Inconvenient Truths

ITT: Inconvenient Truths Veeky Forums doesn't want to hear.

>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life
>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme
>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you
>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business
>Stop calling yourself a business man
>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Get rich quick schemes are called schemes for a reason

The inconvenient truth for you my froggy friend is that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is increasing in value at a very fast rate.

>putting crypto in the same league as penny stocks.

Kill yourself and die poor nocoiner

>spending time on Veeky Forums reduces your odds of making it.

>reading books in a nice chair at home is more useful than going to college at all

Yet so many people barely read books and just take the loans and go to college to have things taught to them. such a fucking stupid logic.

ONE SINGLE SEMESTER of college would pay for an extremely comfortable reading chair and an entire room of books that would make you extremely knowledgeable, much more than any fucking college grad.

>>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business

So all of the internet as long as you have your own servers.

Also all program and website development etc.

Yes that is called freelance work.

> What is a client?

"What makes you qualified to work here?"

"I uuuh...I read a lot of books"

You sound like someone who failed college/is unemployable.

Agree to a point.
- If I'd have money I'd hold Bitcoin for the lolz.

+If you want to make money online you need one of these:
- something you are passionate about and you can write new interesting posts every day, so you make a blog but you don't care if it's not profitable for months.
- a skill that has a demand: specialized programming skills, SEO professional stuff, good writing skills.
- psychopathic mindset: write an ebook/course on how to make money online, don't go into details just write bullshit theory and anecdotic stories about your friends and how everyone can do it, just don't give up! (motivational bullshit) Make a landing page where you collect their e-mails for a shitty preview of the "course" and make them subscribe for $7.99 for the first month. The trick is to charge them $49.95 or even more for the next months if they didn't cancelled their subscription.

Every decision you make related to your college education will be driven by emotion and a near complete absence of rational thought.

>he inconvenient truth for you my froggy friend is that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is increasing in PRICE at a very fast rate.

FTFY , no one knows what the actual intrinsic value, if any, is.

1. Being a pessimist, you'll never make it anywho

>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme
>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you

Pretty sure all the regulars knows this. Veeky Forums is a remnant of how Veeky Forums used to be: "Hurr, durr, I just leet trolled you!!!111" when in fact everyone was in on the joke from the get-go. It's a classic trollercoaster. Just some good innocent fun.

Came back yesterday after a few weeks of hiatus from Veeky Forums. After 5 minutes I knew the current meme was Wave. I think it's hilarious. It's the reason I keep coming back here, it entertains me.

There's no way in hell anyone comes here regularly for actual advice. It's fucking Veeky Forums, for crying out loud!

if you actually want something in your life you have to do something to get it. dont sit around thinking and whining online and then wonder why nothing good ever happens to you. start doing shit.

>you have to be an EXTREMELY successful entrepreneur to catch up to the lifestyle of an average miserable wagecuck

But what to do? Rob a bank? lel

> I uhh..I read a lot of books.
That's a dumb way of thinking and a really dumb response.

> As an autodidact, I developed an understanding of [field] which I had applied when [project 1] had [insert problems here]. Using these problem solving skills eventually lead me to the more successful [product 2].

You show that you're self-taught, this displays passionate, determined, capable of filling knowledge gaps.

Your answer obviously depends on your interviewer, but that's the general idea.

sure, if being a bank robber is what you want out of life thats probably not a bad idea.

I want to live in a comfy house in a smaller city (it's not even that expensive in my country) and only looking at my investment portfolio once a day. Other than that I just want to hang out with my friends and go hiking from time to time. Maybe travel around Europe 2-3 times a year. The problem is that I don't want to work.

>Go into interview
>"As an autodidact.."

And I'm wondering why people on Veeky Forums have no social skills..

>The problem is that I don't want to work.

