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>"Hey guys what's the price on this piece of shit item"
/poeg/ - Path of Exile General
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Reminder that blight fully powered only does 20k DPS!
It's a skill to use until you get ED in act 1 and never again.
Another day, another forum post that isn't the new league announcement.
It's extra damage/utility, not sure why you autists have to always examine a skill as if it exists in a vacuum and you can only use that and that alone, despite the designers themselves telling you it's supposed to be combined with other skills:
>At higher levels it can be used to provide an extra source of damage for an Essence Drain and Contagion character once they've used their one-off damage over time effects
You shitters complain you only spam one 6L for 99% of the content then complain when you're given the opportunity to cycle between skills for maximum effectiveness, it's a mystery how you ever manage to play something else that one-skill-fits-all like BV.
It isn't particularly hard to think of an ED build who would cast ED once, use a Wither/Blight totem then channel Wither/Blight for 2-3 seconds. Repeatedly casting ED is a poor management of your time unless you can reliably stack poison which is probably getting nerfed in 2.5.
You're not smarter than the devs, sorry. If the skill only reaches conservative levels of damage, it's obviously meant to be used as a 3-4L supplement to your 6L ED rather than a replacement.
t. gggdrone.
When does the current league end exactly?
>What is Spell Totem
Learn to read you stupid little shit, you're the prime example of a retard who CANNOT not consider a skill but in a vacuum.
>Here's an damage/utility hybrid skill you can combine with ED while the latter is doing its DoT
Your stupidity is off the charts.
>-25% damage penalty, 30% LESS cast speed, minus ONE link (aka another 40% penalty)
You can pull any imaginary math you want from your ass, but even if it only deals 10k for a 3-4L it's going to be really good/viable on a spell totem, which again is extra damage you don't have to worry about. For comparison ~25k ED dps is enough to comfortably clear end game maps and when you start reaching 50k, you can consider your damage Shaper viable.
ITS 10k on 6 links you stupid SHIT!
4 links = 5k DPS.
The skill is shit. Even if it has Lightning Tendril's "you stand in place to cast it 4 times no matter what" mechanic.
>unless you can reliably stack poison
A decent Consuming Dark costs 20c. Please continue trying to justify Blight, it is deeply amusing to me.
Where did they post damage of blight at?
>start league late
>scrambling to hit all my ahicements
>20 so far
I'll probably just stop at 24 and wait for next league.
>Spell Totem
Except you have no reason not to use Wither in your totem.
Blight is fucked, design space wise. Accept it senpai.
I'm not him but I'm not really seeing the down side to doing a legit totem build with blight, and self casting whither. Seems comfy and something to do other than ed.
I'm not saying better than ed, but you know, I already have an ed build, nice to do something different ..
Anyways where did you guys get the dps numbers for it from ? I'm not seeing it anywhere?
Also not to mention you could probably do a 3 totem build if you want, and do a ed totem + 2 blight totem, run temp chains curse and blight and no one would move. It could run any map. Totems tankier due to no reflect than flame totem and safer. It seems fun.
It's extra damage, retard. You can put any spin you want on it but extra damage is better than no damage. Sorry that months of playing BV has rotten your brain so much you can't even understand how an ED build is played, i.e. certainly not by spamming ED like it's BV and doing nothing else.
If you choose to play it as a standalone skill, 20-25k chaos dps enough for an AoE skill, and would be considered above average for a CA build. Here's an example of someone purposefully lowering their damage to ~21k pre frenzy charges and clearing a 48% life t15 like it's nothing:
The fact that chaos damage is rarely if ever resisted and you have on-demand damage multipliers like Vulnerability means you don't need to be a tooltip warrior to clear fast. I'll take 40k tooltip ED over 100k tooltip Warchief totems any day of the week.
No one uses Consuming Dark now that Decay weapons are a thing, you're the one who is not up to date. Poison stacking/double dipping is also most likely getting nerfed in 2.5.
Someone pulled it from some taiwanese datamining which is obviously the correct and complete information you need to judge a skill.
Datamined from the files.
>he doesn't use a decay weapon in one hand and a consuming dark in the other
By all means continue being shit at ED builds
The problem is, they've fucked themselves by limiting it to 20 stacks. Unless the damage is insanely high, you won't get much damage from it. I could see GGG buffing the number of stacks to 35 or even 40, if they wanted to make Blight a skill that can be used as a new stand alone chaos oriented build.
Did they forget it's aoe and slows 80% non curse so you can temp chains? It seems like it might be the safest totem skill ever ?
What's wrong with it though? Youre likely to fast clear anything with it anyways since like 12k dps clears full maps up to tier 14 minus Boss mobs, which you continue to use ed for.
