Overwatch General

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>Ongoing Hero Balance Changes (PTR)

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Blue waifu

Do you dummies want to hear my opinion on Pharah?
Or should I fuck off and let you stroke your egos some more?

>tfw your waifu is shit and Blizzard doesn't care

I love Hana.

how do i filter waifu fags and gay fags

Filter out "waifu", "hana", etc etc

Why do people take ranked so seriously? It's almost like everyone is trying to reach top 500 and get hired by a pro team. Losing is so unacceptable that people report their teammates for throwing when they lose.

You remove yourself from Veeky Forums.

Literally worst girl, i hate her so much she is the biggest fat bitch in the whole world stupid cunt

Is Ana actually a good character to climb with? I thought supports were shafted and get less ratings per win than other roles?

>all the changes in the PTR are making it into live unadjusted because Blizzard is satisfied with them

They also listed this as the reason why the PTR isn't getting the constant updates they announced. What does /owg/ think about this?

She is a force to be reckoned with user, don't say that.

>Day 163
>The Mexicans do not suspect I am not one of them

>I thought supports were shafted and get less ratings per win than other roles?

This was issue in season 1, not anymore.

Because they're a bunch of shitcunts.

I seriously don't understand the mentality that people have when playing this game, their ego is insane.

>3 damage dealers
>"omg no 3 dps"
>"take tank or i troll"
>"ok I troll"
>Now we have 4 damage dealers and a widow

And they're usually fucking French too.


>Amélie Lacroix
I want to hug the smug. A lot.

I just want to get out of silver so I can go back to company who play vaguely like humans.

Every game is just a streamroll of which team has the most utter retards.

It's unbelievable.

My best tank is probably Rein however I can play a decent Zarya I guess but not at a level to carry others I think.

As for support I play almost exclusively Ana and consider myself a pretty good one (at least in comparison to the other Anas I have seen at this level), but it seems no matter how well I do I cannot stop my teammates from charging in 1 by 1, stop shitters from picking Hanzo or actually make McCree land his fuckin shots. Whenever I manage some sort of win streak that I think I will finally make it the game seems to group me with these people and I'm back to square one.

They just throw any balance changes they want at it and call it a day, PTR isn't where people go to actively give feedback, especially after Sombra's release. We don't get balance changes until somethings on live for long enough to ruin the game.

Feels like you can finally kill shit with 76 on ptr.

What do you think of the PTR knockback nerf?

Not surprising.

You can't really test anything in such an environment anyway.

It's either this or "it's just QP xDDD" 6 Mei stack. There is no middle ground

Buffing Genji is ridiculous. Let Soldier shoot and reload while running. Otherwise fine.

i love Pharah and Tracer so much

stupid attention whore

>tfw fortuitously-timed Transcendence

Well the point of Ranked is to be the best. Winning is the point.
It's like asking why people want to win in sports.

Some people just have life problems and thus get angry when even their online life is not good.

It's a "At least I'm good at this" mentality.
It's not only ranked, it's any video game with a ranking system or competitive scene.

Fighting games are really really salty, because you cant blame teammates, and so you just get so salty that you say that the opponent is using "cheap" tactics and broken characters

Here is a video of the greatest salt mine found in the americas.

Much harder to hit directs consistently.
The juggling aspect of fighting with rockets is major, but it's all about getting used to.
Once you get used to the difference, you adapt your aim.
It's a weird change, and I have no idea what they were thinking when implementing it. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

This was specifically addressing the current PTR, which was announced to last longer and get updates more often. Everyone was wondering where the updates are, and this was their answer.

key combination to show fps in game?

my computer is shit, i have it set to limit 30 fps in game, but if i set it to custom and raise it to 45 fps, or even just leave it at same 30 fps but custom, then i get constant freezes so its unplayable. how do i fix this issue?

>using ra
I guess some people enjoy having balls mesh terribly with the skin.

Ctrl shift T

Even if they're not pushing for top 500 people still have goals and want to reach them. Not play quick play but lose ranks. They want decent matches with cooperating teammates not ones full of trolls.

I'm not super serious on ranked but I play properly there. I play it because you get better matches than anywhere else

It can be both, they clearly don't give two shits about the balance in this game. PTR changes were more drastic than they have been but they haven't tuned beyond the initial.

They don't care, that simple.

A bunch of fags, all of you.

CTRl Shift R

Also, important thing to know. Alt Z make your UI dissapear and reappear. You might press it by accident and wonder how the fuck to get the UI back.

Happened me a couple of time.

Dude, I'm not a tree branch. What the hell is wrong with you.

I want D.Va to step on me.


People are pretty chill in diamond unless you have to deal with something annoying like someone trying to get to the front page of reddit by getting to master as a torbjorn/symmetra main

I fell into silver this season. Holy shit. I cannot believe the amount of people unwilling to work together because of their egos. Especially the hanzos but it applies for all the shitters. Why do people waste $40 on the game just to make people lose by not playing? I don't get the mentality of these trolls. Why waste money to troll when you can do it for free on other games?

tl;dr fuck silver rank


Winston is physically the strongest, with Reinhardt right behind him. Winston is also a genius and the most intelligent character in the game.

