>post cute black girl >agdg hates her because she's black So those are agdg's values. Despicable.
Colton Parker
Black people are disgusting.
Including colored people in your game will cater to SJWs, not aggydaggers.
Jose Evans
Thank you for choosing a reasonable OP-picture instead of pandering to the CUTE-spastics.
>post ugly non-rigged memepoly "girl" >upset nobody wants to pick up trash Stay classy.
Isaiah Scott
I have a dream, that one day every man, woman and child in America will know that waifus are delicious in every flavor
Dominic Gonzalez
She was uncute and not because of her skin color.
Michael Moore
Sorry, skip, but I personally find black women to always be ugly until they're mixed to the point they might as well be white like Halle Berry. Painting Zoe Saldana green didn't fix her face
Is my opinion racist? Shit yeah it is. Does it change anything? Nope
Nolan Fisher
So I'm starting to learn Blender in order to make a Resident Evil clone in Unreal 4. I have some experience with Source modding, but that was almost entirely brush-based. Right now I'm trying to get my head around the work flow for making a level entirely out of imported models.
>Want to make a house >Build the layout of the house in Blender >Model/texture all the walls/floors/furniture >Export each piece as a separate model >Import all the pieces into Unreal 4 then stick them back together
Am I on the right track? I think I read that I can do it in such a way that all the individual models will be in the right place once I do the Unreal 4 import. I'm guessing the best thing to do would be to make a lot of "modular" building pieces that can be re-used, but since my game is basically just a house I can probably get away with more expensive modeling practices.
Cooper Fisher
I did not choose the OP pic.
Zachary Moore
dd11 feedback; tweaking character sprites to make them pop out more i might need some heavier modifications and outline is too much, but you said no cleaning up
Hunter Morales
user you made them pop out LESS by making the outline blend in with the background color.
Cooper Evans
So, I'm working on an engine. I'm not falling into the trap of making an engine before a game, I'm making an engine just cause I want the experience.
Idk if anyone here would really have experience with this, but I figured it might be worth a shot. What is a reasonable way to build player/AI-controlled objects into my nice physics simulator that I've finished? I'd like to keep all my collision resolution in the physics engine, but the issue is that player movement essentially means setting velocities when different inputs are detected, which screws up the physics calculations.
Easton Wilson
pretty much yeah, might need some other contrast boosting too btw you're fast
Dylan Price
If there's a breed worse than CUTE-spastics it's OP picture-spastics.
Jaxson James
>Black people are disgusting.
>I personally find black women to always be ugly
Truly despicable.
Jace Turner
>people's personal taste doesn't conform to my liberal views >they are therefore evil and must be shunned
You made Trump possible.
Thomas Richardson
you can build the entire level in brushes, get everything right, delete the brushes (optionally keep their collision) and replace with static meshes.
that's how epic does it, so their level designers don't have to wait for artists.
seeing as you're doing both, it depends on what you want to focus on first.
Colton Carter
You're actually right
It's stuff like this that made me vote for Trump instead of not voting like I did for the last two elections
Cooper Parker
would you marry/fuck/fall-in-love with an Abbo?
if you answer no then you are literally hitler.
Owen Thomas
Andrew Bell
Why are yesdevs so fucking mean to us?
We're trying, okay? We're fucking trying.
Aaron Stewart
Working on replacing the placeholder text for controls with the actual button being used. Right now I have the quickslots set up. The text/icons change from gamepad to keyboard if one or the other was pressed last.
Hunter Rogers
Help me decide this, /agdg/. TPS or FPS? I have a basic setup: just some wizard who kills monsters or ghosts in a comfy forest. However, when I play an FPS, I want to make it an FPS, but when I play with a third person view game or an RTS, I find it fun to jump around and walk around with the characters, which makes me want to model the main character and watch him from behind his shoulders.
How should I decide this? Usually I want everything to serve the core game play mechanics, but now as I see both ways are possible.
Brody Martinez
Have some more ice effects n shit for flying enemies
Austin Bailey
FPS is less work (don't need to make a shitload of animations), so that by itself might be more viable for you.
Josiah Parker
Can you guys please post some spaghetti code, I need a good laugh.
Ryan Myers
Just open your game project.
Joseph Rodriguez
Is there anyway to take the obj out of a THREE.js webpage?
Want to look at the wireframes of this.
Jackson Brown
Doom Knight?
Bentley Mitchell
Essentially yeah, just shorter.
In hindsight I should probably redesign him a little when I start making standalone games featuring him.
I'm trying to get a quad from a plane and a second plane where the quad is the section of the first plane that's behind the intersecting plane
I'm trying to detect when the near culling plane of a camera is inside an object so I can slap down a custom shader on that portion of the screen.
