Best girl. edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Tomoka regularly harasses high elo regulars here to boost him to higher ranks.
First for GOAT login screen
wtf i love sion now
any tips? never played him before
Task mage champion with ball lightning as an ultimate
Functional, and stylish~
Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.
Assuming we ever get Invoker, what will his ten abilities be?
Because cyclone/EMP/Meteor alone would be too OP on just one champ. Let alone the other 7.
>absolutely demolish your lane
>press tab
i'm like 80% sure riot is incapable of creating an invoker style champion
by that i mean it will just be another azir/kalista, either terribly broken or god awful
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
We won't. Riot hates "burden of knowledge" in their game.
How is the Debts Man?
Build some tanky shit
Apply cc
Rape enemy carries
And most imporantly, WAAAAAAR
>getting your adc fed that they we could still win a 4vs5
>suck dicks
>press tab
>your team is fed as fuck
>relax and write gg ez at the end
every engage tank is broken with current courage
enjoy while possible
fuck _me_
Is she a body of water with a larger volume than that of your body?
Is that why bandle was duoing with him on her smurf?
Not saying no homo at the end makes you a gay ass nigga unless ya a girl. If that's the case post shoe on head.
Isn't that the shota from kings app?
>buy sword
>gun does more dmg
Why can't I change my name?
Also gibe ideas.
will u have to do first 10 flex games when season starts again?
I'm so confused by the stealth rework
> Invisible units cannot be revealed by any means except by enemy turrets, but will briefly shimmer whenever they take damage (e.g. with use of a skill shot)
Every piece of text about it explicitly states that only turrets reveal invisibility and nothing else, but champion abilities with true-sight do reveal you after all? I mean I know it's in the name "true sight", but every piece of text released in relation to the change made it very clear to stress that only turrets could reveal you and nothing else
>please verify that it meets the requirements
>requirements not shown anywhere
Classic Riot.
There's nothing more embarrassing then tp'ing as poppy and hitting flash + r instead of flash + e
Your Q is invisible in the brush, use this to put the enemy to half hp from level 1 and to get double kills when the jungler comes to gank.
Your W can be casted during ulti and Q channel
E fuckers when they go to last hit and then drop the Q on them for ridiculous poke
If the enemy is wounded and youve shoved them to the tower it might be poignant to sit in the bush and wait for them toshove out, remember your Q is invisible and will get you so many kills its unbelievable
Buy a fucking youmuus. Tank? Fuck it. You SLAY bitches in the op lane.As long as its not riven/fiora/darius/renekton no one can really stand up to you and you can get a fat as fuck
Dont blow Tp to save a couple creeps in top lne.You want to use your ulti to get kills in bot or mid and then TP top to stop the push
Dont use youmuus willy nilly, it makes you fast as FUCK in your passive and makes you a ridiculous threat.
Going AD early will surprise so many people because landing a full charge q from the brush is a 100-0 during the stunlock on any non tank.
Tank items? You love those, get them after youmuus, duskblade is rip now, if youre snowballing really hard get frozen mallet second to make your ulti the ultimate clean up machine
Special mentions go to zzrot, Sion likes to stay active with his team thanks to his ult and his passive so you want something to stem the split push tide from autistic tryndameres/nasus/etc
I can't change to any name, its the same error.
Just finished placement matches. I ended season in silver 4, i won 5 matches. Got an s+, and 2 s/s-, i played bad in 2 games and normal/good in the rest. And i was always in lane vs gold/high silver.
Placed in Bronze 5, Is this normal?
My first season i was bad as fuck and i got placed in bronze 1 with 3 games won outta 7
>buy blue butt dildo
>can do more magic
this game
>Buy ring
>Daggers, fists, and a body slam are now stronger
>summoners rift
>no summoners in sight
Time to send a ticket to riot then mate.
>tfw no adc gf
how is new akali?
how viable is Irelia ?
