/krog/ - Kronos General

Nost2.0 confirmed 4 months away edition

- Alliance (Automute, Qlurf/Glurf, Infamy, Crabberson can invite)

K2 Website: www.kronos-wow.com

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Fresh fags BTFO

Its good to be back


nost or bust. cya @ 4 months lmao.
thid kinda sucks because i already quit my warehouse job, now i have to go and find work for another 4 months.

What exactly would take an additional 3 months to work on in order to get the servers running.


They want to have AQ fully scripted on the pvp server and BWL fully scripted on the pve server before relaunching.

Nost PvP > Jan
Nost PvE > Feb
Fresh > March

See? No monthS between releases.

On a fresh server? lmao

Old... theyre not going to release old server after the new one lol. Old server will be launched first no matter what!

but why is that important for the fresh server? they still got months to work on that while we run mc

Why didn't they make AQ in the 8 fucking months Nost has been down.

They're probably lying because of Blizzard legal threats or something again.

They're releasing the old pvp server first, before anything else.

Never played WoW before, always wanted to get into Vanilla and just bum around and experience quests and whatnot. Which server am I after? There's like 4 WoW generals and talk of servers opening and closing so it's a bit confusing.


ugh another timeline switch. i just came back from the trump timeline, it only lasted a couple of days but it was euphoric. this timeline sucks..

They were busy sucking Blizzard cock.
If they didn't try to please them for legacy servers we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Maybe when the old server is immediately fucked in the ass by Chinese again they'll actually do something about it in time for fresh start.



>have to wait months to healslut in < Pepper Cats >

They might not even launch fresh servers if there aren't stability issues on the two primary servers.

don't remind me



Chic A Fil

Is the Elysium download link legit? Been awhile since I've done this shit.

no its a sexleg

K i just checked kronos 2 and there are lots of people making new characters.

Ill wait for the announcement tomorrow but if ost honestly expect me to wait months for their servers just because they want their old server out with AQ first ill be going to kronos then maybe that new server that is starting testing in december.
You cucks have fun waiting because your baby ass devs are being little shits for the 1 millionth time.
t: someone with multiple 60's on both nost and kronos

if you want to play now go to kronos 2.

If you want to wait 4 months for a bunch of chinese lovers who ban people for no reason, let gold sellers go and act like idiots in the forums then wait for nost.

there is another server releasing soon but i cant remember the name now.

i dont get whats so hard about it
they got the source code, they can literally just continue what they were doing before shutdown
all they have to do is open the damn server

crestfall doesn't sound like a meme now, does it

Yeah i'm playing Crestfall now. Dealing with Pottus and now a 3 month delay for the most retarded reason (which i think is just a lie all together).

how do I get in

autistic as fuck. when nost gets around any other server will be a meme and you'll regret wasting all that time on a ded serv

Chick Fil A

These 3 things have always been true

Doubt many people will wait that long just to play.

you think we're just sitting in front of the login screen for 4 months or something? we're just doing other stuff meanwhile. but when nost gets back we're there.

Reminder to vote:

Can have multiple answers.

>make huge announcement of server revival
>push the launch months later
God dammit frenchies how do you fuck up consistantly

Is it too late to roll on the relaunched PVP server if you want to run any sort of relevant content?

great marketing strategy actually.

>there is another server releasing soon but i cant remember the name now.


no, you'll join a geared guild that runs you through mc and bwl so you can absorb all the loot in like 3 weeks instead of months of saving dkp and sucking your guild masters balls

>Never played WoW before, always wanted to get into Vanilla and just bum around and experience quests and whatnot.
Kronos 2 is the most populated currently open server, Nostalrius will be returning but it's unclear exactly when.

Download the client, make a test character on Kronos 2, set up all the addons and UI and everything, and see if you even like the general atmosphere of the game, by then Nost will probably have a concrete release date, so decide whether you want to wait or not.

Who gives a shit about any of this? Who the fuck cares about life anymore? Koragon LITERALLY recorded and uploaded a video of him eating his own cum.

>great marketing strategy actually.
In what way? I already went from "omg I will finally have my virtual life back" through "ok, fuck this two server bullshit, I'll just achieve R13 on my main and quit" to "fuck the Chink loving motherfuckers, I'm deleting the client". in the past week or so.

nodtalrius (elysium now) is the main big server you'll be waiting for. meanwhile you can play kronos if you want to. its a shitty server tho and everyone will leave when nost releases.

crestfall is irrelevant until they show what they got.

Can we make a petition for Nost devs asking for a seperate server for chinks or jsut to ban VPN's so gold buying/selling doesn't happen so intensely?

I think having Chinamen run wild is biggest issue stopping Nost from being shitty, aside from servers. Someone mentioned cloud hosting for the server, so lag is equal, which may also be worth pushing.

that is because you have ADD+aspergers

terrible marketing strategy

you don't make people wait, they'll find something else to do and less people will sitll be interested in a few months


Nostcucks won't be making TBC which they've been teasing all of you retards for years:

>Not likely to be happening in the near future.


How far is crestfall from compelting their vanilla work?

Do you think Crestfall will release TBC before Nost?


Who do I ask? Nost on twitter? How do I PM these people? Lets make a petition for automute/autoban in chat channels for chinese characters - any programmers here that can tell us how difficult this would be to implement?

stop this autoban for chinese characters shit.

the solution is either a seperate chinese server or banning vpn's.


guess I'm waiting for corecraft or crestfall, my goal is to play on a stable server and casually level to 70. I think raiding would be much more comfy on a TBC priv server, if the content can be properly scripted and implemented...

