/cfog/ - Classic Fallout (& New Vegas) General

Old thread died edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>Mods and Patches
>Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

>Fallout: New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations, Run Ideas, etc:
(Updates in progress)

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Old World Thread

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1st for arcade a shit

What happened?

Thread didn't get bumped in time and went into the archives.


Raul > Cass > Arcade > Boone > Lily > Veronica

>your car ran out of power

If you pussys would have stopped the Enclave from getting wiped out then the thread wouldn`t have died.

You know remember Project Brazil

They didn't even release the second part and now no one would play it anyway even if they did

Now*, but you also know about it too if you didn't before

Plenty of people will still play it.
You're forgetting that most people have shit taste.

Holy shit guys, I think I've played through New Vegas forever, so far (this month) I've played
>minmax faggot stealth sniper siding with house
>energy weapons and tech female siding with legion (lmao)
>grunt siding with NCR
>a living meme siding with yes man, allways choosing what I felt like would be the most fun, blue hair, constantly high on every drug avaiable, explosives and unarmed
>melee only siding with ncr, roleplayed as a guy that got so braindamaged he imagined himself some "tales of chivary"/"Grognak the barbarian" character, so far the hardest run I've done holy fuck, had to stay as chivalrious and honorable as possible
>tech wizard, roleplaying as THE mastermind, 10 int, making House my bitch
>AND last but not least, Jew Rogue, siding with House, doing whatever it takes to get the most caps possible out of every situation while sneaking around with max sneak, barter and lockpick

...what is there left to do even? Please give me build/run suggestions...

Enclave a shit, Roboscorpions is where it's at!

Because of my extreme prejudice and unjustified racism towards lations, I cannot bring myself to ever have Raul on my team.

Why do you faggots like Raul so much? And what's with Cass > Veronica, Cass is a dirty, alcoholic whore, Veronica is pure ubermensch bred for powerarmors and powerfucking ArcGAYde > Cass > Lily > Raul > Boone

Mobius could honestly roll over every army in the mojave with these

If they had better weapons they would be the enclave patrols of new vegas

Raul is atleast relatable. He tells supermutants to shoot you and not him since they are "on the same team" and then awkwardly talks it off as nothing happened. Meanwhile Veronica wants a dress and is a lesbian. Unless you secretly wish to be a woman and dress in your moms cloths she has nothing relatable to her. Arcade is atleast more relatable with his family issues and his past.

The worst part is he did it half-assed and for the fuck of it, imagine if he WANTED to take over the Mojave, retards like House, the Enclave and The Master wouldn't stand a fucking chance...

Why do you need to relate to your companions? If you want to self insert, do it as the courier, like what the fuck? Do you want your friends to be you in real life aswell?

It`s known that friends often share the same interests, languages, skin colour. So yeah your friends are you to some extent. I doubt the friends you have are all vegetarians communist homosexuals who hate videogames and love talking about Cricket, while you are a capitalist muslim who thinks cricket is boring and uninteresting to talk about. Bet you are the kind of person wich prefers companions wich only got 1 line and then just shoot people for you and nothing else.

I'm a white, conservative christian, but my friends include:
>a black, nerdy girl
>a bunch of vietnamese wannabe gangsters
>a thai gayboy
>some white powerlifters
>some emo's and skaters
>a few scandinavians aswell

I hang out with people I find interesting and amusing, I don't need to "see myself" in my friends, I need my friends to be entertaining.
How can you entertain yourself through "yourself"?

Well it looks like /cfog/ might be actually coming to an end if we can't reach the bump limit.

I for one will not be partaking in the inevitable /fog/ merge, even if by some miracle Obsidian announces plans for a new Fallout game. Too many arguments and waifu faggotry on /fog/s part would drive actual discussion into the ground.

I might go back to NMA, even if they bitch and moan all the time and write horrible fanfics

I am playing NV with an ENB for my first time, im using Ruby enb alongside nevada skies, but shit is too dark all the fucking time.
nexus is currently down so I cant look up if theres a solution from the modder himself.

Anyone here knows how to make day and night skies brighter with that ENB? I just really love the color setup it has

How likely is it that Obsidian does another? Seems like Beth want to keep this for themselves

Not very, but don't lose hope.