I use lightning strike on a 6l with 150k dps with my aura bot friend, and it's stupid over kill, one attack with chain on lightning strike clears for 3 screens over, you guys are overly worried about high dps.
a) Decay can be used in a +1 bow for massive ED damage
b) There is no reason to forego your shield in a 1h+shield setup just so you can stack poison when you have Decay, a TEN SECOND long debuff. Stop purposely trying to derail the argument, if we're considering the utility of Blight itself, it certainly has a niche use that can't be judged without the actual numbers.
Honestly my main problem with the skill is not the DPS, but it seems to play just like Lightning Tendrils do, and playing Lightning Tendrils sucks ass unless you go max AoE and can full screen shit but still being locked in place makes you vulnerable. You can at least leech with LT, but you can't with Blight.
You can't reflect in blight either, but desu I wouldn't use blight except in totems, if I'm standing still I'm using iron will incinerate again , that shit was cheesy
if searing ray scales off spell damage, i'll musclewizard it too
I hope it does. Question is, witch or Templar? Templar free pen is pointless for it isn't it? Cause I think scorching ray shreds pen. So witch might be best option ??
Not him, but I'm planning on going RF Iron Will Marauder if it scales off Spell Damage
If the poedb numbers are anything to go with (they've been wrong before, because GGG often tweaks numbers before release)
L20 Blight: 53.5 dps, 20 stacks
L20 ED: 809 dps
ED is better damage if you include projectile dps and the fact it can apply poison/decay, but Blight has extra defensive utility and doesn't need Contagion for AoE clear.
Sames here, 600+ strength chieftain gets massive iron will bonus for searing ray, RF for clearing.
That's not a bad idea either, just a little more expensive if new league. Will prolif work on the spell do we know yet ? Might help single beam clear rooms if it does
It's expensive but it's an expensive build you can work towards. You can farm up currency in lower level maps (especially early in a League) to get a RotP, and then after that just keep farming and trading for STR caster gear.
Even if it did, the less damage on it gem makes it very unappealing. Safer to just spend a few more seconds moving the beam around to spread the burn.
Arguable. Because of the mechanics of Blight, the extra defensive utility is essentially a completely seperate facet than the damage. If you're reaching 20 stacks, the Hinder effect has long since become irrelevant.
>but you GOTTA CAST IT
Rotp can be bought for 1c and under, and it's the only item you REALLY need. Real problem is leveling RF builds to 65 is painfully slow.
I'm thinking using it and swapping on bosses. I'll try it out anyways.
a couple questions
1) is crit strike chance gem a flat 1.9% to my base chance to crit?
2) is tornado shot at all effected by accuracy?
3) does LMP+1 projectile torando shot still shotgun?
Why are you even posting ? We are having good discussion and your memes can't stop posting. Fix your autism and come back later, retard.
The flat % is to your base, the increase is its own increase to your spell linked to it. It's a great gem, but once you push 90% crit chance, just use multiplier instead.
I'm not sure about tornado shot. But im sure it's the same as any other bow skill?
The skill only shot guns from the other projectile, your 3 arrow shot will not shotgun, but the explosion from where they land will shot gun.
>tfw new aura doesn't match
GGG giv blue vitality pls
>people actually care
90% of the time the game crawls to 15 fps with a 3 man party with half the screen exploding, and im on a 1070
Who cares lol
I only have about 10 hours so I'm still noob.
I want to make a templar oldman badass who uses a staff and hits things with them while also casting spells. I'm finding that I'm missing about a third of my melee attacks. Do I HAVE to just have a +accuracy support gem for my melee attacks or am I just playing passive skilling incorrectly?
Also do you think hardcore is more fun? I don't understand these leagues. On my other character I have so much essence that I can make every item a super powerful rare and it feels like it takes away from the game.
pls respond
Well, the leagues are more about economy reset, full fresh start for everyone, people playing for 3 years have no advantage on you in a new league.
We are a good ways through this league, so it's kind of moot. The new one starts December 2nd.
I'm level 87 and I use a +accuracy gem, but note you really shouldn't be casting a spell, and attacking. They scale completely different so pick one and spec accordingly. Note that spells can't miss, and there's nothing wrong with getting a few points in accuracy in the tree.
Sometime soon, new one starts December 2nd or December 9th and the previous league always ends a week before, so some time in the next 2 ish weeks.
is there any mechanic to take enemies down to one hp but not kill them?
Why would you want this ?
All I can think of is to check if poison, bleed and ignite can kill people or if they just bring you down to 1 hp. I'm pretty sure they all kill tho.
your helmet doesn't match with the rest of your mtx, B*TCH
Guarantee kills for a magic find party member.
Oh, I guess so, my group just cares about culling bosses and rares, :p
Remember when BV was released and poeg was certain it'd be a bad skill? yeah...
Remember when /poeg/ was one person? Me neither.