I like AV a lot though and never got to do Naxx. hmm...

You have a point, chinks would still weck the economy with their farming if they were just selling to other chinks. I think the main appeal of china farmers is to sell to westerners though. Doubt there is much money in just the Chinese market.

Trivial since they already have various chat filters etc.

Enjoy every official response being "lel fux0ff racest drumpftard trololo" then I guess.

>I think the main appeal of china farmers is to sell to westerners though. Doubt there is much money in just the Chinese market.
99% of the money is in the Chinese market, they're just using a free game as a platform to sell to each other basically. They mock "rich Europeans providing them with a free game" on their forums on baidu etc.

reminder that posts about nostalrius in /krog/ are off topic

nostcucks go back to your own thread

wtf is this lads I just wanna play vanilla wow

Now that Kronos is effectively dead, I feel like playing TBC.

Whats the highest pop TBC server? I don't trust the numbers on the websites since they're faked half of the time.


user please.

>shitposter is still pushing the 3 months meme
Literally where is the proof?

>They mock "rich Europeans providing them with a free game" on their forums

Wow I hate the Chinese now.

there is no proof. the only thing we know is that they want to finish the AQ content before releasing the nost pvp merged server - and that the fresh server is going to be released some time after that. there has been no dates given at all. hopefully there will be a massive pressure on them to release the fresh servers at the same time or before and maybe they'll listen.

people are shilling for this thread in the /vag/ thread, make up your mind please

do you hate them or have them

make up your mind

>Nost2.0 confirmed 4 months away

Want to level a character mainly for world pvp, think elysium or k2 would be more populated?

>I think the main appeal of china farmers is to sell to westerners though
Nope. They definitely love to sell to westerners but it's just a bonus. Their main profit is chinese to chinese sales, as chinese players buy gold very very regularly, it's completely normal for them and not taboo at all.
If anyone on nost2 gives enough of a shit, you can talk to random chinese and ask them - some of them won't even know gold selling/buying is against the rules of the server. It just doesn't make sense to them.

There will always be some gold farmers but whenever there is a large chinese population it means a LOT of gold farmers. Not to mention other shitty shit like afk'ing countless bgs in order to sell high ranked characters and rampant botting/exploiting.

elysium's progress is frozen

>dead server
>frozen server
Just wait until Nostlysium.

elysium when it releases, no doubt. but youre gonna have to wait a couple more months.

when the fresh nost server is released do they go by the name of elysium or nostalrius?

this is really confusing

They haven't even given a date yet.

>be ff
>get banned for fishbotting on nost
>start on kronos
>get banned
>play on elysium and get to 60, including camping a rare spawn for literally 92 straight hours
>get banned on elysium for fishbotting
>nost2 announces, everyone can go back to their old characters from nost or play their elysium character
>everyone except ff

which means a couple of months.

It doesn't though you autistic child.

Hey guys, I'm about to join Kronos 2, i want to be a priest but i'm not sure wich race is best, i need your precious advices.

before we start this discussion i need to know if you think it will release sooner or later than a couple of months

im talking about the fresh restart btw, not the old servers.

No dates have even been given or implied. The old one could come out in 3 weeks and the fresh one in 4 weeks.Or 5 months respectively. You don't know.

but maitoz from nope has confirmed its gonna be march and nano only just released his first devblog and said they'll be working on the server over the next couple of weeks.

>some random from some random guild "confirmed" something


>Kronos wins


>people so scared of being disappointed that they need to believe nost isnt coming out till march

>he doesnt know about the NOPE GM conspiracy

dead general dead server dead game

But user you also for got him getting banned for using a damage tweak to beat people in world pvp.

How does /krog/ feel about A Tribe Called Quest's new album?

Are hunter pets broken? I have to feed my pet constantly, it seems like they lose happiness/loyalty way too fast. Is this working as intended? Not sure how to properly manage a pet in vanilla.

Tips please? I'm pulling my hair out!

If you plan on waiting for the next meme server that Veeky Forums is going to be rolling, which is what I would do since a lot of the fun of vanilla wow is the social aspect, I would decide now what faction you want to play on. Try out K2 and play the opposite faction of what you are going to play in Nost2. You can experience both sides fresh and get some experience with the game before prime time.

Since this is your first time playing I recommend human or undead since I think they have some of the best writing in their quests.

Undead specifically have the best starting zone writing in the game.

Humans start off a bit lame but very comfy and the conspiracy storyline that carries all the way to max level is bretty good. They have what I consider hands down the best zone story wise in the game: Duskwood.

Roll what you want though.

Misc tips:
>Warriors are the only tank that matters at 60 so don't roll a paladin thinking you will tank
>everyone plays rogue. nothin personell
>save your cash because you need it for mount at 40
>look up talent guides unless you are really good at picking out what isn't garbage
>don't be a shyfag
>befriend dwarf players whenever possible but avoid ganomes


>keybind your abilities

don't be a shitter. start off right before you pick up the bad habit of clicking all your buttons. Its slow and you will suck ass at the game and people will laugh at you

t. ex clicker


Based Kronos wins again

>this desperate to save your shitty bait thread from 404ing



Give it up mocky, kronos is dead :~)

So how hard am I gonna fuck myself if I make a NE warrior instead of a human?

Not that hard, they are even better tanks than human

Let this thread die thanks :)

For you