Other urls found in this thread:
first for hecarim
xth for getting placed in bronze
I guess, in the end, we are nothing but a League of Legends™ Clash of Fates®
Hey jimmy
I kinda feel like I deserve it but at the same time having bottom lanes that are responsible for half of the entire team's deaths is very difficult to overcome if you're just an average player
>People waifu fagging for such low quality 2Ds from league of legends
noob here, how come rumble and gnar top have neg winrates,are they bad or sth? i wanted to play both
>anime shitposting
please don't
>Play Jayce
>Jayce isn't even my main
>Enter the game
>Hecarim asks where to start Red or Blue
>I say that it's lost since he doesn't even know that
>Lulu in my team says Hecarim will do better than me
>End game with 18/8/15+ and Hecarim ends 2/15
they have shit taste and are mostly from reddit.
Having a waifu from league is just showing everyone how much you are trying to fit in and doesn't even know what waifu means
>Pick TK
>The enemy assassin thought he got to have fun
Nice ult and E Fizz. It'd be a shame if it were to only hit the tanky support.
It's low quality 3D if anything, and the ones in your pick are terrible too.
my guess is that a lot of people play them and a lot of people suck with them
>When you almost turn the gank but then the Silver III hits you hard
For me I was just fucking around with new champions for the first 3 games, and the rest was my shitty bronzies losing to their shitty silver surfers.
It's not exactly difficult though
>not generalizing shitposting
will we have to do the flex 10 first games again when new season starts on 7.1?
I think they'll be two different queues. Solo and Flex.
>Buy 22 crates/keys
>Only 4 of them were skins
>None of them were even above 750+ rp
>Practically wasted 36$ for something I could've gotten for 15$
What a fuckin scam lmao
Post your time played. I wanna see how many neets there are here.
xth for doing something right for once
But it does have an anime.
>believing in the chest jew
oy vey
>renekton walking into the trap
For what purpose? Cait could only Q over the wall.
holy shit
I think I just need to pick champs that are easier to carry with
>100 point in luck
I can't wait for easy webms with replays.
i know they will
will flex reset too along with solo?
>Play ADC
>Miss half the farm
Why can I not get last hits with the role that actually builds auto attack damage? I don't understand.
>Changes black cleaver so that things like J4's passive autoattack no longer apply two stacks of it
>Changes black cleaver so that graves applies MULTIPLE stacks of it if he hits multiple bullets
>Sunfire,Rylais off-tank Katarina's steamrolling everygame
In my experience I couldn't trust others to carry consistently (especially ADCs) until about gold 2. In this game I had ~60% more CS than my opponent, killed half the towers in the game solo, and participated in every other tower kill and dragon kill.
Yi does have a learning curve for decision-making and proper building, good luck with that. For midlane you can just play Annie.
>people think new leblanc isn't an assassin
He plays in Bronze :^)
You can carry with everything there.
I also boost a lot for rp
try adding more ad to your runes
I have a bout 3000 hours of normal blind pick over 6 years.
Never played ranked.
>tfw no adc gf
Have they figured out this unco fuckin' scoring system yet? God-tier scores aren't being rewarded, and mediocre scores are still getting S ranks. I don't get it dude.
What the hell are people doing on the frog that this is only an S.
Play Ezreal. He's designed to help shitters play AD Carry.
Do you like this preseason?
It's not that bad really.
something to do with average and the position you play
>struggle to get S's for chests in meme modes like poro king and ascension
>decide to try out flex
>get a bunch of chests in no time
I love this queue
literally just cs my man
5cs/min is garbo
>top laner wants poppy
>jungler wants poppy also
>they both hover it and start talking about who was first
>i swithc my hover to poppy as well
>mid laner does the sam
>adc picks poppy as our last ban
>everyone laughs about it and we had a chill game
did i get warped into a different dimension
You ever play on OCE?
It's an entire server of banter and chill dudes.