Remeber when poeg is mostly hard core people insecure that their league is less and less played?
Also I agree with you
Oh so hybrid characters aren't viable? Also forgot to ask, is it pointless to spec in points that give mana regen and health regen? That's what flasks are for right
>reskinned d2 hammerdin skill
Are any of these items any good, or should I just go ahead and NPC them or whatever?
>Also forgot to ask, is it pointless to spec in points that give mana regen and health regen? >That's what flasks are for right
Oh sweet summer child
Some people will spec light mana regen in a hybrid node or if they are a spell caster
I don't know any melee builds that do though
Hybrid is not viable in that regard, no. Too many things scale off of spell damage or physical or projectile or melee etc. It's all very specific in how it scales, it's not really possible to scale a spell and an attack.
>>"Hey guys what's the price on this piece of shit item"
Use your common sense idiot, why would those garbage leveling uniques have any actual value besides using them yourself if you find them while leveling?
It's good for completely different reasons than hammerdin retard, hammerdin was a lot less gimmicky too
Oh forgot to say, health Regin is great, a lot of builds use it , or at least leech like crazy.
Some life regen is nice, but don't go out of your way for it. Less recovery maps fuck regen so Life Leech is superior.
Attackers can use mana leech for mana. Casters do need a decent chunk of mana to cast skills properly at the end game.
Is that much hostility really necessary? I wasn't asking how much they were worth, I don't care about trading, I was just wondering if they were useful enough to hold onto for whenever I make a new character.
I haven't been playing for a month
what information do we have on scorching ray?
I don't see an upper limit on the stack, so would I be mistaken in getting as much cast speed as possible?
>Is that much hostility really necessary?
this is how we communicate here
Cast speed helps turn speed, so no. Also increase burn damage and such will be king. It's gonna be a great spell.
>I don't see an upper limit on the stack
There's always one
>so would I be mistaken in getting as much cast speed as possible?
Cast speed only affect rotation speed if I understand it right, meaning it's useless for sustained single target dps but a good stat if you want a fast sweeping vs trash
>The burning damage on enemies grows while they're in the beam. The cast speed of the beam affects how frequently this damage builds up.
at least read the skill before commenting
>there's always one
there was one mentioned in blight and yet not in this one
Sorry I was reading 2 things, I actually did mean "so yes".
It affects the speed of the initial ramp-up damage if you want to be nitpicky, but I stand by my words: it's useless for ___sustained___ single target dps.
If the beam deals 10k dps at maximum stacks, it will continue to deal 10k dps as long as you channel, regardless of your cast speed because it's damage over time, not a function of damage per hit per casts per second.
Degen skills are fundamentally different from regular damage per hit spells, stop reasoning like it's Incinerate 2.0.
looks better than the abortion that is the hydra helmet
>if at maximum stats
we don't have any info on that
>maximum stacks*
maximum stack amount will be a function of cast speed and skill duration
So in your opinion it has no upper limit on stacks and will grow infinitely more powerful the longer you channel? Okay.
>mfw people are considering self-cast totally not-searing bond
>mfw people arguing about blight debuff when all the relevant content jumps on top of you or throw stuff at you from afar
>mfw no leech and channeled
>mfw the only thing that might save this update is Blade Furry, another physical skill, how exciting...
it could be really low scaling
>no leech and channeled
I'm planning on a totem build for it
>Stop playing the game differently than me
You're going to be pretty lost once GGG nerfs Vinktar/BV huh?
Has anyone tried playing poe with a joystick? I'm starting to get carpal tunnel in my right hand. Can't use a mouse anymore.
There's a quadrapalegic named NoHandsKen who streams himself playing PoE. You can play this with pretty much anything.
desu you must be doing something retarded if i can sit at my pc of 18hours a day for years and years and not get carpal
What's his highest level in hc?
how old are you? i'm 29 and have played pc games since i was 12. it's entirely possible the years just caught up with me, and they may catch up with you.
I'm 25 and been going at it for a good ten years now. No hand issues of any kind so far.
quite similar
>mfw poetards complain their shitty click and loot game is so mechanically demanding it's giving them carpal
More like sitting at a computer. People get carpal tunnel for lots of things, including golf, driving, typing, etc. Kill yourself shit poster
The wiki says "The original life amount is used for the purposes of determining the length of stuns and status ailments from elemental damage - this means monsters will not be harder to stun/ignite/etc. when fighting in a party." Does this apply to Culling strike too or is it 10% of total life? If it does, Culling strike is garbage with a 6 players team.
10% of total life
Er what? Culling strike build in value, 10% is 10%, they get more health per party member so it's a good thing. 10% of their original health would be terriblw.
what does a good Chaos INnoculation flask setup look like?
depends on your build
poe(g) is still shit