I'm not too sure but I think that might just be your problem

> muh too big werds
> too big werds meens no social skills hurr durr

Sir I would like to inform you that I don't require any college education for this job because as an autodidact I completely understood finance the very minute I read Adam Smith's Wikipedia article.

so basically your desire to avoid work is bigger than your desire to get all that other stuff. either get used to working or you just have to learn to be comfortable with not having what you want because with that attitude you will never get it.

I know, right?! At least I admit that I'm a lazy unmotivated person, not like average normies blaming others. You know what, that's not even true.. I'm motivated to get rich, I'm just not motivated to wageslave for 10+ years to have a starting capital for investing.

>so basically your desire to avoid work is bigger than your desire to get all that other stuff
yep, but it depends on what kind of work... I might be unfortunate but I haven't found a job/profession yet that I didn't hate

>I'm motivated to get rich, I'm just not motivated to work

That perfectly sums up this board!


Calling yourself an autodidact is like calling yourself classy.

Saying you're an autodidact is the equivalent of saying you graduated from a college that no-one ever heard of (no name recognition = unreliable and too risky to hire).

>Being a pessimist, you'll never make it anywho
Disregarding reality isn't the mark of an optimist. It's a sign of mental illness.

It's nice to have dreams and all, but you "future billionaires" are downright delusional. You're fucking up your actual life pursuing a fantasy.

What makes us different is that I take charge of my own life, learning and working for myself, and you want to be taught and led by someone like me.

you have to work to make money. period.

whether its daytrading shitty Veeky Forums penny stock memes, laying bricks, selling drugs, etc, there is work involved. until you learn how to work and save money then you'd better get comfortable being a brokeboy

If you can't save 10k in one year (assuming you are in US) then you don't have any right to be investing. I saved 10k from my first year working in fast food.

Just cut your expenses down to the minimum if mommy and daddy won't let you move back in. 10 years for starting capital is moronic.

> For some men to live like kings, other men must suffer
> Money and possessions are mostly just a means of social comparison, by which we judge our self worth

Here is an inconvenient truth for you fuckers

It's easier than ever to become filthy fucking rich and there are some really stupid fucking people that are becoming millionaires. You literally have the freedom to convince anyone in the world to give you money in exchange for a product or service. Just think about that.

Here's a very convenient truth:

Study something useful in college and you'll be set more or less for the rest of your life. The more education, the better.

Offer not valid for the mentally ill

What about mentally ill?
I have depression and anxiety that prevents me from getting a job... Not from the US so there's no NEETbux here. Therapy is expensive.
I'm struggling with Internet Marketing right now.. I hope exercising will repair my brain soon and I won't be a nervous wreck next time when I apply for just a wageslaving job.

Jesus christ this board should just be /roleplaying/

Dear diary,
Went to a job interview today. They insisted on having Security escort me out before I finished presenting my 12 point plan. I do expect to hear from soon

>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme

You are redpilled. Wageslaving is impossible when you are high sentience.

Internet ad revenue or death.

Depression and anxiety arent things that you "have". Everyone deals with them. Theyre just highs and lows. You need to nut up and learn how to handle them like a man and work around them or overcome them like everyone else instead of pussyfooting around and pretending that its something that actually prevents you from functioning. Do drugs during the lows and power through the highs with work and self betterment

>Do drugs during the lows

world-class advice from a world-class faggot

Just swallowed my last Xanax. I used it on nights when I couldn't sleep and everything just seemed hopeless. Like today. But from tomorrow I will walk/run in the nature every day.
And I will sit down with a pen and paper and work out a plan carefully on what I want to do with my life, my current projects and what I want to focus on. That was my biggest problem besides anxiety, I was doing too many things at the same time, no wonder nothing worked out as I wanted.
So anyway, let's do this!

Shit i'm in the same boat. I'm schizoaffective, work a part time job and am struggling with internet marketing. I can't hold a full time job cause of stress.

>>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life
>>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme
>>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you
>>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business
>>Stop calling yourself a business man
>>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those

You are actually smarter than most here since you actually realise all of this.

