/hg/ - Halo General

Cool clubs edition

>The Anvil's Legacy Update and Halo 5: Forge are live! They include the following:
- Forge and custom game multiplayer on Windows 10, featuring every Halo 5 map, keyboard/mouse support, increased resolution up to 4K, and 22 exclusive achievements for 1000 Gamerscore
- Forge content browser
- 1 new arena map (Haven Remake)
- 1 new warzone assault map
- New reqs, including hunter cannons and the tactical magnum
- All req items unlocked for forge
>Important Halo Links, Notes etc.
pastebin.com/DpwtNzmu (embed)
>Latest Halo Community Update

>343 Industries comments on Halo 5 turning 1 years old and what's in the game's future

>The Infection Playlist has been updated with improved maps and game modes

>Spartan Companies
Xbox One:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general
Windows 10:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halogeneral pc
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halogeneral w10

>Looking for custom games/campaign co-op players/matchmaking squads
Watch the threads for occasional party squads

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>Extended Universe Downloads

>Submit bungie Halo clips to Sweaty Towels for the next /hg/tage!

Other urls found in this thread:


I wanna see what Warrior-Servant bootcamp is like

What purpose do those floating pieces above his shoulder serve other than to look like pointless badly designed garbage

These last few days have not held good playtime but we can turn it around together.

>16/31 commendations completed (+0)

Here is what remains

>BODY GUARD - 1,174 remaining (+101)
Protect a teammate

>FROM DOWNTOWN - 381 remaining (+11)
Kill an enemy Spartan from a long distance

>ALMOST DOESN'T COUNT - 5,880 remaining (+90)
Kill an enemy Spartan when your health is low and survive

>STING LIKE A BEE - 12,422 remaining (+162)
Kill an enemy Spartan with melee

>SO CUDDLY - 1,370 remaining (+11)
Assassinate enemy Spartans

>SORRY MATE - 13,752 remaining (+80)
Kill Marines

>THE PAIN TRAIN - 3,564 remaining (+17)
Kill an enemy Spartan with shoulder bash

>ROAD TRIP - 11,296 remaining (+72)
Kill an enemy Spartan with a ground vehicle

>STANDARD ISSUE - 199,658 remaining (881)
Kill an enemy Spartan with a standard weapon

>TOO FAST FOR YOU - 13,146 remaining (+30)
Kill an opponent that shot you first

>LUCKY - 2,656 remaining (+9) 2,656
Earn the Cluster Luck, Last Shot, Sayonara, or Fastball medal

>FIRST STRIKE - 5,179 remaining (+38)
Earn the First Kill of a Match

>SOMETHING ON YOUR FACE - 236,791 remaining (+773)
Kill an enemy Spartan with a headshot

>FORGOT TO PAY THE TOLL - 871 remaining (+2)
Kill the driver of a moving enemy vehicle by using a Sniper Rifle

>LOOK MA NO PIN - 34,270 remaining (+133)
Kill an enemy Spartan with any grenade

I'd wager indication of rank. Maybe some technological function.

You are planning to give me your credit card right user?

or else


>that noise and animation when you unlock a rare achievement

Oh it's so good

I don't give it out to old hags.


They're pointless and just used to make something look "futuristic" like hexagons

>Getting all of the Vidmasters
>Remembers back when it meant something

You're cute.

Not to be a dick, but why do my fellow hardcore Halo fans support these newer Halos?

If it's to keep the gaming community alive, that's fine. But overall you can't say that these can't properly present Halo when you compare 4/5 to is predecessors.

Won't giving them money just tell them to make more games like these? This isn't really an argument starter, I'm honestly curious.

meant "can". Apologies.

Because the multiplayer is legitimately good.

As long as I have fun playing it and there's still a community that supports it, I'll keep playing it.

Because I enjoy them

>rare achievement

I got Halo 4 out of morbid curiosity and it was as shitty as I imagined. MCC came with my Xbox. I heard great things about Halo 5 so I picked it up and was only disappointed by the lack of gametypes. Everything else was spot on.

