/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1185

■ Current Update (11/9):「壊世に在りし龍」Part 3

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ Google: google.com/calendar/[email protected]
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Million Arthur Collection (until 11/24)
├ Gravity Princess (until 12/7)
├ [SG] Darkness Ruler (until 12/14)
└ Gurhal Collection 2 (until 12/21)

■ Next Update (11/24):「幻創の母なる月光」Part 1

├ General Information: bumped.org/psublog/
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.cirnopedia.info/ (EN - OUTDATED AS FUCK)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/Main_Page (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

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>still including Cirnopedia

>Cirno link still in the op

>tfw playing CF nonstop
>forgot about necky TD and Orbit sheets



>domain changed from pso2 to fate-go

is this serious

your a big enough girl for me

Hey bb wanna cheeki breeki?

Looks expired from here

All I see is an expired domain.

No that was its old old domain, now its.



Why do people bothering summoning their mags during anga, especially if it isn't the healing fish.

I'm watching you right now.


Take this! Slide Shaker!

Well you could kill yourself right now too fazz

I'm actually not Fazz though. I don't even know who that is, and I don't post on /pso2g/ all that much. Or on Veeky Forums at all for that matter. Anywhere on Veeky Forums, actually. Either /po/ or Veeky Forums. Sorry, user, you have the wrong person.

lavelle is not for rude

mine's better

I just want to be able to do this, but on my AIS. Why won't Segac deliver.

>tfw stockpiling daredevil parfaits
i am sure sega will release better stuff but this one seems to go well with almost all pets

Nice coding you have here Sega.
I am in 229 lmao

>Giving SEGA free advertisement

something like that would probably use the symbol art subsystem

and the way the game engine is now I don't think more than a few of those can be loaded at once and probably couldn't handle a dozen for a whole MPA




Elder gives 0 fucks to your guard frames

Bikes are for faggots

nice anti aliasing, faggot


Admit it big boy you remove the bike seat while riding your bike

Stop sucking so much.


>people can't type the address properly

Still outdated as fuck though

I want to do 100% lewd things with Och!

i can't sit on it like that now can I?


too soon

I'm glad I'm on here.

I'm still fucking angry I haven't gotten a single D-A.I.S. weapon yet. They look so damn cool and I just want one. Or all of them. Fuck you, Yamato. And Sega.

Is there a way to see the entire car plus the decals?

>Town bicycle
[Visible panic]

Where were you when the Yamato collection was still up

>there are people that prefer a shitty mobage based on a shitty franchise over pso2

I can feel the shit taste from here.

Not here, apparently. That or playing catch up for the last 550 or so hours. Alternatively, not knowing about collection sheets because playing by myself.

Part of me respects dudes with high power levels and not afraid to show them.

If you've returned recently it can't be helped, I suppose, they were only available between May and August

Pretty sure they where garbage anyway, just get ones from ult amdu sheet.

Ah and maybe fix your goblin

with the recently revealed "new affixing system" that is using +35 weapons as fodder for ability I'm sure they will eventually revive old series

I mean, it's obvious at some point r-right?

Just about to fucking 75 my Braver so I actually CAN hit up Ult Amd. Meaning I probably don't need to suffer with these fucking Neck-me sheets or anything.

H-Hey, man. I'm not a Goblin. I still have trouble with fashion even after the hours I put in. I just want to fix/remove/change my damn basewear.

ain't got no other pictures of that car

go to Japan and take pics and report back here

Getterhart-sama looks odd. Did he lose some weight?

With the amount of different EQs per week, I don't understand why they just don't make the sheets permanent.





I miss him, all he wanted to do was play punch out with a dark god. I miss all the old characters.

because kimura wants you to play content to death when he wants you to play it, not when you want to play it.

abusive relationship was also fun

She deserved it.

I know I wanted to abuse her too and see her enjoying it

You need to go back to CHINA

I'm going to sign up and play this game. I've played it before long, long ago.

If you wanna give me a referral ID I'd be happy to use it.

Melrandia did nothing wrong



Are you ship 2?
[Spoiler] Are ship 4/10 even a thing anymore?[/spoiler]



>capital s
wellp it's over for me my self esteem can't take it

>wave 5 about to end
>granz still alive, o-ok he will just despawn

Yeah I'm on 2,4, and 7. 4 is still a thing, not sure about 10, never been there. Don't worry about the spoiler, it's just an adorable, little accident that makes you, you.

why did he never wreck anyone in ultimate with that


>fuck you and your tower

Thank you!
Any recommendation for a ship? I'm not really a hardcore player, I just wanna unwind and play vidya game while being a cute girl.

I want to neck necky desu

Ship 2.

Any time.

You have three character slots and you can use those three to pick and choose three different ships if you wanted to. 2 has primarily English speaking players. Ships 4 and 1 I believe are the most populated. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Ultimately I would choose one that has more players. That way you can try and get in blocks for lower leveled players.

If you're just playing for the fun of it, it doesn't really matter what ship you choose in the long run. They all have good and bad players regardless.

Thank you, friends. I'll just sit quietly until this torrent finishes now.

You said you played it before? How long ago is "long long ago"? So much has changed over the course of the last three years, this game is definitely a bit trickier to grasp now than it ever has been. I hope you aren't overwhelmed with all the currencies and quests and mechanic intricacies when you get in.

I'd say I was probably losing a tower regardless.

Late 2013 to mid 2014.
Max level was lower than what it seems to be now. Maybe 55-65, can't remember 100%.
Bouncer wasn't a thing (looks neato).
I was looking up some stuff and it seems there are a lot of new systems in place. Gathering and crafting even, in pso2!

I love Lottie.

Ship 2 is full of the most English players. It's also terrible, memeing and shitposting abound. Even the Japs don't like Ship 2. Ship 4 is where some English speakers are, but they keep to themselves. Me, personally, I play with a group of friends there on Ship 4. Might not be conducive to me being able to get a group and such for some events, but it doesn't matter all that much to me.

Dunno much about any other ship.

m-me too

This is true. Ship2 has really shitty players but you might find yourself stranded if you come to ship4 but the pugs are better.

I do like me some shitposting on occasion, but I dunno if I could live in it. I'll keep this in mind.

I'm okay playing solo until I gotta find people for stuff.
Is there a guild in ship 4 or is it just kind of unorganized?

Actually it seems I played early 2013 to early 2014, according to my screenshots which end in Feb of 2014.

In all seriousness?
Fuck exoda collection files.

yup, going to cancel mine and go back to Gix farming if the pubs aren't too shit

This whole shitposting and shit players thing is such an embellishment. It's not as if there aren't numerous factors that are accounted for depending on how well your runs go. Blocks, time of day, and getting lucky with who you run with are a part of any ship, really.

the tweaker will auto-install the english patch for you. other than that if it keeps giving you trouble just do the file check option under the bubble in the top left.

This stuff may have been true in the past, but at this point, you'd probably be worse off on ship 4

I guess I'll statr on ship 2 and see how it goes. Like someone earlier said, I have multiple character slots. Not like I'm locked down once I begin.

Are the servers on maintenance right now? I can get to the ship selection screen but it gives me an error 640.

no, maintenance isnt until late Tuesday

check your login info and make sure your game is up to date

Do I just use the QUANTUM update thing in Tweaker?

ded gaem

it should've auto-updated. but sure, try it

It's going through 5597 files for a new update or something. I guess the patch I got from arks-layer was outdated or something.

youre fucking dead kiddo

>missed TD again


Is my display name the one that's shown to everyone in my party? Or will I have the option to choose my character's name as well? I don't want to use my usual name (like account name).