Best ship edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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I want SYNDRA and JANNA to take turns STEPPING on me! :3~
>Make a fresh account
>Unlock Singed
>Buy t2 Runes
>Fuck around for a few hours
>Dance in their base proxying
this is so much better than the high plat-low diamond autists I usually play with. Would you believe a bunch of pre-30's usually comm better than the people in my ranked games?
Play em off, Nami
When did we stop putting all those links in the OP?
I thought it was good to have them.
4th for Meowkai is best Mao skin
>tfw no adc gf
xth for Flex Queue is shit and shouldn't be touched during Season 7
What would you do if someone actually responded to this post claiming to be a girl and asking for your IGN?
Do you think that will ever happen if you keep posting it?
What if they were from another region?
At least if you're slotted in jungle it should either auto lock smite as one of your summoners or it should have a big flashing warning that maybe you should be taking smite once everyone's locked in. Then retards will have no excuse.
Honestly mastery and runs should just go away. 99% of the time it's the keystone that matters more than the rest of the page combined and a bunch of choices are no-brainers. Feels like mastery pages just exist so Riot can jerk themselves off to keystones and the supposed deep and meaningful gameplay differences they bring when they're mostly a pile of stats and a few minor passives.
>Feeding botlane
>t. Yasuo players
>top laner acting like a child
Community in this game is fucking awful. I think Riot's attempt at making it better ended up exacerbating the problem.
to accomadate
Are you just trolling or are you actually bronze 4?
What are the odds of Riot doing the same as last season and not putting Solo/Duo Queue and saying "We swear dynamic queue is better"
I just bought purple desert guy.
What do I do?
Is Yoummus still core on GP?
It's happened several times and each time we either become good friends and play together but not gf, or we chat a bit and play a couple but then don't talk much.
I don't have accounts on other servers .
It's mostly just a meme my man but enough people have actually responded that hey, I might as well.
Like I typed, Flex Queue is shit and I got placed there despite playing against only High Silvers and Golds during my placements like I should be. hence the low amound of LP I lost and the high amount of LP I get when I win.
wtf is everyone playing on the alpha client?
Bets? Yes I know I don't have a keystone
wtf? talon rapes me now?
How the fuck do I get into open beta of new launcher? There is no windows poping up when I open old one
>first rank in new season
>guy pics trynd vs their illaoi
>oh boy here we go
>he goes "glhf" in all chat
>he dies twice in first 3 minutes
>"good its just preseason, hehe ;)"
>feeds his ass of, ends up 4/14 making illaoi unkillable
off to a good start i guess
>We cannot comprehend the design. A raindrop cannot comprehend a river valley.
What did she mean by this?
hey guys
which champion uses a machine that kills fascists
I deserve at least gold
are you na/euw?
Wait for a few lvls then push like crazy with lost chapter
Your Q resets your E and your E spawns a shitton of pets if it passes onto another minion
>new client has the friends list taking up a quarter of the screen that you can't minimize constantly reminding me that i have no friends
>he posted the whole thing in champ select
Which one of you fucks is this?
Funnily enough, Illaoi gets countered hard by Tryndamere.
i will deliberate this suggestion
happy fascist hunting
oh yeah
Piltover/Zaun lore expansion/event when? I wanna see Jinx and Jhin at each other's throats!
Anyone remembers the name of the old matchmaking system in which you could choose which champion to play?
Silver, but its all garbage anyway
>never play mid before
>level to 30 and play any ranked I've played since in bot/sup/jg
>want to learn mid
>everyone I lane against is someone who's played mid way more than I have
>don't even have a chance on experience alone
>currently my win record on mid is 3-14
>win late record is 0-17
when does it end? Shouldn't this many losses make my hidden rating go down and fight people my skill/experience level? I just want to learn mid not whatever this is, it hurts
its in the game already retard its what we got rewards for this year
I want giant Nami to hold me!
>level to 30
>never played mid
this is where you went wrong
>"i deserve gold"
climb to gold like the rest of us, bud
Remember, post cute, not lewd.
jhin is ionian retard
How do i get master
Check 'em
I already posted how to in the last Thread.
You change your Region to Oceania.
Let it Patch.
Press Launch.
Restart the Launcher.
