyone happen to snag Pardo's IP?

Nah dude, he quit

Yes. He "quit" kong.

And every other "drama" filled unit

Wasnt he even in BWC at one point?

Anyone know what happened to Hawken ever since the change of hands? Did anything, anything at all get added to it in terms of new modes, new mechs, new maps, new weapons or new parts-- i.e. any new content at all?

Fuck if I know, he's a retarded cocksucking autist with braincancer

I haven't played in a few years, is it better to make a new account, play my old one that had all three Catapults and really old outdated meta builds (White Whale, 2x Gauss/2x PPC, etc. etc.), or play my old one after liquidating all my assets for C-Bills?

I like playing fast stuff that hits hard and wins without much effort, or slow stuff that hits extremely hard and wins without any effort at all.

Power Jenners and Kodiaks are what you want. If you are hurting for mech bays, liquidate, otherwise keep the Owens, I mean Catapults, they have been resized. Gauss/PPC never really goes out of style either. There is an event going on so grind that out. take this code and redeem it on mwomercs for a free hero cent NCIXMECH.

The correct answer is to uninstall and play a better game.

Play your old account and just deal with it

AC6 for PC isn't out yet

One can only hope we will be delivered unto that promised land.


I wish the NCIXMECH came with Endo-Steel or something by default


Also, it's confirmed for being Catapult size if not smaller, just FYI.
Gonna be an interesting Robot guys.


Really makes you think

>tfw every single time miss the fun time american kong drops


So have you all gotten your free special edition Centurion with custom camo from NCIX yet?

hold up that's literally the PC gamer pattern



It kind of reminds me of that odd camo pattern that temporarily replaced the stock tricolor.

>We've teamed up with NCIX to design a Centurion CN9-A [NCIX] variant 'Mech, featuring a special Camo Pattern, NCIX colours, and a 30% C-Bill boost!
>featuring a special Camo Pattern
>a special Camo Pattern
>it's not special



Dare I?

Can't stop
Won't stop

>recycling promotional grab deals.


It's not even just similar to the PC Gamer patter, it's literally the exact same thing. I just don't understand.

I don't get why everyone is shocked.
PGI barely has the manpower to make camo patterns for all the mechs they're putting out right now. Lauren can only do so much.
Them reusing camo patterns that almost everyone has forgotten about, and so few have, while just slightly adjusting the colors makes sense. Saves you money, and time.

The Centurion has had 3 separate default patterns, two of them are currently unused. Why didn't they just use one of those?