Dead by Daylight General /dbd/

Everyone's crying about something edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like Evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>Official Wiki

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>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.2.1b)

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Time to troll some killercucks at the hatch

>sloppy broke again
is the ptr that bad?

I thought they fixed this shit.

that doesn't sem like the prestige bloodweb actually has rarer stuff

Object of Obsession+SWF

gg killercucks

That's not a prestige bloodweb

>5 seconds stun on the killer
This kills the game

Maybe you should stop being an asshole and respect the pallet.

don't worry, if you put on enduring you only get a 3.25 second stun, very balanced :^)

So fun fact
The Nurse's Blink does NOT function properly when trying to blink into or out of houses.
Also, there needs to be a fucking fix to players just not escaping when the game is over. There needs to be a time limit on how long they can use an exit when its opened.

Devs said it's fine

I'm testing it now. The nurse can blink through a house ONLY IF the blink takes her ALL THE WAY through the house. You cannot blink INTO a house.

You can blink out of a house, but if you attempt to blink into the house, it fucks up.

Also, there are some obstacles on the same map (The Halloween one) that the Nurse cannot blink through, and it seems random. The Nurse can blink through one fence but not another, one rock but not another. What the fuck devs.

So, what is the most noob friendly killer?

Just started to get into this game and I really dig the Hillbilly as he feels the most "Slashery" of the killers, and his ability makes partoling really easy. I've done two games with him, killed one person in the first, and then killed three in the second. Am I playing hard mode, or does it not matter much?

Probably Myers. Hillbilly is a good killer however.

MM is pretty good right now,level one stalk allows you to grab the surv by the pussy without them usually noticing you,the more you stalk the faster and the more damage you deal.At low ranks wraith with his invis is also bretty good.

Play MM you can rack up more points than any other killer without even trying.

If anyone runs into this guy, show him some love

Does shrine bug out achievments? At this point, i'm not even sure if agitation is actually unlocked for me.

Yeah shrine unlocks seem to not count for achievements

Enduring 3 only brings it to 3 seconds? Wow.

Hitting people as they pull a pallet down is being an asshole?

Hitting people makes you an asshole, period
The only time your'e allowed to hit them if at the exit gate, the hatch or if they have DC

I don't hit people though, I kill them.

Dead Game

Devs are the true killers.

Then survivors are the real entity, constantly in the devs' ears as they kill the game to appease the voices.

Fucking really.
You give me a Daily to kill someone with my bare hands, give me a decent tier Mystery box, then it has fucking COMMONS in its loot table?
Give me a fucking Mori you piece of shit Web.

>Doing mori dailies

>trapper has traps that sink into the ground
>mention this
>"lol good 4 me tho"
fucking trappers

What, do I get to reroll them?
Agreed, still waiting on a fix.

>trapper on asslyum
>he's a bit laggy
>2 gens done no one hit
>2 others lag out
>spend the next 15 mins one person running and juking making him trade off persons
>give him a quick tea bag because hes trapping the inside windows on the inf
> do it once more to bait him to leave other teammate alone
>he goes into a rage and wont stop chasing me
>teammate finishes last gen over a 5 min period of juking him/pallets
>finally downs me
>miss my DS
>proceeds to camp and hit me
>teammate leaves
>maximum salt flys
>say"i was gunning for you the whole game"
>chased other person for a good 8 mins
>tell him sure he was i did that so you wouldn't down my teammate
>tells me to just take the L like a man
>we both pipped told him its not an L for me if I pipped
>he wouldn't of killed any of us let alone pip if his internet wasn't so shit to DC 2 people
>he couldn't land a lunge to save his life
>he only had 68 hours on Record
Killers man why do you guys get so butt mad over doing the tea bag twice
Must of had a PTSD flashback to others tea bagging him


I've noticed many Killers take the game too seriously.

We're tired of being teabagged, taunted, and having exploits used against us. I went from being nice to survivors and letting them escape if they were the last survivor and wiggled off a hook, to being merciless and trying to minimize their point gain even at the expense of my own points. Survivors made their bed and now they have to lie in it.

Honestly, all that really needs to change is:
>Fix exploits, obviously
>Rework shit so each Character has (1) or (0) Teachable perks, not (3), preferably as follows:
>Botany Knowledge
>Quick and Quiet
>Any of Nea's
>Decisive Strike
>A Nurse's Calling
>Play with your food or Best For Last
>These are things one could teach another person given time and effort, similar to time and effort spent grinding for these shits
>Self Care too, but that shit's overpowered
>Next, buff up all the useless perks, like This is Not Happening, Slippery Meat, Small Game, Sloppy Butcher, Bitter Murmur, Insidious, etc, so there's more than one viable build per Survivor and more variety in Killers
>Next buff up Wraith and Nurse, these 2 have been trash for so long and only good versus trash players
>Put some variety into the fucking Addons for Killers, similar to Shape's, so people aren't sure what to expect
But it'll never happen because Survivor Meta = gotta have Self Care, Sprint Burst, and Decisive Strike on every character I play or the game is pandering to Killers and making it unplayable for me!