Fair enough, don't yearn for a better story though?

Why have half of a cake when you can strive for all of it.

Gameplay wise they're alright games. That's about it for me though.

Oh you

Neither were free, user. Much of the Halo 5 "dlc" was already on disc, and the game shipped with so little content that it's obvious it was all planned from the start and held back.



>neither were free
I think you're warping the definition of "free"

It's a living MJOLNIR undersuit



>don't yearn for a better story though?
No one liked the campaign story in Halo 5. That's the universal thing agreed upon by people who played it. 343i has that feedback.

I haven't spent any money on the micro transactions and I still enjoy the multiplayer enough to keep playing.

>much of halo 5's dlc was already on disc

Like what

user, you paid for the game with the promise of "free" dlc later. It was never free, you just bought the right to access it later. It's like saying buying a season pass gives you the content for free.

>"free" dlc
It was free for me though

>that patch that x game got to fix a physics bug wasn't free! YOU PAID FOR IT! REEEEEE

It was downloadable content and I did not pay for it

It was free dlc

So if I buy a game, I paid for every post-launch update?

>it's only free if they keep it a total secret beforehand

Your brain is retarded user

You bought half a game with the promise of the other half later. That promise wasn't free, user.

I bought the game at regular price with no extra charges.
It was free.

I guess when someone gives you a Christmas present it's not free for you either because you were expecting to get one beforehand

>That promise wasn't free
Sure it wasn't but I didn't pay for it. I paid for the base game which was what I got.

No it was not, user. They charged you for it, then gave you the content at a later date.
It's like when you buy a drink with "free" refills. The cost of that extra drink was nested in the cost of the original drink.

Then all that means is that you lowered your standards and accept half a game as worth $60.

So if they didn't announce that they'd be releasing DLC content before the game launched, then it would count as free?

REQ when

No. At best, they'd be making up for the half-a-game they left out. You made a down-payment for content. It's not free.

You're an idiot to be quite honest

Astounding rebuttal. You sure proved me wrong.

Shit thats actually impressive, the models dont look like plastic and the stances dont look janky

And what if I didn't pay for halo 5

Does the DLC count as free then

No, it means you got the game for free, which gave you access to the later-bundled content.
To go back to drinks, it'd be like if you took a cup off the stack or someone gave you a cup for free, then the waiter got you your refills because you had that thing that other people paid for.

What if nobody paid for the game and it was just stolen

Does the DLC count as free then

Does it actually say anything relating to post-game content or free dlc on Halo 5's box

>stole a game
>"lol is it free?"

>somebody actually trying to argue that because you bought a game it means you bought DLC too
Was it autism?

I didn't steal anything. I'm asking user questions to try and better understand his completely skewed logic.

Did you completely miss the ad campaign for 5 up near launch? If anybody has stuff like that large compilation of shit like "Campaign is 8-12 hours on normal" and "21 maps", it says it on there. Stuff like "Forge (Coming in December)" and other stuff in vidocs.
You paid for two halves of a game at once, got one half up front, and got the other half over a year in a failed attempt to disperse monthly content to keep a constant stream of players that 4 lost in a month.

I payed for halo 5, the dlc was free.

You realize this means that you have to say that you consider Halo 5 at launch, the one with three game modes, seven maps, etc. to be a finished game, right? That it was worth $60.

>343i has that feedback.
Think they'll improve upon it?

And fair 'nuff. Played Reach a few days ago myself, Invasion's still a good time.

To fulfill that Halo Master Chief itch.



That's what most of us bought, yes. At that time we didn't even know what the DLC was going to be. So that's what we payed for.

I want to know under what conditions you consider DLC to be free. Does titanfall 2 count?

>this, brute shot/pro-pipe and sentinel beam still aren't in h5

I could really go for some Halo 1 campaign co-op.

Great stuff.

>At that time we didn't even know what the DLC was going to be.
Yes we did, they showed some of it before launch such as Noctus, also talked about armors, remix maps, forge, REQs, etc.
>So that's what we payed for.
Who the fuck is "we"? Because everyone here knew before launch that that was happening. As I said, it was part of the advertising campaign. They made sure before launch that we knew there would be more stuff post-launch at no extra charge, citing things like the dead DLC playlists of previous Halo games as reasons to why they won't charge even more.