>Stocks are a meme
>Day trading is a meme
>Metals are a meme
>You cant do any of those just by reading books and investing your money
>1000 dollars is not an amount you should invest
>It is easier to handle a business than make money trading, but it requires you to leave the house so Veeky Forums hates it

kek, well morons, i can tell you that neither a collage degree nor books mean jack shit unless you went to a very high ranked university, otherwise as an employer I will judge you on what you have actually done.

>just swallowed my last xanax
I think your first plan you right down will be "get more xanax" while your having a seizure

I dunno man.. shitcoins have paid off for me.. they are called pump and dumps for a reason, but its a windfall of early adopters. Just dont buy anything that has pumped, and you'll be fine.. That goes for peny stocks and shitcoins

By 2050 the global population wil reach 10 billion.

The importance of this is that man biologists consider the Earth's carrying capacity for humans to be around 10 billion (food only, water and energy decrease this number).

This means that in our lifetimes, possibly soon, we will start to see the decline of the human race.

Assuming we don't nuke the population back down, or to extinction, what's likely to happen is 3 things will correct our population.

1) As antibiotics fail and cities become overcrowded, pandemics will destroy many population centers.
2) Desertificstion caused by overpopulation will cause starvation leading to a long term negative feedback loop.
3) The Behavioral Sink, if you believe in it, wil be in full swing. Couple will become rarer and couple with children will be rarer on top of that. Couples who raise their children properly will become almost unheard of.

In our lifetime we can see eugenics. We can see the deaths of billions. We may even see the end of everything, as far as humans are concerned.

Tinfoil hat much?

My estimates are very much in line with th UN's own.

Overpopulation estimates

This stuff is very much out in the open and only takes elementary biology and statistics to understand.

The only way this is avoided is if the whole world collectively agrees to lower the birthrate, which I don't see happening.

Well if you know elementary biology then you know a population reaches plateau levels, dips, and then goes back to the plateau level depending on food supply? Sure niggers and shitskins will have bigger populations for a while but that will go down in time. You see nationalism on the rise again, Brexit, Trump, even the French to some extent, even Japan is tightening up their military, were going through another cycle man, nothing more nothing less. Economy goes down, economy goes up. Sure we have much more people now and the cycles are faster, but they are cycles nonetheless

What the hell do you think causes the plateau?

That's my whole point. We are going to live to see the plateau and possibly the effects of an overshoot.

And that's assuming we don't fuck up somewhere else. If climate change ends up being worse than we thought, or food shortages end up being severe you can bet that we'll see a huge increase in wars and conflicts.

We are going to see all this in our lifetime. You can't deny that.

Actually, that guy's predicions are fucking hopeful compared to unmitigated growth and inevitable war over the last remaining resources.

The Malthusian trap used to keep humanity in check. Now we've broken it. There is no cycle anymore. Most scientists agree on this. We're growing exponentially pretty much unchecked and I fucking hope to god that something emerges that brings us back on a sustainable track.
ad 1) Pandemics sound really good, but I fear medicine is too far advanced.
ad 2) Possible, but this is more a crisis of energy than food. Right now farming takes up more energy than it yields (the growing plants net energy from the sun, but everything else expends far more fossil fuel for things like machines, fertilizer, etc). Increasing desertification would just add more energy hunger to irrigate.
ad 3) This is the big one. Statistics show that children per woman decline sharply as social security and economic wealth increase and child mortality decreases. Industrialized countries would already shrink without immigration. If we can get everyone on that level (which we right now provably can't without another earth or three) we could possibly reach some kind of equilibrium.

So we're back to 4) War. I'd rather take any of the others.

>What the hell do you think causes the plateau?
Look at all the developed countries, and look at the developing ones. Their conditions are shit in comparison, so they pop out children fast as fuck to survive, after they are prosperous for enough time they are going to even out and start dropping too.
We havent broken the cycle we cant, we just made the swings larger.