>t. jealous legion manlet

>The Legion is the best long-term solution to peace and order in the Wasteland.

Defend this.


>Cass is a dirty, alcoholic whore
and thats why I like her

they literally cant make a new game even if bethesda contracted them out

they dont have the manpower or the finances and urqueheart has said this multiple times.

install realistic wasteland lighting over top of Nevada Skies, and also make sure to check if theres an ENB version

overrwite when asked and load RWL after the nevada skies plugin

>The worst part is he did it half-assed and for the fuck of it
did you play OWB?
mobius is the good guy

>they dont have the manpower
Uh what, they have more people now after PoE was a massive success and all.
You do realize they didn't make New Vegas with their money? That's not how publisher-developer relationships generally work.

They didn't exactly get paid the amount they were expected what with the meta critic score fiasco.

This place is roughly as busy as /sg/, though.

Coincidentally, they also had a thread die like a week or two ago, and most of their posts are just "kys" anyway.


>MGS Alert
>Responsive Kill Reactions
>Big Boss character preset
I know what I'm doing.

Isolationist Terminator. Energy weapons, make your base the Big MT Sink, leave your body parts behind, high END, INT, PER, crash your karma with no survivors as you attack camps and stations. Attack NCR and Legion on sight, work for independence. Side with House or Yes Man, use the most direct and violent solutions for everything.

That's what I'm doing on my newest playthrough.

Have you read the pastbin? There are plenty of unique run types.

That is not my point. They got paid enough to get the game made, they didn't get enough afterwards but that's another story. If, hypothetically, they were contracted to make a game, they would be given a budget to go with.

I know what you getting at don't worry.
What we have though is a double edged sword.

Obsidian alone does not have the finances to fuel a big AAA title like this, hence why they had to crowd fund PoE. Let's also be realistic, an isometric Fallout is not going to make enough for Bethesda/Zenimax to invest as a publisher.

But if the former does decide to become a publisher, how much do you bet the same bullshit restrictions are going to be applied? I know obviously Obsidian had to agree to the production timeframe (otherwise they would have sued) but still, a gimped engine and a timeframe is not going to produce the same quality of game that people are expecting them to churn out.

>Obsidian alone does not have the finances to fuel a big AAA title like this
Eh, the original claim is "they wouldn't be able to make an AAA game even if Beth contracted them", which isn't really true. Obviously they can't do AAA on their own.
>the same quality of game that people are expecting them to churn out
At this point people expect Obs to release broken games, desu. Dunno about their latest game, Tranny. Didn't see people complaining about bugs, mostly about writing.

>Eh, the original claim is "they wouldn't be able to make an AAA game even if Beth contracted them", which isn't really true
That was the other guy, not me.
>At this point people expect Obs to release broken games, desu.
True, but I'd want an Obsidian Fallout to be something special; something so special everyone realizes Bethesda have been taking the IP for a ride, and not a good one. One can dream.
>Didn't see people complaining about bugs, mostly about writing.
Didn't a bunch of their core writing staff leave? Also that's bound to happen with a new IP, especially with one as, dare I say, uninspired as Tyranny.

>Didn't a bunch of their core writing staff leave?
Well, sort of. Avellone left with a bang, Fenstermaker left to raise a baby, Ziets left long ago, before Vegas. Gonzales was fired after Vegas, he's writing for that robot dinosaur playstation game.

Anyway, Tranny was a B-team side project, so I didn't expect it to be great. But, again, no signs of it being a buggy mess, which is a good thing... for PoE 2, at least.

So, who's the best non-faction NPC (other than The King who is goat)?


>The King
>non-faction NPC
I don't think you know what you're talking about.

He's technically in the "NOVAC" faction.


Well, it was fun while it lasted /cfog/

I honestly chose Veronica only because she's a route into being a Paladin and to a truce between them and the NCR.

Also keep in mind many of the people who worked on New Vegas are no longer at Obsidian. The chances seem unfortunately slim.

You just KNOW

What else is there to do in Goodsprings?