>Survivor Meta = gotta have Self Care, Sprint Burst, and Decisive Strike on every character I play or the game is pandering to Killers and making it unplayable for me!
This so fucking much. Fuck survivors who teabagged me with Decisive Strike, of course i'm gonna drop you to burn that shit if you BM me.


>See trap on the ground by snared ally's feet
>mouse over it and the popup changes to disarm trap
>Moves into the unhook animation and I get snapped

>Playing Nurse for a Teleport Stab 11 times daily
>Run up to a park bench full charge teleport ready
>Fire it off
>Continue to stand perfectly in front of the bench without moving halfway across the map

This game has some garbage detection.

>snared ally's

Which pants does pizza dwight wear? and what perks does he run?


Does Luck have a cap when increased from offerings? Would three jars of Salty Lips all have full effect, or would they overkill?


There is no fixed cap. If you want to burn 4 jars of Lips, you'll basically have success bars that fill half the ring on anything that isn't a Decisive Strike.

The downside is: you lose 4 Jars of Lips (well, 1 each), to have one game with really easy skill checks.

>SWF group abusing infinites on Autohaven Wreckers
>three of them have Decisive Strike too
>one of them ain't that good at running said infinite, so I nab him
>btw, I'm a Wraith so I don't have traps like the Trapper or an instant-down like the Hillbilly
>pick up said survivor
>cancel his DS by dropping him a second after I pick him up, since I expect him to have it
>pick him back up and hook him and sit in his face because fuck these niggers
>friends decide to get suicidally altrusitic
>redown the guy they pull off the hook, rehook him, and resume facesitting
>they come back to try again
>they fail miserably
>nab them all as they try to run back to their infinites
>hook them and sit in their faces too
>mfw "No One Escaped" at the end of the game

I wouldn't have even cared if I'd lost the other three and only killed one; I will gladly throw games to to a deny a BMing survivor or survivor group.

Fuck infinites, and fuck you if you're a survivor who abuses them. Also fuck DS.

There's nothing better than facecamping a shitter and somehow still managing to get 3 or 4 kills because they're just that obsessed with saving him.

It's just a game, user.

I knew you were my nigger since you set foot in the thread.

Name a simple way to balance Myers

No aura reading add-ons and Stalking doesn't outline survivors.

All he might need is making it so you can't charge up to a sliver away from EW3 and then suddenly go ham. Other than that he's mostly fine and high level survivors running the meta should have little trouble with him.

EW3 charge decays over time

So have any of you guys had survivor babs try and comment on your profile when you facecamp them for abusing infinites?

Of course. One did that Reddit-tier "-rep" thing.

He led me through virtually every pallet on Blood Lodge, attempting to heal all the while, which is why I facecamped. I still killed 2 of his friends who thought they could bait me into doing a rescue when I'm playing Myers with my meter almost full.

I set my profile to private a long time ago, but I've gotten invited to salty survivor groups because I caught them mid-unhook.

Not since I put it private. Got a few invites to groups by some particularly babydicked survivors as well as friend requests. Also hackusations because of prestige and private. I should make my profile public again for comments

I couldn't have asked for a better way to hit rank 1 than using Ebony Memento Mori on Claudettes. Thank you Entity.

I think all perks should be teachable, but each survivor should have one "game-breaking" perk which you can only have a limit of 1 of. So someone with Sprint Burst can't also use Self-Care, but they could use Empathy. Not all perks are created equal, so I think it'd be a good idea to split the balance between intentionally powerful perks and situational ones.

poor little dwight guy got BLACKED

It's hard to believe so many tryhards will play a character they don't even like just for a slight advantage.

Poor guy, i'll just let him farm honestly.

>trying to minimize their point gain even at the expense of my own points.

Jesus fuck I know this feel, I've become a bloodthirsty mad man, unless in extremely specific scenarios, I will kill all 4 survivors if I can. You get more points if someone's unhooked, but I don't give a damn anymore

How do you think these guys would have fared if they didn't have voice chat?

It's because of their behaviour. Get a game where you hook three of them three times, and one of them twice. The one who got hooked twice escapes.

Pretty successful game, right? Except he's holding the match up at the exit gate so he can teabag you, despite doing the least of everyone on his team, souring the whole thing and making it feel like a defeat.

>Dying Light
But why? The other Myers perks are much better.

>But why?
Dying Light + Begrimed Chain is why.

This meme is getting so persistent that I'm starting to think some of you actually take it seriously.

Yep, if I get fucked with and griefed even if I technically won I still leave the game feeling like I lost. Doesn't help the animations are annoying as shit. Self heals animation instantly makes me angry.