The quality of life in prosperous nations has decreased in virtually every aspect. This then results in more growth.

Unless you have a plan for making everyone wealthy and keeping them there, we aren't going to plateau any time soon. Especially since the decline in quality is caused by population growth.

It's positive feedback.

The problem with medicine is that our antibiotics are basically a time bomb. Once they're out survival rates go into the shitter.

Suddenly your dentist has to have you sign a waiver for routine oral surgery. Infant mortality skyrockets, and to top it all of farms will start bleeding livestock.

If it plays out this way it will definitely kill of a few billion at least.

>The quality of life in prosperous nations has decreased in virtually every aspect. This then results in more growth.
This is a graph of HDI for most developed states. How the fuck quality of life has dropped? I mean shit people got more greedy and think it has gotten worse, but it really hasnt.

Nice labeled graph. Very informative.

Okay, sarcasm aside, you can't seriously argue that it hasn't. The economic prospects for future generations is shit, which then becomes compounded by the problems that causes such as lack of marriages/families and decreases in large purchases like cars and houses.

This is only the beginning too. Look at the student debt bubble. Imagine what would happen to the markets if $1 trillion were suddenly gone.

Let me clarify, I'm comparing future generations' economic prospects and quality of life with those who were born in the 50s-70s.

What new labor market is available for young people that hasn't seen outsourcing?
Okay, sarcasm aside, same shit happened with industrial revolution, but somehow we are now better off.
Student debt bubble? Sure that shit will blow and no more useless degrees. Wipes out the idiots. If you go to university go there when you have a fucking clue of what you want to work in, otherwise what is the point? People got too rich for a while and just did shit irresponsibly, now tighten up your belt, go through shit again and your kids will be much better off that you were. Unless you choose to be a pussy and go all "buuut i waaant to live a life with toys and gadgets while im 25!!" All this shit people didnt buy in their 20s man, they bought it in their 30s or 40s, but youre too young to see it.

>We havent broken the cycle we cant, we just made the swings larger.
Then we have to settle on "We don't know yet". Both interpretations are possible given the current data and neither of us can predict the future.
I think it's more likely that we've broken the cycle given the completely unprecedented growth in the last 100 years. I can't see 4 billion people dying off in the near future (which would be low-balling an apropriately large swing to bring us back on track). The Spanish Flu (the last pandemic) took out only less than 5% of humanity a hundred years ago. Both food and desease are currently non-issues in the grand scheme of things (ie the Malthusian trap).
What are your indicators that we're still in the cycle? I'm curious.

>The problem with medicine is that our antibiotics are basically a time bomb.
Well. Yes and no. So far we've been hearing "our antibiotics are about to run out" for the past 20 years. And every year or so I hear about scientists discovering completely new antibiotic compounds (from dirt, from tazmanian devil saliva, etc). I can see this never ending. At some point in the near future we'll probably just start straight up genetically engineering antibiotics which'll make the arms-race moot for quite some time.
And let's not forget that antibiotics are just one of many advances in modern medicine. If they fail us, we won't magically go back to Dark Age level medicine.

How does oral surgery require antibiotics? Only if there are complications and he fucks up sterilisation. In fact, prevantitive prescriptions like this are what causes the downfall of current antibiotics. Believe it or not, but I'm 30 years old and I've never once in my life taken antibiotics. I'm sure I've benefitted from them through herd immunity and containment of infectuous deseases, but it's not like everyone will suddenly die if there are no antibiotics around.

Okay but my point is that things are shit on top of us experiencing problems no society has ever faced, the overpopulation of the entire planet.

The idea is that all of the routine surgery, in this case I am referring to wisdom teeth removal, we experience is aided by antibiotics to reduce the risk of developing an infection. Without anibiotics that cut in your gums could not you out for weeks and potentially kill you.

So I have a game people play online for cash - that's freelance?