After Halo CE LASO, I can't bring myself to enjoy it

>more stuff post-launch at no extra charge

In other words, free dlc.

There's a difference between "no extra charge" and "free," user. One is a compounding of costs that cover the cost of making both, and the other is a gift. Halo 5 is an example of the former, Cold Storage is an example of the latter.

Shit man, I feel you. After beating most Halo campaigns at their highest difficult I got steamed out for a little while.

Getting back into it though.

So what exactly do you think is the difference between paying 60$ for halo 3 and getting cold storage VS paying 60$ for halo 5 and getting Mercy or something

When Halo 3 was being released, they didn't advertise it on eventually getting Cold Storage. That's part of the context that you're missing. Halo 5 was SOLD on the idea of that "free" DLC. It was a feature already embedded in the product. It was part of the reward for the price.

THE /HG/TAGE IV: BUNGIE EDITION is currently accepting clips from these games.
>Halo: Combat Evolved/Anniversary/SPV3
>Halo 2/Anniversary/Vista
>Halo 3/ODST/Firefight
>Halo Wars
>Halo: Reach
>Halo: The Master Chief Collection (excluding Halo 4/Spartan Ops)

If you'd like to submit a clip, either reply to this post with the xboxdvr/thehostyouuse link or message that link to my account on waypoint. Use the past community’tages as a reference on what to submit. I’ll be looking for casual and competitive clips from the multiplayer and the campaign.

If anyone needs me to record their clips from Halo 3 on the 360 then let me know. I'll be keeping my 360 with me for the next few weeks so if anyone wants to get achievements together on any 360era Halo then let me know, I have them all.

If you have any questions post them in reply to me or message "Sweaty Towels" on waypoint.

They didn't announce mercy before launch either

Just "DLC"

All I'm saying is I payed 60$ for halo 5 and I payed 0$ for any of the DLC which they could have just as easily charged for like every other shitty half-done game that releases these days.

>All I'm saying is I payed 60$ for halo 5 and I payed 0$ for any of the DLC which they could have just as easily charged for like every other shitty half-done game that releases these days.
Well it was half done. And they had microtransactions, too. And they even boasted that the microtransactions "paid" for the DLC. AND they promised content through June before launch, which then got delayed by two months, which just happens to perfectly land on when Mercy came out and when the stream of content stopped.
So while you may personally like the business model and feel you got a good deal, the DLC was not free. It was a packaged deal with half now, half later.

>the DLC was not free

Funny, I don't remember paying for it. That must have slipped my memory somehow.

>Funny, I don't remember paying for it.
You paid for that with the disc. It's a feature.

>you payed for it with the disc

Well, of course I would need to own the game itself to download DLC for it. But the DLC itself was free, I didn't pay for that.

>But the DLC itself was free, I didn't pay for that.
Yes you did. It was promised with the game. You might as well say you bought the game for Breakout, and that the campaign, player customization, and arena maps were "free".

You are mistaken. The DLC was not included with the game. They were released afterwards.

>You are mistaken. The DLC was not included with the game.
Great, now we've established you can't read.

Yes, I can read. You seem confused about something.

>it was promised with the game so it's not free

This is such a shitty argument. Did I pay for the game? Yes, I did. That's what I payed 60$ for, regardless on my or anyone else's opinion on how worthy the game we received was.

Did I pay for the DLC's? No, I downloaded those for free when they released. I didn't pay for them. I downloaded them for free.

Then maybe you should reread this. I mean, you responded to it.
"It was promised with the game."
You paid for that promise. Like a bank security, a magazine subscription, or xbox live. You paid now to get it later.

No I didn't. I paid for base Halo 5. The dlc came later and I didn't have to pay for any of it.

By your logic only complete surprises are free. We didn't know what we were going to get, how much, or for how long. flash forward over a year later and more free DLC is still on the way.