In terms of kicking people's asses, Reaper can solo groups of targets on his own and was the most dangerous and efficient Overwatch agent, and there was almost no mission he couldn't handle.

Sombra can hack anything so that makes her extremely dangerous.

As an enhanced Super Soldier, Jack Morrison was known as a legend for his battle prowess, endurance, tactical genius, and leadership. He was basically Captain America with an assault rifle instead a shield. As Soldier 76, not much of that has left him. He's just more a vigilante than a proper hero now.

Genji is good... Really good. He took down the entire Japanese mafia on his own. He's just one fucking Ninja.

It's hard to really say which Overwatch character is the strongest in terms of lore. Many of them have feats or track records that display a certain level of, "I'm not the one to fuck with".

Yep. They make for fun Youtube videos.


how much do you suck dick with other heroes?

If you can land sleep dart like a korean yes

Otherwise no, she's absurdly OP but she needs a competent team backing her up to really be impactful. She wins basically every 1v1 but can't handle being focused by multiple enemies at once so she has similar issues with "carrying" that Genji and Tracer do.

Mei, McCree and Zarya are better until you have consistently competent teammates (so around mid diamond)

Loli Sombra

Bastion's BEEP-BOOP noises are way too cute for a literal killing machine.

A lot.

Genji Shimada!

I want to sex her



Loli Sombra indeed

>Play Zen
>5 gold medals
>Team blames me

why this

would you sleep with me?


Unless you're GM Mercy main.

>Arcade is fun
>Oh boy I wonder what I get this-
>Super Shimada Bros
this is hands down the worst, most horrible mode!

>Sombra has that great "hacked" PotG intro that could potentially generate tons of salt and Genji tears
>she will never actually get it because her Ult is not a Press Q to kill 5 people kinda thing

>start playing at 2 pm britcuck time
>win 4 placement mactches
>pray I might be able to get a decent rank unlike last season
>before I know it's 4 pm and game 5
>find a literal shitfest of a team that lose on Nepal
>stop playing thereafter

Jesus Christ. I thought you guys were meming about schoolkids and shit, but holy fuck is it true. The first 4 games felt so fucking different and didn't feel like I was on the verge of losing every second, but the 5th felt like I was playing with actual animals. They chose Hanzo for KoTH.

Time to switch to Hitman for the weekend and start on Monday. And no, I ain't a NEET, just have some free time.

I guess being on ps4 doesn't help

Who else here is autistically going to main this girl for season 3?

I already have 3k gold and 3k comp points saved up for her gold weapon and all her items.

Blizzard Brawls are all boring trash. I want them to allow public custom games already.

>tfw you immediately recognize the artist

>everyone is complaining about brawls being glorified custom games
>"we heard your complaints and we're working on something great that we think you'll like"
>it's just the same shit brawls all in one place

One shot one kill has something to say about that.

what's the worst thing to happen to a Reaper player
besides the hog

Zarya, but then again thats for literally everyone. Nothing like a giant fuck you bubble that has no counterplay.

A good McCree or Mei

The thing is, it's almost impossible to get 12 players for a custom game

of course you do, sick pedo

You are no longer human, user


Anything that deals good damage at mid and long range. Meis eat Reapers alive. The second you start freezing a reaper at mid range they turn on ghost form just to get blocked by an icewall, frozen and headshotted.

Spamzo buff

My hand looked like this when I proke it 10 years ago, what the fuck

So give us a place to submit custom rulesets and let everyone vote for which one is going to be picked for the week. Maybe make it top three so the most popular ones don't oversaturate the arcade for months at a time.

Too many handjobs do that to you.

I am the dumb.

Why is Lucio the best character?

>tfw you want a skin for a character you've never played

she is a raptor

Area of effect healing.

>using Mercy for healing
LOL barely useful as a cumdump desu

Goddess is better.

Mei, McCree, Pharah, Zarya. Genji and Tracer can give him a problem if they're good.

>tfw you don't

Name pls


Lord Kali is not green.

Thanks! (faps away)

She's not blue either.

I really cannot believe how fucked the difficulty stars on characters are.

How does Blizzard have the audacity to make Genji a 3 star difficulty hero when Deflect is an actual thing that exists in this game.

>literally blue in every illustration
Is she brown, then?

Symmetra is really really good in some spots.

Massive Damage
Great Ult
Harassment of Flankers or pushers.

You should try her.

Tips for Harambe? He's really fun to play but I'm not sure what exactly my role is. His shield is so flimsy.

she is going to be a troll pick hero until they buff her dmg up a bit

Has anyone ever changed tier without a streak?

No, she's black. Her name literally means black. All the written stuff describes her as black. The only reason they draw her blue is because it would look weird to have a big ink blotch in the middle of the paper. Shiva is the only Hindu god that is actually described as blue, if I remember correctly.

Whats wrong with glorified custom games?

New to the game so idk why people are complaining.

Is S76 op, ok or still shit on PTR? Do you reckon he will be viable in comp?

Attack with your team and flank using your jump to tickle from behind. Or you can play more defensively and guard healers that aren't Ana when the enemy attempts a push.

She's a better tracer that has the utility to also be played on defense.

This bitch is anything but a trollpick