destiny general more like shitposting about boipucci general edition
/dg/ - Destiny General
Is the year two trials machine gun any good?
The unseeing eye?
>about to settle down for a wank
>receive THREE different party invites as soon as I start to touch myself
holy fuck come on
>he doesn't wank while playing
You should save some of that test to perform better
Hey you guys still gay?
>ruin wings
fuck off nipples nobody likes you. i hope libcucks protesting around nyc rape you and leave you bloody and half dead in the cold you nappy headed half nigger
destiny thread motto:It's better to like boi pucci then real pussy.
-literal who /dg/ player
true meda is ddos :-DDD
>tfw RNGesus gives you two faction package rewards in a row exactly like you wanted them.
Finally got a solar Spektar kallipolis plate
feels gooooood
People are saying you can do the challenge on normal
Is this true? Seems sketchy to me.
>monstar's clan is STILL in there
are you a y3 babby?
I'll come back when you're all less gay lmao
go back to your fagboi buddies and play your faggot final cucktasy cuckgame
I like you shinbo.
At least I don't look gay
>that hair
>that monkey nose
>those eyes that far apart
Is this the new Ozy?
Anyone need a quick nightfall? I'm at the boss currently.
PS4: fragd0g
Cute and kissable but he needs to comb his hair
is this real? the whiny fag voice matches the face
Thanks, I like me too.
Yeah i'm on my way, running out of (You)s though but here you go. Don't spend them all in one place!
I cut my hair actually! it's v short now!
One more for nightfall if anyone wants in.
That's too bad, long hair suits you
post destiny meme
Shit tier meme, here's one that isn't forced
Wow this map is shit for trials
Just faced a team of sun singers that would just hide every round + skorri and spam self rez every other round
Just rush them.
I'd fuck that dad
>.8 telling anyone to git gud
I don't know why but the raid gear makes me think of SRL
especially the titan set
2/3 nightfall ps4
why do you screenshot every time? isn't it routine by now?
>shit nerfed helmet
So how's first light for Trials? Is it 90% snipers? Can you use sparrows?
Stressful. No. Yes.
They unnerfed it a while a go numbnuts
Any hot /dg/ babes want to play trials with me?
You can use sparrows.
not entirely, they just reduced the severity of the nerf
I'm pretty sure they completely reverted the nerf alongside reverting the Nothing Manacles nerf
Here's an extra shot. Here's 3.. I mean 5 seconds to shoot them in compared to the usual 9 xDDDD
No. They didn't. They "reduced the severity" of the nerf. They didn't remove it.
2/3 For a Nightfall with me and Bob
Why are you posting a girl (male) with eyeliner?
Do you agree that Dragonheart is ugly and also worthless?
Why post that boy? It's not even a cute boi.
I'm down for a nightfall
Holy shit hahahaha his hairline is worse than mine. What the fuck is those teeth ahahahahahahahahahahahaa.,
>short hair that grows over the ears
This is a telltale sign of someone who can't take care of themselves.
No wonder the dude has anger issues.
>decide to compare my two nearly identical Dragons
>one is the vendor roll with snapshot, one has quickdraw
>the quickdraw one aims faster than the snapshot one
I know snapshot got nerfed a while back but that's kinda ridiculous
Okay let me dip out since I don't need it .
Send a FR to BiasedBob they're at the end so hurry
>male (male)
what is it like to know you will never be zippy?
Pandox doesn't need to be Zippy
He just needs Zippy inside him every Thursday night from 10pm-1am
Why Thursday?
>ziggy pays this overcompensating man to carry him through trials and get yelled at.
Ziggy have some self-respect, Jesus.
Fuck off Inter
Something about Islam and Thursdays. Probably their free gay day of the week
That's for the free nightfall
Anyone interested in doing Trials for bounties and the possibility of lighthouse travel?
Where were you when /dg/ got
Have we found the newest member of the JUSTice league?
what's /dg/s favorite subject in the destiny lore
Dragonheart's hairline. It starts off pretty well, but has a tragic part where it recedes.
The portal between Dragonheart's 2 front teeth. I'd like to get into that sword realm and see what awaits us.
sibby gummies X-DDD
the final grimoire card of the legendary titan dragonheart188. it ends with him hanging from a ceiling with his pants down to his ankles and calcified tears on his face
Feels good, I won't have an entire thread obsessing over me when I quit the game
Rate my IB load out
gunslinger is the omly thing you did right
shard yourself
I fair pretty well with the NTTE
as for the #QUANTIPLASM, I prefer it over my Occam's Razor simply because it's a one shot when I pull up with it.
Only thing that's been giving me problems is Juggernaut Titans.
bait/10 now fuck off to reddit
do you fucking want me to stream or somethin'
>tall socks with shorts
Kill yourself faggot.
No body wants to watch you.
actually, yeah.
and watch your pitiful stats? no