CUUUUUUTE! edition
old bad vlad thread
CUUUUUUTE! edition
old bad vlad thread
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for lonely
On a scale of 1-Leona how hard do you go in?
Lulu is the CUTEST!
6th for having a wonderful boyfriend
>implying Leona is the hardest initiator in the game.
>queue with my 2 friends
>get bot while hitting fill
>hey can I have bot, I'm duoing with (retard)
>its a normal whatever don't care
>Karma dies 8 times in 10 minutes
>is trying to roam at level 5
>the adc picked Vayne and dc'd
And I get called toxic for telling these fucking idiots to shove off in champ selects.
Why do I keep doing this
Curious, what are champions/roles you try to but can never play?
Ekko, I love him thematically and his kit is fun but I'm trash outside of bot lane roles.
>When you got 4k in the bank as support and really wanna back but the enemy keeps throwing themselves at your team
Rumble top
I want Lulu to make league great again.
every ad cept for jhin cause I can't be asked to buy AS runes and I've been playing since season 2
Ahri. Cause I'm a Braum OTP because I'm horribad at CSing
Ok guys. Should I send myself mystery gifts or buy star guardian poppy?
I reeeally want Poppy but the chance of getting an ultimate or a few skins including star guardian poppy sounds good too.
Saint is a veteran, though.
Probably Lucian.
Every time my dash is off CD my brain just goes turbo tunnelvision even for the least meaningless harass and getting into their faces, which results in an unfavorable trade 90% of the time.
Jhin or Twitch? Can play at range perfectly fine.
Lucian just puts me in my xin mentality of "dash off CD? WERE GOIN IN MOTHERFUCKER".
I'm not even the athletic type but shit like this embarrasses me. What kind of loser can't catch a football?
Esports ruined video games and comparing them to people who do actual physical activities is embarrassing
>can't be asked to buy as runes
Guess you also don't play jungle at all either huh
Making fun of saint is especially bad because he's the most athletic of him all. Imagine Scarra trying to catch those balls
>wants skin
>should I buy the skin or literally play slots to get a skin
How fucking stupid are you idiots. Just buy the skin for the champion you like.
All the ultimate skins fucking suck and are for meme champions so it doesn't matter
>What kind of loser can't catch a football?
I try to attempt to keep a diverse champion pool, and often play many different champions besides the trash ones, but every time I attempt to play him the game goes horrifically, hilariously poorly.
>Trio all quit the game at five minutes
>Literally camped, to the point their jungler is flash fearing me on cooldown and is on my minimap tracked by wards more than he isn't, and yet every other lane loses hilariously hard despite 0 pressure from him
>Support Warwick
Ok Poppy it is then.
>Try to attempt to
Now I'm tilted grammatically too
Lulu is the cutest, prettiest angel and i wanna keep her safe and warm forever!
I am literally a neet and even I can catch a football.
what am I looking at?
>tfw you finally have to give up playing Morde because he's just that awful
He has no gameplay options. He has no place in a team. If the enemy has any CC, any range, any tanks, or any mobility whatsoever he can't do anything. Literally the only thing he can do is pubstomp when ahead IF the enemy team has a totally immobile ADC/Mage he can dive and burst down. He's just the epitome of useless.
yet another 17/4/10 ahri game and no s because enemy didn't surrender when i had enough cs per minute to get s
223 cs, i literally needed maybe ~20-40 more or so
had to literally farm instead of participating in the last team fights
he literally got buffed in the pbe just recently
I hope she drowns
is AD thresh still a thing? that shit was amazing back when it was in the game
morde is one of the best top laners you just suck at him
No he didn't some idiot was just memeing, plus those buffs wouldn't solve his gameplay problems.
>every champion released this year besides jhin is in the top 10 lowest played
>jhin is in the top 10 highest played
wtf i got tricked
>he literally just takes what people says here without fact checking it
I still can't believe like 10 of you retards fell for that.
>tfw that was you
>tfw those (you)s
What was the first champion you enjoyed playing?
What is your favourite champion of all time?
