/wfg/ - Warframe General

Amazing mods edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns: i.imgur.com/9Q06UK7.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/691098-the-silver-grove-hotfix-3-nekros-primeĀ /
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


your damn straight i am

i got to master rank 12 to unlock syndicate weapons and then i was fucking done with it because i already have all the powerful weapons and don't feel like wasting my fucking time leveling garbage weapons like the stradavar or fucking mk-1 braton

more like

>you will never ever get this mod


m8, why are you even playing this game?
this game is entirely about wasting your fucking time leveling useless shit

What if Clem met the queen?

5th for Operator's growing up and discovering the "other" disciplines warframes excel at.


Can someone post their fashion frame with the new Kuva armor set? I'm wondering if it's a replacement for Targis set

>shooting shit?
What? did you read what I wrote?

I unironically like the story

I habitually play for a week or two when a new story update like war within comes out then stop until the next story update

If you think you can replace the targis set with something new, it probably appeals to you more since the targis is regarded by most as the best.

Who here /EdgeLord/

Red text





>Removed an unreleased Relic from the wild.
>Removed a no longer relevant Design Council tip.
>Reduced the damage of Helios' Deconstructor in The War Within quest.


>Fixed a crash during The War Within quest.
>Fixed the Dojo,Void, and Derelict Elevators locking players in and not moving.
>Fixed issues with getting stuck in underwater geometry when playing a Submersible mission.
>Fixed Orokin Labs Research shutting out all tech and not just Solar Rails (IE: you can get your Dragon Key Blueprints again).
>Fixed not being able to purchase the Xiphos Kuva Skin.
>Fixed not being able to purchase Blueprints if you already owned one.
>Fixed some enemies appearing in a T-pose upon death.
>Fixed the double objective triggers in Grineer Settlement Hijack missions.
>Fixed the level ranges displayed on navigation for the Jordas Golem Assassinate, Jordas Verdict, Law of Retribution, and Mutalist Alad V Assassinate.
>Fixed sending a pending friend request allowing you to send a game-invite to someone who only wanted to accept invites from friends.
>Fixed Atlas' Rumbler names showing up as a file-path.
>Fixed the launcher always being in English even after changing languages.

>clem, kiddo

wow its fucking nothing

>Randomized stats

Das it mayne. This is the point of no return.

not really fashion frame, but here's how it looks from each side

What TWW should have been:
>Transference link breaks
>Frame becomes self-conscious like near the end of TWW
>Frame rips queens a new one
>Morality choice is what to do with Teshin
What we actually got:
>haha space loli xdddd

racking disciprine

is dis game gud

fug is the solo stealth nerf intentional?

it's easily one of the best looking set so far, because it blends qith almost every frame.
it's a good buy if you like the style.

Where the hell are the kuva bots?


Where the fuck is Excalibur Umbra tho

Fellow Discipline at service.

good thing i can switch between em because i can't decide

i cant wait to see what my /paladin/ choise will bring me

Ok, I got it
>Your frame that you used in the quest isn't strong enough to control the your other frames
>You have to go find/farm Excal Umbra for that

Middle looks the best.

third one is the best. they're all shit though

>tfw slightly on the EDGE
had to let him kill her, it's the only possible choice

I've got a riven for miter.
Don't know how I feel.

>tfw no dual nikana to steal from Tenshin

I unironically encourage you guys to try doing low level exterminates and spy missions using only your operator. Ditch the warframe at the start of the mission and play using ONLY the operator. Surprisingly fun; totally different experience, very challenging.

Assault is pretty fucking terrible.
i'm not touching this mode again.

Was there another path?

Ever since I couldn't make a cute loli on the second dream I chose to make the male edgelord potato. It was only right.

even better: do super low level public missions until you get a squad of MR0/1 and just use your operator

proper lolis would be so much better



And I'm slightly over the light.

This is what I get for dumping out the miracle edge juice.

Absolutely nothing

I'd rather do them solo because I'm a moralfag and don't want to spoil the game for any legit new players.

So this is probably a dumb question, but I'm still trying to understand the new planet mission display. How can I tell if I havent completed a certain mission yet? Will they be the ones on the map with a blue diamond on it? Thats the only thing I can think of.

>Not High level maps
>Not beating the shit out of Grineer with your bare fists
>Not being stronger than your Warframe


i did the same thing

went neutral for everything except the end

Duh, stupid PCuck, Connect the dots, literally.