It's a fact. Claudette is the most popular character among high rank players. Do you think high rank players just tend to identify with black women, and not the funny kind either?

Claudette would be one of the least popular characters if not for her stealth advantage.

I find it interesting that Claudette's popularity proves that no one actually likes her. Either that, or you consider it self-evident that no one could like playing a black woman.

Both of those assumptions mark you out pretty clearly as an idiot and someone who has trouble imagining other people having opinions different than your own.

I just hate her because people who play her are infinite-ers and teabag scumbags, also she does camouflage well.

How many games do you see with black female protagonists? There's a reason for that. While most people don't mind playing one, they aren't likely to actively seek such a game or character out. Claudette would not be popular if not for her stealth advantage.

That's not even getting into the fact that unlike her concept art, where she looks about 15 years younger, her in-game model is highly unattractive, and when people play female characters they don't go for ugly characters.

rank 1s play claudette because you can wear the prestige shit and literally disappear into corners by crouching

Fucking this, nobody actually likes her. The devs can't say it on stream but they know why people play Meg and then later on play Claudette.

They could say it on stream. They just choose not to because then people might pressure them to make Claudette less camouflagey.

>equip decisive strike
>die anyway
Really makes you think

Decisive Strike isn't meant to save you. It's meant to waste the killer's time 4 times per match allowing for generator rushing.

Yeah, well, I like her. I like her snug shirt and jeans because that's what I tend to find comfortable and I can immerse myself in the character more if they wear the same thing. I like her nerdy glasses and her backstory as a friendless Internet know-it-all. I like her nervous body language. I like her submissive little whimpers when she's hurt or picked up. And I've got a touch of jungle fever, even if her face looks like she fell head-first into a field of flowers she's allergic too.

I can't be the only one that likes her for non-perk or camoflage related reasons.

Yes you are the only one Foxy

Killer lunges are retarded. Why does the killer have completely unlocked movement while using a lunge? The killer can easily sideways walk around corners and trees and get unhindered lunges every time. Why does the killer have aim assist? They already swing wide.

Survivors also have some seriously stupid stuff, but when their bullshit finally gets fixed killer attacks need a rework.

>The killer can easily sideways walk around corners and trees and get unhindered lunges every time.
This is literally the only way to deal with pallet campers and even then it requires that they have poor reaction time. Without these lunges it would be outright impossible to kill anyone who knows how to use pallets.

>Survivors also have some seriously stupid stuff, but when their bullshit finally gets fixed killer attacks need a rework.
Survivor shit will never get fixed, so never call for any killer nerfs. Only those will ever be implemented. Just look at all these survivors bitching about Play With Your Food, ensuring its nerfing, when the same day PWYF was added, the devs gave survivors the largest buff either side has had since the game launched in the form of Decisive Strike.

because the game is intended to be an xbox game, it's also why all the buttons are on the same key

Why don't these people just use CE?

>the devs gave survivors the largest buff either side has had since the game launched in the form of Decisive Strike.

I love going to the Steam forums and seeing people try to downplay how fucking powerful that perk is.

They don't understand it. The value of the perk doesn't come from it being able to save you - it does not do that. The value comes from the time it wastes early into a match.

At the start of the match, survivors have the advantage, the momentum. The killer's goal is to steal that momentum by disrupting the survivors, preferably downing someone and hooking them in a good spot where they can keep survivors off generators while still preventing a rescue. If the killer is unable to steal momentum quickly, he loses.

Decisive Strike, on its own, isn't much, but when everyone is running it, the killer will take twice as much time to get any momentum.

>tfw jesus takes the wheel and leads your chainsaw to the twitch meme

>start a game
>survivors start to destroy hooks like crazy
>notice one dude doing that
>he proceeds to run away from me dropping like hundreds of pallets in my face
>uses self care after he gets hit
>finally I catch him after a very long chase
>luckily I have one hook they didn't destroy nearby
>facecamp his ass
>1 notification in Steam
I don't understand why he thinks I should let him go when I spent so much time chasing him.

I'll never be able to pull off stuff like this.

Woah the chainsaw is overpowered, please nerf it. Playing survivor is outright impossible right now.

>trapper with insidious hook camping with traps

Maybe 1/3 of those were justified as actual camping, since I did that for a day or two. The one on the top is probably the most funny, as I haven't played the killer a week, and a random survivor I played with just went to my profile, looked at the comments and decided to warn me.

You just gave me an idea

Will the dark mist pay off if I want to do my trap 9 survivors daily? 3/9 before this match.

Literally 0 of them ran into traps with dark mist on wrecker's yard. It amazes me.

It ain't me

No bags?

Guys I just started playing,why is Claudette cancer?I see people playing Jake he seems pretty good, which ones are best and why?

Every Jake I encounter is the worst. Misses skill checks, doesn't help, always get trapped, ect.