Are you starving now? Im guessing not, but a lot of people are, overpopulation is going to be the same thing. We went from 1.6 billion to 6 billion 1900-2000, that is an increase 4.4 billion, half that and you'll get 2.2 billion in 50 years, that is a bit less than what we will get in next 50, somehow we managed without international cooperation that we have now, or the tech we have now. It is going to be a shift, but its not going to be the end of the world. If anything we are going to start living better

>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life
Depends on what you mean by "successful in life." If you mean becoming a wealthy multi-millionaire, you're probably right.

>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme

>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you
That or they're truly delusional.

>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business
What? Many people run successful on-line businesses.

>Stop calling yourself a business man
I don't.

>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those
I agree, but I do have money and a (white-collared) job.

OP fell for a crypto meme

>"I do internet marketing" aka "I scam people online with adfly links"

That's not a job and you know it. Stop pretending.

>"I can't work, not because I'm lazy but because of my mental illness!"

FFS everyone gets nervous before a job interview. They key is to do it again and again until you succeed. Stop blaming other circumstances on your failures. You're not a special snowflake.

So you're admitting that it's a pump and dump scheme but still advocate trading them? Either you're one of the scammers or just plain stupid.

If it only involves you then yes, alternatively, developer or video game artist.

What blows my mind is how many people pay tuition and then pay hundreds per text book and then never read the textbooks at all.

>If you mean becoming a wealthy multi-millionaire, you're probably right.

My definition of "rich" is having enough stable passive income that you don't require a regular job, which is what a large portion of the discussions on this board deal with. The actual chance for a regular person to achieve that is about 1 in 20, neglecting those who may achieve that goal only in late retirement.

>Many people run successful on-line businesses.

There are too many fucking people on here claiming to be business owners because they run a youtube channel or a blog or whatever.

Earning ad revenue on a blog essentially makes you the human equivalent of a billboard.

An actual business requires some sort of capital asset, actual employees, deals with products or services and needs to be registered.

I admit there isn't a good word for these one man operations, but you can call yourself self-employed, free-lancer, artist or online journalist.

Isn't it the dumbest shit ever?

Well the problem is that the only intelligent people (europeans, americans) will be the minority while dumb worthless hordes like arabs and niggers will be the majority. So a good business might be weapons and other killing machines (like gas) against those hordes

>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life
Already am
>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme
I dont invest in dank coins
>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you
>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business
Not true but oka
>Stop calling yourself a business man
Investment guru it is then
>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those
I have both money and my job as daytrader

You have to know the rules to play the game my friend. I would recommend investing in Pump and dumps, but with caution and due diligence

>>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life

That depends how you measure success. I hope to be a billionaire, but it's unlikely. I KNOW that I will be a millionaire before 30 because I'm already pretty close.

>>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme

I agree.

>>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you

I agree.

>>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business

That's not true. I run a successful freelance operation that pulls in an easy $500/week.

>>Stop calling yourself a business man

I don't.

>>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those

I have a full-time job in private equity, a freelance business that I can do in my downtime at work and after work, and about $100K net worth (cash, brokerage, etc).

Austrian economics are the real economics. Keynes is a meme.

>I KNOW that I will be a millionaire before 30 because I'm already pretty close.
>about $100K net worth (cash, brokerage, etc).

Didn't know 10% is considered pretty close but thanks for the info I guess.

>That's not true. I run a successful freelance operation
>freelance operation

There you have it.

I'm 21 years old with $100K. This year my bonus will be between $80-120K depending on if we sell our last stake in a paper manufacturing company before the end of the year. That bonus goes straight into the bank. When I have 10 years to get there and I'm 18%, I'd consider that very well on track. I also put away an additional $2K/month from my salary and $18K/year into retirement accounts.

>>That's not true. I run a successful freelance operation
>>freelance operation
>>There you have it.

