Lads, how far is the S&P 500 going to drop in the next 1-6 months?
Lads, how far is the S&P 500 going to drop in the next 1-6 months?
Ask Soros
If Trump wins, -10%
If Hillary wins, -1%
Doesnt matter who wins, it's crashing by 40% at the very least, likely more. 2008 has nothing on whats about to happen.
Ye I've heard that for years
When's it happening already? I want to buy in
We probably won't see the next high until after February 2017. Election is spooking people and they're selling off, plus in all likelihood there's a rate hike coming in December.
Statistically, -5% is the likeliest. It's next fall I'm concerned about.
how bad is it going to turn?
would it make sense to try the water a little, buy and then hold until the market will be fine again
if it falls how much do you reckon it'll last, l mean l think it won't be that of a big deal, there aren't enough ingredients for the economical situation to replicate 2008
What is the reason for it to drop when a new president is elected?
>What is the reason for it to drop when a new president is elected?
But it will recover quickly. Just like Brexit
the economy isn't that bad
That would require absolutely no one buying on a massive 20% dip for it to continue to drop.
I just don't see that happening ever.
We're in a housing bubble. Not much has really improved since the last economic crisis. We're on the brink of war with Russia/China. Hillary will drive us to war. Trump will dump our economy and budget into the trash. And the fed rate needs to go up soon to prevent risking a bigger crash.
in 6 months it will be up at least 10% from where it is now. keep selling though, youre lining our pockets like usual.
Wow, these people on the internet sure know are smart! Golly gee, I better pull out of the market right away! Zoinks.
Hopefully it plummets to the fucking ground, I've shorted the ever living fuck out of it.
>Not much has really improved since the last economic crisis.
Yes, except nobody is giving out mortgages like candy
>We're on the brink of war with Russia/China.
The US is on the brink of war with a bankrupt country and a country that has to rapidly transform their economy within the next few years.
>Hillary will drive us to war.
Historically, war seems like the best thing for the US to happen
>Trump will dump our economy and budget into the trash.
Yeah because the constitution was not designed to prevent demagogues from trashing your country.
>And the fed rate needs to go up soon to prevent risking a bigger crash.
I strongly doubt you understand this more than I do and I certainly have no idea what will happen
> The S&P is the whole market
All top indices were down today but the real market average(Common Stocks) was still +0.061%
>tfw i made so much money in 2008 because i shorted like a madman
im not as ballsy nowadays but it's tempting
Thank you for correcting the record. .02 has been deposited in to your account!
>I've shorted the ever living fuck out of it.
You're not the only one user. Both puts and long on inverse 3x ETFS across most indices (Dow, Russell, S&P) here
In 6 months it'll be up at least 20% from where it is going to be in a few days.
>t. the pleb who called wolf