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Dueling Network/Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2364

Last thread: Not Lucifer Edition

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Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12th)
●OCG: Dimension Box Limited Edition (November 26th)
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)

●TCG: Destiny Soldiers (November 17th)
●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

Other urls found in this thread:



You don't make money off of people playing old shit though.


Eh, could have been worse, it's still Lucifer.

This is it, extra deck is obvious + q few rank 10s

3 fairy
3 red
3 blue
3 green
3 field
1 super quant sword
2 Terraforming
1 reasoning
1 one for one
1 foolish b
1 soul charge
2 limit reverse
1 yubel
1 yubel v2
1 yubel v3
1 ra
1 phoenix ra
1 sphere ra
3 heavenly squire (edea)
2 underworld squire
1 trick clown
1 malefic cyber dragon
3 call of the haunted

I'm sorry that you still haven't discovered reprints WOTC.

Also, that's implying that the people who play for fun don't just use the most competitive decks, since winning is the most fun.

15th Eternal reminder that Red-Eyes is the best Dragon Bro.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star~~

Is her deck expensive? Tell mw about it (and her)

>TWINKle littlestar

Someone please
I need more like these
I know there's a hero one

you have to go back


still waiting on the update

>Abyss ACTOR
>Implying either Pretty Heroine or Twinkle Littlestar aren't ACTORS playing the part of women
They're Onnagata and you know it.

Well they used to make little boys put on dresses to create girl characters

Would you tell me about her than (pls) since that guys a faggot

I am onto something

So OCG put BLS at 2 to coincide with the BLS support and it's not doing anything.
How much longer until they put this at 2 or even 3?

I bet you wasn't alive when Chaos Dragons feat. Max Gustav OTK was a thing because I remember it well and I miss it

How I wanna wreck that cunny~~

>I bet you wasn't alive when Chaos Dragons feat. Max Gustav OTK was a thing
Yeah, 4 years ago.
Chaos Dragons are extinct now and only way to bring them back is Future Fusion and even that won't be enough since Infernoids will abuse that better.

Cool pic.
Does Buster Blader wear a helmet or is that his 'face'?

Oh I noticed that mask change isn't normal
Should I replace it with what?

I bet you weren't either, because Gustav was not TCG legal when Chaos Dragons were a thing, and OCG used Gustav in Hieratics decks instead.

Post cards that are literally you.



>because Gustav was not TCG legal when Chaos Dragons were a thing, and OCG used Gustav in Hieratics decks instead.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. 2011-2013 has got to be the prime of dragon decks.
You had Disaster Dragon, Hopeless Dragon, Chaos Dragons, Hieratics and then finally Dragon Rulers to cap it all off.
It's a shame the banlist/powercreep killed all these decks, RIP.

I was the guy asking about Phantom Knights from the last thread, how is this?

Full power Blue-Eyes would shit on all of those.


BE is at full power right now.
It doesn't shit on anything.

That's one thing you could call it, yeah.

/dng/ never ceases to amaze me; biggest retards I've ever seen on this site.

This is the only good Phantom Knight deck

I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or you're claiming that BE somehow isn't at full power.

>Blue-Eyes doesn't shit on anything
It's already been powercreeped but to say it's a bad deck is retardation beyond words.

>been powercreeped
>not a shit deck
And you're calling other people retarded?

>If it's not top tier then it's shit
Keep on amazing me /dng/.

Isn't Lithium having another Cross-banlist cup soon?
We can have him test the matchups for us.
I can see Blue-eyes having equal match ups to most dragon decks bar Dragon Rulers since that deck is stupid.

Oh hang on that one is outdated.

Where did i say it was a bad deck?
I said it doesn't shit on anything.
Yosenjus aren't a bad deck, but they don't shit on anything.
Madolches aren't a bad deck, but they don't shit on anything.
Fluffals aren't a bad deck, but they don't shit on anything.

These decks have no hits, so they are at full power, and are irrelevant, just like BE.

That is factually how it works.

>Kaiser Colosseum is at 0
what banned it again?

Calling something irrelevant is the same as calling it a bad deck.


asf needs to go

the comparison was made towards disaster dragons

I love how Konami's new set rotation system changes the meta instead of the banlist.
ABCs pushed out Blue-eyes and then Zodiacs pushed out ABC.
Now we wait for MAXC or the new Pendulum SD to see what happens.

