/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

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Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

>Implying anyone plays the game

Other urls found in this thread:



Voice tiers


Taste tiers

Mine > yours


>guy bans people for disagreeing with him on tf2center
>he gets banned

>guy posts something only one person responds to
>guy posts it in the new thread too
Let's see more of that!

But I also like Sophie Dee

yeah the thread was almost over and i wanted to repost it

Ayy, that makes ya a good fella, then

What's the best soldier outfit to paint obnoxious colors?

ugly whore (literally)
now -this- is a perfectly fine example of a celebfu

Dapper Topper
Third cosmetic of your choice.

>Emily Haines is a Canadian indie rock singer-songwriter. She is the lead singer, keyboardist and songwriter of the band Metric and a member of Broken Social Scene

Never heard of her in my life. Her music is prolly shit

Now -THIS- is a actually perfect example

scout shako, gift bringer, and a cuban bristle crisis

>Photoshopped to hell and back whore

Coverage starts with the War Pig, that gets the whole face and head. From there you branch out into a terrible chest cosmetic, such as the Hornblower. After that you can either go for a grenade replacement in which case I suggest the Professor's Pineapples (they glow!) or a pet

going to sleep, don't make raffles now

>change viewmodel and move my monitor closer to me
>no longer need to squint and i don't get head pain anymore
>can frag without even trying

omg... EPIC


I meant a soldier chest cosmetic. I recently got a pink unusual (cloud 9) cloud crasher and I just wanted to add to the meme


"i never heard of thing so it sucks" - chris

i'll bite
here's another /mu/

u gay boyo?
i bet you play medic too

Have you considered wearing glasses?

no i have good vision

Somehow I doubt that.

Post your Medics!

Have you been checked? I felt the same till I got glasses and found out how shit mine really was.


i went to the eye doctor last year and was told i had 20/20 vision basically

>>no longer need to squint and i don't get head pain anymore



shut the fuck up you little bitch
here's a good weapon


I don't listen to much of her stuff. It ain't bad, but she ain't cute

Regina Spektor, though. Cute, thick, and a good musician

first for banny

R8 my scout.

>Not strange

I dont like the kill tracking box at the side of the weapon.


post your demomans

change the pocket whatever use digit divulger or something else that goes with the look

he a bana

>painting a yellow had yellow

???? / ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?

It's a different shade of yellow.

normal yellow was too dark I HAVE TO MAKE IT MATCh

would you also complain if your morning cereal had a different cereal/milk ratio than what youre used to?


>not measuring each to ensure consistency

>not using a brand new bowl everyday to ensure it is the same as your last

yes?? what do you mean

>Wanting your cereal to get soggy faster




thinking about getting this Neutron Star Condor Cap, good effect but eh hat.

dont wear cosmetics

just KILL

new disguise kit

+no disguise smoke
-takes twice as long to disguise

new sniper
+ no sniper dot
- charges half speed

bully me

>tfw your heavy main teammate walks right across a sniper sightline even tho his dot is right there
>tfw putting tele exit just out of range of sniper dots

new spy GUN

-no clok
-no disguise
-no sapper
+25 hp
+twice as bullets you can carry in cacpaticy

what do you think? :)


comedy gold

How do I become a good spy

play against bad teams

apply for a highlander team
switch weapons a lot
feed your team useless and obvious information
get like 5 kills and blame it on "spies don't get many kills in high level play" even though it's just iron

people will think you're good

Equip enforcer and pick up halloween pumpkins.

Without a doubt the best answer

Disguise as a Scout then get backstabbed by enemy Spy while jumping backwards.

Post greasemonkey

R8 my scooty booty

>Egypt 2nd
>Almost the whole team goes engi on account of one guy talking
>Lose first
>hold last for six minutes thanks to two soldiers annoying blu, a pyro keeping spies and projectiles away and a spy that kept dropping their meds
This was dumb as fuck but amazing

my monitor was like 4 feet away


I want a button that I can press that will kill the shitty comp tf2 community and then get a better tf2 comp community

What did he mean by this?

>post about tf2
>some guy is spamming anime waifu shit and gets more replies

nice fucking thread you redditor retards

right thread

Young man, there's no need to feel down.

I think something along the lines of "i am a huge faggot please rape my sentry"

We ought to post real women instead

And post real discussions about Team Fortress 2. Ain't Pocket Heavies just the best?

That's not a real woman that's a picture

And pocket medics are better

disregard viva post anime girls

Hmmm, makes you think.

>still no reply

nice thread /v/ retards that don't know shit about tf2

Get matadors on free players with 150+ ping then furiously argue on the internet that tf2's melee hit registration is flawless and anybody who disagrees just has bad internet.

>chubby chaser

Skinny bitches are no good

shut the fuck up stop posting random shit someone ban this failed normie

This button ain't bound to shit. I think it's like M6 or something since 4 & 5 are on the left. Can I bind it to something like my push to talk on Mumble? And how?

Boo hoo. Cry me a river, you little bitch

>Viva calling someone a little bitch

Bro, everyone here with a basic understanding of psychology knows what you're all about. I don't even need to say more.

Whoopsie daisy

I'm an alpha male. I don't even need to say more

Ok 5'4 fatass working in retail

5'6 chubby dude working in Produce

Most of tf2g may be taller, but they're worse than I am when it comes to degeneracy and looking presentable


hows the weather down there

>five six
>I was two inches off


I dunno why I spare time to reply...
Cloak of choice:
Juking needed, hectic gameplay. You can't W all the time mindlessly, practice on sidejumps to get on top of props, and boxes
Gratz you can press M2. Wall creeping, crouchwalking, walking and hectic change of disguise (to scout or Heavy mostly) required to hide your frame or steal heal from enemy Medics. Stick to team colored walls if you plan to exhaust the cloak with small bursts.
Start with teammate disguise, change to enemy disguise after feign behind a cover, else your smoke will be seen by enemy until damage mitigation bonus fades.

>Swapping Weapons
Pressing the current disguise button (default: "B") after swapping weapons will cause your disguise profile to mimic a weapon swap as well.
If you reload your revolver while your disguise profile holding a weapon like Sticky, RL, GL, Shotgun, Scattergun, Pistol, disguise will mimic it.
>Made you look
If your disguise profile have a melee out, you better look like you're chasing a "Spy!". Heavy disguise can be used for stealing overheal or übers from Medics before vanishing.

Estimating the opponent:
Do not run mindlessly at people even if they have their backs exposed. If some people felt your presence, they might trick you into approaching them by looking busy. Try to walk silently to them and get your Revolver ready if you were to meet a paranoid victim.
Use the environment noise to curtain your footsteps and time your decloaks. Stalking around the noisemaker classes or Sentry choke spots generally pays well. Steer clear of trouble until you can clear the pick classes.
Seek height advantage and air steer alot while faling. Climb at higher platforms to drop above the pockets if you can't find the position you want.

Keep searching.


Down here in reality? Earth? New York if you live like in Canada or some shit? 45° F

Exactly. Weeaboos are clearly stupid and can't get anything right. They need their hands held all the time by alphas like myself. Get your shit straight, you beta bitch

you forgot the best strategy where you disguise as a friendly sandvich heavy and crouch walk while saying thank you to everyone you pass


That thing should be bound by default to a sens change, usually between 400/800/1200 dpi