Easton Gonzalez
How do I put in all the hard work necessary to make a game when there's so many human beings that don't put in hard work at all and are far more successful.
Luke Jones
how rude
Gabriel Watson
The intersection splits the plate into two parts, then select the part you want. Read up on vectors and planes to calculate the new planes that occurs from the intersection.
Right but what if the plane being "split" is entirely behind the second plane? I want to make it not so that it's split by the colission, but that it's split based upon what's BEHIND the plane. In other words, if that first plane were to be completely behind the second one, the red quad would be the entire plane.
Nolan Bennett
Cameron Rivera
I voted for Trump though.
David Parker
I'm referring to con artists and taking the easy route instead of the hard route
Kevin Hughes
I want to support a thread without assholes.
Gabriel Wright
That looks intentionally bad.
Justin Jackson
Wyatt Rivera
What are you? A racist?
Ryan Edwards
jokes on them, I'm not a real person
Jose Ortiz
you don't need more than 5 minutes on internet to realize that people love to mercilessly shit on things for little to no reason
Gabriel Martinez
Assholes are necessary user. Without them we would just have a bunch of pussies needing therapy dogs, play-doh, and to call off from going to college because something didn't turn out the way they wanted.
Dealing with assholes isn't fun but it can help in the grand scheme of things.
John Bailey
How easy is Monogame/XNA on a scale of Unity to C++ with OpenGL?
Owen Lee
It might be, it's from reddit.
John Morris
>You should bully people who need therapy because it'll make their problems go away! >You should bully people in college because if you don't they'll drop out!
Ayden Parker
In between It's not an engine but it's not c++/opengl tier low. You still have to do everything yourself from animation and so on.
Tyler Robinson
Only an asshole would think like that.
People performs better in a good environment and I think that agdg is a perfect example of a bad environment chasing off good devs all the time.
Tyler Walker
t.coddled children who never got bullied growing up.
Josiah White
Rate my death ragdolls
Aiden Ward
people who are bullied usually end up remaining beta shitters for the rest of their godforsaken lives while people who bully just completely forget about it and move on, thinking they've done completely nothing wrong being an asshole is natural, but it does not mean it's right - the superiority of humans over other animals lies in ability to suppress their urges for greater good
Ryan Baker
Half of Veeky Forums lacks basic mental capabilities. You're not gonna change that by being a little bitch. It's just something you have to deal with if you're here.
Tyler Rogers
Who exactly was chased out? >People performs better in a good environment Life isn't a good environment and the quicker you get used to assholes the better. And AGDG is nothing, it's an anonymous imageboard. If you can't ignore meanie anons shitposting you you'll have a hell of a time.
Nolan Adams
where's your game?
Gabriel Robinson
I am so fucking motivated right now. Thanks user.
Carter Morales
>the superiority of humans over other animals lies in ability to suppress their urges for greater good Explain why ants haven't taken over the world
Aaron Kelly
Gameplay progress the lock-on system can now work from any point in the index so if I run into index 3 then index 0 it will auto back to index 0 I had to re-work a lot of stuff and now it's a lot less dynamic so I'm gonna have to do a bunch more work so it will work with any number of enemies
Julian Gonzalez
>Explain why ants haven't taken over the world
Too little bodymass to be a predatorial threat to many animals. Inability to fashion tools of sufficient size to take over the job.
Camden Brown
every single act ants do is based purely on instinct - read up about ant mill if you don't know about it already
Andrew Parker
why the lock on doesn't draw outline around lower legs?
Jack Bennett
>agdg is a perfect example of a bad environment chasing off good devs all the time. When did /agdg/ do this? I'm honestly curious.
Leo Russell
I'm pretty sure a lot of these faggots here would get triggered if Hoppoo started posting here again
Angel Ward
The programmer art wouldn't be so jarringly hideous if it weren't for the competently drawn background.
Gavin Rivera
for rotate it was because of transgender and female hate
Lucas Powell
>Explain why ants haven't taken over the world He just did, ants instinctually want to work. That's sort of an "urge" for them.
William Cook
I remember him posting Deadbolt progress. When/why did he leave?
Anthony Jones
Currently texturing an enemy. Also making an armor set from it.
Charles Cox
There was a study done with a wasp that lays its eggs in a spider. The wasp drags the spider to a burrow, inspects the burrow, and drags the spider in.
So scientists moved the spider from the burrow while the wasp was inside. The wasp came outside, dragged the spider to the burrow and inspected it again. This was repeated hundreds of times with no deviation in behavior.