>not playing manly supports.
for you ;)
>mess up in lane
>she dies and feeds first blood
>forces you to eat her ass for an hour after the game
anyone on na want to be my friend
what supports build the new global item and when do they build it?
anyone have this in 1920
>tfw new Black Rose fanfic on ao3
I'm so hyped, the guy seems to be decent at writing too.
its not global
top team has more engage and cuck power, they will win
shield/heal supports
basically anybody who would build ardent censer
i suppose there's probably a situation where a support that doesn't benefit from the shield boost passive could build it but fuck if i know what that situation is
>last summer met a pretty decent adc in game
>duo a bit
>we basically understand what to do next without anything more than 1 ping somewhere on the map
>i started in silver II, he was s3
>duo bot from time to time but play solo as well
>we both get to g1 in last weeks of oktober
>try to wait for him to get online to do promos
>never comes back
>do my promos alone and get my dream rank
>today someone from his account says theyre removing this account because the guy who owned it died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver
i feel so empty inside /lolg/ i lost a chill bro ;_;
>supporting Kog
>do a good job, get him fed
>he jumps on top of you after the game and demands cuddles for hours
Eating ass is gross as fuck mate. Should just eat her pussy.
thats disappointing
I thought this was going to be porn
Tfw that was me and my ex before he decided to change his sex
I swear to god everytime i pick yasuo i can never get good teammates. everytime i pick him every lane feeds but as soon as i dont pick him i get challenger level teammates.
it makes no sense.
ascension sucks
I can't believe they're bringing this back next week too
sorry if true
shut up nami
who is that girl?
you can make her one with a meat grinder, some strong acid and a lot of water!
The game is telling you to stop playing Yas.
did they nerf or buff fizz?
his w active is only one shot
his ult is probably worse in low range than before dmg wise
how to play him now
u basically got to aa enemies wait 2 seconds than aa again with w active to do dmg
Wow that's really dark
alcohol drinkers are worse than stoners.
he is the only champion that makes this shitty game fun
Why does everyone tell me to shup up lately ;-;
kalista, they deleted that champion some time ago
Sounds dangerous! I'm in!
Probably because they're annoyed by you ERPing as a girl.
clearly you haven't played proxy singed
buff, his q and ulti apply the bleed and its easy to proc.
problem is, fizz is out of the meta.
litterally the best login screen ever released, also best fucking theme.
fuck you riot, i'm gonna buy your fucking skin.
>Garen changes reverted
why does taric feel so shitty to play?
i always feel like the only thing that matters is my stun and my ult that is incredibly hard to pull off without being in communication with everyone else.
I completely understand what you mean user.
I don't
you know when you are in low elo when zed gets banned every game.
not talon,rengar,gp,irelia,syndra,ryze or cass
but fucking zed.
You know what's going in her, don't you?
xth for Cute Ashe
is lolg still alive !?, does Gus made it throw the mexican dessert?
that's my resolution too
hello poorfriend
his lane phase is a bit hard, but hes a lategame/teamfight monster.
too boring to me.
oh just run around like a chicken with its head cutoff?
nigga needs a small rework
Where were you when lux became the undisputed best lego legging's waifu?
but they said they're trying to make her useable, not op, not shit within several layers of shit, just usable. same goes for azir
What are you supposed to do against a Kha'Zix or a Rengar as Amumu?
They fuck my ass while im doing my jungle and can't do anything till past 30 minutes
Trundle is cute. CUTE!
That new skin is fucking shit.
They said they will put them back next pbe cycle
yeah but u cant really hit his w active without being a slowpoke
say you get in with q enemy has 2 seconds to flash/retreat of some kind before you use w
at least it resets his auto
i tried it and it doesnt feel the same if you get a few kills u cant kill them as easily now with just w+q in and E
his ult at level 6 max range is huge thouhg
i one shot a viktor with ult e and q he even had his q sheild
I wish they'd give him the treatment alistar just got.
tfw no fast food manager azir and pizza delivery girl sivir