Fuze edition
>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:
>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI
>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
>Official News & Known Issues
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow announced. Release in November
>Season 4 leaks
>Useful links
Maps: r6maps.com
Drawing board: rainbow6.ubi.com
Sound Propagation: youtube.com
Barrel attachment comparison as of Sept 23: youtube.com
Weapons and Armor damage comparisons: docs.google.com
>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
(MEGA link provided by user)
(From site)
Hard Fought Victory:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
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When is Thacher gonna get a Falklands skin?
nth for best artist
first for memegame
nth for comics.
Yumiko Imagawa
7th for recruit uprising
what are you thoughts on the new operator skins and mvp animations?
>its roamer in the left building in biker club and kills your retard teammates trying to breach bedroom episode
> tfw you roam in left building in biker club and kill some guys retarded teammates who are trying to breach bedroom.
>This is for the Valk pic but it still stands
his name is vek u pleb
These actually look pretty cool
I agree with filename, but not that drawing
If they keep it atleast somewhat serious like old uniforms and the like i don't mind as for the animations if they keep it somewhat related to the Operator like Sledge showing off his hammer tricks it would also be no problem for me BUT if they decide to go full faggot and suddenly add shit like chicken suits and operators dabbing to dubstep then it would be time to uninstall the game
WE havent seen the new BDUs yet aswell
Haven't played the game in a few days, are these an actual thing?
Not yet.
Yes. all opertors are getting an elite skin and taunts. Some are worse than others. It's gonna be really annoying trying to tell who you just saw with current lighting issues.
what about this one?
i just started playing
convince me not to buy fuze, rook, sledge or montagne as my first operator
You know it, bro. Red Crow dev panel from today for anyone who hasn't seen it
>vibrates through walls
>tfw you get three kills sitting on the hostage with a shotgun but accidentally kill it when someone grabs it right in your face
I call it Team Smashparty
fuze kills hostages, rook's okay but theres much better ones, sledge is meh and montagne is shit
same happened with me, but I was an attacker, then fuze cluster charged from above and the guy went flying in my face
then I got TK'd from the charges
titanic tier
Love getting team killed by Fuze
Im just happy ubisoft hasnt put skins in chance boxes
it is nice that they didn't go boxes, fucking rocket league handled it so poorly
I don't care what anyone says, that skin is fucking great. Please be available for renown.
How many legit drawfriends do we have in the thread?
Any of you guys enjoy drawing cute operators?
Anyone interested in working on a project?
I dunno man it looks way to special defiantly a cash only thing
Or maybe in like a month it will go for renown but I doubt it
Don't be fucking going off and giving them ideas user, I know a few of them actually lurk the general.
Im just pissed Sledge got the Falklands skin over Thatcher
Up front or after the fact?
I've had issues with giving artists money up front.
>drone falls through the floor again
Double renown week WHEN
what do you think this is a charity?
never, goy. if people can get renown easily then no one is gonna buy the rainbowbux.
> a project
what does it entail?
I've sat on that free 7-day booster hoping it would happen again, I'm activating it on the 17th either way.
They stopped giving our free renown boosters for server outages as well the jews
also, redpill me on blitz
worth it?
>sledge is meh
sledge is much better than "meh"
Get the fuck out of here with your /pol/ shit
Does everything you say have to be a meme
Just ask like a normal person "Explain to me if Blitz is a good operator"
Seems like Caveiras left hand is a pig feet actually
Valkyria chronicles style squad management game, except with cute operators and hostage situations.
We're a 2 man startup, we've had issues with getting artists that can do their job in regards to game development so we moved into app development and contract stuff. After we make a little money from our current venture which we already have a few businesses signed up for our product we probably have some lying around to hire artists who aren't doing this for a hobby or jacking off in their rooms instead of doing work.
I'm just seeing who's out there.
god it's like /mhg/ and yakiudon but twenty times worse
>/mhg/ and yakiudon
I knew I felt the same pain
no, shields are trash
Blitz is pretty bro, montange is trash
vek is /ourguy/
Get out of here vek and take your shit art with you.
yakiudon is a pixiv artist that pumps out a massive quantity of chibi monsters from the monster hunter series
they're posted a lot on /mhg/
I want to like these so much.... but.... between the anatomy and the fucking 5FDP shit.... fuck man
Netcode a best.
IQ is E V I L
Yeah, but at least yakiudon doesn't make want to gouge my eyes out.
So /r6g/ my friend has a problem with the game that won't let him play the game at all.
The problem is that he can't get to the main menu at all. He sees the splash before it goes black and then it stays black
Can I get ONE GAME that isn't a one sided shitfest
I never said I minded them
Maybe, if you don't play the plane map.
That is a sweep map if I ever saw one.
The trick to playing Plane, I've found, is to get the fuck inside as soon as possible and clear from both front and back to deny them peeks. And if you can't get inside right away, at least get to the bottom of the plane
The longer an attacking team is outside Plane, the more likely defenders are to win
I've cringed way too many times at my team staying like sitting ducks by main stairs and they just keep getting picked off one by one
Stop bullying the female operators
>It's a "Entire enemy team is 2.0 ranked w/l 2/0 ranked k/d 3 Plat, Gold, and Silver versus your team of (You), a level 5, a level 2, and two level 8's" episode.
>Game starts
>That's how long it takes for the enemy to spawnpeek your entire noob team, why don't you own a gun yet?
Real fucking fun, desu.
Don't play solo queue casual during the free weekend bruv.
If you're gonna solo queue during free weekend, do it in ranked
In short: don't solo queue during free weekend
he's right
five man and channel the meme magic
>tfw you ALMOST clutch ace but then you make a dumb mistake and the last guy gets you
It's the most bittersweet thing. Getting everybody's hopes up, and then letting everybody down. Just like my life
>Don't play solo queue casual during the free weekend bruv.
But im bad too
>Valkyria chronicles style squad management game, except with cute operators and hostage situations.
You've got my attention, I can't into art though. Is there anywhere I can get news about it?
This Kap or Tach? An old Soviet uniform would make sense for Tach but the mask and paint are like Kapkan's
All the more reason to join the teamspeak, we can help out and have fun
Quick question
Who here has NOT played Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield?
Who here HAS?
I did but that was like 12 years ago
i dont play shit games so i haven't
Siege is the first Rainbow Six game that isn't complete garbage.
What is this, fucking 2005?
Its for Kapkan
fuck off. The original was tits.
Why not both? could be the case, we'll have to see
The fuck does Chanka's alt skin look like then?
are you trying to trigger me, anons
because you have succeeded
We don't know and I can't wait until we see it