>Platinum Tryndmere farms our Bronze 5 Fizz at top while crying lack of ganks with mid laner who is getting her assblasted by opposing plat player as well
What the fuck is this flex shit. Our team was only composed of bronze while other team was full of plat and gold
>not leveling up your skill
triggered af
Too busy rubbing my tongue between Singed's asscheeks to farm.
If you get the white guys, sure, but it's too bad 70% of OCE is passive-aggressive chinks and vietcong from the jungle islands up north. The chinese are an absolute fuckin' plague on our servers and I grimace externally every time I enter a lobby and see the "CN" tag attached to half the names.
We need to get our own Trump so he can build a great firewall between China and Aus.
>play uselessreal so you lose the game
thanks for the advice mister
someone has fullpicture of this
some fag posted it on rebbit
it's too late now...
Dingus. You're supposed to play him until you stop being fucked in the head, and then you graduate to a carry that isn't complete shit. You're not meant to win with him.
Trying to win a match as Ezreal is like trying to win a BMX competition on a $70 Toys R Us trike.
"EKKO new
TIME WALK Chronobreaking through W - Parallel Convergence will trigger the stun and shield "
Can someone please exlain this to me? is it the same as doing a R in a W circle or what's new?
Ha that's what you meant.
sorry for misunderstanding
If you travel back through the field with R you get the shield
but that's not new ...or do they mean the 4 second line?
Unless you pay twenty bucks a month for the artist on patreon you won't ever get to see the full picture
>having a waifu in 2016
kys my man
Just look on the Rule34LoL sub. There's a Nami album with it in there
Nami got a fucking man face. Also you can most likely find it on e621
hello r/eddit or underage
to be fair, I started playing back in Season 2.
Why is it that Everytime i try to play Jungle,im matched up vs a Platinum/Diamond Lee Sin Main who takes over my jungle?
It's not even Flex queue,it's just my pre-30 account and im tired of getting stomped everygame
it's literally on deviantart. I was just looking at it by coincidence but I'm in game now, look there
Yea but it has no poosi
>picking on kids
>100hours in paint
But hey they should get it.
is the red guy pantheon
are they bringing real soloq back this season lolg? thanks for responding
my sides
I wanna see it, pls do me that favor
I was actually wondering that myself, but I decided not to draw a shield on him because it would look messy.
I tried Quas's Talon top build and it's honestly really fun. Cleaver into DMP into DD makes you somewhat resilient and your damage is super respectable. Weren't people complaining that he was unplayable?
solo/duo queue will be back with patch 7.1
On that note, tanky Pantheon with colossus is really fuckign annoying
Colossus is really fucking annoying
I mean at least with sota you could judge their HP, now there's all this guesswork
tfw waifu post often but try not to over kill it so other's will still have tolerance for me. I actually like you blokes.
Playing in low-mid mmr, he's perma banned at the moment and any time he gets through, he seems to just snowball every game.
With that said, I'm sure in high elo, it would be much harder to CS with him against a decent mage.
>literally tryharding in fucking flex queue
5 decides my main for s7
>lost both
what to do?
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
i've gotten diamond every season since s2 but didn't play this year because of dynamic q
Is Poppy Fertile?
>implying I need to try at all when vayne tumbles into my EQ range then whines about counterplay
I'll have my revenge soon enough
Who /in this moment I'm euphoric/ here?
xth for best lady and jungler
God bless for the free wins since she can clear all 6 camps and be full hp by 3:55 while other champs struggle with their first clear which gives me free reign to dunk the enemy jungler
for other yordles, yes
He just plays different now and they removed his aoe. He's also now up to the top tier of slipperiest champions which is kind of its own reward.
>which gives me free reign to dunk the enemy jungler
Excuse me.
>tfw you texted a girl and she still hasnt replied.
League of legends.
I hope everything works in your favor. Best of luck user.
welcome to b5
You can't just add "League of Legends" to your post and make it League related.
League of legends.