>did you play OWB? (He's the good guy)

I know, I'm just saying, if he WAS a bad guy, mojave would be fucked beyond measure.
Even Ulysses would've stopped with the BEAR'N'BULL and start going SCORPIONS'N'SHIT

>no ending where you settle with her in Goodsprings right after the tutorial

Too bad vidya won't have anywhere near the diversity in choice that PnP games have for another few decades, if ever.


What was her fucking problem?

She left her containment board.

she was "stronk womyn" and had to prove herself

Moe-bius was the best OWB desu

>A general saluting indoors

Got kicked upstairs after an injury left her unfit for field work.
Tried to overcome this by murdering her enemies through giving orders rather than doing it personally.

Hi cfog.
I want to replay and remod New Vegas to make it beautifull, and tought of following this guide:


Any of you used it?
Is it good?
If not, could you recommend another one?
I'd rather a guide detailled like this one because I'm tired of mod compatibility and all this shenanigans, so something that could work out of the box, maybe if I could add some quest mods later it would be great.

Pretty sure it's outdated as fuck. Check out our pastebin.
Also, you really shouldn't worry about compatibility if you aren't installing literal hundreds of mods.

Thank for your reply.
Last update was the 16 june, so it doesn't seem so outdated.
The pastebin is nice, but it don't state load order and the like, I was planning to use the STEP guide as a base and add some other mods suggested from the pastebin.

I have a vegan friend who doesn't drink or play videogames, loves classic cars and is emotional as fuck
I eat meat and play videogames daily, drink almost as often, can hardly change my oil and never care enough about anything except animals to get upset.

I have friends who support Shillary and friends who are glad Trump won, I have one friend who is so damn politically clueless and obviously gets his information off a single, biased subreddit

Gotta be a narrow minded narcissist to hang out with a carbon copies of yourself imo

Raul is also facing the very real dilemma of aging and his role in society, whereas a lot of other companions have quests that focus on their standing or opinion of their factions

I have a vegan friend who doesn't drink or play videogames, loves classic cars and is emotional as fuck
I eat meat and play videogames daily, drink almost as often, can hardly change my oil and never care enough about anything except animals to get upset.

I have friends who support Shillary and friends who are glad Trump won, I have one friend who is so damn politically clueless and obviously gets his information off a single, biased subreddit

Gotta be a narrow minded narcissist to hang out with a carbon copies of yourself imo

Raul is also facing the very real dilemma of aging and his role in society, whereas a lot of other companions have quests that focus on their standing with, or opinion of their factions, or some larger than life, deliberately grey dilemma.

Not him but if you have absolutely nothing in common, as you've described, how are you friends? Is it by association with another person e.g a friend of a friend. Is it because you've known them for so long?

Nice double post fag

My shitpost didn't even help the thread



Primm has a new sheriff, that should keep the Powder Gangers away

You eyeballin' me?

Wut? Isn't there a mod where you can create your own damn faction?


Why the fuck I cant pickpocket maria off benny when he is in caesars tend?I fail everytime even with a stealthboy


about time

I want to unite ncr, followers and bos under a single new government.

Fuck outta here, Bismarck

Don't forget the Great Khans.

Does anyone have any Legion saves just before the end?
I've finished the game with Independent, NCR and House and I want to finish it once with the Legion just for the achievements.

Anyone watching Josh playing New Vegas on Obsidian twitch?


How hard is it to find OFFICIAL OBSIDIAN TWITCH CHANNEL, m8?

Anyway, I tried to post the link but it's prohibited apparently. I guess you knew it and wanted to bait me? Clever.

Found it, I just searched it in new vegas streams category.

Kek, he's saving even more often than me.

Sleep tight, dogger.

thoughts on new vegas redesigned?

>subscriber /follower popups in the middle of the screen every few seconds
Wow, dropped. Sorry, Josh, should've balanced that cancer better.



a car literally crushed into Obsidian QA dept once

the LAPD Riot Gear is so good




>Josh is a Big Iron guy
Johnny Guitar fags btfo



>Josh just casually destroyed Bethesda
Damn, son.

>Why would jet be in any pre-war pharamcies?
>Myron invented Jet

Love you josh

fuck, spaced out and missed him say that

not interested in discussing how realistic drugs are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls


Link? Can't seem to find it.