>No I didn't. I paid for base Halo 5. The dlc came later and I didn't have to pay for any of it.
Then you either undervalued your dollar or ignored the marketing, because it was always a feature that it was going to be released post-launch.
>We didn't know what we were going to get, how much, or for how long.
They said at launch, and even had several calendars and schedules that they had to constantly update because of delays.

>undervalued your dollar

Value is subjective. But anyone who bought the game at launch all bought the exact same thing.

>But anyone who bought the game at launch all bought the exact same thing.
Yes, and features advertised included
>Custom Games
>File Browser
>Post-launch content
Those are all nestled under the umbrella of $60. That's what the developers valued it at and charged you for it. You paid for it.

So what if they announced the free DLC one minute after the game launched, instead of beforehand.

Then it would count as free?

Clearly not. If it's that close to launch, then it was obvious that the development time that the budget used that is recouped by the game sales included this extra DLC time.
tldr; they worked on it with the rest of the content, why should they charge for it

What is the acceptable time period for a game to announce free DLC

When it's clear that extra time and work was put into it, instead of holding it back or rushing the other content out early.
It's a case-by-case basis.

I'm glad we have you here to guide us through the hazy confusing world of Free DLC for games, user.

You know, if it weren't for your guidance, I'd still be assuming that free DLC just meant "Downloadable Content that I don't have to pay for".

How silly would that be?

Files are in the game for the Grenade Launcher and Sentinel Beam. Sticky Launcher and potentially other Brute weapons (Spike Rifle) also perhaps on the way.

>that I don't have to pay for
If you knew this, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. You paid for those gigs 343 threw at you later. You just paid upfront with the rest of the game, which was much less than you usually got.

Oh really? It must have been really cheap then, because halo 5 itself was already 60$ and the total came out to around 67-ish.

>why do fans support these newer Halos?
I don't like 4 or 5, but I bought them both.
because I wanted to see if I liked them.
the logic is sound. I can only know if I like it by buying it first.
reviews aren't gonna tell me shit when they don't know Halo like a hardcore Halo fan does.
motherfuckers labelled Halo 4's multiplayer as the best yet... etc

if a reviewer can tell me the reason why the radar jammer and flare were removed from Halo 3's matchmaking, then I'll trust them.

>overall you can't say that these properly represent Halo when you compare 4/5 to is predecessors.
true, but every Halo has its shit bits. there is no ultimate definitive Halo game. they're all fucked in one way or another. that's why Halo fans argue so much about which is the best. it's a clusterfuck of a series when it comes to that.
that's exactly why I consider Reach the best, but with a giant asterisk next to it. Reach has the most content. if you don't like one aspect of the game, you can always try another.

the Library level. repeating campaign levels. 3 shot pistol.

Arbiter levels. cliffhanger ending. BXR.

Cortana level. BR utility weapon.

bloom. armor lock. melee only takes off shield, regardless of how much shield is there.

removed descoping. random starting weapons. rapid weapon despawn. no campaign theater. removed gametypes.

copypaste COD abilities (thruster pack, ground pound, spartan charge, clamber, slide, smart scope, hover). no Forge on launch. barely any gametypes. microtransactions.

(note that those negative points about each game reflects what I've seen/heard from Halo fans. they're not all my own dislikes. example: I like the Arbiter levels in 2)

This is what I mean by undervaluing your dollar. You're saying that, without the DLC, Halo 5 as it was on launch was fully worth that $60.

That's what was sold. That's what most of us bought. So value is irrelevant.

>That's what was sold.
You're leaving out the rest of what the game was sold on.
>That's what most of us bought.
I like how you're now backpedalling, going from "all" to "most." Just because you ignored it doesn't mean they didn't promise it and sell the game on it.

Some people bought it after launch? How is that backpedaling. In their case, some or all of the DLC was already released and they knew what they were getting. At launch, the same can't be said.

>Some people bought it after launch? How is that backpedaling.
Now you're backpedalling even further, because the argument is about buying at-launch and whether what came after was "free".

I don't even know what you're talking about at this point