"Freelance business"

Don't be a fucking retard. A business is something that engages in commerce, I would agree that doing some side gigs is not "owning a business", but when you have people working for you, a steady stream of clients and new customers coming in, it's a fucking business.

Oh c'mon the memes are too strong in this one. Who on earth would pay a 21 y.o. ~$150k a year?

>getting wealthy requires convincing people to give you money, which requires social skills
>even steve jobs and bill gates had, to some degree, social skills
>tesla did not, and he died poor
>it's easier to save money than make more money
>you will likely never be wealthy
>even if you were rich, you'd have wasted years of your life slaving for it, to find it wouldn't bring happiness
>there is a huge gap between knowing something like investing in theory and actually being able to invest
>there is a huge gap between making a business plan and implementing it
>everything you try to do will be bogged down by taxes, fees, and legal bullshit
>your expenses will always be higher than anticipated
>someone else will come up with your same idea and will put it out faster than you
>even a week of hesitance can mean your business' death
>whoever gets to the patent office first, wins
>whosever site gets more popular, wins
>popularity is not often based on quality, but rather luck and who you know, just look at popular books which are shit if you doubt this

Praise Kek and may it hasten. I hope our population growth truly shall resemble that of a bacterial colony.


Scandinavian countries (or just places with rich white people) have a "lack of population problem" according to many of their leaders or scholars/whatever, hence the """necessity""" of shitskins and sandniggers. In a proper society, it would take a long time for the world to be overpopulated (if I'm drastically wrong idc I likely won't be the reason for overpopulation problems in the future).

How to not get sued tho?
Or run into trouble with intermediates (payment processors, hosting, affiliates, ...)

I try to get into this place every now and then, but it's always some kind of coin or crypto currency talk. Really sad and juvenile

i agree

>Investing in something else than yourself in the 20s is a self confidence issue

>>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business

>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those

That's where you are wrong, kiddo.

I'm very sorry but shitposting on the internet is not a business.

Then why there are people who pay for shitposting on this board?

You can make a smaller fortune on popular social media accounts. Every single company is willing to pay out the ass to get generation X to buy shit from them.

> As an autodidact

>>everything you try to do will be bogged down by taxes, fees, and legal bullshit

>Everyone advocating shitcoins tries to scam you

Full list of approved Inconvenient Truths Veeky Forums doesn't want to hear:

>There is a very high chance you will never be successful in life
>Spending time on Veeky Forums reduces your odds of making it
>You have to be an extremely successful entrepreneur to catch up to the lifestyle of an average miserable wagecuck
>Reading books in your comfy chair doesn't make you qualified for a job
>People on Veeky Forums are very motivated to get rich, just not motivated to work for it
>Depression and anxiety arent things that you "have". Everyone deals with them. Get a fucking job.
>Stop blaming other circumstances on your failures
>Investing in shitcoins and pennystocks is a meme
>Everyone advocating shitcoins and pennystocks tries to scam you
>Get rich quick schemes are called schemes for a reason
>You cant do any of those just by reading books and investing your money
>1000 dollars is not an amount you should invest
>It is easier to handle a business than make money trading, but it requires you to leave the house so Veeky Forums hates it
>Anything that only involves you and your computer is not a business
>Stop calling yourself a business man
>To make money you either need to have money or a job, you have neither of those
>It's easier to save money than make more money
>There is a huge gap between making a business plan and implementing it
>Everything you try to do will be bogged down by taxes, fees, and legal bullshit

God I hate that meme.
No, money doesnt have intrinsic value.
If we dealt in dollars based on their intrinsic value then we would be cavemen looking for kindling.
What gold shilling libertarians dont get is that intrinsic value is not the point of money.

If you genuinely and absolutely believe bitcoin is worth zero then you can fucking SHORT it all the way down to zero, but you are not going to fucking do that because you know for a fact it isnt going down.

50 percent of businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within five years.

my parents are already extremely wealthy, so you are wrong. being rich is my birthright.