>mfw kuva farming
>mfw clearing out the star map
>mfw grinding forma
>mfw grinding for brakk parts
>mfw I thought I was done with this pain
can I get the sheev from invasions now or what

Origami frame when

TWW is pretty spooky

The way I play it I try to go 0 deaths and no alarms. I'm all for challenging experiences but things start one shotting you as soon as you get into the 20+ level range. Mars is a great place for it imo

Blue pulsing diamond, or lock icon.
You can still do alerts located on blue diamonds though

Thanks user

Sorry I just started playing again and there is so much new stuff

Just got an exceptional relic while doing excavation neo with the Venka P BP

You have a point

Wish their beams were stronger though. They are suppose to be glass cannons are they? For Crying out loud its pure Void Energy and now Kuva. Fragile children, strong powers.

what's the affinity gain from a high level spy? feels lower than it was

I've got an Ignis riven mod if anyone wants to trade?

does the boltor work on prime version?

>Everything about this update
They kept us waiting, for this?

Is there any point to this morality system or is it just for show?

post the mod and i might buy it off of you

>Is there any point to this morality system or is it just for show?

I don't like your tone...

it's shit

i was thinking of rerolling it but i dont even own ignis

the last time you could get ember prime relics didnt exist right?

I didn't shoot for any particular alignment I just picked the choices that sounded reasonable to me. They Were Just Animals, I embraced it, I'll do it myself, and Control.

I did Neutral, White, Black, and White again.

The beam does ass for damage, making it useless
Wave only hits targets touching your face, making it useless
Dash is good
Void walk or whatever is only invis and doesn't put you in the void, making it useless
Plus the way you have to switch between your tenno and focus powers is dumb as shit. They're only good for their passives anyway and why not make it so your tenno got their focus power as a replacement for meme beam / meme wave?
Now we have two completely different systems for some reason

Oh shit where did you get that screenshot? Is it an unreleased frame? Looks pretty cool

It's Banshee and her tater.

Are Riven mods DE's worst idea of all time?

The problem with controlling 10o is that there IS no system. They are useful for killing one enemy and the quest. It's if there were mods for them, or your suggestion, they could be somewhat useful.

>Hope I would get something super edgy and tradable to make a ton of plat on.
>Would just transfer the white ending reward from my alt to this account

>We got fucking nothing and im titled an edgelord

Warframe needs more lewd.

WTT Quanta Riven for Tonkor Riven mod.

Our /aco/ thread died. Revive it and you might find lewd.

>that tater
>I have crippling depression

Drawfags died, writefags died, Nobody died, no reason.
Sad day.

Post potato fashion.



In my defense, all the hairstyles look terrible

>130% crit chance
>-89% crit damage
The fact they didn't put in contingencies for this shit is honestly baffling.

So this new Skyrim Special Edition is cool huh

I just finished the mission- gonna unlock my Riven on my Opticor and hope I lose something stupid like maximum ammo capacity.

Oh I'm not criticizing you at all, I just thought it'd be amusing if you played warframe normally and this fucking faggot suddenly wormed his way out of a warframe.


Slotting a Riven in a particular weapon won't ensure the Riven becomes a mod for that weapon user. You're firmly in RNG's hood.

>Nobody died

left or right?
also remember to turn in extra orvius pieces for 45 ducats a piece

>wearing a hood at all like one of those popped-collar assholes
>not wanting to be a loli in nothing but a skirt and skintight spacefabric

God damn it.

... Though if I end up with something like OP's mod I'm sure I'll find someone who'll trade it.

I also don't have the Mastery Rating for anything, mostly because I hate leveling all the crappy shit.


maybe they will expand upon tenno powers more. the void power meter looks a bit incomplete as if there were multiple parts to it.

personally i would like to see additions in the form of focus tree passives, like turning the stealth into a forward facing barrier, slowing down your dash and making it "explode" at the end, turning your laser into a melee weapon.

i see a lot of potential, just hope DE chooses to expand instead of abandon this.

based TWW for giving us screenshots

Aren't you banned from posting on Veeky Forums moot?

>tfw used to play BF3 and PS2 with him

i actually found it cute when my sentinel was derping around

>also remember to turn in extra orvius pieces for 45 ducats a piece
Wait what?
I got 8 spare pieces lying around, time to cash in before DE decreases their value.
Also left

if riven mods are tradeable I could give you my opticor mod cause I hate the piece of shit

I'll trade someone my Burston mod for a Dread mod, doesn't matter how shit it is