What is your favourite lane?
xin, trundle, or warrick jungle
and why?
killing zzrot portal costs 50 gold
literally giving the enemy zzrot portals to kill is better than feeding
taliyah and sol had their time being broken doe.
i hope you die
Warwick jungle because it's actually decent.
Although I would choose none of them.
The 2x4 for the first two, she's always comfy and reliable for me. I love Jinx.
"They're gonna live...until they die!"
Trundle, I dunno how he fare in the new jungle tho
How exactly are you supposed to play adc soloqueue
>Crush botlane completely end in 7/0 by first tower
>mid has no kills but hasn't missed any cs, can still 100-0 you
>top same deal, malphite with 300 armor or some shit
>build QSS/Banshees to not die, putting damage on hold
there's only so much you can position for
Think about your Waifu
Thinking about her now?
She wants to poop in your mouth, what does it taste like
i cant beleive so many retards think shaco has been nerfed. His mid and late game is fucking insane now. As long as you are not a complete fucking 1 trick retard like shaclone is you should be able to see that the new shaco scales stupid hard off CDR and IE crit damage.
Reminder that impregnation is literally a shit tier fetish.
Old gangplank, v2 i think
My favorite of all time has got to be old graves.
My favorite lane is TOP, back when it was only more popular than support
user wtf
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets on na live host asked me to do agian
>Dyel that looks like he is chill to hang around
Sports are for pussies, its better to pump iron at the gym and play violent video games after.
How do I build gangplank for the most q damage?
>stupid hard off CDR and IE crit damage.
except that his IE crit damage got nerfed
>having waifu
>Thinking about her now?
>She wants to poop in your mouth, what does it taste like
Tastes like shit what else degenerate turbo cunt
>Falling into the Veeky Forums meme and thinking the right is better than the left
just kill yourself
how do you properly jungleclown in the new jungle though? I used to really like shaco in soloqueue but it's been quite a while since I played and everything is different now
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
cant decide which champ to buy with my hard earned ip, help me out
you can pick more than one
Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife!
I'm trying adc after being a supportcuck for ages and holy shit it's stressful as fuck.
Way too much to focus on at once and I keep forgetting how squishy I am and how much everyone wants to kill me.
Also I fucking suck at csing. I think around 120 at 25 minutes was my best.
I love Lissandra!
Have you ever tasted poop? Soap smells good but tastes like shit, how do you know poop doesn't taste like candy?
>It's actually bitter but have various underlying tastes such as salty/sweet depending on the persons diet
>Male shit tends to be spicier than female due to a diet consisting of more meat, why meat makes poop spicy is beyond me.
can't you get alistar (as well as tristana and garen) for free
you won't get any help here, everyone here is bronze or boosted diamond
you can get him for free you know
>being Veeky Forums is a meme
Your life is a meme dumbass
my friend told me that wasnt a thing anymore
how do you do that
Holy shit, literally fuck off Pajeet.
You fucking degenerate.
I wanna cuddle and protect lulu!
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
lulu in the loo!
That guy was in the Navy, and pro football players muff punts on occasion. You sound like an idiot.
The meme is that thinking an aerobically fit man isn't better than a couch loser. You were memed into thinking that muscles are the only thing that matters. Anyone with half a brain can tell you that basketball dyrus is more healthy than pier dyrus.
back the heck off, she's mine and i love her more than anything in the world!
Get Jinx'd!
tfw to withtelligent to not value brains and brawn
>azir raises a tower at low HP
>go at him but he ults me into it and flashes away
>instantly lose nearly 2500 HP
>check the damage stats
>2039 damage from arise, yet he never hit me with a soldier
reminder that jhin has been out longer than both (almost a year) and hasnt been nerfed at all
google how to get unchained alistar for free, then when it doesnt work send in a ticket and they will give it to you
Sore wa dou kana?
>complaining about fucking azir
namefags everyone
So how would I go about reporting a boosted account.
Played against this D2 player who skyrockted from Gold 4 to high diamond all at once at the end of October.
>complaining about taking 2000 damage from an ability I didnt even get hit by
the literal two xeraths
>jhins been nerfed several times
>hasnt been nerfed at all
just because hes still good doesnt mean he hasnt been nerfed you fucking sperg