Press Launch and then there should Pop-up and Window to change to the Alpha Client.
Accept the TOS.
Let it Patch (Took 30Minutes).
Press Launch.
Close the Client.
Open the Launcher.
Change your Region.
Note: If you change your Client with this Methode, you can't change it back.
>check it
>15/5 as diana
you almost forgot that diana is braindead
>Bronze II
fuck this system, i'm not touching lol til solo queue is up again
>not 15/5/5
Well no shit. He has plans to go to Piltover though. Keep up better.
Shut up cutie
>person with a champion's name in their name like "pro rengar"
>isn't playing that champion
But why?
its not even that hard to climb out of bronze. if you had a decent rank last year then you should get like 30 lp per win.
Which one of you named your account "D TRUMP 2016"
I swear I saw it mentioned the other day
what the sites name i forgot
That build, kill me
why are you trying to play a role you've never played in normals in a ranked game user? you're gonna have a bad time.
Reminder to join Veeky Forums club on EUNE!
To do that contact GlebLuluPmforERP
i'm not gonna bother
i just wanted something to spend my time on, but it's clearly not worth it
kill yourself
nice troll
janna with the new support item is literally worse than cancer
which support item? also nice trips
>this garbage puts me bronze just to give me 27 lp for win
Dude, it's the splitpushing, off tank, full burst build
the orbit laser beam bullshit
I'll be your friend user.
that shit's broken.
>>able to use it during death. rito this is literally game breaking.
>botlane feeding relentlessly
like fucking clockwork
Does anyone have that image by stormbringer of waitress Poppy serving fedora Talon? I'm pretty sure there's a few images of waitress Poppy.
I know ; ;
I am playing normals.
were you born yesterday?
its literally always like that in preseason you ape
They are nothing before me!
>banner of command is now a tank item
>nobody else is building it yet
i never feed
I heard you got an urgot god is this true
How's the new Resolve mastery on Shyvana? What do you think of the possible changes to her ultimate and passive?
then you've nothing to worry about as the most thing thats negative that happens in normals is either a queue or a chat restriction. do whatever you want.
im gonna do it guys
im gonna buy rumble
i go 5-5 in placements, since i didnt dodge the game with the junglers that literlaly play jungle every single game and cant jungle its pathetic and its the best jungle on the enemy team every time. and its either that or the support doesnt care anymore and goes to any lane. i cant wait till flexq settles down and the players return to normal and then riot removes flexq and we al go back to soloq and pretend it never happened
The ADC shit KDA is a trend.
The highest anybody can place is Plat 1, so that pushes everyone Diamond and up down into Platinum. Which pushes Platinum players down to Platinum 5 or into Gold.
Which puts Golds into silver.
So youre basically Silver II mmr and the system is giving you the chance to catch up because your rank and mmr are extremely distant. A loss should only be like 12-14 LP for you
what were you placed in
fuck _me_
you literally only get the shield if you hit someone with your ults knockback. its garbage
>Build Banner and Zz'rot
>Unless you're losing hard you get a stupid amount of pressure
Though it always feels bad when you send a promoted Cannon to an empty lane and suddenly their adc appears there.
This game was 12/6/12, the new keystone is pretty bad on her, and the current keystones are all pretty bad. Against 5 squishies you can go stormraiders but otherwise I don't see much point, you don't get too much value out of any of the keystones, and 12/6/12 gives you a lot.
I love the ultimate changes, they are pretty much exactly what I wanted, but I hate the passive change. First off, it's entirely rng which dragons you have access to. Secondly, your mid and bot lanes can lose beyond your ability to save them, which will mean you have no passive for the entire game. This gets even worse as Top Shyvana, where you rely on your teammates for the most to get your passive, and you really need the current free stats passive to survive the earlygame.
The changes to w and e are a bit bizarre but I don't think they will really matter either way
last time i played preseason, i was being matched with anything between d5 and challenger
now im getting b5 - p5 basically
Then why are you playing flex instead of normals?
Legit no reason to play Ranked right now, just wait until next month
what item is that and what does it do? I've seen it hit me like twice but I have no clue what it is or what it does
I've been playing this game for quite a while now, and yet, this is the most absurd thing i've come across.