Every floodgate trap should go to 1

Cry more shitter



I still have no idea what makes Zodiacs so good. In fact, Zodiacs aren't good, Marmorat is. A big old one card combo is apparently that great?

L8 as fuck, there's no signal out here. You don't need Rat to do PKKM, just Hiruko. But Hiruko is probably coming with Rat in RATE so yeah, Rock Stunshit ft. Ties until then.

Same case with ABC.

>Says Blue-eyes could shit on Dragon Rulers
>Calls me a retard for saying a deck that hasn't topped in weeks in the OCG and is being ditched for the more consistent and viable BA and ABC decks in the TCG is irrelevant

Before you say b-b-but i d-didn't say that..!
W-wasn't me ;^)
Read the comment you/that retard fucking replied to

dont post bad cards from bad decks


It is when you can guaranteedly pull it off more than eighty-five percent of the time and it gives you the only things that matter

And how many tops has Dragon Rulers had lately you metric retard? Blue-Eyes shits on Dragon Rulers. Kill yourself.

You're on the right track, more or less. I would cut something to fit 3x Solemn strike (maybe the Raiden engine or Math).

Here are some sample builds from this format.

yugiohtopdecks.com/deck/5460 (Gofu Knights with the hippo engine)

yugiohtopdecks.com/deck/5432 (a HERO variant)

And Pure: yugiohtopdecks.com/deck/5429

I recommend trying the Gofu build as it was crafted by the same guy who got 2nd place at a YCS (forgot the name) only to lose to ASF.

No offense but your build isn't even close to good, it's terrible.

What cards do i need

Big boards and very strong traps are enough to beat most decks these days.
The disruption from Drancia combined with Strikes/Barrier is too good.
>or saying a deck that hasn't topped in weeks in the OCG and is being ditched for the more consistent and viable BA and ABC decks in the TCG is irrelevant
Blue-eyes literally topped today at the Alann cup according to Maxut and before ABC it was topping above Burning Abyss.
It even got 3 tops in the top 32 at the UDS El Salvador a few days ago.

>non exsistant vs exsistant.
24 card pure drulers core would beat be

Rat searcher.

Thanks user.
Here, have a Break Sword.

Dragon Rulers can't even beat PePe.

It's nothing like ABC.
In a ABC deck you don't use shitty cards like XYZ-Dragon Cannon just because those cards are part of the same archetype.
That's what user is talking about, what is the point of the cards that are not Rat?

What's the point of Photon Thrasher, Silver Gadget, Gold Gadget, and Terraforming in ABC?

I think they mean ABC dies in fire without their field spell
It's also an essential part of their combo as well as consistency

Its more like a rps than progression. Drulers were alway otk though, and win in one turn


Neither can BE, but how is that any sort of argument between DRulers VS BE?

Help you summon ABC.
Viper and Horse are supposed to extend the combo, not to start it, much like other decks.

>it's a dragonfags shit up the thread episode
Funny enough Buster Blader is next in line for support in MAXC so your Dragon Rulers, Chaos Dragons, Blue-eyes and Hieratics are even more dead than they already are after MAXC

Give it time

yeah and red-eyes surpassed blue-eyes in INOV

>red doing anything
no need to lie jo

Battle Wasps fucking when

What is this?

There you go.
Combo extender is important because you can't finish the opponent with 0/0 Drancia.

They gained an FTK and a huge consistency boost didn't they?
Makes you wonder how will Konami even the scales in the set after MAXC which is meant to support Blue-eyes if patterns follow.

kek, theorybuilding meets CaC: the webm



Your own private hell

Some jap's take on Subterrors


>what is the point of the cards that are not Rat?

Yeah a deck of 40 Rats and no ED will beat everything every time

I don't know what the deal is with this image, but i'm gonna post it anyways.

>The same of Photon Thrasher, Silver Gadget, Gold Gadget, and Terraforming, extending the combo because ABC-Dragon Buster can't win by itself.

I suggest you take another look at the reply chain.



Hoping she gets art, I like my petdeks with some fanart.
Pretty Heroine can use more too.


The fact that Kaito got weird deja vu when Edo said his monster was called Utopia was really cool.